Rating:  Summary: Quite a surprise -- a must see film Review: Didn't expect much from a Will Smith movie for some reason, always thought of him as a bit of a lightweight, so maybe that's why I was amazed at how good, tight, exciting, and disturbing this movie turned out to be, and Will's performance was superb.
Rating:  Summary: Chase film with pretensions. Review: 'Enemy Of The State' is a mostly enjoyable exercise in 'North By Northwest' Lite. Will Smith is the professional who becomes an innocent on the run from both the bad guys and the Law. The novelty in this case is that both are the same - and when the axis of evil has the resources of the State behind it, the odds are fairly stacked against its enemies. Of course, like Cary Grant in Hitchcock's film, Smith isn't really innocent - though essentially decent and a loving father, he is complacent, arrogant, politically apathetic, and has cheated on his wife. He has an Oedipal problem to work through, having to put a bossy wife-mother in her place and supercede a father figure (Brill). The subsequent peril he undergoes is a purgatorial chastening, a test he must take to prove himself an adequate, trustworthy family man again. Anything that gets in the way - be it the Mob who threaten his client, or the woman he had the affair with - must be removed. It is good to remember this dubiously punitive aspect of the film whenever anyone talks about its liberal paranoia. I nearly fell off my chair laughing when I read that certain critics who should know better took the film's 'politics' of paranoia seriously: some even suggesting a family resemblance to Coppola's 'The Conversation' (Gene Hackman plays a similar character in both films), one of the most difficult films in American cinema. 'Enemy' is not difficult or ambiguious or doubting - it knows exactly what it stands for. Unlike Hitchcock, who used his camera to implicate the viewer in his matrices of voyeurism, Scott's camera stands outside the various weapons of surveillance of the film, uncovering, rather than spying; clarifying, rather than obscuring. Unlike Coppola's film, we know from the start who the enemy is and what his weapons are - it's merely a matter of being vigilant and getting rid of him. Yeah right. Tony Scott is no more interested in political paranoia than he was in flag-waving or militarism in 'Top Gun'. Both narratives give him a structure within which he can practise his vision of Total Cinema. So the best bits of 'Enemy' are the chases - the splattersome pursuit of Jason Lee; the whole hotel sequence with Hackman, as Smith is sought by increasingly hysterical Feds; and the tunnel run - even if these are more Keystone than Keaton. It is less interesting when people make speeches about privacy, the 'surveillance society' and the connections between the telecommunications industry (whoops!) and the military-industrial-complex (or whatever it is). If I want to know about politics or threats to my civil liberties or Establishment fascism in the US, I'll go to a newspaper, NOT Hollywood. Still, in the 'light' of 'recent events', 'Enemy' has a lot more bite than it used to, with references to both US-backed Afghans and pretzels.
Rating:  Summary: Big Brother is Watching You ! Review: First of all, it reminds you the novel by George Orwell. Although the idea is similar, this movie is great !.. I do not know how many times I watched this movie, but I enjoy everytime I watch it. You never get bored while you are watching as the continous action scenes makes you sit in your chair w/out a pause and they were shot in a perfect way. One of my best in my collection together with Matrix, Thomas Crown Affair, Truman Show, Notting Hill etc.
Rating:  Summary: Very Cool!!! (4.5 stars) Review: Good flick. I thoroughly enjoyed this film. Will Smith and Gene Hackman. Wow! Will Smith is brought into the story as an unsuspecting businessman. By accident. This film just takes off from the very beginning. I am not going to give the story away, but you will not be disappointed if you get this one.
Rating:  Summary: Whose the Characature now? Review: When this movie was released, the "Evil Right Wing" Republicans were so blantantly portrayed as facists that they were almost parodies. No more after the horror of Sept 11th (I am a survivor), it is Will Smith's wife (The wonderful ACLU Attorney) who it turns out is the characature. When she just brushes off a Republican Senator stating on Larry King that there are 1000s of foreign nationials in america who hate the USA. She calls him a facist.....what would she say now?? I guess that would depend on if she had a loved killed in the Sept 11 attacks. Afterall, ACLU lawyers seem to have the conscience of serial killers when it is innoncent men women and children kiiled who are no relation to them. But nevertheless, this movie is too disturbing to watch now that the real world has overshadowed the liberal elite version of the world.
Rating:  Summary: Scary and Wonderful Review: This movie actually gave me the creeps, that this might actually happen or have already happened. The scenes on how evil the National Security Agency can be and how they track down Will Smith's character. They appear to be their own Crime Family as they end up killing each other in the end. I saw this movie when it first came out in theatres and it completely blew my mind. The thought that the Government or the NSA, could not only be the NSA but its officers had the chance to take on not only their own idenity but the face of anything they wanted - in fact when the two NSA officers first came to Smith's house, they introduced themselves as the DC Police and even produced badges. Even the way they tried to scare the Senator and ended up killing him when he told the Deputy NSA Communications Director, Jon Voight, that he wasn't going to vote his way. And the DC Mafia makes a scary adding to the movie, as the NSA uses Smith's character as a lawyer for serious goofed up Mobsters (as in the first scene when the mobster and Smith are talking) and Hackman's character is giving Smith the tapes of Sizemore and his friends at a party, and Smith threatned to use it against him. The FBI are in the movie for laughs though as saying "Geez, he doesn't look Italian" as Smith made his way out of the Sizemore's restaurant and the old man gave the agents' the finger and they took a picture of the shocked Smith. This has to be one of the best spy movies of all time! And when you finish seeing it you'll be checking your smoke detectors and carefully watching the reception on your TV for any bugs.
Rating:  Summary: Will Smith The Actor is better than Will The Rapper Review: i saw this one last year in england.the acting is a good as the action. and the gadgets the goverment uses to track will smith down were extremely creepy. this movie really takes off in the third act, when will starts to get the upper hand, with help from gene hackman. his all-knowing/paranoid conspiracy theory character was dead-on brilliant. this is will's best movie since six degrees of seperation, that is unless he shocks people with ali...
Rating:  Summary: great great movie Review: Definately one of the best spy movies I have seen in a long time. From the murder at the start to the resturant scene at the end this is a great modern day spy story. Whether you take the gadgets seriousely or not is up to you, remember, it is just a movie. My only complaint is that Will Smith is way out of his league in this one, he just cannot hold it in a serious movie. Hackman who does not appear until almost half way thru the movie steals the show and shows what a class act he is. Will smith should stick to the goofy parts he has played before like MIB or wild wild west, not the serious movies The scenery and tech stuff is all well done and one worth owning, so BUY THIS ONE
Rating:  Summary: Cool Film Review: A really good film. The locations where it's filmed-Baltimore, MD + in and around DC, and photography are nice. They may have simplified the plot or there's so much going on so fast, so hit the pause before leaving the room otherwise it's a wonderful film. The end is kind-of a let down but I like the part where...oh I can't tell don't want to give it away. The characters are well done. Famous actors, too. The politician, the main model is really beautiful, the street cleaner guy, the computer geeks...and they really do STO's(standard training operations)all the time like the cut-out geeks in the film. So all in all it's a quality film. The gadgets aren't all that realistic or anything but it's just a movie. I guess I'll go close the mini-blinds. Just kidding I'm not really paranoid from just watching it.
Rating:  Summary: "Another side of Will"!!!!!! Review: I am a Will Smith fan ,and I liked this movie very much because it kinda makes you wonder does the government really listen and eavesdrop on your every move like that for real. This movie wasn't all that original, but it still held my attention though.