Rating:  Summary: Dare Devil Review: A better movie than Spider-Man, and yet Dare Devil is blind!!
Rating:  Summary: With great potential can come great disaster... Review: I went to see Daredevil, hoping that it would capture and repeat some of the magic of last year's Spider-Man. However, instead of getting Spider-Man one and a half, this movie is more like a fractional Spider-Man, one-half. The movie suffers from fitful direction and an absolute lack of pacing. It's enough to make one wonder if it is simply the result of poor editing or if for lack of time there was not enough suitable material to make a complete film. It could be both. Unfortunately, all I know is Daredevil fails to make a meaningful whole out of the sum of its many, promising parts. Eager to make a quick buck, it seems the studio pushed an unfinished script into production to capitalize on the last couple of years' successful comic book adaptations. Don't let that ill-gained dollar be yours.What is truly unfortunate is that the concept is not devoid of potential. But the story is unfinished and the resulting performances show it. Mark Steven Johnson's participation as both a screenwriter and the director, means that a great part of the blame could be attributable to him. Despite his reported passion for the material, and with the exception of the scenes covering the origins of Daredevil, there is almost no attempt made to make any emotional connection to the characters whatsoever. Notable actors such as Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner and Michael Clarke Duncan are all ill-used in this charade. From their delivery of the clichéd dialogue, it doesn't even sound like the actors in this film know what they are supposed to be doing. With the Daredevil material having been around for so long, and with any number of potential story lines, it seems the director simply failed in successfully choosing a concept and fleshing it out as a complete story for the audience. So what we are left with is a group of shallow characters, poorly shot fight scenes, and perhaps the the laziest film adaptation possible from such an existing, richly imagined world. This is not to say that the movie is without its moments. The special effects are decent, if derivative, but not up to the standards of similar films in the same genre. Fortunately the world of Daredevil is a dark one and so the audience doesn't get much of a chance to see the visual shortcomings. I imagine most of the effects shots won't stand up so well under DVD-viewing scrutiny. Jon Favreau and Joe "Joey Pants" Pantoliano both do a great job. But the best moments in the film are reserved for the entirely over the top performance of Colin Farrell as the villainous Bullseye. But even he is not enough to salvage this misbegotten project from the over-abundance of unimaginative, uninspired dialogue. Which brings me to a word of warning. Daredevil is a violent film and I would not suggest it for small children. The brand of vigilantism that the protagonist practices results in a body count only exceeded in violence by the villains. Ultimately, there is nothing so obvious here as the fact that a better script and director could not have made this a much better film. But Johnson seems at a loss as director to control the action whether shooting the typical fight sequences or the typical on-screen romance between Garner's Elektra and Affleck's Murdock. Even the soundtrack fails to make this film a more meaningful, cohesive whole. Never, besides 'The Phantom Menace', have I left a movie feeling so unfulfilled. What escapes my comprehension is how Spider-Man was done so right when the conceptually similar Daredevil went so terribly wrong. I rarely write reviews, but I feel I would be doing the general public a disservice if I did not express the lack of craftsmanship represented by this film. I'm sure this film will do well at the box-office. I even suspect there will be a sequel in the works, but as it stands, Daredevil leaves the viewer seeing the characters just like they would appear in their source material comic books: flat, two-dimensional, and derived from wood.
Rating:  Summary: One man can take Justice, and make a Diffrence. Review: I am very impressed. One of the story lines that make's you wish that you could be the hero. Have the skills and qualitys they do, the "fearless" mind set that have no matter what. DareDevil portrayed By Ben A. played well with the visaud of the character. His dark and troubled mind clearly showed through the characters eyes. I strongly earge you to watch this film, if you are a Marvel Comics fan.
Rating:  Summary: This Movie ROCKS! Review: I really, really enjoyed this movie. It is about a guy named Matt Murdock, and he is a laywer. By day, of course. He is the super hero Dardevil, and he is played by Ben Affleck. I saw this movie for my birthday party, and I just loved it. My favorite character was Elektra (played by Jennifer Garner), because she was so cool! Her cool Sais did the trick, probably. This movie definitely deserves a sequel, because of the cool ending. I'm not going to spoil it though! Also, when I saw it, I just thought Bullseye was so cool, and so mean! Dardevil's costume wasn't the greatest, but it wasn't the worst either. Elektra had an awesome costume. I liked the action and the comedy!
Rating:  Summary: A darker superhero movie... Review: Last Summer's Spider-Man reeled in mass amounts of dollars for Marvel, and that's not where it stops. More movies are coming out, and the most recent one is Daredevil. Not as mainstream to non-comic fans as Spider-Man and Batman (more than likely because DD never had his own show), Daredevil is a very dark comic movie, unlike X-Men and Spider-Man, but like the original Batman and Spawn. Now, I am NOT an Affleck fan. I don't have anything aganist him, but I'm not a fan, and I wasn't as excited about this movie as I was for X-Men and Spider-Man, because I'm not used to Daredevil (for reasons suggested above), and because Ben Affleck. He seems like the last person to do Daredevil. Let's just hope Seann William Scott isn't really The Hulk... Now the story, even though I'm not sure how true it is to the original comic: 12-year old Matt Murdoc lives with his pro-boxer father in Hell's Kitchen. Well, one day Matt takes a short cut through a chemical site, and sees his dad harassing a man. In a state of confusion and anger, Matt runs off, and is blinded by a chemical spilled out of a can into his eyes. But, frm his blindness, gains super-human powers to his remaining senses. His dad is killed later by Kingpin, the man who seemingly runs all crime in New York. He vows to keep the city safe for the rest of his life, and becomes Daredevil. Now, in Daredevil there are two main villians: the highly entertaining Bullseye (who dies way too soon), and a black Kingpin, who I can remember from an appearence in a Spider-Man cartoon. I reccomend this if you are just looking for a good action movie, or are a comic book nut, or if you're overly obsessed with Ben Affleck. And there's a cameo with Kevin "Silent Bob" Smith in here as well...
