Rating:  Summary: a review Review: u-571 is a story about some yanks on a submarine who try to capture the enigma code which is the german navel code during the second world war. This statement that is made by the movie is verry in corect and the americans did not realy even have anything to do with its capture. The british were firstly the ppl who captured it and they had done it beefor the americans had alread begun. In u-571 they also portray the germans to be evil when they were not. by history student at shore school
Rating:  Summary: Wow how unbeliveable can you make a film??? Review: This film set out to make us pick sides, by using music, clothing, plot, and other tactics to pursuide us that the Americans are the "good guys" and the that the Germans are the evil enemys that have to be concured for the hope of man kind.This film trys to make you feel that the clean cut Americans have to capture the enigma machine so that the world will be saved. They try to personalise it by seeing that the Luitenent fails to become a captain and that all the crew love him. This film trys to makes the Germans out to be filthy and brutal by killig the survivers of the submarine which the blew up. The also made the Germans look bad by when the Americans let the Captain live, how he escapes and sabortages the sub. Even the History is wrong, because it was the Britz that actually captured most of the enigmas and who also cracked the code not the "brave" Americans. Over all this film decives ytou to make you believe that you should be baraking for the Americans 10 mins into the movie. it is a very crewl and deceptive film. I can not belive that such a lie was even let out on film let alone of Vidio and DVD. P.S. I recomend to not watch this if you have not seen this before!!!
Rating:  Summary: U571- A Review Review: This film was okay as the action was qite intriguing however it lacked historical factors and wasn't eintirely correct. It all starts off with an American Captain leading his crew in WWII, who then leads his crew to victory eventually after many close misses with the Germans. It typically is quite stereotypical as it makes the Germans out to be the bad ones just like many other movies and the Americans to be the good guys. A inacurracy is during WWII the Americans weren't even in the war at that stage. It is a typical American movie when there is a lot of big baddies around with one small goodie (this being the U-571) and know matter how good the opponents the goodies (Americans) always come out on top. It is quite entertaining however and is enjoyable to watch.
Rating:  Summary: Mr Jennings film reveiw Review: This movie is about an American raid on a German U-boat to gain possesion of the enigma code machine. As with all American blockbusters the Americans were depicted as the clean-cut, good looking 'nice guys' and the Germans were shown as the scruffy in-breeds. I am sick of these movies, therefore U-571 did not go down very well. There is also a few historically incorrect pieces of information displayed in this movie. 1. The Americans were not involved in war during this time. 2. The British were the ones that captured the enigma machine. Overall. i did not really enjoy this movie as it was hard to follow, boring, historically incorrect and American. PS. Do not see tomb raider........big waste of time.
Rating:  Summary: U571 - The Distorted Reality Review: What really happened in the spring of 1942? Did the Yanks really go in and take over the enigma machine? Did the Americans play any part in the battle for the atlantic? This movie, aside the fact that nothing in the events was close to the real happenings, was a thriller. It combined the old World War 2 style of events with the gung-ho and always courageous effort of the all-muscly Americans. It is set around the capture of the Enigma coding machine, by the Brits, in Spring- 1942, and was to be of major victory to the allied forces in the coming days. The Americans (the ONLY contributers to the war.....) decided they would twist the events and make it look like they had done everything and won us the war. All in all it was a great success, and the movie was awesome in the fact that it showed the reality of what life at war was really like 50 years ago. But it still lacked a few major facts. - The real U571 was destroyed 2months before this even happened. - The Americans weren't even in the war at the time. - The British were the courageous young lads who led the daring assault. So just remember the facts when you watch the movie, and as amazingly cool as it seems, dont be swayed by the "facts" that this movie portrays. It is an excellent choice, and i urgwe you to watch it as soon as possible. Top class work.
Rating:  Summary: this is a lie !!!!! Review: This film credits American sailors with the daring capture of the Nazi code machine,the Enigma, an event that changed the course of the war. In fact, the Brits seized Enigma before America had even joined the war. this shows us that it is just another movie that was made so that they could get big bucks. in 1942, the U.S. Navy had a minimal role in the Battle of the Atlantic.Also around this time U-Boats were ranging up and down the largely undefended American coastline, sinking hundreds of ships in the process. The defeat of the U-Boats was largely the result of years of struggle and effort by the Royal Navy and at the very least, the film should have made mention of the role played by the British in defeating the U-Boats. Instead, the film tells viewers that, until the timely arrival of the heroic Americans, the Germans largely had their way with the British. In another scene, the German crew of the U-571 brutally machine guns a lifeboat full of survivors from a presumably torpedoed merchant ship. Overriding the objections of the crew, the captain tells his men that it was "the Fuhrer's order" to kill all survivors of shipwrecks. this was done to make the Germans look even worse than they were.
Rating:  Summary: U-571 strikes again! Review: U-571 is a new film that has been released in the USA and around the world been fairly successful. In the film there are two main countries that are fighting each other (the Germans and the Americans). The Americans of course are made out to be the courageous men wearing the white suits and the finely shaved beards looking very smart to the viewer. This then made them look like the good guys in the film. The Germans are made out to be the bad guys in the film with their dress been rather scrubbed up and their beards been not shaven at all. The film rather in accurate in the way it betrayed both of countries in the way that they did. An inaccuracy was that the Americans weren't even in the war yet. The Americans didn't move in to the war until a later stage. Overall I thought that the film was rather inaccurate and wasn't good to be bartered on the film that was released in the cinema. I gave the film 3/5.
Rating:  Summary: Good Entertainment, Bad History Review: The action was good, the story line was good, the Americans were supposed to be good (heroic, legends, the best(try hards)), and the Germans were bad. If this film was meant to entertain us it did well, if this film was trying to teach us and state the truth they failed. the Americans didnt get the enigma coder, the English got it before the Americans entered the war. this like other false acusations and incorrect history didn't really bother me because i was there to watch and be entertained, and the film did this for me. this film gave me the impression that the world was against the Germans and the Americans were the legends, this put the rating down a bit. All up good film, hopless historical facts.
Rating:  Summary: U571 Review Review: U571 is a badly written film. It is a bias film that would have had potential but it didnt. I didnt like it because it was boring and there was no suspense. An example of this is when there all dancing, about to go on the submarines. It lacked a the true storyline, and this is the main reason of the movies weakness. The that were bertrayed were very realistic, such as the germans and how they looked not as heroic as the americans. they looked like dogs, with smely underarms and they hadnt shaved for a few days. This was the main positive thought of the film. Overall it wasnt a great success, it was a fizzer meaning everyone thought it would be good and it turned out to be bad. i would give it a two out of five. I dont recommend seeing it. You are just wasting your money when you could be spending it on other movies such as Saving Private Ryan and the Shawshank Redemption.
Rating:  Summary: God this is wrong Review: U-571 is a film that was about WWII U-boats from the American forces stealing the enigma from the Germans, WRONG. This movie has got the real history all wrong. It was the Brittish(Poms) that took the Enigma off Hitlers army. I would know I studied WWII history at Oxford Universty.