Rating:  Summary: youre kidding me! Review: I had high hoped for this movie, because i am a casual dare-devil fan/ guess what, i hated pretty much every minute of it. the acting was awefull, they chose the worst villians to put in, and elektra shouldnt have been there at all (its not called daredevil and freinds!)! the CG's were OK, but the action was kind of lame. i'd MUCH rather be watching a '60's low budget kung fu movie than this.
Rating:  Summary: Worst comic book adaptation ever? Review: Maybe not the worst ever, but definitely close. How they could have such a huge budget for this film and accept such a horrible story is beyond me.I've been a pretty big comic book fan for 20 years. While I never got into Daredevil too much, he made numerous guest appearances in my favorite comics, and I was looking forward to this film. Yes, it's a comic book movie, but the level of camp in this film was unreal. There must have been hundreds of cheesy lines in almost every line of dialog during this film, you'd almost think Arnold Schwarzenegger wrote the screenplay. Add to that the ridiculous amount of blind jokes and it was painful to sit through. Okay, Daredevil is blind, and yet has insanely high perception in his other senses, we get it. No need to show endless shots of him doing amazing things with his other senses to hammer this into our skulls. Bullseye has perfect aim and can hit anything he wants to, we get it, no need to show 20 scenes of him using this skill either. This film takes "ridiculousness" to a new level. Daredevil is human. Unlike Spider-Man, he has no genetic mutations. He simply has heightened senses from being blind. The story never proclaims he has anything other than human abilities either. However, there are literally hundreds of stunts that Daredevil does that are humanly impossible, I don't care how great he can here, there is no way he can jump 50 feet in the air, or vault off a 50 story building and land on a fire escape and not break his legs. This guy could give Spider-Man a run for his money for all the advantages they gave him. By letting Daredevil achieve insane stunts, it creates no sense of weakness for him. You are never left feeling like there is a battle this guy can't win, which is a mistake in film making. Daredevil can scale a 20 foot wall, yet he gets stabbed in the shoulder and that knocks him out for half the film? He can't summon the energy to help out Elektra, his love, yet right after that he can make his way a couple miles across town and get involved in the fight of his life?! This film is FILLED with inconsistencies, mistakes, and just absurd events that would require a complete suspension of belief reality in order to enjoy this film. I expect comic book movies to take some license, but this film makes "Armageddon" look like it was taken straight from the film vaults at NASA. And with all of this absurdity, there is no way to enjoy this film as a campy popcorn movie. I would consider "Tomb-Raider" a masterpiece in comparison. Perhaps the biggest flaw with this film is the CGI. For a recent movie, this is some of the worst CGI effects I have ever seen. None of it looked realistic. I can't think of a single special effect that I would believe. Remember that scene in Spider Man where Toby Maguire gets his new powers and starts jumping 50 feet in the air from roof to roof? Imagine an entire movie of that. They may as well have left the blue screens and wires in. At least Mark Steven Johnson admits on his commentary that the CGI is crap. Did I mention that Bullseye (with a horrible performance by Colin Farrell) actually cuts someone's throat with a playing card in this film and kills a man by throwing a paper-clip into his neck?! That being said, if you like this film, the DVD is loaded with bonus features. The audio and video come across very well, and the featurettes are fairly well done. This DVD has everything you could want if you're a fan of the film.
