Rating:  Summary: Mommy Beware! Disney's TTM is Not a Kid's Film! Review: I purchased this title because my 7-year old son is beginning to enjoy adventure films, and TTM is certainly a classic story. This Disney version is rated PG, so I figured there would probably be a few light-weight explicitives used in order to jack-up the rating. Wrong! I'm so glad I previewed this film first, because there is so much sexual innuendo and sensuality here, especially for a Disney film. In addition, Aramis (Charlie Sheen), is the gastliest character of the bunch because of his so-called "priestly" role! In one scene of note, Aramis shows little restraint as a young lady throws herself on him as he's quoting bible verses to her. He then backs-off for a moment, seemingly bringing some sense to a "steamy" situation. But that did'nt last more than a few seconds before a complete role-reversal takes place where he starts to lead the advance, all the while justifying it with pseudo-religious quotes.As a discerning parent, this is not the kind of film I want my kids to watch. How this film got a PG rating is beyond me!
Rating:  Summary: Heroic, funny and star-studded!!! Review: First of all; "All For Love" - the theme song (music video incl.) for the film, written by Bryan Adams, Michael Kamen (the film's composer) and Robert John "Mutt" Lange; and performed by Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart and Sting was a great tune for promoting this fantastic piece of film back in 1993!! As it went to #1 on the Billboard Charts back in Novemeber 1993, the film did very well on the box office. Which made sense... It's directed by legendary Stephen Herek, and stars ALL these great actors: Keifer Sutherland, Rebecca De Mornay, Chris O' Donnell, Oliver Platt, Tim Curry, Gabrielle Anwar, Julie Deply, Michael Wincott and Charlie Sheen. Great story, acting, cinematography, music. It's funny, heroic and a real old fashioned historical action/adventure only Hollywood can produce!! Enough said!
Rating:  Summary: My favorite musketeers movie Review: All right, let it be said. This movie has NOTHING to do with Dumas's novel. It isn't even close. There, now that that's out of the way, let me just say that this is a great film. It's done in typical Disney style, with an incredible cast that brings to life this classic tale with a lot of flare and some good, old-fashioned fun. The entire cast is great: the three Musketeers (Kiefer Sutherland, Oliver Platt, and Charlie Sheen) are hilarious, and the impetuous young D'Artagnan (Chris O'Donnell) proves the perfect complement to this already comic trio. Add Tim Curry and Michael Wincott as the bad guys and you've got yourself a comic, action-packed adventure that is sure to please the whole family.
Rating:  Summary: a fun and entertaining film Review: This film isn't very faithful to Dumas' novel. It strays pretty far from the story. The script completely butchered the characters of Athos and Milady. That being said, I enjoyed the film very much in spite of its deviation from the book. I did find it to be very true to the spirit of the book and the characters. I also loved the cast. I was skeptical about Charlie Sheen as Aramis, but I loved him in the role. Oliver Platt was perfect as Porthos. He increased my appreciation for the character. Chris O'Donnell was good as D'Artagnan. And I liked Keifer Sutherland and Rebecca DeMornay as Athos and Milady in spite of the fact that the characters were completely butchered by the script. The film was also funny and wasn't full of sex and violence. I recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Great Action with a few laughs Review: A musketeer wannabe challanges each of the Three Musketeers to a dual. After realizing who they are, the wamnabe joins the Three Musketeers to stop a plot against the King of France.The Three Musketters become the wannabe's mentors.
Rating:  Summary: ALL FOR ONE Review: ...I saw this movie when it first came out at the theater, and I've loved it ever since. This is a very light story with just enough action and adventure to keep the viewer interested, but at times it doesn't always have to follow the original story. You have the main characters and the plot, and there's some humor which you can't take this movie too seriously. And I personally feel that Chris O'Donnel did a great job ( at such a young age..., he doesn't ruin a film with his presence. He's a very good and aspiring young actor. He did a GREAT job (TWICE) of playing Robin in the last two BATMAN films. I mean really, if he was that bad do you think he'd be offered the part???)along with his coherts: Charlie Sheen, Oliver Platt and Kiefer Sutherland. The chemistry bwetween these actors were really great. TWO THUMBS UP!!!
Rating:  Summary: Best Movie Ever! Review: Even after all these years, after high school, college, working at Blockbuster for 5 years watching every movie ever, this is still my favorite movie hands down. I know it tends to be silly at times, I know it has little true cinematic value, but who cares! It has swords, great acting, larfs, and fun out the wazoo. "Come D'artagnan! We're saving the king!"
Rating:  Summary: I Know How You Love A Good Adventure Review: While not the most faithful of adaptions, this Disney version of the oft-filmed Dumas classic IS entertaining and surprisingly well-acted (except by O'Donnell, but we'll get to that in a minute). The object here was obviously to provide solid family entertainment based on a familar story, "Disneyfying" the darker aspects of the story and acted out by performers who were concious of the B nature of the production. However, no one seems to have informed Keifer Sutherland or Rebecca DeMornay of the jokiness of the project; they both turn in intense, startling performances that raise the quality of the film several notches above typical live-action Disney fare. Sutherland, in particular, deserves accolades: In my opnion he comes the closest of any actor ever to nailing the Athos of the book, and I am including the revered 1970's film version in this statement. Sutherland manages to be brooding, tortured, violent while simultaneaously letting the audience glimpse the vunerablity underneath the surface of the most interesting and complex of the Musketeers. DeMornay is his match in their few scenes together, while not the Lady DeWinter of the book (this DeWinter is ultimately remorseful) she has a strong presence and great chemistry with Sutherland. They make you believe in their long-buried love, and the final scene with them together is a thunderbolt. The rest of the cast ranges from good (Sheen, surprisingly) to adaquate (everyone else). The one exception is O'Donell; he is just plain bad. Why does he have a career? He can't act, is not fun to watch and not even very goodlooking. I wish he would stop ruining movies with his presence. If you don't mind O'Donell, you are almost sure to enjoy this movie, as he and the second rate production values are its only faults. All in all, a decent rendition of a remarkable book, and very entertaining for a wide range of people. And as for Sutherland, well, with his show "24" the world is finally taking note of what many of us saw in this film. He is something else.
Rating:  Summary: Pure Fun...A Great Buddy Film Review: Don't look at this wonderfully humorous movie as being unfaithful to the Dumas story, look at it as an entertaining and different version. Oliver Platt is hilarious, and the banter between the four musketeers is wonderful. It's like boys' night out with swords. Most books I like have been poorly transferred to film...this one has only been differently presented. There are several versions of this story available on film. I like all of them except the newest, Crouching Ninja Musketeer, but this Disney version is my favorite.
Rating:  Summary: The worst DVD transfer of all time! Review: I liked this movie on VHS. It is a no brainer. A way to pass an hour or so without trying to think to much into it. So when the DVD came out I bought it...Big Mistake. I now have the only DVD in a colection of over 400 which doubles as a frisby. The transfer in letterbox fomat is so bad, that some of the sword scenes look more like they are holding weapons from a 70's vido game, pixelated.... Don't buy this DVD it [bites].