Rating:  Summary: Don't expect the comic book Review: I used to be a big Daredevil comic book fan. I probably have books ranging over a period of 10 years, though there are some sparse stretches in there. I haven't read it in the last few years. If this movie is any indication as to where Daredevil has gone, I'm glad I didn't waste my money on the comics.In the books, Matt Murdock is a highly-capable, blind lawyer who, much like Clark Kent, is a humble individual. In the movie, he's cocky, volatile and a show-off with his super-normal abilities. In the books, he's almost flawless in his Daredevil guise. In the movie, he's flawed in virtually every aspect, not just demonstrated through his on-screen antics, but by the scars that cover his body. Makes you wonder how he's survived. In the books, he's not afraid of commitment and has had several romantic involvements. In the movie, he apparently just keeps moving between one-night stands. Never even had a girl over to his place. In the books, as with most Marvel characters developed in the 60's, he uses violence only to bring criminals to justice. In the movie, he is judge and juror and uses violence to execute the criminals. In short, Daredevil and Spiderman were always sort of cut from the same cloth. But the characters portrayed in the two recent movies couldn't be more different. Now, had this been a Punisher movie or some other comic character, I would've found it quite entertaining. But as a Daredevil movie, it was very disappointing because it had almost nothing in common with the Daredevil I remember.
Rating:  Summary: stop making sense Review: There are those who gripe that Daredevil isn't realistic. So? There are those who complain that it's not suitable for pre-teens. The box says it's rated PG-13 folks. Some compare Daredevil to other super-hero movies and sound like little girls on the play-ground battling over how Power Puff Girls is better than Kim Possible. What's next a tirade about how Clash of the Titans bastardizes Greek mythology and rips off Star Wars? Duh. I think this is a very entertaining DVD set. Nothing more and nothing less.
Rating:  Summary: MAKES YOU WISH YOU WERE BLIND Review: I don't want to waste time faulting every dumb thing in this movie. The costume were OK, the photography fine, even the first quarter of the film was watchable but once Aflecs character starts matching the girl Electra's moves in the play ground it takes a turn down stupid street and never comes back. That scene is laughable and sets you up for the equally ridiculous Bullseye sequences. The character looks like a shlemiel with that insignia on his forhead and acts like a two legged chihuahua. His dispatching of a bartender by hurling paperclips into his throat is mind bogglingly idiotic. I don't even want to know why the Elektra character decides that before she goes out to find her fathers assassin she must first change into leather haute couture. Lucky for us she's somehow got Ninja Turtle grade skills with those two extreme daggers. Her brutal killing including a shot of the knife blade lifting away her halter back is tasteless and gratuitous. Characters leap and wall ride just like all the twisting leaping ones we've already seen a hundred times before them. Bullseye falls off a building onto a car and - you guessed it -survives (because a car can break your fall?) The cast is weak all around. The script wouldn't even make a good comic book. Don't see this on the strength of SPIDERMAN. That was a fun movie that built on itself scene to scene. This 80 million dollar work of art falls in on itself instead. The only thing I can imagine being worse is a DVD released with extra material. I saw this rubbish because I wanted to preview it for my son. Like most of the product being churned out today it is totally unsuitable for preteens.
Rating:  Summary: very good cast and characters Review: Exquisite characters and actors abound in this super-hero flick. Farrell steals the show as villians often do in movies. As Bullseye he is one of the very best comic book movie villans of all time. Jen Garner is electrifying and Michael Duncan brings menace and even humanity to the Kingpin. Duncan's Kingpin is a villan, but a human one which makes him more intriguing than most comic book movie villans. Just what made this guy what he is? Ben Affleck nails the lead role perfectly and shows he can be darker than I ever suspected. As for the supporting cast, Joe Favreau is excellent as Foggy, and it's nice to see Joe Patliano as Ben Urich. Patliano plays the role with great integrity. David Keith is thoroughly believable as Daredevil's dad, and Derrick O'Connor does very well as a priest. I like the performances and the characterizations in this film a great deal. There are a lot of realistic touches in the performances and the writing that are more human than what I've seen in most super-hero movies. Extremely cartoony moments are plentiful, but the movie is also very human at times and that's something I really appreciate about Daredevil.
