Rating:  Summary: U-571 a film reveiw Review: U-571 is a film about americas involvement in the process of breaking the enigma codes. it uses fantastic graphics and themusic completely gives a title of heroism for the americans and relly tenses the viewer in a climax point. the film gives no chance to really bond to the germans as they are portrayed as evil and they are beastily unshaven men and it all falls into perspective. the americans however as in all american war films are portrayed as heroic young well presented men that hardly ever swear and sre always there to save someone. The americans when storming the U-boat seem to ecape any injury while the germans seem to cop the bullets whenever needed so. the plot all seems to fall into place and give the americans a form of great heroism and all in all a good movie does the job, the job has been done and a good movie has been made a good view and the climaxes are awesome. to bad its alittle corny towards the americans.
Rating:  Summary: American Wannabies Review: This is another of those "Americans did everything in the war" and "American Hero" Movies. In This movie the Americans went ahead and said that they did all the work in capturing the ENIGMA Machine, when in fact, the English did, even before the Americans even joined the war. Another historical fact, The real U571 was sunk off Ireland, by good old Aussies. Now to get onto the actual Movie. The movie was actually very boring, people in other reviews are talking about good "special effects", when it is all just good pyrotechnics. Not a good movie, don't see it, it should get a 1, but it bumped to 2 because of lots of explosions.
Rating:  Summary: Men of a Mission Review: This movie is a fictional tale about a daring mission to capture a top secret Nazi coding device from German submarine. This movie is inspired by a composite of events that transpired during the Battle of the Atlantic in World War II. an American submarine crew's battle against time-and their own fears-while carrying out a daring mission to capture a top-secret encrypting device (ENIGMA) from a Nazi U-boat. This movie is very exciting and thrilling!! After watching this movie, you may think something about war. AND... Jon Bon Jovi did a great job!! He became a hip actor! ...
Rating:  Summary: Surprise by sacrifice Review: I have been a history buff for many years, and have often spent time reading the book on which a movie was based. But the why's and wherefore's of something that occurred before, during or after a war that relate to actual events intrigue me. I have read the magazines "Airpower" and "Warbirds" and encountered reference after reference made to the intelligence war being fought between the Axis powers and the Allies. One of those magazines had a 3-part series about intelligence measures and counter-measures. Many references were made to the "the Enigma" code which the Allies had a hard time breaking. I am very impressed by the role the submariners played in this little "side" war. If you have seen "Das Boot" or "Run Silent, Run Deep", you will appreciate how little room there was for all these people to do their specific jobs. I'm 6 ft. tall and getting through the captured U-boat at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry was extremely difficult. God bless the master chiefs of the Navy. If it were not for them, order and chaos would have existed in many of our ships. The Master Chief of this movie was pretty much true to life: gruff men, making very young men into true sailors and acting as a balm on either the Captain's ego or the Commander's striving for his own command, his word meant something to everyone, and is depicted well in this movie. I appreciate the acting done by all people involved. None of it was wooden or robot like; at the show's end, I found myself empathizing with the crew when a crash with the destroyer was imminent, or the despair in their voices when neither descent nor ascent rates could be controlled. A good movie, moreso for those who have some understanding of officer/enlisted relations, the rat's life of a submariner, and a bit of true history woven in for education's sake.
Rating:  Summary: The U-571 DVD Review: One of my top five all times favorite movies, U-571 ROCKS on DVD. The bonus features are a little lacking for a "Collecter's Edition", but they are very informative and intersting. The best part of this movie is by far the sound. In the depth charge sequences, the sound will rock your house. This is best sounding DVD and should have won many Oscars, especially Best Sound (though the movie did win the Oscar for Best Sound Editing).
Rating:  Summary: Great suspense will grip you... Review: The DVD version of U-571 is a solid package of not only the great movie about human triumph but also a lot of supplementary materials - interviews done with submarine experts, director, cast and even a rather amusing video clip taken from the Royal Navy archives. I think it is unfair to judge U-571 in terms of its accuracy with history facts. This movie, was NOT meant to replicate any specific event that transpired in the war. If you had seen the DVD's interview clip with the director, the movie was meant to be a fictional tale! I don't know how true the scenes in the movie were when compared to that of the real stuff on a submarine. But for the layman like me, I think it is convincing enough to suppress my skeptism. In fact, the scenes could even be rated as professional, with all sorts of technical lingo being reiterated throughout the film. The strength of U-571 lies in the suspense build-up. For instance, the scene where death charges were dropping over the U-571 was a good suspense-filled part of the movie. War tactics employed by the submariners also help to lend a certain quality of intelligence to the whole movie. After all the ordeal the submariners on U-571 had gone through, I felt proud for them at the finale, that they managed to overcome their enemy. I enjoyed watching this movie - it has good suspense, dynamic action scenes and ultimately not compromising a good, decent storyline. Unless you do not like war films, U-571 should not be missed.
Rating:  Summary: Classic looking cinematography Review: An interesting plot, lots of action, and excellent cinematography reminecent of the classic '70's WWII movies such as Tora, Tora, Tora! and Patton. The movie looks authentic, excellent costume design. My only problems with the movie is the plot... Normally, when a movie has the enemy captain captured, there is a reason... not in this one. also, the ending was exciting enough, but WHY did it end where it did...? It seems to run out of steam at the end. 4 stars out of five for the authentic feel (even the actors maintain the same speach patterns and inflections of the old '40's movies) but minus one star for the 'why-did-it-end-there' type ending, and the non-use of the captured U-boat captain by whoever wrote the screenplay.
Rating:  Summary: Great Action! Review: As an ex-submariner myself, I very much enjoyed this movie. I wouldn't say the acting was the greatest, but the underwater photography was excellent and the action kept you on the edge of your seat. By the way, this movie doesn't claim to be the true story of capturing the Enigma, so stop griping about "inaccurate history" folks. It's just a movie!
Rating:  Summary: It cannot get any worse Review: This film is the ultimate nightmare! When reading some of the reviews I could not believe these people had seen the film, neither could I believe what some people wrote. I mean, not being accurate about historical facts is one thing, but simply misleading the audience to show once again how great the boys did is another - and on top of it to read: "teaching history belongs to the classroom" that - I'm afraid - kicked my brains out. Man, wake up, nobody pays attention in history lessons at school (I am a history teacher - I know what I am talking about) The youngsters nowadays learn by visual effects! So, to show a film and refer to fiction but then claim it is a tribute to various U-boat crews during WWII????!!!&%$? Isn't there something wrong in the logic? Then, Harvey Keitel was a miscast. The Captain not at all convincing. Several sequences simply copied from Das Boot. The tension on the boat was more than fake! How can people compare this film to Das Boot. And last but not least: the scene when they capture the German submarine ... please don't let me comment on that one. Those scenes reminded me of Steven Seagall, Bruce Willis and some others of that category - only they do it much better. Last: the shoot-out with the German submarine?! Please do not insult our intelligence. No, this film does not even deserve a single star. Do not buy it.