Rating:  Summary: Bond Fans Are Not Disappointed Review: Any time you view a Bond film, there are certain expectations to be met along with new twists, villains, plots and people. Bond must always be suave, well-tailored, intelligent, aloof yet charming, sexy yet capable of holding his own in a fight against evil - not to mention new toys and secret weapons. This movie is entertaining in a true Bond-fashion and I watch it repeatedly. Pierce Brosnan is a great choice for the James Bond of this generation. My only criticism would be that with all the physical requirements of Bond's "job", Pierce should beef up a bit. Otherwise, this movie, as with all Bond films (sans Timothy Dalton) are satisfying.
Rating:  Summary: Movie of the Year Review: This is the best bond movie to come out besides "Die Another Day." "The World Is Not Enough" is the most Bond in my opinion of any of them. It's not quite as good as Die Another Day, but is right up there. I think it should get an award for something. I highly reccomend this movie to anyone who does or doesn't like bond. If you don't like Bond already, this movie will make you buy every movie in the series. *****
Rating:  Summary: Brosnan's 3rd Review: Ok. This is not Brosnans worst bond. If u want to see which is his worst, look at my review on DAD. Ok, the action is great, the story is great. But I had to give one of Brosnans movies 3rd place and this one just happend to get it. Brosnan looks and feels like he is 007. He is settled down in the role. My FAVORITE bond girl in Sophie Marceau. SHE IS SO GORGIOUS. And one of the few leading bond girls that isent a bimbo or a whining dumb blond. Renard is a cool villin. Just not the best, but DEFINITLY not the worst. This movie establishes Brosnans Bond as a human being. Bond gets hurt and is more vunerable then ever before. I just have one little complaint about this movie that gives it only 4 stars. And that is Denise Richards. Wrongly casted. She is only eye candy. Other then that, Great Bond Movie, and a must have.
Rating:  Summary: After all, Bond is Just plain Cool Review: After a somewhat confusing entry with "Tomarrow Never Dies," this Bond film goes back to basics: Bond is trying to stop a notorious terrorist and one of his former kidnap victim from taking over the world's oil supply by nuking Istanbul. Once again, we get solid action, this time from new director Michael Apted, who shows us a rousing airboat chase in the siberian mountains and Bond and one of his new squeezes racing down an oil pipe to outrun a bomb ready to blow them to noting than ashes. It all seems formulaic, but who the hell cares? Pierce bronsnan is the best Bond since Sean Connery and they are enough plot twists and surprises to keep it all going. One thing I especially like about this film, is the way they go back to Goldeneye and reprise the role of Valentine. With all other Bond films, they seem to forget the last film and just go on; so that was a nice touch. One last reason why I consider this one of the better Bond films, is because they show a scenario that really could happen. Oil is getting more scarce nowadays and people may exploit that to make boatloads of cash for themselves, which is what the villians do here. Unlike most Bond films, this one is utterly believeable.
Rating:  Summary: Actually, it's quite enough! Review: Messily directed, over-produced and over-long 007 flick has Bond protecting the beautiful Elektra King, the daughter of a petroleun magnate who was killed by the villainous Renard, a terrorist planning the massive destruction of a oil pipeline. After saving Elektra's life-and becoming romantically involved with her as well-Bond's subsequent investigation leads him to suspect she may not be as innocent as she appears. After surviving a series of standard hair-raising action set-pieces, including an air-born buzzsaw attack that is both exciting and ridiculous(and typically over-long), Bond finds his mission even more complicated when M (Judi Dench) stupidily gets herself kidnapped. This is the most unacceptable portion of the film. M, whom should be wiser than all the Double O's put together, should never had fallen for such an obvoius ploy. With the aid of a sexy, busty nuclear physicist played by Denise Richards (the less said about her performance the better)007 goes forward and eventually saves the day. The weakest film in the Brosnan era to date, nevertheless has many strong points to offer. Brosnan is good and Robert Carlyle does well with his underwritten part as the villain who feels no pain because of a bullet lodged in his brain. Most Bond adversaries would gleefully relish this but Renard spends much of the film moping about how he can't feel love. Also good is Sophia Marceau the central figure of the movie, who's not quite what she seems. Robbie Coltrane makes a welcomed return although his character has nothing really to do. John Cleese joins the series as the new Q, replacing the much beloved Desmond Llewelyn, who sadly died shortly after this film was released.
