Rating:  Summary: Die Another Day Not Up To Bond Standards Review: This movie did not live up to neither its pre-release billing nor the bar set by previous movies in the Bond Franchise. The plot was very thin (Where did this Killer Death Ray Satellite and the Q-Branch-esque bad-guy's Jag come from?), and the character development was non-existant. Most of the time we at the very least get a briefing on a bad-guy before Bond circumnavigates the world to whack him! The guys at MGM need to spend less on getting big name actors and spend more on the Director and Screen-Play. And one more thing... Bond surfing? PLEASE! My suggestion: Hang-10 to the nearest video peddler and rent a classic ("From Russia With Love", "Goldfinger", "You Only Live Twice", heck, even "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" is better!)
Rating:  Summary: Realism from a Bond film? Who wants that? Review: While it's true that some of the stuff that happens in Die Another Day is ridiculous and impossible, it really doesn't matter. It's an entertaining Bond film that puts Bond in a few situations we haven't seen before, and Pierce Brosnan owns the part now. Halle Berry, despite the hype, was merely so-so, and anyone who has seen X-Men knows that she can't deliver a one liner to save her life.They did go a bit overboard on the action (Great hovercraft assasination scene, completely ridiculous speeder escape, and don't even ask me about the finale), but they wanted to do something special for the franchise's 40th anniversary. I can't begrudge them their big explosions, even if several characters should have died multiple times throughout the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Best Bond Yet Review: I've loved Bond movies my whole life and I've seen every one. This one was no different. After sitting in the 3rd row in a huge theater on opening night, my head was spinning from all the action across the screen. There was more of every kind of action than on any Bond before. More lasers, more bad guys, more women, more guns, more cars (best Bond car yet), more gadgets, more explosions and more Bond. I was drooling from the sweetness of it. This is my favorite movie ever, not just my favorite Bond movie. I recommend this to anyone who has ever seen a movie.
Rating:  Summary: 21rst Century James Bond Review: I'd have to say this is one of the better James Bond movies. It felt very much like the older ones like "Goldfinger" and "OHMSS." I loved it and it kept me entertained through the whole movie.
Rating:  Summary: Die Another Day Review: Each new movie to the James Bond saga seems to exceed its precedent release. I won't waste time talking about the director's hard work and the amount of effort it took to take this movie to the big screen. Quite simply, this one's something you don't want to miss. Right from the start, the action kicks off with James infiltrating a North Korean military station. Deception, betrayal, action and the will to survive will soar in this movie and help send it sky rocketing to the top of the charts in the weeks after its release. As I've said, there is tons of action in this movie. Examples such as swordfights, fistfights with deadly lasers zigzagging every which way, high explosive, armored car duels on and in the ice and a final bout in an exploding plane miles above the ground are just some of what you can expect to see in this movie. The intro music video, featuring Madonna's "Die another Day," is probably the best yet where the girls are literally HOTTER than they've ever been. Don't forget the gadgets. During the movie, James gets his hands on devices such as his traditional laser watch, a high-frequency ring and a BMW that features a camouflage mode. After watching this, don't be surprised if you have the urge to buy a Norelco razor or a brand-new BMW(The advertising's everywhere, trust me. And the soundtrack's not bad either). Looking past this, however, you won't be disappointed in spending a couple of hours to go see this movie filled with suspense, action and witty remarks from the characters. Bond fan or not, if you like action mixed with a great plot, this one's for you and I promise you won't regret it.
Rating:  Summary: The Worst Bond Yet? - Die Another Day Review: With 19 other films under its belt I would of thought that the producers should of known better. Rather than making this film a gritty character peice - as promised to the fans - they opt to create a film in which they give us a great story set up, which goes on to develop into the largest mix of cheesy set and action peices that I have seen since Moonraker - with the acception of Batman & Robin. Computer graphics (poor ones at that) have now replaced creative stunt work, to give us overly elaborate and ultimatly boring action sequences, why don't they just brake down and make a CGI Bond movie? The two stars that I give this film are for nostalgia reasons - and for that for the first hour I thought that I was in for a fun Bond experience. The powers that be have forgotton that Bond fans hate Moonraker for a very good reason - I hope they realize their mistake, and redeliver.