Rating:  Summary: This is my favorite movie ever Review: This movie defines me as a person. I am recovering from a crippling inferiority complex and relate to the inferiority of the hero's eyesight. Every day before going to my job, I watch this movie. It enables me to battle the evil people who work at my fast food restaurant. Everyone can relate to this movie and draw something from it. I own twelve copies of this DVD. I am always afraid I will break one or someone will steal it (I live in a really dangerous city). I suggest watching it. Obsess with it if you will.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Movie! Review: This turned out to be a very entertaining movie.Ben Affleck is the star of this movie in the role of Daredevil and Matt Murdock. He is blinded as a 12 year old.He develops radar like vision and super reflexes and abilities.In adult life he becomes an attorney and also becomes superhero Daredevil.He fights to obtain justice.He meets a girl named Elektra(played by Jennifer Garner).He father is ordered killed by the Kingpin(played by Michael Clark Duncan0.He gets hired killer Bukk's Eye(played by Colin Farrell)to do the deed.Elektra attempts to avenge her father by doing battle with Bull's Eye.She loses and the vengance is left to Daredevil.He does battle with both Bull's Eye and the Kingpin.This is an exciting movie that you will enjoy watching. Buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Better than I expected Review: I first saw this movie out of one corner of my eye, while flying from Seattle to Houston. What I saw left me unimpressed, and disinclined to buy the DVD. I caught it on cable the other night, though, and I've got to say that despite the film's many flaws, I enjoyed watching it. The flaws: The first thing that struck me as silly was the scene where Daredevil and Elektra fight in a playground. Well, the silly thing was that it was Matt Murdock (sans disguise) and Elektra fighting. I couldn't help but think the man has no clue about what it takes to preserve a secret identity. I also felt that the daredevil costume was poorly tailored. The mask didn't look right, and the rest of it seemed to bunch up in weird places. It was distracting. Also, while the action was well choreographed and often creatively shot, the director (or somebody) didn't know when a move or a stance looks right. When I see Jennifer Garner fight on "Alias", she's totally convincing, but here, both she and been Affleck often seemed to be off balance or moving awkwardly. Better direction or editing could have fixed that. Oh, and the dialogue was kind of weak all around. That's actually pretty forgivable for a comic book movie, but I don't like that it was bad enough to notice. The good stuff: The plot wasn't bad at all, and Ben Affleck did a pretty decent job with the substandard dialogue. The visual style of the film worked pretty well, and the special effects were solid. The action choreography and cinematography were solid, too. Plus, hey, it's got Jennifer Garner... That's almost enough to make up for any flaws. Overall, I'd have to say I enjoyed the film despite its weak points, and was pleasantly surprised, given all the bad things I'd seen and heard about it.
Rating:  Summary: not bad Review: I was expecting crap, but this is decent. The actors are good in their roles and there's plenty of action and lots of good moments. The CGI sucks so you've been warned. Affleck played a comic book artist in Chasing Amy so I thought it was interesting to see him as a comic book hero. Affleck wants Kevin Smith to work on the sequel and it'd be cool if Smith wrote it, but I guess we'll have to see. I wont hold my breath, but it's a good idea.
Rating:  Summary: enjoyable Review: I agree with the three and a half star rating Daredevil is getting. It's not an awful movie like some say, but not quite five star material which is okay by me. They tried too hard to put WAAAY too much from the comics into one movie, but Ive seen movies where they left far too much out and I applaud the makers of Daredevil for trying to put as much into it as they could. It's never boring! I guess the playground scene would also have to be cut to make this a slightly better movie, but as unrealistic as it is I still like the playful mating dance between Elektra and Matt Murdock/Daredevil in that scene. The movie soundtrack is great. Bullseye and Kingpin are a little different, but no less cool than in the comic. All the pieces don't fit quite right, but the director and writer deserves credit for giving it his best shot. I've watched Daredevil more than once and it's a good action movie and the DVD is filled with groovy extras so it's a worthy purchase.
Rating:  Summary: sad, but in a good way Review: I am not a comic book person so when my room-mate rented Daredevil I almost didn't watch it, but I did and the love story was so much better than I thought at first. I didn't even think there would really be one. I liked it, but I can't believe how sad everything turned out. There's a hint that things aren't as bad as they seem so that's helpful I guess, but I still want a happy ending. Ben and Jen...Garner not the other one...are cute together and make a great couple. If only all comicbook movies were like this. I rate this 3 1/2 stars because I want a happier ending so make a sequel already.
Rating:  Summary: In defense of Jen Garner Review: I'm both a Jen Garner and Elektra fan and Im very pleased with Elektra in this movie. Ben, Colin, and Michael Clark Duncan are all great in this movie too, and it's not easy for me to admit that Ben is great in this although dammit he is, but Jen Garner is a favorite of mine and is wonderful as Elektra. The humorous and sexy way they worked Elektra's fighting skills into the story early on in the film, before she officially becomes Elektra Assassin, is sexy and fun. One reviewer missed the whole point of the playground/foreplay fight, but I enjoyed it. Keep scratching your head in confusion buddy. Those who got it know, it's a fun way to show Elektra's fighting prowess and the compatibility between Elektra and Matt. It's not realism, but as Frank Miller might say it's superhero sex and the whole vibe of the scene is fun. As for negative comments about Ms Garner's wardrobe I think she looks great and not that different from her comic character or the way she has looked on Alias. Ms Garner is sexy, strong, smart and talented and so is Elektra so she's a great choice for the role.
Rating:  Summary: Mediocre... Review: This movie came out about the same time that the other comic book movies came out, but compared to them this was a mediocre movie. It was very superficial, no real story or no interesting scenes. It was pretty much a standard Hollywood type action adventure combo lacking the depth of a good story line and character creation.