Rating:  Summary: Just a teaser Review: This is typical Jerry Bruckheimer action movie fare - see Days of Thunder Pearl Harbor etc. Like the others you are trated to an opening few mintes of car action, followed by 90 minutes of actors shuffling around with not much muttering something about i gotta do this for my "brudder" and then a final fairly decent car chase. The thing is - unlike the original which is a much better and honest movie done on a show string budget, this one hypes with the promis of exotic cars at speand. Ferraris, Jaguars, Lambos etc. Know how fast you get to see a Lambo going? About 3mph as it backs up down a driveway. Know how fast you see the Jaguar 220 go? Who knows it looks like it was pushed into the camera fram by extras on the set - I don't even think the motor was running. Ferraris? the only time you see them is when the theifs enter a ware house - you never actullay see them driven. You never get to see any of the exotic cars driven. What you do see is a 68 mustang which is supposed to be a Shelby Mustang but who can tell after it was customized (butchered) for the movie.Want to see real cars in action? Le Mans with Steve McQueen, Grand Prix with James Garner, The Driver with Ryan O'Neil, The Fast and Furious, Ronin, Vanishing Point with Barry Newman, Dirty Mary and Crazy Larry with Peter Fonda, Bullitt with Steve McQueen, and last but not least the original Gone in 60 seconds, the same guy drives the car, directs the movie, produces the movie, heck I think he even wrote the music for the movie and he seriously hurt himself when he wraped the car around a street light pole - for real. The movie was shot out of sequense so they were able to finish it. He did another low budget called The Junkman - not as good but all the stuff in it is real as well. No computer generated effects in any of these - just real people driving real cars.
Rating:  Summary: Fast paced action flick. Review: Kip Raines agrees to steal 50 cars for Raymond Calitri but something goes wrong. Former car thief Randall "Memphis" Raines (Cage) agrees to save his brother's life by stealing the 50 cars. So he rounds up his old crew to help him finish the job. The star of the movie is Elinor...a 1967 Shelby Mustang GT 500 which happens to be the last car that they must steal. If you're a car fan, this would be the movie for you.
Rating:  Summary: Not too bad of a movie, but it had the wrong actors Review: The movie had a lot of poor choices when it came to casting. The main mistake was that Christopher Ecclestone (of Cracker fame) was cast as the bad guy, when he should have been cast as the main character instead of the "actor" Nicholas Cage. The only reason that the much more talented actor Ecclestone was cast as the bad character is because he is a British actor and Cage is an American "actor." If Ecclestone had been the main star this would have been a 5 star movie, but with Cage it only gets one star.
Rating:  Summary: More like 3 1/2 Review: I actually enjoyed this movie. Its a great ride! It has the perfect mixture of humor and fast cars. It is much more action oriented then similar car movies like the Fast and the Furious, but what would you expect from the great Jerry B. He is absolutely the king of action movies, ie. Top Gun and Amargeddon. Additionally, the movie host a score of top notch Oscar winning actors, and some fresh new faces. Overall it's a fast paced romp in the streets.
Rating:  Summary: People need to lighten up! Review: For all those people who knock this movie so badly, I have to ask. Why do you take this movie so seriously? Gone in 60 Seconds was not meant to be Oscar material. It was meant to be an exciting action movie with impressive stunts. Starring Nicolas Cage, Angelina Jolie, Giovanni Ribisi, Robert Duvall, Will Patton, the movie boasts an impressive cast that is underused. Still the movie is great at what it set out to do. The car chases are some of the best since Bullit. The plot is a simple one. Memphis Raines, a famous car booster, has to steal 50 exotic cars or else his kid brother(Giovanni Ribisi) will get taken out by a mob boss. It isn't the deepest plot but it works in this movies. Memphis(Nicolas Cage) puts together a team to help him steal the cars. Obviously the plan doesn't go perfectly as Memphis and crew run into rival boosters, police chasing after them, and the ever elusive "Eleanor," Memphis' unicorn. Gone in 60 Seconds is a fun movie to watch with good performances, exciting action sequences, and an awesome soundtrack. Sure the movie isn't great moviemaking but it succeeds at what it set out to do. The movie has its mistakes but anyone who goes through and makes a long list of them needs to lighten up. It is just a movie. The DVD is great with piles of extras that talk about the cast and the stunts.