Rating:  Summary: You Only Live Twice Review: I have been a Bond fan for a very long time. And out of the 20 films, I have seen 18. I have not seen the previous two films with Brosnan. But, I have never seen a Bond film I didn't like, that is until now. In just just this past year we have had our share of Bond imitators, "XXX", the popular "Austin Powers" film and "Undercover Brother". We have mostly pushed these films aside saying, yeah, maybe they're good, but, now we're going to see the way it SHOULD be done. Well, it looks the master is following the student. The James Bond films have alway had the same qualities that the title character has always had. They are suave movies, done with style. The Bond I remember was usually very slick. Now it's like Bond has been "dumbed down". The movie just doesn't hit the standard we have expected from the series. Another thing that bothered me was this idea to make Bond more modern. I remember in one movie they had him get married, in yet another they showed him cry, as started in "Goldeneye" his boss, "M" is now a womam. Probably a inside joke on his womanizing personality. But, I hate just about everything modern. And I hate when Hollywood gets one of it's of those "brilliant" ideas to make things modern. I don't want a modern James Bond. And in "Die Another Day" there are many "first". So, if your a true die-hard Bond fan, some of these things may offend you. Like for a quick example, remember the standard shot in the begining of all the Bond film when he shoots at the screen? Well, they've changed that. Now we see the bullet come at the screen. What a clever idea!!! I'm joking of course. What the heck was the point of that?! "Die Another Day" starts off with Bond in North Korea, in a diamond exchange for massive weapons. Then a big action sequence happens. And that leads to another problem. There are so many action scenes, that you have to ask yourself. What are they trying to prove here? They have managed to over-do everything in this film. But, anyway, Bond is captured and kept a prisoner for 14 months. And when released "M" (Judi Dench) informs Bond that there is a fear he is a traitor and was probably brainwashed. Now this all leads us back to those diamonds. And the diamonds lead Bond to a man named Gustav Graves (Toby Stephens). When Bond and him do meet, socially of course. It causes one of the oddest scenes to ever take place in a Bond film. A fencing match that goes way over the top. It's so campy. I'm not going to go into much more of the story. Because there's probably something "more important" Bond fans have on their minds. Namely, how does Halle Berry look?!! Well, now, keep in mind, I have not seen the last two Bond films. She is the worst Bond girl I've ever seen. And, here's why. She's just too aggressive. She isn't as sexy as other Bond girls. There's a spark missing. And perhaps that spark has been missing in the past two films. And perhaps the Bond girls in the past two films have been very agressive also. But, it's a change I don't like. Now, mind you, I'm not saying that the Bond girls must be dumb or stupid. But in the old movies, the used their body to their advantage. In this movie she uses her muscle to her advantage. There just seems to be a certain tradition with these movies, and they are slowly taken it away. Also against Berry is the fact she isn't given much to work with. As far as that sleek Bond beauty goes, I must admit, I prefer the villian Bond girl, Rosamund Pike, who they have even given a better Bond name to, Miranda Frost instead of Berry's Jinx. And almost every bit of dialogue she has is a double meaning sex reference. I now, we've come to expect those things in a Bond film, but, here, you can expect them to come swiftly along about every 3 minutes. "Die Another Day" just lacks style. As an action movie the average joe, who isn't much of a Bond fan but maybe likes action movies will enjoy it. Like I said, there are plenty of action scenes, just not enough brains. But, if you were to judge this movie as part of the Bond series, then there is no doubt, this is the weakest of them all. So after all I've said, should you go see it. Yeah right, like my opinion will stop you! If you like action movies, this will suite you just fine. If you thought movies like "XXX" were cool and rank among the greatest films you ever saw, you'll like "Die Another Day". I think one of the biggest insults this film will ever get came from my 12 year old cousin, who I took to see this movie. He likes James Bond, and he's 12 years old, so what does he know you think? What does he know about movies. Show him guns and cars, and Halle Berry and you can't go wrong, right? But nope, even he saw through this movie, and said it was the worst Bond film he saw. He even hated it more than me! ** 1\2 out of ***** Bottom-line: In an attempt to make Bond more modern all they have done is made the weakest Bond film to date! Too many action scenes & too many double meaning jokes instead of interesting conversation between the characters. Sloppy and campy. Not the way Bond should be.
