Rating:  Summary: excellent Review: I just watched this for the first time last night and I am glad I bought it. I will watch it again and again. Excellent movie. Can't wait for the second one
Rating:  Summary: An Xtreme Sports version of Bond Review: I was never a really big James bond Fan. In fact for the most part this swave sophisticated british agent character that has been the longest running movie franchise in history just plains bores me. So if I don't like bond so much why is it that I like XXX? Because for the most part this movie is pure mindless action and doesn't try to tease people with a plot unlike most Bond films.The idea behind XXX is that Vin Diesel is a like an Xtreme sports style hitman. Anytime some one bashes the youth of america or is trying to censor the public or stuff like that, he leaves them a message that he is not to be messed with. Skaters and other grunge style people love him as he video tapes all of his acts and posts them on the net. For anyone remotly into skate boarding or BMX they will recognize the cameos from Tony Hawk, MAtt Hoffman and others of that field. Samuel L. Jackson recruts Diesel after their swave agent gets killed trying to infltrate a terrorist organization in europe. Realizig that the Bond like agent will not get them anywhere into this they send in Diesel who fits right into this group. From then the story heats up in a way that pokes fun at bond, diesel fits into the organization, he gets a kick ... car, he gets the babe and he kills the bad guy. For the most part this is a turn off your mind flick. IF you go in expecting a new bond with swave and intelligent (sometimes) bond like film, than you need to put this down and go in some corner and cry. This is not BOnd, this is XXX and for the most part better than many Bond movies.
Rating:  Summary: Move over 007 - XXX is here! Review: This movie is nonstop action. Excellant stunts. Great story fast cars beautiful women. Vin Diesel plays a secret agent who is very appealing to this generation. He has attitude. He kicks butt. Can't wait for the sequel. You just know there will be one (or more)
Rating:  Summary: TRASHING EUROPE [ummm.. Central Europe ....] Review: Or is it EuroTrash? Nevermind ....this vehicle bedazzles completely! A super DVD - worth anyone's extreme collection - great sound, visuals, action and THOSE - 'one-liners' - Out Bond's Bond. AND a welcome refresher to the stale old Bond .... HOWEVER, VIN DIESEL and ASIA ARGENTO ignite the screen. He is very much a 2002 hero ["Hi Octane?"] - 'She' along the lines of Dietrich - [and should star in a bio of that lady -all 'flaming destruction' ......] Excellent pairing. Despite the 'ultra-violence' it is still very PG-13 and should be enjoyed by that age - delightful excapist fun! Costumes? Somewhat 'Gaultier on Steroids' but very effective as is the Art direction AND superior sound design! Cannot 'wax too profusely' about the action sequences - especially the 'avalanche'. The villians? Somewhere bewteen a Goth Rave and Dracula ...talk about attitude! The only thing missing is the glamor ramp in this one - just picture perfect casting! [Great tribute to "The 3rd Man" - Harry Lime and all that .....]
Rating:  Summary: Bye bye Bond! Review: If someone ever wanted a tagline for this movie, try this one - 'A Farewell to James Bond'. In an amazing way, Vin Diesel replaces the world standard of secret agents - and at last Mr. Brosnan has some competition (to catch up with!). Replete with a top-of-the-line storyline, script, cast and action, xXx is definitely one of the very best movies of 2002. The stunts as well as the effects are so very good, your jaw will drop automatically. Both Vin Diesel and Samuel Jackson play their roles to perfection (and that's making no mention of the stunning Asia Argento!).
Rating:  Summary: MediaGab Review Review: Vin Diesel is XXX. Sorry I had to type that, actually Vin Diesel plays Xander Cage a adrenalin-junkie who finds himself in trouble with the law for his stunts he pulls and tapes for a website. With his latest stunt he gets noticed by the NSA who is looking for a generation X type of person to infiltrate a Czech villain named Yorgi (Marton Csokas) who wants to build and use biological weapons. The problem with typical agents is that they don't blend in with the new generation, they don't have the tattoos or style of new generation. After the NSA captures Xander, Agent Augustus Gibbons (Samuel L. Jackson) puts him through some real world tests to determine if he has the physical and mental toughness to complete the mission. XXX is a James Bond movie Americanized. Really if you like the Bond movies you will love XXX. It has everything a Bond movie would have. Gadgets, Women, Action, Villains and an unbelievable plot. I was actually really surprised with XXX. I thought this was going to be really poorly done but it came out as a high action film that is on the same level as Die Another Day.