Rating:  Summary: exciting and fast paced Review: This movie is about a car heist that goes awry. In the beginning we see a lot of action, and then it just builds up until the end of the movie, the climax. This movie features awesome cars, stunts, and story. It's about a retired car thief (Nicholas Cage plays the guy-named Memphis in the movie) who must return to car stealing to save his brother's life. What ensues is perhaps the best car movie I have ever seen. It was downright exciting and fast paced.
Rating:  Summary: If you like Cage and Cars... Review: The storyline is nothing spectacular. There's no twisting subplots or mystery. No heart-wrenching drama. Well, for car lovers seeing the Shelby destroyed may indeed be heart-wrenching. But if you're a fan of Nicholas Cage and like fast cars then this movie rocks! Costar Angelina Jolie certainly doesn't hurt the movie either.
Rating:  Summary: An O.K movie Review: This is the kind of movie that people see for the car chases. They might even go see it for the chicks or the VERY GOOD soundtrack(especially in the opening credits). They sure as heck don't see it for the acting.
Rating:  Summary: "The Ladies are dirty" Review: Memphis (Cage) is a retired car thife. He must steal 50 cars in 72 hours, or his brother gets killed. With that said, the movie is a good action flick with plenty of nice car chases. I don't get why people hate this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Awful Terrible Horrible Bad Stinks Review: It might occur to you that i didn't like this film a lot. What's happened here is called "completely missing the point." This is a remake for which there was even less need than there is for most remakes. The original film isn't much, and, in objective cinematic terms, it's not very good. Technical production values are abysmal, and the acting is worse. Despite that, the original succeeds admirably at what it set out to do -- wreck a lot of cars and show a clever crook Getting Away With It. And showcase some Incredible stunt driving -- the final stunt is unbelievable. And it's real. Right off the bat, the remake suffers because someone decided that the hero couldn't be Only In It For The Money, so we get the ridiculous plot gimmick of his being blackmailed back into crime after going straight. This one can work, but it takes a slight amount of intelligence to make it work. And that sin't on display here. Next mistake was to decide that the film needed a Plot. And a Love Interest. Only plot this story needs is "got to steal 'X' cars by Tuesday and we can't find one of them." Again -- for the money, not becuase he's nobly risking his own life and freedom to save his brother. Third mistake is introducing an Evial Villain. Not needed. Fourth mistake is making the hard-to-find car something exotic and rare; in the original film, the Mustang Mach One they were trying to find seemed to be, at the time, nearly as common as VW Beetles, and not being able to find one was a running gag. (I remember the period -- i didn't go a day without seeing one or two.) Fifth mistake is not using a real one, anyway. The car in the film is a fibreglass body which sort of resembles the GT500 it's supposed to be -- or rather, looks like what a GT500 would have looked like if the original designer had had the good taste to consult this film's art director. Sixth mistake is the fact that -- even if it were real -- the car isn't nearly original anymore, and anyone who specified a specific year of GT500 is going to want Original. The paint is nothing like the original, and it's fitted with a nitrous system -- putting something like that on a 427 side oiler in the degree of build-up that Ol' Shel and his gnomes put into the GT500 is inviting an under-hood explosion. Seventh Solecism is that, even if it looked real, and even if it looked original, the car either has Chrysler running gear under it, or the sound men used the sound of a Chrysler-powered vehicle (a number of people have identified the sound of the starter as being a Chizzler product.) Eigth Error is that they spend more time on their idiot plot than they do on the Chase. And that's exactly backward of what made the original film so good. And the chase they do sort of show is made up of isolated and un-connected stunts that don't gel together as a chase. And the Ninth and Biggest Horrible Thing is faking The Jump. Given the apparent location and setup of The Sort Of Jump in this film, i'm sure it either had to be wholly or partially faked with CGI or else was done with an empty car. In the original, Halicki himself actually rode that thing, jumping it high over four "wrecked" cars in the middle of the road. As we watch it in slow motion, we can see the whole body of the car flex and twist as it hits the ground, see the tires spinning and burning as he fights for control... In this "remake", we sort of see what's maybe a car fly through the air in a shot that really doesn't give us a very good view. Pass this up; watch the original. It's sad -- if they had done anything like a real remake, Cage would have been perfect for the part. Oh, well. At least the original is available.