Rating:  Summary: Nothing new here Review: We have seen it all before. I gave this movie a second star because some of the effects were cool, but the organization and character development get zero stars. I found it difficult to care about the main characters. The back-story is dumped into the beginning of the film like a frozen bit in a hamburger. I feel there was a great story hidden somewhere in this mess, but it just didn't make it to the screen.
Rating:  Summary: A Fairly Faithful Daredevil Adventure Review: For us who are "Daredevil" enthusiasts, I am sure there will be much debate as to the films re-telling of Daredevil's orgins. Regardless, in essence, this movie stays pretty true to the Daredevil mythos. Johnson's movie explores Matt Murdock's (Daredevil) tortured soul as he fights for the oppressed by day as the lawyer Murdock, and at night by Hell Kitchen's savior, Daredevil. Johnson's strength is that he jumbles most of the major Daredevil characters (Kingpin, Electra, Foggy, Urich, and Bullseye) without loosing sight of the central character - Daredevil. The Batman movies missed this important step in developing the four Warner Movies. Johnson does this masterfully, as he brings the comic book to life. Secondly, Johnson could have taken the easy way out, and not bring up Matt's religious struggel between being a good Catholic and living in the realities of this world. Johnson handles this well by interweeving Matt's faith and struggel without being preachy. He struck a great balance. All the actors pull their parts off and Afflect, who has the hardest part in selling Daredevil, does a good job. Especially well acted is Michael Clarke Duncan portraying the Kingpin. Further, Foggey is played perfectly. The action/fight scences are also very well done. Johnson's familarity with the martial arts shows and it is another superhero movie that excells in this area (the fights are far superior to the Batman, X-Men, Spawn,and Spiderman movies, only Blade rivals the movie in this area). Daredevil has always been my second favoriate hero (Batman is first), but this movie is superior to the Batman films as the plot and charcters are handled extremely well. See DAREDEVIL the Movie, even if you are not a comic book fan, this movie is downright entertaining.
Rating:  Summary: I "Dare" You To Enjoy This Movie! Review: To be honest I'm getting a little sick of these comic book movies, and the worst part is my friends don't care so I'm constantly being dragged to see these bad movies. If movies like "X-Men", "Spider-Man", & "Daredevil" had been released 10-12 years ago I would be having a blast at the movies, but that's not the case. And I'm not interested in comics anymore, and I don't remember the story-lines concerning the characters. One of the many reasons I didn't like "Spider-Man" was because I didn't feel Toby Maguire was a good choice for the lead. I don't think of him as a heroic leading man type, Affleck on the other hand is liked by the ladies so he stands more of a chance at pulling off the role despite the fact he has no talent as an actor. And in all honestly I could of liked this movie more than "Spider-Man" or "X-Men", but, here's why I didn't. First of all Affleck seems a bit to smug to me in this movie. He acts too much like a know it all. I didn't like his interruptation of the character. My second problem acting wise has to do with the "Bullseye" character played by Colin Farrell. A person I think has been OVER-used in Hollywood in just a short amount of time. Already in the past year has has appeared in "Minority Report" (Which is a good movie) and "The Recruit" (Another good movie) but here he plays "Bullseye" like a vilgilante gang member. Not at all what I was expecting this character to be like. I pictured the character to clearly be evil a little disturbed, but, smart, slick, sneaky and sly as a fox. Colin Farrell plays him like yes he's evil, insane, and a biker. Totally a wrong choice. But who's to blame? Farrell or the director? Also, I can't understand why Michael Clarke Duncan was chosen in his part. It all seemed wrong. I did some reading when I went home about the daredevil character. I read my old marvel comic trading cards and read that daredevil and Elektra (played by Jennifer Garner) meet while in college. Which doesn't happen in this movie. I also never read anything about daredevil's dad being a boxing, but, that may just be my fault. Going back to Garner though, she just isn't given a good role. Infact no one really is well written in this movie. And Garner doesn't really make the character believeable. I have one question for everyone, this was never explained in the movie, why does "Daredevil" sleep in water? That confused me. For those who liked "Spider-Man" and "X-Men" I really doubt you'll be coming out of "Daredevil" enjoying it. It's a film I think so far, is one of the worst of the year (and I'm sure that opinion will stick). Bottom-line: A silly poorly written comic book movie that didn't seem to bring it's characters to life, the way "Spider-Man" did. We really don't believe in what we're seeing. A missed chance at what could of been a good movie.
Rating:  Summary: Daredevil is one of the greatest Review: When i first saw a preview for daredevil i thought it was just like any other superhero story, and then when it came out and some of the critics didnt like it, i was like oh jeez this is going to be a bad movie, but i was mistakin. When i saw daredevil a couple of nights ago i was totally shocked at how great of a movie it is. its got a wonderful story line, and it really makes you think of how hard it would be to be blind. i am so happy i went to see daredevil and i cant wait for it to come out on video, because it is one of my most favorite movies of all time!
Rating:  Summary: Good; Unexpectedly Review: Having grown up in the time when DD first came out, I had doubts the film could do the comics justice. Ben A just did not come across as being the right one for the part. I was wrong; the movie actually inserted the emotional factor which can't be garnered from just reading. If you're a DD fan, you'll love it; if not, you'll still like it.