Rating:  Summary: Outrageous Americanism! Review: This is an okay film as cliched action films go, but from the opinion of an Englishman, it is really really annoying that you Americans have made this film, about a US sub stealing a German Enigma machine. This is a true story, except for one thing. It was a British sub which stole the enigma machine in WWII, not an American sub.
Rating:  Summary: Slick [Wannabe Gritty] Production Review: Passed up for his own commission, Matthew McConaughey joins up with Bill Paxton, the guy who quashed his advance, and a crew including Harvey Keitel to intercept a damaged German u-boat and take their Enigma code machine by force. Matt M. is suitably grim and over determined [difficult to get past the Dr. Steve persona from the Wedding Planner we watch a lot], thrust into a position of leadership. Keitel and Paxton are relegated to the background and wasted for the most part. Unlike Das Boot with its gritty realism and thick tension, this movie felt much more unintentionally polished and glossy. That's not to say it wasn't an entertaining couple hours, it told an intriguing story with some interesting plot twists and nifty effects. More of an old style matinee adventure than anything more ambitious and works at that level. Recommended.
Rating:  Summary: very, very average... Review: If your looking to be entertained by action and suspense, U571 is up your ally. But for those of us who demand more from a war film, this work sadly will come across as an American ripp-off of Das Boot, especially intended for audiences that are not familiar with the latter masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: U Should See This Review: U-571 was a mix of action, suspense, and history woven together well into a war movie that didn't feel like a war movie. The plot was fairly realistic, and the pace of the movie was excellent. A very good sleeper pick that outpaces many of the other movies released in 2000. One of the better movies of that year. 4 1/2 stars.
Rating:  Summary: A great WWII naval film! Review: If you're a fan of war film's, action and suspense, U-571 is what you're looking for! While this film is not much as far as the historical value, who care's. This film does exactly what everybody involved with it set out to do, entertain. It has a clearly defined plot line and carries through with it in a splendid manner. The depth charge scene was particularly explosive (no pun intended, yea right). Matthew McConaughey does a wonderful job in this film. Starting off as the efficient officer that's not quite ready for command and then transforming, due to circumstances, into a battle hardened leader of sailors. Overall I would recommend to this film to anybody! The special features included on this DVD are exceptional as well.
Rating:  Summary: Good Action Suspense War Movie Review: The plot keys off an attempt by the allies to capture the enigma, the code name for the German encryption device used for communications between navel vessels. The Americans became aware of a disabled U-Boat out in the Atlantic. They built a submarine that looked like a German U-Boat. They plan on sailing up to the German boat pretending to be another U-Boat coming to their aid. The plan is to dispatch or capture the occupants, grab the enigma device and scuttle the boat. The Americans on the mission have been told that winning the war depends on capturing an enigma device, without the Germans knowing. If the Germans know an enigma device has been captured, they will change the codes. While scuttling the German boat, its torpedoes accidentally fire and sink the American one. The surviving Americans and their prisoners must occupy the crippled German sub and sail safely to the allies. It is at this point when the best action scenes take place. The combat scenes between the American-occupied U-Boat and a German naval Vessel they encounter are very thrilling. On the U-Boat, there are several gruesome hand-to-hand combat scenes between the Americans and their German prisoners. Like most action movies, this one stretches credibility like a rubber band. It stretches the rubber band to the breaking point to make me think that an already disabled U-Boat, after an attempt at being scuttled, is still able to submerge and function In most war movies, U-Boats are portrayed as attacking other military vessels. In reality, the job of the U-Boats was to attack commercial ships, to cut off allied supplies. Rarely did they go against armed military vessels. In U-571, there is an isolated scene where a U-Boat comes across a boat full of allied sailors adrift at sea. The Germans machine-gun them all. In reality, the U-Boats were under orders not to take on survivors because they didn't have the space, but it was not the norm at all to shoot survivors. In fact, there were many instances of U-Boat crews giving provisions and providing directions to allied sailors adrift in lifeboats. Their