Rating:  Summary: BLINDER Review: the first two batman movies were really good. the third one was passable. Batman and Robin...? if that movie had been made like Daredevil, we could have all been spared a lot pain and disappointment. first off, the casting is spot on, especially Colin Farrell and Michael Clarke Duncan in the bad guy roles. Ben Affleck plays the Daredevil character well and makes a decent fist of the action, though he is at times outdone by Jennifer Garner. The fight scenes are well choreographed, taking a few tips from the Matrix, and the special effects are good. The main thing is the story. if the people behind the last Batman movie had gone for a simple revenge story like this, the movie could have been a lot better. my reason for constantly comparing this to Batman is that the only main problem with Daredevil is it strives way too much to be "Marvel Comics Batman" with the rain soaked look, the moral conundrum about good and bad and the secret room with costumes and weapons. it doesn't stop it from being one of the best comic book movies of the past two years (definitely on a par with Spider Man) but you can't help but feel the memory of the Batman movies gnawing at the back of your mind.
Rating:  Summary: Dreadful Review: Probably the worst comic-to-film adaptation in a long, long time. The good news is that Jenifer Garner is well-cast as Electra. Also, the costume is a well-designed version of the comic book uniform. The bad news is pretty much everything else. Ben Affleck is a badly miscast as the lead. It plays against his strengths as a cocksure young man. Worse, it exposes his weakness when playing introspective. Also, he and Garner have about zero chemistry. That is a liability when their romance is so critical to the plot. Neither Colin Farrel, not Michael Clark Duncan, are exactly scary as the villans. Jack Nicholson set the bar fairly high as the Joker, but these characters fail to acheive the more modest menace Willem Dafoe projected from behind that piece of plastic in "Spider-Man". The action is very poorly staged and the adapted plot does not have much in the way fo suspense. Like a lot of folks, I read the Frank Miller originals and they were much, much better. My sense is that the film-makers were too devoted to the source material to really adapt it. They tried to simply transpose it from one medium to another. In my opinion, it was a massive failure.
Rating:  Summary: daredevil rocks! Review: we really need a director's cut of this thing, but based on just what we got here we got ourselves a damn good time. jen is hot, ben is a zillion times better than he coulda been, bullseye and kingpin are two of the best villians in the history of comic movies, blood and grit, plus lots and lots of camp. what a combo. incoherent yes, but fun from start to finish.
Rating:  Summary: see it Review: this a step down from x men and spider man but its still good. tis could have been ten time as more better if they have had added about 20 minutes but for now this will do. good fun super hero fun
Rating:  Summary: uneven Review: Not a great movie and not an awful one. Part of the problem is that they tried to make Daredevil a typical popcorn special effects movie and at the same time have it all be different from typical popcorn special effects movies. The guy who said Daredevil has no weaknesses missed all the pain pills Daredevil takes plus he yanks his own shattered tooth out. No other super-hero in a movie is quite this vulnerable, but they have him doing all kinds of comic book stuff and it's an odd contrast. Daredevil tries to do too much too fast, but it's entertaining and I liked the real side of him. With the glut of super-hero movies it was nice to see one who bleeds and feels and is a little more raw than most.
Rating:  Summary: Not for those who lack an imagination Review: Daredevil is a fun DVD. Not realistic, but fun. Radioactivity heightens Matt Murdock's senses and reflexes so he can do all kinds of amazing things. Silly, but entertaining. Some like to believe that Spiderman's powers are more real, and maybe they are a bit more "believable" sort of, but would a human really be able to leap several feet leap up in the air and do amazing flips and things just because he got bit by a spider? Hell no. Is it remotely credible? No way. Sure it's a radioactive spider, but it's still impossible folks. Don't forget the impossible wall climbing because of little spider hairs on his fingers too, AND the giant spider webs that shoot out of his wrists, AND the idea that the the spider bite gave him super-human strength too, AND that time slows down around him, AND he can see things before they happen.... All of this stuff is impossible and even dumb, but fun. The X-men don't really make any sense either although the whole "they were just born that way" excuse for all kinds of impossible powers always makes me smile. Daredevil is an entertaining DVD which will require a flight of fancy and a sense of humor. This isn't Remains Of The Day, or The Hours and non-"Tekkies" who can lighten up will probably like Daredevil more than those who pick apart comic book movies for being incredible. Most of it is impossible and absurd, but comic's are impossible and absurd. Lighten up, settle in, and have fun.