Rating:  Summary: The World is not Enough Review: The World is not Enough is an okay film--lots of actions, Pierce Brosnan as Bond, and girls and gadgets. Maybe the story isn't as good as I hoped for, it's still a good film to watch. I am looking forwards to the next movie: Die Another Day ...
Rating:  Summary: Stupid Review: It's the only Bond movie that gave me a headache on the first viewing. Too meaningless and trite. I actually got sick of the heavy action sequences. Too uninvolving; the character development and script are not polished enough to make it a worthwhile viewing experience. It's also the only Bond movie that I can't remember the basics of the plot.
Rating:  Summary: Not enough. More than enough. Review: And you thought Roger Moore was naff. He had all the stiffness of an insurance salesman and about half the charm. James Bond is so unhip I'm surprised he doesn't wheel himself around on a trolley and bite the ankles of his enemy. A very dated figure when you put him up against 'The Matrix'. I use 'The Matrix' as a template for everything despite the fact I don't think it's a terribly good film. Bond shows a novel way of getting around the capitol's dire traffic congestion early on in the proceedings. If our present Mayor has his way then he won't get halfway down the street without stopping to pay a toll in the next one. Then after that he'll be stopped again to check his equity card for authenticity after this debacle. Double O severence pay is in order for this tired series. It's making me embarrassed to be British.
Rating:  Summary: This Movie is a Must-Have! Review: One of the best movies I've ever seen. It's one of those movies that are so exciting that you keep coming back to watch it again. All the acting was great, including pierce Brosnan. Go out and buy this movie when you have a chance! Hopefully we hear more about the 20th Bond movie, because I have high expectations. In my opinion, Pierce Brosnan is the best Bond actor since Sean Connery. I didn't care for Dalton much because he was too sensitive- he just wasn't the same Bond. Roger Moore was pretty good too, just that nearing the end he got a bit old for his role in the Bond Series.
Rating:  Summary: The World Is Not Enough Review: 2 stars ? yes. 1 for cinematography & the other is for the titlesong. as a whole the movie is bad. it is almost apparent that bond today is only bond because of what the very early bonds did good in the movies of back then. this movie is very shallow. bond is too busy trying to look cute on screen. i mean , he doesnt look at the camera right? but you can sense that he is very aware of it and or maybe the director says that ok you do this and do that but in between dont forget to look cute. oh god ! and also, the story jumps from this and that location like it was an armchair travelogue. i mean it doesnt have the serious feel of "thunderball" or "from russia with love" where a deadly serios mission has to be accomplished. bond looked good there but you know? - he wasnt so obvious trying to be - like he is now. and also i think they have to rethink their formula for writing bond stories and put more intensity into the plot. less visual - more cerebral please ! I repeat LESS VISUAL, MORE CEREBRAL. and i'm not an anti bond! in fact i have copies of most of the bond movies, but you know, you can only be dissapointed so much. and this is brosnan's worst bond! well, connery is really one of a kind! makes one think if he was in his prime today what he could do as Bond, James Bond.
Rating:  Summary: Very weak. Review: The World Is Not Enough isn't quite bad. It's just...bland. After the dizzying high of GoldenEye and a fairly strong showing in Tomorrow Never Dies (Jonathan Pryce's awful performance excluded), the franchise was looking on the up and up. The World Is Not Enough doesn't fulfill the expectations, however; a swirl of bad choices and too much style-over-substance make this the weakest Bond film since the Roger Moore days. Pierce Brosnan shows his weak spots as an actor in this film. The prospect of James Bond and M (dependable Judi Dench) being challenged in their moral stance is just rift with possibilities, but director Michael Apted was content with just scratching the surface of the dilemma; Brosnan, saddled with the character's guilt complex, is unable to surpass more than just a couple of puppy-dog guilty looks, and thus damages the character's credibility. Of course, Dench and Brosnan are not helped by an atypically erratic, shallow performance by Sophie Marceau. She is quite pretty and has shown ability in the past, but in this world, she flutters between screaming, hysterical weakling and icy, sadistic maneater with no conviction. It's not an easy mix to begin with, and Marceau just doesn't pass the mustard. Denise Richards is of course just a token pretty face in here, "Dr. Christmas Jones" easily the most laughable Bond girl in the last 20 years. When Apted tries to make us take her seriously, the ludicrous nature of the casting choice and script sink his intentions, and when he tries to bury her into the background, it merely points out that the character is window dressing. Robert Carlyle, thankfully, offers up some solace on the acting front, projecting a more human, wounded sensibility into his terrorist character. He, too, is relegated to the sidelines, inexplicably, in favour of the much weaker Marceau. After the pretty outrageous initial chase (where high hopes of Il Postino's Maria Grazia Cuchinotta becoming a Bond girl are dashed), the action sequences also fall low. The ending of The World Is Not Enough is an all-time low, a vacuous attempt at a hand-to-hand fight sequence sabotaged by bad staging and shooting. I sure hope the next Bond will pull the franchise back up, because this is one of Bond's weakest moments.
