Rating:  Summary: Yawn Review: I'm a Bond fan - but this movie was a bore.
Rating:  Summary: an excellent bond movie, a good movie Review: TWINE is one of the best Bond films out there. Pierce Brosnon one of the best Bonds. (Roger Moore the best!) But there is something about this film that sets it apart from all the other Bonds. maybe its the fact that its Desmond Illiewen's last performance as Q. As R stepped in, you could not help but to feel a valuable asset to the Bond franchise was being lost. Q provided the comic relief with his often hilarious laboratory scenes and playful disgustedness of Bonds style. Not only did the Bond franchise lose a valuable asset, but the world lost a good man when he died in that tragic accident. maybe its different because it has mmore action than most of the other Bonds. its also more sexually oriented (man, that last line makes the whole movie) with Christmas Jones and Electra King. The male villian is also interesting, a man who can fell no pain and can push himself harder than anybody. As a non-Bond film, it would have been average to good. but as a bond film it ruled and will be viewed many times by me and many other people.
Rating:  Summary: Brosnan- the Phantom Menace to Bond Review: In my opinion the only good bond films are, "The Living Daylights", "A View To A Kill," and "On Her Majesty's Secret Service." All of them shared the same basic elements consisting of good acting, interesting plots, pretty women (that aren't trashy looking like Denise Richards), and the best theme songs ever. Sheryll Crow did the "This World is not Enough" theme and boy was that crap! Also, a final note about A View to a Kill- Christopher Walken and Grace Jones are absolutely positevely the most entertaining villians of the whole Bond franchise. Pierce Brosnan, hmm... where do i start? He's dull, he's a bad actor (why else would a guy star in a television show in the early 80's, but then with his swave looks never become a big movie star until as late as 1995- obviously because he has zero acting skills), he doesn't have any wit (or at least the writing is horrible), he has a lame temper, and worst of all he doesn't have a British accent! He sounds like a Texan working in English intelligence. Two thumbs down to the idiot casting director.
Rating:  Summary: The world's just fine Review: Finally pre- cold war Bond-film with great tune and even better cast. Of course, Pierce Brosnan can't win when copared to Sean Connery, but in spite of wonderful cast, he's better than Roger Moore. Robert Carlyle, Robbie Coltrane and Judi Dench cant help it: Brosnan looks like an extra when compared to them. Denise Richards and Sophie Marceau are like Brosnan: you can barely tell them from the backround. Good actors and good theme make this the best Bond of Brosnan (no thanks to Brosnan himself!). p.s. John Cleese makes a wonderful cameo as R. I'm glad he will be the one to replace Desmond Llewellyn (may he rest in peace).
Rating:  Summary: The World is not enough DVD Review: I was recently lucky enough to obtain an advance copy of the region 1 disc in England. I have been told the two main differeces between my copy and the U.k release will simply be a different graphical interface. The dvd is chocked full of special features, the best one however is a feature similar to that of Tomorrow Never Dies storyboard, however this time around you can opt to stop the action when a special symbol is displayed (007) and watch how that stunt etc was created- Fantastic. The quality of picture is excellent, I saw the premiere here in London, and the picture quality on my desktop p.c is sharp well detailed and clean. The sound however is where the disc really excels. The boat sequence in particular picks up every splash and bullet. Forget the Matrix, this dvd is the new showcase by which all other dvd releases will be judged.
Rating:  Summary: A Terrific Start, But a Predictable Finish Review: "The World Is Not Enough" had the potential to be one of the best Bonds. It has Pierce Brosnan in solid form, a terrific pre-credit chase sequence, and two of finest 007 villains in years. Unfortunately, the film suffers from a weak Bond heroine (who has absolutely no chemistry with Brosnan) and a predictable, claustrophobic climax that we've seen many times before. As with "Tomorrow Never Dies," the 007 formula undermines the film's potential. It wouldn't hurt if the Bond producers took a few risks or came up with some original ideas. Despite its obvious flaws, "The World Is Not Enough" is diverting escapism and superior to any of the Roger Moore efforts.
Rating:  Summary: Top drawer Bond all the way Review: THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH may just be the best Bond film since FOR YOUR EYES ONLY back in 1981. Pierce Brosnan has settled into the roll as if born to it (he may have been), they've attracted a real A-list director in the dependable Michael Apted, and the producers have finally gotten a script that balances the action against really involving characters just like old times. As well, special mention needs to be made of David Arnold's excellent score. Not since John Barry bowed out with 1987's THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS has 007 had such wonderful musical accompaniment (though his music for TOMORROW NEVER DIES wasn't shabby). Good show. One caveat: At the risk of beating a dead horse, the producers' one (thankfully not fatal) mistep was in casting Denise Richards. The girl's a mannequin -- beautiful, physically perfect, and totally lifeless. Couldn't they think of ANYONE else? Jeez. Just imagine what Catherine Zeta Jones could have done with the part. Pardon me while I step out. I need a cold shower...
Rating:  Summary: In Memory of "Q" Review: It's amazing that 007's franchise is still going strong after all these years despite that the plot hardly changes & the female characters still retain those funny names. This movie is all about perfectly choreographed action scenes, plenty of sex, drinks (the immortal phrase, shaken but not stirred), dry English joke. In summary, this is a VERY macho movie. Under the guidance of the director, Michael Apted who's more well-known directing dramas, Pierce Brosnan is given the opportunity to play a more wholesome human character. James Bond is always potrayed as this super-spy who's able to save the world in the nick of time but never are we shown his lonely side. He's this man who's so good in his job that his heart has been turned stone cold. I couldn't agree more with other fellow reviewers that Denise Richards is too pretty, too busty, too leggy, too Californian to be this nuclear scientist. But Sophie Marceau, she's Sexy in capital letter. I wish the movie could concentrate more in expanding the character of James Bond's nemesis in the movie, who's devoid of any feelings. David Caryle, who played Frank McCourt's father in Angela's Ashes would be more than able to up to his job. Overall, a commendable movie but could have been better.
Rating:  Summary: God Bless This Movie Review: "Goldeneye" was great. "Tomorrow Never Dies" was good. "The World Is Not Enough" was excellent. Pierce Brosnan, no matter what cranky critics say, is a fantastic Bond, who is sort of like a melting pot of the past actor's best attributes. Connery's vicious edge, Moore's amusing wit, and Dalton's brutality. Another thing that makes Brosnan a keeper is that, like Connery and Moore, he has fun with Bond. Dalton and Lazenby made the mistake of taking this as a serious acting job. It isn't. TWINE does have a great script which is understandable (I guess a lot of people who complained just weren't attentive, since very few modern movies require that.) Renard may have been a lame bad guy, but Carlisle did play him well and believably - isn't that all that counts? Denise Richards, however laughable she was as Christmas Jones, did well with her material. And, the way I look at it, she wasn't evne the main Bond woman this time around. Sophie Marceau is perhaps one of the sexiest Bond women ever to grace the silver screen. There was no doubt that she was the perfect choice for Elektra King, playing the good-girl gone bad to a tee. I hope she is more visible in future years.
Rating:  Summary: It's 007, Bond, James Bond, Mr. Bang Bang Thank You Ma'am! Review: Well lets see from the previews I viewed it appeared bloody brilliant just watching it proved to be a fact. Now, could a beautiful lady be 007 weaknes this time around? This is 007 as we never seen before because it is personal we see a different side to Mr. Bang Bang Thank You Ma'am for the first-time we see him fall in love, & it just has something for everyone! Watching this one is like watching James Bond for the very first time the martini shakin' not stirred & all that good spy stuff that we have come to cherish so much through the years.