Rating:  Summary: Escape to Your Childhood! Review: Growing up as a child in the 1970's I remember watching THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY every Sunday evening at 7pm. I of course enjoyed the cartoons but also enjoyed the many live action Dinsey movies such as THE SHAGGY DOG, THE SHAGGY D.A., POLLYANNA, THE WHIZ KIDS movies and of course the WITCH MOUNTAIN movies. I remember looking forward to ESCAPE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN and would make it a point to never miss this movie when it aired.
The story is about a brother and sister, Tony & Tia, who along with their alien family tried to migrate to Earth but crashed upon arriving. Tony and Tia then try to locate their family with the assistance of a widower whie trying to avoid a rich villan who wants to use the kids Extra Sensory Powers (ESP) to further his greedy goals. As a child I actually found this movie to be very scary. I actually feared for Tony and Tia. Now as an adult it has lost the scary aspect. That comes with age I guess. It is still a good watch though.
I have wanted to purchase this film for years so my children could watch it. Now that they are pre-teens and begining to loose their childhood innocence I was finally able to purchase this new DVD. As I suspected they were reluctant to watch this movie and the sequel RETURN FROM WITCH MOUNTAIN. I finally got them to watch the films and they did enjoy the them but obviously it did not have the same effect on them as it did me. However younger children, especially those who have not been spoiled by CGI special effects will no doubt still enjoy the films. I tried to explain to my children that as a grade schooler I had a huge crush on Kim Richards (Tia). I got teased for that and of course when I teased my boy about his attraction to Hillary Duff that was a different matter. Go figure.
The DVD has some nice special features. Interviews, cartoons and other such material. I don't have enough positive things to say about Disney's old movies being offered through their Vault Disney line of products.
Rating:  Summary: Escape to Your Childhood! Review: Growing up as a child in the 1970's I remember watching THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY every Sunday evening at 7pm. I of course enjoyed the cartoons but also enjoyed the many live action Dinsey movies such as THE SHAGGY DOG, THE SHAGGY D.A., POLLYANNA, THE WHIZ KIDS movies and of course the WITCH MOUNTAIN movies. I remeber looking forward to ESCAPE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN and would make it a point to never miss this movie when it aired. The story is about a brother and sister, Tony & Tia, who along with their alien family tried to migrate to Earth but crashed upon arriving. Tony and Tia then try to locate their family with the assistance of a widower whie trying to avoid a rich villan who wants to use the kids Extra Sensory Powers (ESP) to further his greedy goals. As a child I actually found this movie to be very scary. I actually feared for Tony and Tia. Now as an adult it has lost the scary aspect. That comes with age I guess. It is still a good watch though. I have wanted to purchase this film for years so my children could watch it. Now that they are pre-teens and begining to loose their childhood innocence I was finally able to purchase this new DVD. As I suspected they were reluctant to watch this movie and the sequel RETURN FROM WITCH MOUNTAIN. I finally got them to watch the films and they did enjoy the them but obviously it did not have the same effect on them as it did me. However younger children, especially those who have not been spoiled by CGI special effects will no doubt still enjoy the films. I tried to explain to my children that as a grade schooler I had a huge crush on Kim Richards (Tia). I got teased for that and of course when I teased my boy about his attraction to Hillary Duff that was a different matter. Go figure. The DVD has some nice special features. Interviews, cartoons and other such material. I don't have enough positive things to say about Disney's old movies being offered through their Vault Disney line of products.
Rating:  Summary: Beware Disney Studios, Uncle Walt is watching you!!!!! Review: Here we go again Disney fans. Another pair of 5 star live-action DVDs are coming our way in September. This is just one more gem from the Disney treasure chest of family cinema. BUT: Will the mighty House of Mouse executives be progressive and release this wonderful film in its original aspect ratio, you know, the way many commercials and broadcast network programs are shown on TV? We fans ENJOIN Disney and their affiliate studios to join 21st century technology and release clean, digitally RESTORED presentations. No new release should ever be "Black Bearded" again and besides, Walt would have wanted it this way!
Rating:  Summary: good - but much better if the FIRST of the series is seen fi Review: I am seriously trying to find the video for which this is a sequel and mentioned in the review. it is the first of the series called "Return to Witch Mountain". I know it is in video format and so does your research info. Please can you help me SOON! i NEED THIS YESTERDAY. tHANKS A HEAP. fAITHMK@HOTMAIL.COM
Rating:  Summary: The '90s version is much better.... Review: I didn't really like this movie. I liked the newer ESCAPE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN (starring Erik von Detten) so much better than this '70s version. I know this is the original, but the '90s version is just so much better. The newer movie just has better actors, a better script, and the filming was done better. The special effects were also better in the '90s version. One question: When will they put the '90s version of ESCAPE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN out on video?! So if you're thinking about seeing this movie, then don't, because it's kind of boring. Look for the '90s ESCAPE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN on TV instead.