Rating:  Summary: Bond lives to Die Another Day Review: This is the best Bond film ever! Pierce Brosnan did a great job as James Bond. This time Bond is captured when he is trying to assinate Colonel Moon. He spends fourteen months in a Korean prison. When he is traded off for Korean terrorist Zao. Once Bond returns realizing that he is on his own now. Traveling around the world hopeing to unmask a traitor. Soon realaing people aren't what they seen. If you see in movie this holiday season make sure it's Die Another Day!
Rating:  Summary: disappointed Bond fan here Review: I was looking forward to this, being a fan of the series, but I was extremely disappointed. The movie starts interestingly enough, with an interesting premise: Bond is suspected as a traitor. But it's all downhill from there, in my opinion. Maybe younger fans of the series will go for the techno-ish Madonna theme song, and the MTV (or Triple X?) influenced direction, but I didn't care for it. Other problems: some of the weakest double-entendre and quipping in the series -- Halle Berry's character even resorts to "Yo' mama!" at one point. Clever. Also the science (invisible car, virtual reality training, gene replacement machine) is the most unbelievably far-fetched in this series since the ridiculous Moonraker. And some of the special effects are bad -- really bad. There was almost a collective groan of disappointment in the theater where I saw it during a scene where Bond's vehicle went over a cliff -- the subsequent action sequence is as unconvincing. There is no big, memorable signature stunt in the movie, as many of the past movies have had. Too many elements seem borrowed from past movies, like, for instance, the space-weapon, which seems to have been taken straight from Diamonds are Forever. And how many times have we seen Bond trapped in a crashing airplane? The makers of this movie made intentional references to past Bond movies, including Dr. No, From Russia with Love, and You only live Twice, but they forgot to put anything original in. On the plus side, I still like Pierce Brosnan in the lead role, and the two main villains were pretty good. As to the ladies, I'll give the acting nod to the woman who played Ms. Frost over Berry, who was pretty one-dimensional. Overall, a pretty mediocre effort. Upon further reflection, I have to revise my opinion downward. There's really very little worthwhile here.
Rating:  Summary: Die Another Day; greate scapist fun Review: While not quite on the level of Goldfinger or From Russia With Love (the best of the Bonds) in terms of suspenseful plot, Die Another Day matches and exceeds them in other areas and is unquestionably the best of the Brosnin Bonds and better than the majority if not all of the Moore Bonds. The movie breaks a number of "established" Bond conventions in terms of the traditional formula to good advantage. Without giving too much away, the film very early on establishes that Bond is NOT 100% invincible by demonstrating very harsh repercussions he undergoes in fullfilling a mission. Nice touch as it immediately creates a sense for the jaded Bond fan that he or she is seeing something new, a feeling that carries itself through the rest of the movie. The villians are very good. Halle Bery is very good. The sets and settings are excellent in many many ways. The action sequences steal the show. They are beyond excellent. The producers looked up finally and realized that Bond films should lead the adventure movie genre in terms of action sequences, and that there is a . . . a lot more and far far better competition in this area than in the sixties or seventies. They pulled out all stops on this one to be the best and it shows. The action shots are not only spectacular, they are equally suspenseful and thrilling. If Die Another Day is typical of the new direction for Bond, we may well be seeing the best Bond movies since Connery's tenure!