Rating:  Summary: Caligula Meets Spartacus Review: First the bad...What surprised me the most was how poor the computer animation was in places; and how poorly conceived some of it was: the dream sequences were really asinine. In many ways, I thought it more like a Caligula style move than Spartacus, except with a restrained Nineties-ethic. The incestuous undertones were emphasized, but the only over the top depictions in this film were violence. Grisly gory displays of wounds, amputations, decapitations. People cut in half, gored, spitted, spiked, crushed. The Good: The script tried to make the villain somewhat ambiguous: if only the noble old emperor Marcus Aurelius had loved his bad-boy son a little more, this all could have been avoided. Maybe? Well, he was too villanous to really maintain the ambiguity. You couldn't feel sorry for the guy. But the main reason why this film works is the story, and Russel Crowe's terrific depiction of the iron-man soldier, the last great warrior in the Roman Empire. "Glory and Honor!" There is no sound history behind the story: in many ways the Roman army had already deteriorated by Marcus Aurelius' time. In other ways it still had two good centuries of strength to look forward to. Marcus Aurelius' time was neither the ascendancy of empire (the court scenes, and the depictions of the military suggest that), but nor was it the beginning of the end (as the narrative implies). It was the beginning of a time of transition from a semi-professional, highly effective military motivated by expansion and the promise of land ownership to a fully professional, less effective military motivated only by money. But setting aside history, Gladiator evokes the breadth of the empire, the idea of Rome, and builds a very compelling myth around the dishonored hero. As a story of male heroism, this is right up there with Spartacus. It's really, really fun. Especially if you like blood.
Rating:  Summary: Rome is an idea, a dream, a whisper...yeah right! Review: The bloody battle scenes are fantastic and are alone worth the ticket price. The acting is overall good; Russell Crowe is very good. But in the end, as a movie, Gladiator is a failure. The story is boring and predictable. The dialogues are corny and oh so politically correct. The computer-generated scenery is overbearing and looks horribly fake. If I have to see any more shots of the "setting sun," "moving clouds," or "fields of wheat," I will have to throw up. Ridley Scott is confusing cuteness and technique with art. Finally, for the people who dare say that Gladiator has anything to do with History, go back to school.
Rating:  Summary: hopefully this movie will not be overlooked at oscar time... Review: before i saw gladiator, i had the opportunity of seeing the colosseum in rome, italy... i remember when i saw the colosseum i was amazed on how huge and tall it was... and when we entered the colosseum, it really was an amazing sight. then about three weeks later, i went to see this movie gladiator. when i saw the colosseum scenes, i was really amazed to see what it would of looked back in the acient times... and the whole movie was great to watch.. russel crowe is an amazing actor and you can definately see his talent in this movie.. i even hope that he would get an oscar recognition from gladiator.. even though there were violent scenes that i found hard to watch, it is an excellent movie.
Rating:  Summary: Gladiator Review: This movie is a perfect example of what Hollywood can do with a excellent lead man and a great director. The movie Gladiator is the best movie I have seen in years and possibly the best i've ever seen. The storyline and beautiful scenery will capture you and hold you for the duration. The soundtrack is also second to none and veteran actors Richard Harris and Oliver Reed only add to the richness of this epic. A must see.
Rating:  Summary: Unbelievable! Review: I can't remember the time both my girlfriend and I walked out of the cinema saying "superb". What a great film, casting, acting, effects, story all excellent. The effects are just superb, but in creating reality rather than fantasy. The gore is quite horrific at times and I can't believe the UK rating of 15, but hey, that doesn't bother me. From the visual recreation of ancient Rome to the gruesome fight scenes, the effects are incredible but look so real. But this is not just a boy's action movie, there's enough in all departments for all to enjoy. And, thank heavens, the film resists the temptation to slip into cheesy American cliches. I had no idea who directed it but when watching was thinking it HAD to be a British director and sure enough Ridley Scott. Had Speilberg or Lucas done it then I'm sure the Stars & Strips would have got in somewhere or America would have somehow taken credit for Roman civilisation. Only 2 (very minor) criticisms; although the soundtrack is good, it lacked a memorably moving score such as in Last of the Mohicans, Deer Hunter or Once Upon a Time in America and I think Commodus was not enough of an Iago, a young Alan Rickman would have been far more evil. Go and see it, and buy it on DVD as soon as it comes out - I will.
Rating:  Summary: An Awesome movie! Review: Wow! From beginning to end, Gladiator kept me on the edge of my seat. Great plot, and a good job showing how powerful Rome was. The battle scenes were incredible. It was interesting to see what a Gladiator's life was like. Russell Crowe should get an Oscar for this.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent movie Review: This was an excellent movie. It is true that the plot seems slow moving at times, but the special effects are incredible, and it was cool to see a portrayal of a primitive, yet complex society. Pros: •This movie rocks •Excellent fight scenes Cons: •Not enough blood •The plot was slow and the dialogue was minimal Even though the dialogue was lacking, my favorite part is where Commodus says, "It vexes me. I'm terribly vexed."
Rating:  Summary: Gladiator is a Triumph Review: I have seen this film 9 times already and be sure I am going again tomorrow. Crowe (The Insider) continues to keep getting better and better, truely Oscar worthy in this film. Ridley Scott (Legend)has brought a grace and dignity back to the film industry. This movie is the best of Braveheart and 13th Warrior. Filmed in Malta, Italy, Morocco, and England, it can boast to some of the most breathtaking cinematography as well as an epic story with a hero for all ages. And don't let Jaoquin Phoenix (To Die For) who plays the tragic and melodramatic young emperor go unnoticed. While you may not like the character, there is something appealing about a villan played well. Connie Neilsen is simply put, a goddess. Oliver Reed, Djimon Hounsou (forgive spelling) and Richard Harris (Patriot Games) all give marvellous supporting characters. This film is alive.
Rating:  Summary: Give the people what they want. Review: Blockbuster Recipe: 1 cup cheese 1 cup heroism 1/2 cup incest 3 cups intense action 2 cups bad acting 2 1/2 cups evil 5 cups blood 1 teaspoon of wit 1/4 teaspoon origionality mix and let simmer serving size: Just about every suburban American enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Only 3 words about the movie: OH MY GOD. Review: Finally a movie that really rocks. A movie that makes you feel "strength and honor" when you leave the theatre. 100% tetosterone. Definitively, a new classic. Expect to see cool Russell Crowe in your next action hero blockbuster. Fortunately!!