Rating:  Summary: My Favorite Live-Action Disney Movie from the 70's! Review: I first saw Escape to Witch Mountain in a movie theater with my friends when I was 10 years old and it is my favorite Live-action Disney movie from the 70's and the one that stands out in my memory the most! Kim Richards (Tuff Turf) and Ike Eisenmann (Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan) play sister and brother Tia and Tony who are brought to an orphanage after their foster parents die. They are the only parents that they remember and have no memories of their lives before they were brought to their foster parents. Tia and Tony it turns out have powers that make them be able to move objects with ther minds, see in to the future, etc and when a man named Lucas Deranian played by Donald Pleasence (Halloween) finds out about it he pretends to be their uncle and takes them to live in the secluded mansion of his employer the wealthy, greedy and powerful Aristotle Bolt played by Ray Milland (The Lost Weekend). It turns out that The sinsister Mr. Bolt has plans to enslave them so he can force them to use their powers to bring him even more wealth and when Tia and Tony escape they befriend a crusty old widower named Jason O'Day played by the wonderful Eddie Albert (Green Acres) who helps them escape the clutches of the evil Bolt and Deranian but they also have to escape a crooked sheriff and a hunting party who think they are witches. This is a delightful movie that is good for the whole family and has a great cast that includes the actors I already mentioned, but also good in small rolls in the beginning of the movie are Reta Shaw (Mary Poppins) as Mrs. Grindley who runs the orphanage and Dermott Downs as a bully called Truck. Denver Pyle (The Andy Griffith Show and The Dukes of Hazard) was good in his cameo roll as Uncle Bene. I also think the director John Hough did a great job and I really like this DVD. I love that they presented the movie in widescreen and the extra features are pretty good, I especially liked the making of doccumentary but I didn't really care for the Mickey Mouse and Pluto cartoon which is not my favorite Mickey Mouse cartoon but anyway I just very highly recommend this DVD!
Rating:  Summary: A good movie for kids of all ages Review: I first saw this movie when I was about 9 and was facinated by it. The whole concept of people having supernatural powers was amazing to me and Tony and Tia's jounrey of self discovery was exciting. I'm now 15 and stumbled across this movie of amazon and it reminds me on how much I loved it the first time. I recommed this to anyone who loves the supernatural, and a good Disney movie.
Rating:  Summary: Fun movie Review: I have seen this movie a lot ever since about 1985 on the Disney Channel and I have caught a recent airing of Escape to Witch Mountain and still not got tired of it. I just love this movie, about two psychic alien kids, Tony and Tia, brother and sister who need to find a way to get back home. They were held prisoner by a creep, they escape and then tagged along by a cranky old guy who reluctantly helped them get back home. At the time I first saw it, I just loved the idea of psychic kids who are able to move things by blowing on a harmonica or Tia's ability to predict the future. I am particularly fond of the scene where the RV floated so they could escape being chased by bad guys, and eventually they trick another bad guy in the helicopter to fly upside down, so in the end, he had to land the chopper on top of its rotors (which is physically impossible to do in real life). When I found out this movie was being remade in the 1990s, I had my biggest fears that they would embarass themselves big time with that remake (after all, with too many remakes, they have to make it "hip" for the 1990s by adding rap or alternative rock music to the score and have kids wear baggy pants, but not with this film). Surprisingly that version was well done too and didn't fall in to that trap that I criticize many '90s remakes of 20+ year old films, it was not a copycat of the original with new actors, and a more modern twist, but actually with a different concept (where many different people of different ages were actually aliens). I think what I really like of the 1975 original is the innocence found in the kids that I feel is so sorely missing these days. And that 1978 sequel Return to Witch Mountain was also quite a worthy sequel. If you were a kid who grew up in the 1970s, or you fancy the idea of a movie with psychic kids meant for the whole family, try this, it's one of those few family films that I actually find very watchable and fun.
Rating:  Summary: I love Escape TO WItch Mountain Review: I just bought my DVD of it today and I love it a lot. I really love the fact that Disney has started to put their old classics on DVD. I had a copy of it on VHS that I bought in 1983 when it was first put out but my VHS has pretty well worn out. This movie is really funny and it is a great movie for all ages. Here Is A Brief Description. Tony And Tia are sent to an orphanage after their Foster Parents Die. There they are discovered by Criminal Mastermind Aristotle Bolt. Who draws up fake documents saying that he is their Uncle so he can munipulate their powers for his own financial gain. Well the kids find out and they escape his highly guarded Mid 1800's Los Angeles Manchion. When they are escaping they meet a freindly Camper (Eddie Albert. Who helps them be returned to their Uncle Benie (Denver Pyle). This movie ends with a classic Disney car-chase. Great Movie 5 Star Rating.
Rating:  Summary: Two kids searching for home. Review: I just got my DVD copies of both films(This & Return from witch mountain.) This is a very good movie. It's about two kids who have supernatural powers. They can forsee the future, talk to animals, lift things in the air-and jump 15 feet in the air to catch a baseball. However, they don't know how they got these powers. Where they born with these powers? The two kids Tony & Tia(Played by Ike Eisenmann & Kim Richards)are different from the other kids. After a confrontation with Truck(Dermott Downs), They discover a map inside of Tia's star case. After saving the life of a man, he comes and claims to be thier uncle-they are forced to live with him. It turns out that his employer is none other than Mr. Bolt(Ray Miland)who wants to use them for his own ends. Tia smells rotten fish (Try Rotten eggs)-she senses very strongly-that Mr Bolt is not a very nice man and she senses danger if they stay at Mr. Bolt's Mansion. Then, when they dine with Mr. Bolt(I never did say he wasn't a gentleman-just not a very nice one)Mr Bolt tells them that he knows about thier powers and tells them how to make it profitable. After going to another room, Tia & Tony overhear a coversation that MR. Bolt is planning to have them locked away on a deserted island. Tia & Tony then make plans of esacpe. They do escape and are chased till the end of the film. Helping them is a crusty old man Jason O'Day(Well played by Eddie Albert)Who has a winnebego. I must say that the Chemistry between Eisenmann & Richards worked so well, people think they are brother & Sister in real life. They are not related in real life. I think it's the acting talents of these two is what made it work so well. Dirctor John Hough(The legend of hell house)did a remarkable job on this film. The special effects were great for it's time. Some of them were cheezy, but in those days(The 70's)they didn't have computors. But in my opinion, the powers these kids have is not the real story. The real story is that two childern are searching for home, and discovering who they really are. This is the story. The DVD has some special features on it and an audio commentary by Kim & Ike and John Hough. It provides a lot of insight on how the film was made.