Rating:  Summary: A Poor entry into the NEW BOND ERA Review: After Goldeneye, which was fabulous , which had some crazy locations (Cuba), unpredictable scenarios (motorcycle jump off a ledge and manning a crashing plane, army tank chase down streets of St. Petersburg), and plenty of hot chicks. Tomorrow Never Dies was a better action flick, but not necessarily a better movie. But then after watching 2 adrenaline pumping bond movies of the 90's, we get this watered down excuse for a bond movie. Bond is supposed to have exotic locations? (instanbul (i think), ireland, england, and someplace in those crazy chekoslavakian places. none of those places are cool. Infact, the whole movie looks like it takes place in the same ... place every minute of it. There is nothing kewl about this movie, after watching the tank chase through st. petersburg, the intense motorcycle chase through china, i said to myself, that was awesome. Now, after every action sequence, im just going, what just happened? In the 3rd main action scene, which pits bond against renard for the first time in a dark little nuclear silo place, i was watching pure .... In tomorrow never dies and goldeneye, bond was Rambo, he was better with a machine gun in those movies, then he was in bed. In this movie, he sprays about 1000+ bullets from his gun, and manages to hit 2 people. and the ski chase?, how many times will we see this guy being chased by henchman, in a snowy valley on skee's? too many times.
Rating:  Summary: Great Bond film breathes new life into the series Review: I thought I'd never say this, but Pierce Brosnan is about the best Bond since the very young Sean Connery (slurp, drool.) This Bond film is really about the best I've seen so far. It delivers what we all expect from Bond films-action and plenty of it, gadgets, intricate plot, one bad girl and one good Bond girl. The Bond girl here is Denise Richards (Starship Troopers) who works as an unlikely atomic physicist in shorts and tee shirt (think Lara Croft) and has an even more unlikely name "Christmas Jones." She is outshone, however, by lovely Sophie Marceau as Electra King, poor little rich girl gone bad. In fact, what makes this film so great is that the supporting cast is so excellent. Lead bad guy Renard is well played by Robert Carlyle, Judy Dench makes an admirable (if somewhat stupid) M, and we get to see Desmond Llewlyn as "Q" one last time. The direction by Michael Apted is tight. The film never falters. The stunts are spectacular, including an opening boat chase on the Thames that makes you appreciate the art of stunt filming without the assist of CGI graphics. The predictable helicopter makes its appearance, but with a real twist-dragging some kind of tree-trimming sawblades that do amazing things to buildings. The only quibble I have is that the villain --a man who feels no pain is a ridiculous concept. There are people who feel no pain, and they end up pretty much incapacitated, not to mention that a bullet even brushing the medulla oblongata stops your breathing . Too unbelievable and really, the lack of pain part was not even needed for the script. Dumb. The DVD surround sound quality was distinct. The extras include scenes of "how we did this" material that can be brought up as an option-nice for subsequent viewings.