job was not to kill people but to sink allied freight. There was one human drama of interest in the movie, but it was not explored fully. The executive officer of the Americans was a man who had just been passed over in an appointment to captain a ship. When he confronted his superior as to why, he was told that he wasn't ready. His superior told him he must learn that in making decisions, he must take into consideration the lives of the men under him. When the captain of the submarine dies, this executive officer is now in charge. The drama that occurs is that he is unsure what to do about anything. Harvey Keitel counsels him that for the sake of the sailors, a commander must always know what to do, even when he doesn't. The rookie commander comes into his own as the drama nears conclusion, but he achieves victory at a great cost in the human life of his own crew. Remember, on both sides, the sailors were mostly in their late teens and their immediate officers were in their twenties. A captain in his thirties was an old man. War movies have evolved so that there are certain arch-typical characters we've all come to expect. U-571 gives at least a half-hearted nod to the tradition. Harvey Keitel, plays the role of the old sea dog, a World War I submarine veteran, who respectfully, but forcefully, gives advice to the green commander. Another actor plays the young German American who is assigned to the crew because he speaks fluent German. The original captain selflessly waves off his executive officer as he drowns at sea. Other than that, there is little to differentiate most of the characters from one another. Most of the Germans look like most of the Americans. I've never been favorably disposed towards action-adventure films. This one is entertaining but definitely not one of the year's best. For a more authentic U-Boat movie, I suggest you go to the foreign movie section of your video store and checkout, Das Boot. It is a German-made movie about a U-Boat and crew being depth-charged by the Americans. It is a classic, and it is very gripping.
Rating:  Summary: Good.... Review: This fictional account of how the allies seized the "Enigma" coding device (a historically accurate NAZI coding system) is worth the watch. Of course, it could be a little boring considering it occurs inside of submarines... no windows... no amazing scenery.... but the essence of the struggle is well preserved. Give it go.... or at least a rental.
Rating:  Summary: good film but soooo wrong!! Review: As action films go,this is pretty good.Unpack your intelect at the door,suspend all rational and fact and truth on the coat hanger then sit down with your popcorn and watch this good-old-action film.The reason why i missed a star is because,again,the americans cannot face facts.This is proved in so many films where America is the center of all things exciting-1)All aliens visit America. 2)No matter what happens in history,the Americans did it.How would Americans feel if we in England produced a film depicting England sending up Apollo 13 full of british astronaughts,and the first man on the moon was a brit? I can tell you-outcry! Nothing wrong in altering the truth a little for the sake of entertainment,but as something as important as ww2,where brave Americans and British people (amonst other nations)lost their lives,too much altering to this degree is insulting!What next? America beats the Agentinians for the Falklands? course not,its too recent.Ok,less of the grumbling-yep,its a great boy's own adventure,and worth a peek!
Rating:  Summary: A Great Military Thriller Review: A great storyline and edge-of-your-seat action and suspense make U-571 a great military thriller that should not be missed by anyone. The storyline concerns a group of soldiers who embark on a dangerous submarine mission. Their mission being to capture a German Enigma sub in order to recover and decode German documents, is what makes the action satisfyingly suspenseful. This film does not sacrifice story for action, as is the case with most other films. Therefore, it is my opinion that U-571 is among my favorite films. The missing star is due to the soundtrack of the film; I would not reccomend buying the soundtrack because of the poor musical scorethat goes with the film. But that's just my opinion. Anyway, I highly reccomend this film to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Time w/ Dad Review: A good movie to watch with Dad. My father and I have been looking for movies to see together as a way to bond. U-571 did the trick. Dad was in WWII in the navy and related to the authenticity of this movie. U-571 is better the second time around. I put it in the Hunt For Red October, Executive Decision, and Clear & Present Danger category of flics. Matthew McConaughey did an outstanding job as he broke from the romantic comedy into a beefy role. The cast was excellent. THis is a great cabin movie when on vacation. Highly recommended!