Rating:  Summary: 163 Other Reviews and This is the First for the Actual DVD!! Review: *NOTE: By the time this review shows up, there may be a couple more for the DVD, so it may not actually be the first. Still, there shouldn't be 163 reviews dating back six months for a DVD that was just released a day ago. Straight to the point: if you like movies that make you think, you won't like this movie. This movie was designed (mostly) for guys who just want to sit back and watch stuff blow up. By no means is it a cinema masterpiece, nor will it be an Oscar contender. But, it definitely appeals to the MTV Generation; and it's far more entertaining than any Bond movie, ever. As for the DVD itself: I was a little disappointed with the video quality. Watching it on my computer, with a 19" flat panel monitor and a GeForce4 video card, the video was very blocky, like it was zoomed in far too much (and it isn't my system, since every other DVD I own looks beautiful on it). However, watching it on a variety of TVs with various makes and models of DVD player, the video quality is excellent. The audio, however, is great all around; crystal clear and very ... "boom". As for the extras, I found them to be very bland, with the usual trailers, director's commentary and deleted scenes you'll find on any DVD movie release. I was very disappointed that the music video for Rammstein's 'Feuer Frei' wasn't included, especially considering how prominently the song and the band were displayed in the opening scene. To sum up, if you're a member of the MTV Generation, especially a teenage girl who needs a reality check (because face it, you'll never get Vin Diesel), you'll like this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Rated XXX-Not Suitable For Anyone! Review: With last year's 'Fast and The Furious' and now 'XXX' Director Rob Cohen and his team have come up with a new kind of movie franchise; take some bad acting, sophmoric dialouge, surround them with a heavy metal soundtrack, a lot of special effects and tired stunts and hope for the best..... Vin Diesel was fine in supporting roles in "Boiler Room" and "Saving Private Ryan" but he ain't no James Bond, and as an action superstar in "XXX" he displays as much charisma as yesterday's bed of lettuce. Even the great Samuel J. Jackson is crippled by the deadly screenplay..you can almost hear him saying to himself "let me get my check and get the hell out of here"... The DVD is loaded with special features, but when a movie is this bad, it's kind of like puttting a Lexus hood ornament on a Dodge Dart.
Rating:  Summary: For those who thought Armegeddon was too realistic Review: For those folks who thought Micheal Bay's "Armegeddon" was too realistic and too complicated as well as too boring, this film is for you. DUDE! This awesome flick is about one extreme dude who gets drafted by the system and is allowed to kick a bunch of gnarly butt all to an awesome soundtrack filled with even more extreme music. This movie rocks because it is non stop action and explosion. Vin Diesel is totally shredded and a totally hot actor who really knows how to snowboard, skydive and drive totally radical cars... XXX also has a lot of totally fine babes who really know how to answer a booty call and pole dance to super X rave music. This movie just rocks. It's almost as good as X-Box! (I won't even mention Sega!) I can't wait until XXX II, and XXX III, XXX IV and so on! Just kidding. It says something about a movie when my 10 year old alpha male son finds a film boring and gets up from the TV and goes off outside to shoot baskets with his friend in the below freezing weather. That was his reaction with XXX. His tastes run toward the "Behind Enemy Lines" and early Sean Connery James Bond. ...
Rating:  Summary: "I LIVE for this [stuff] Review: It's fairly obvious from the first frame of "XXX" that the powers that be behind the film both want to both pay tribute to and tear down the James Bond films. With a tuxedoed operative attempting to blend in at a Rammstein concert in the first scene, only to be shot and passed overhead in a mosh surf ... okay, we get the hint, guys. "XXX" is the fairly simplistic tale of Xander Cage (Vin Diesel, resplendent in fake tattoos), an extreme athlete recruited by a shadow arm of the NSA headed by Gibbons (Samuel L. Jackson, not as bad... as usual) to infiltrate a gang of ex-Russian soldiers who have access to a biological weapon called Silent Night. Of course, there's a love interest for Xander, a Russian undercover spy named Iliana (Asia Argento, who gives new meaning to the term "heroin chic" but still manages to sport cleavage in important scenes), who is hooked up with the gang leader, Yorgi (Marton Csonkas, last seen in an American film as, believe it or not, the elf consort Celeborn in "Fellowship of The Ring"). If you can think of the spy cliche, it's in here. The stunts are unbelievable--and that's not in the good sense. Guys on snowmobiles can't outrace an avalanche, but Xander on a snowboard can? Jumping over an exploding building and not getting a speck of ash on yourself? Please. If you put your brain on hold, though, "XXX" is okay. It's essentially a big-budget B-movie intended as a star vehicle for Vin Diesel, and it works on that level. Vin is bad... enough for the boys and pretty enough for the girls (the man can DEFINITELY fill out a t-shirt), which is why he'll do well. He's not really required to act in this film, but to look tough and get off one-liners, which unfortunately for him are not very good here. He looks like he's having fun and is well aware that "XXX" isn't "Hamlet." "XXX" was intended to give him leverage in Hollywood--and with $141 million in U.S. box office, he's got it.