Rating:  Summary: Something must be done about Ashely Judd Review: If this woman is allowed to make another movie, then it will be confirmed: there is no justice in this world. I mean really- I can't be the only one who has noticed that this woman can't act. It is absolutely jaw-dropping that some casting director saw this lady and said, "Now HERE is an actress that we need to have in a major Hollywood production!" I'm not an overly emotional person, but it's almost enough to make you sit down and cry, isn't it? Ashely, stop while you are pathetically behind.
Rating:  Summary: a real turkey! Review: The movie is not at all beleivable; there is no real explanation as to how the husband gets away, leaving his wife covered in blood. Further, the "conviction" is not satisfactorily explained, and it is unclear what she is charged with. Then miraculously, after seven years, she locates her husband, and after he changed his name, identity. The plot, the characters, the whole thing just makes no sense. One of the worst movies I've seen.
Rating:  Summary: a hesitating o.k. Review: I have watsched the movie last evening and I am still not sure what to think about it. But more than a hesitating o.k. it is sure not. Maybe my problem lies within the american law system. How can you convict someone for murder (or what else) if you haven't even found the body of the victim? A judge in germany would simply laugh at the public prosecutor if he would try to do this. If I deside to not bother with this any longer the film still has a big problem. It has no action where it should have some and it lacks thrill where you could make use of some. So what else should I say: I have the movie and I'll make the best of it.
Rating:  Summary: Very Suspenseful; Great Entertainment! Review: This movie definitely holds your interest, from beginning to end. In addition, Ashley Judd and Tommy Lee Jones work very well together! Judd's husband in the movie "fakes" his own murder,for which Judd is blamed and incarcerated for six years. After Judd gets out, she has but one goal; to get her son back, (who she finds out is living with her amazingly UN-dead husband and his new girlfriend)! Tommy Lee Jones plays the parole officer who's job it is to keep Judd in line after she gets out of prison. This movie is fun to watch, as the suspense factor is always there. Watch it and "JUDD"ge for yourself! (Ha)!
Rating:  Summary: The Filmmakers Had A Personal Axe to Grind Review: against originality. They avoid it like it could actually do them harm. Tommy Lee Jones looks as though he might be on the verge of firing his agent & getting him someone who wouldn't keep casting him in these roles. Ashley Judd, beautiful to look at, had more to go with in terms of character in the tiny part she had in Michael Mann's Heat. Even with all of the plot holes and contrivances in the script, another, more savvy director like Brian DePalma, Sam Raimi, the Coen brothers or Ridley Scott could have delivered a movie with thrills. At the very least these directors would experiment with camera angles and different ways to try to get into the character's psyche. In fact, the rainy chase scene looked like Bruce Beresford was trying to imitate Ridley Scott's eerie rainy chase scene in Blade Runner. What if, instead of Ashley Judd's character waking up in bed covered wioth blood, she was awakened by the Coast Gaurd on the deck of the boat, still covered with blood & the knife in already in her hand. This would allow the character & the audience to question her sanity. Shift the personal training "Rocky" rip-off montage to when Ashley Judd first arrives in jail, as opposed to when she finally learns that her husband is still alive, and you have a woman out to survive a rough stay in prison, someone more likely to seek revenge when she learns of her hubby's evil deeds. Mr. Beresford fails at this miserably, directing the film with as much style and flair as a lesser made for TV movie. One that would be broadcast opposite the Superbowl.
Rating:  Summary: loved it Review: This movie makes you use your imagination, instead of showing so much blood and guts. I liked it for the reason that it had twists and turns. It was a perfect movie to watch on an airline! I especially appreciated the beautiful filming location of the Pacific Northwest. I know exactly where that Island home is, having sailed by it many times...... I also recognized the islands where the ferry boat was..... Besides being a great movie with great actors (I want Ashley Judd's gown at the charity auction!) It made me very homesick for my home town, where the N.W.portion of the film was done. Go see it for the smart action and beautiful scenery.
Rating:  Summary: It's Good Review: This was a great movie but it was pretty stupid the way they acted.It was a great plot but the acting was not that good!
Rating:  Summary: Hitchcock-and-Bull Story Review: If DOUBLE JEOPARDY had any brains, it would be dangerous. Then again, if DOUBLE JEOPARDY had any brains it probably wouldn't have been made. Vacuous , bereft of anything resembling logic, common sense, or respect for itself or its audience, it is a movie made either by morons or for morons.The movie takes its title from the legal precept that no person can be tried twice for the same crime. In this case, the crime is the murder of Libby Parsons' (Ashley Judd) husband during a boating excursion. Covered in blood, she wakens to find her husband Nick (Bruce Greenwood) missing, and is subsequently tried and convicted for his murder. In prison, she discovers that her husband is in fact alive. Upon her release, she breaks her parole and begins her search for Nick while being pursued by parole officer Travis Lehman (played by a weary Tommy Lee Jones). Plot holes abound. Libby never awakens when Nick paints her with blood and sloshes around all of this manufactured evidence. (Further, the filmmakers never reveal where he acquired all of this blood in the first place.) Her lawyer never asks the coroner's office to analyze the blood to prove that it is in fact Nick's. Libby is convicted, presumably, of first-degree murder but does not seem to be in one of the more violent prison wards. She is released on parole after serving seven years but is not put under any kind of intensive supervision. She outruns sherrif's jeeps on a beach but is captured once the officers pursue her on foot. Upon her arrest, Lehman leaves her handcuffed to to his car while he gets a cup coffee but leaves his keys in the ignition, providing her with a means of escape. And, curiously, the media seems absent from all of this. Apparently not one news program along the lines of 20/20 or DATELINE or 48 HOURS sends a reporter out to cover her story at any time. Has television lost interest in beautiful murderesses, unjustly accused? The cast is strong, but the characters are underwritten and the performances are uninspired. Ashley Judd never convinces the viewer that she is capable of bloodlust or cunning. Further, though she wears dowdy clothes once she leaves prison, one never believes that she has done any hard time. Jones, in playing Lehman, has filed the serial numbers from the character of Sam Gerard in THE FUGITIVE. It is virtually the same character, but given an unconvincing backstory. Bruce Greenwood plays Libby's husband with the right amount of smarm but is otherwise one-dimensional. Much has been made of the female empowerment aspects of DOUBLE JEOPARDY, but in reality the movie does little to empower women. Libby acts like a victim throughout, and in at least one instance allows herself to become victimized. Goldie Hawn throwing off her veil at the end of PRIVATE BENJAMIN does more to empower women than Libby does drawing a bead on her slime of a husband.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Awesome! Review: Double Jeopardy is an Excellent movie. I think it's one of the best movies that Ashley Judd has done. I give credit to Tommy Lee Jones on his role as well. It's worth seeing and worth the money.
Rating:  Summary: Really good movie! Review: I thought this movie was very good, although it isn't my favorite or anything. Tommy Lee Jones, as always, was VERY good, playing his usual character who learns that the person he is chasing is innocent. I never get tired of him playing this type of role, for he always brings an intensity and wit to the performance. Ashley Judd was very believable as the woman who was wrongly accused for her husband's murder. The pairing of these two were great. She had an innocent and youthful appearance, while he had an older, hard-nosed personality. The two blended very well. I like this movie for many reasons, and I recommend it to all who want to see a fast-paced action thriller. The "Making Of" was also outstanding, and is one of the reasons I purchased this DVD. I always LOVE to see how a movie is filmed!