Rating:  Summary: 007, thank you. Review: James Bond gave secret service agents (from any country) a degree of elegance while revealing some of the secrets and lies necessary to get the job done right. Connery is 'the' James Bond, he created the screen image. Though other actors have taken on the roll, none have brought his quick wit, agility, and force with him as Pierce Brosnan did. Doing his own stuntwork was dangerous, but the reality was impeccable. This has one of the most astute plots to date. 5 stars
Rating:  Summary: Best of the Brosnan Bonds: Complex plot, complex characters. Review: THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH (TWINE) edges out GOLDENEYE by a narrow margin to claim the title of best Brosnan Bond, in my opinion. The plot is intriguing and Brosnan as Bond displays a little bit more complexity this time around. We get hints that Bond actually feels. Another plus is Sophie Marceau in what is probably the best Bond girl role. Her role has even more complexity and depth to it, and in my opinion, she makes this movie. The plot revolves around the murder of British Oil magnate Sir Robert King. Bond eventually begins to suspect that the tycoon was killed by a shadowy terrorist named Renard (Robert Carlyle) who kidnapped King's daughter, Elektra (Sophie Marceau) several years ago. At M's behest, King did not pay the ransom (due to the UK government's policy to not negotiate with terrorists). Elektra eventually managed to escape, and Renard wasn't heard from again. Until now. Fearing Renard is trying to exact revenge for the botched kidnapping, Bond travels to Elektra's side to protect her. But there is more to Elektra than meet's the eye.... And this is where the movie kicks into high gear. Bond finds himself in the middle of an attempt to steal a nuclear bomb from a decomissioned test site. The terrorists succeed, and nearly manage to kill Bond and one of the nuclear scientists at the site, Dr. Christmas Jones (Denise Richards, in a severely underrated performance). Suspecting the worst about Elektra and Renard, Bond teams up with Christmas and they race against time to foil a plot to destroy competing oil pipe-lines before it's too late. What separates TWINE from its predecessors is a marked complexity to the proceedings. No one is completely good or evil. Everyone is flawed and painted in shades of gray. Bond is better here than he's ever been in the hands of Brosnan. Sophie Marceau is simply terrific as the multi-layered Elektra. Renard is a little underutilized and underdeveloped, but Carlyle makes it work because of his skills. Denise Richards has caught a lot of flack for her performance. Even I thought she was miscast when I first saw this movie, but now I realize its because Sophie Marceau is so awesome as Elektra that any other Bond girl would suffer in comparison. Upon subsequent viewings, I've decided that Denise Richards really isn't so bad. Her introductory scenes are smartly played. She has a real sass in these scenes. She may appear too young, but hey this is a Bond movie. The real fault lies with the writers. As good as this story is, they should have filled out her role a little bit more. Denise Richards did what she could with the material, and I think has been the unfair target of critics. The writers should have let her defuse the bomb at the end of movie, allowing her to leave a stronger impression. Instead, it's Bond who saves the day again. But I guess that's the point. All in all, this a great Bond movie. Complex, surprising, with texture and depth. Let's hope DIE ANOTHER DAY is as good. And once more, Sophie Marceau is the best Bond girl. A close second, third, and fourth are Izabella Scorupco and Famke Janssen (Natalya Simonova and Xenia Onatopp, respectively,in GOLDENEYE) and Denise Richards as Dr. Christmas Jones (she really isn't that bad, folks).
Rating:  Summary: Sheer brilliance, 007. Sheer brilliance. Review: I was completely blown away with Pierce Brosnan's debut as 007 in 1995's Goldeneye, a film that I will always consider the best Bond flick. Here again, Brosnan delivers a flawless performance as MI6 agent James Bond, in the midst of an equally great performance from Sophie Marceau. Denise Richards, the beautiful and super-intelligent physicist Dr. Christmas Jones, was a bit on the side of poor acting, but delivered a tangible character nonetheless. The movie's villain was probably the Bond lab's most creative work ever, and he was extremely believable and maniacal. The plot was strong, with lots of great action (not the mindless running around of Tomorrow Never Dies), and the set was stunning. I recommend this to anyone as the second best 007 adventure yet, second only (and by a very slim margin) to Goldeneye.
Rating:  Summary: The best thing about this movie is the theme song . Review: To me , this is one of the most surprising box office successes of the year 2000 . Why and how on earth have this movie hit the screen in the first place bits me , and only seeing it yourself will make you realize just how bad it is . As usual in these cases I shall do my best to convince you about the true nature of this movie , and help you to come to the pass over decision . Upon seeing this Bond flick , soon enough would you come to terms with the fact that this film belongs to the "has no standing ability whatsoever" category . The plot is one of the weakest , stupidest and most embarrassing the silver screen has suffered from the Bond's series . As an avid Bond's fan I do claim to be , I had to digest confusing nets of conspiracies on top of conspiracies, which are interweaved together on account of vague reasons of revenge , spite , power and greed . I feel like there is no point in even trying to track down the main occurrences and actions since they are generally puzzling , on occasions disconnected , and frustrating even to the most welcoming and patient viewer . This time it is not my opinion alone , since I share the same feelings with a bunch of guys that had seen the movie and became completely numb in the end . The feeling was so common that we just looked at each other with no expression on our faces and immediately continued to another movie to erase and forget the disappointment and rage . Nevertheless , to hit the main problem , it seems the main action scenes were designed to meet the hunger for pyrotechnics of the special effects division , and not the plot's ones . Unfortunately , these needs were taken to the extreme and left no room for real movie . In other words , the viewer gets the impression that someone had thought first of the way and style the fights and battles would have to be conducted , the landscape and the places in which they are going to take place , the High-Tech gadgets that would participate , and then , only then , built a framework story . It does not work . I know people also expect these kind of things from a Bond's release , but you will have to believe me the outcome has crossed the line this time . This motion picture is almost a complete joke and disgraces the entire series . Even if considered as an attempt to be a farce about the Bond's series (which is a declared farce on spy movies in the first place , and sometimes a good one) it fails inclusively in almost each and every aspect you can think of : script , acting , logical sequence , dialogue and even in the love scenes . But you'd have to remember , of course , that the special effects are a bomb ... Do yourself a favor and let this one go unwatched , you are not missing anything .