Rating:  Summary: Reintroduces some depth to the Bond franchise Review: Pierce Brosnan's first two Bond films were frothy fun. According to director Michael Apted, Brosnan went into this film with the desire to look further inside the character of 007. Scriptwriters Purvis and Wade delivered and the result is one of the finest films in the 40 year old series. Brosnan seizes the character of Bond and makes it his own in this picture. No longer a comical superhero, this Bond gets injured, feels pain, and becomes emotionally involved in the mission. His feelings betray him and he is left to salvage the situation to the best of his abilities. "This time it's personal" has become a Hollywood cliche but it really is true for Bond this time around. Not only is the central character given more depth and complexity, but many of the supporting roles are well written and superbly acted. Special mention must be made of Sophie Marceau's performance as Elektra and Robert Carlyle as Renard, a villain who shows real pathos but never truly elicits the audience's full sympathy due to his horrific crimes. Of course, being a Bond film, it also has plenty of humor and outrageous action-oriented set pieces. And I could have done without the ridiculous character Christmas Jones (she alone prevents this film from earning a full 5 stars from me). But at least this time the dialogue in the movie really serves to advance both the characters and the plot rather than being just window dressing. Excellent stuff.
Rating:  Summary: Brosnan's worst Bond film so far Review: When Pierce Brosnan came and did Goldeneye,it was excellent.A great Bond film.Then he Tomorrow Never Dies which was also great but not as good as Goldeneye and he actually looked like James Bond.Then,we have this.TWINE.Yeah,he looked like James Bond in this one,but the movie was terrible after the beginning credits. The gun barrel pre-credit part was the best part of the whole movie.The boat chase was spectacular,I loved it.Then after the credits everything goes downhill.The plot was bounced around like a basketball.It didn't stay with one thing the whole time. Acting wise was terrible.Only person that played it good was Q and maybe Brosnan but everyone else was terrible.Denise Richards really bombed on this one.She just didn't give the attention her character deserved. Villain was pretty [weak].A guy that feels no pain.Wonderful,what else are you gonna come up with next?Superman?Elektra King was pretty rediciulous and at times very annoying. Gadgets were and the car was awesome as always.The cars always seem to be great in every Bond film.X-Ray glasses were pretty cool.Although all the gadgets were cool,this was Desmond Llewlyn's last time at playing "Q".I think John Cleese will be god though.He looks like he could play a good Q The main thing on the whole movie is the villain Renard who steals oil to launch a huge missile and cause tons of disasters.They also try to tie in Bond protecting Elektra from Renard and trying to find out who killed her father.Thats 3 things you gotta focus on,which should be narrowed down to 1 or 2. Overall,this movie was [weak]for the James Bond films.Hopefully,Die Another Day will be better.
Rating:  Summary: The World Is Not Enough-Bond Is Back Review: The World Is Not Enough, is Pierce Brosnan's latest Bond action flick. He's deadly, sophisticated and cunning. Also starring, Sophie Marceau, Denise Richards, Robert Carlyle, Robbie Coltrane, John Clesse and Dame Judi Dench as M. John Cleese is the new gadget creator, who is replacing Desmond Llelwyen's role as Q, who unfortunately passed away in 1999. As for Pierce Brosnan, he's not the best type of Bond, but's he decent for the role and I honestly enjoy him as 007. Unfortunately he's only doing one more Bond film, named Die Another Day coming out on November 22, 2002. Denise Richards is the new gorgeous Bond girl, named Christmas Jones, she's a nuclear physicist, much more actually. She's talented, clever and somewhat interested and aroused by Bond. She assists him later on. The plot of the film is simple and is encumbered with neat action sequences, including a boat chase on the Thames River in Bilbao, Spain. The film's plot is essentially a good girl who has manipulated and tricked Bond into helping her and yet blaming someone else for the death of her father, when yet she is the real criminal and villan. From here we get other more action. The World Is Not Enough is rated PG-13 for Intense Sequences of Action Violence, Some Sexuality and Innuendo. An acceptalbe choice for preteens, though the older Bond films starring beloved Sean Connery and Roger Moore are much more appealing and enjoyable. The new Bond films are neat but are more about action and violence to be more accurate. As while to older ones had neater and more provocative gadgets and tools. Well there might be a new Bond, but he's still got the same type of personality. ... but anyway of you must see this new Bond installment in the series go ahead, the 19th to be precise. See it if you must.