Rating:  Summary: Not Your Friendly Neighborhood Super Hero Movie¿ Review: "Daredevil" brings to the big screen Marvel's Red-Suited Horned protector of New York's Hell's Kitchen. Action and FX enthusiasts will be pleased with this flick and fans of the comic books, despite a few discrepancies from the comics, should also be pleased with Hollywood's rendering of their hero.THE STORY: As a child Matt Murdock is blinded in an accident. After losing his sight his other four remaining senses become razor sharp and he acquires a type of "radar sense" that helps him "see" his surroundings. (All of which are awesomely depicted in the film!!) After his father's murder Matt grows up with a strong sense of getting justice on the evildoers in the world. He grows up as the dichotomy of justice, working as a lawyer by day as attorney Matt Murdock, and by night as the costumed Man Without Fear, the vigilante Daredevil, who seeks to obtain justice from those who sometimes slips through the legal system's cracks. THE FILM: Many will naturally compare this film to Horn-Head's (more popular) colleague Spider-Man. Matched against Spider-Man, action and comic fans will be equally pleased with Daredevil. The story in this movie is infinitely darker than with Spider-Man (Daredevil is actually better compared to his DC rival Batman) but the action and effects are (arguably) perhaps superior to the Spider-Man film. THE COOL THINGS: The depictions of Daredevil's "Radar Sense" are just way cool and the action scenes with Elektra and Bullseye are among the best anywhere. The filmography of the movie was also awesome. One of the coolest scenes was actually the opening credits which featured the New York skyline morphing into Braille which then morphed to the cast and crew names. Nice touch!!! As a fan of the comic I was very pleased with the portrayals of the characters. The scriptwriters did a nice job of capturing the dichotomy of the Matt Murdock character and the pure sinisterness of the Kingpin and Bullseye characters as well as the troubled soul of the Elektra character. Hats off to the cast and crew for putting together a fine movie. NITPICKING: The big obvious flaw to the movie was the casting of the Kingpin character. Any Marvel fan can quickly tell you that the Kingpin was a huge White guy and not a huge Black guy. In the end though, this detail becomes minor as Michael Clarke Duncan did a SUPERB job with the role. BEST SCENES: 1. Matt's duel with Elektra 2. ANYTHING with Bullseye (his scenes stole the show, hilarious as well as action packed) 3. Matt and Elektra in the rain (something about superheroes, women and rain huh?) 4. Anything with the "Radar Sense" THE VERDICT: The Jury says you should definitely check out this flick whether you're an action fan, comic fan or just a movie fan in general. Highly Recommended
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie! Review: I Loved This movie! I thought it had a great cast and great story, though the ending bothered me alittle. If you enjoyed spiderman you'll love this. Very good movie definitely one of my favorites!
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly bad! Review: OK. I'm not a comic reader, so I do not know much of a story behind these characters. Thus I do not have much to say about this movie from that perspective. However I can tell a bad film from a good one. And this one was pretty bad. First of all, nothing in this movie lasts long enough for anyone to enjoy it. Longest part of the movie is a fight between DD and Bullseye and it lasts about 1-½ minutes. I don't know what the rush was, but every scene of this movie was over before I had a chance to get into it. Second, these days with all the technology available one would think that visual effects would have been better. It was not all-together bad, but difference between computer-generated character and a real person is just too obvious and fight scenes are pretty .... Third, filmmakers seem to concentrate on DD's inability (or ability) to see little too much. For the most part we all see everything the way DD does. And although visually it was pretty cool, there was no reason why we had to watch half the movie as if we were blind. .... All and all, I do not recommend rushing to theaters to see it. There are much more superior movies based on comics we can watch, Spider-man, X-man, Batman.
Rating:  Summary: Worst Movie... Ever Review: I really tried to be open minded about this one. Upon hearing that Ben "Media Baby Of The Year" Affleck was to star in the title role and Colin "Flavor Of The Week" Ferril as a main bad guy, I was sure I would never see this. But then I remembered how pleasantly surprised I was with Toby McGuire's role as Spiderman - another actor who I previously never thought much of. So I gave Daredevil a shot. Unfortunately once you get past the pretty cool looking intro of the film, it's all downhill. I was upset because they really could have done something good with this... The acting was so bad it's beyond words, the plot... was there one?, and the characters were anything but convincing. Bullseye has to be the single most inane villain ever to hit the big screen. And the cheese factor was literally unbearable. The puns were so over the top that it was almost sickening ... Much like the Battlefield Earth film (with John Travolta) or Resident Evil, this movie is SO bad that you almost have to see it just to experience. It's almost like going on a ride that you know will make you sick.
Rating:  Summary: He's not the bad guy, just an avenger for good. Review: History has a way of repeating itself. This film sets out to avenge the death of his father as the blind lawyer. Your whole life flushes before your eyes when you die even if you are blind. But he doesn't die. He is a man without fear but not without hope. You can kill a man without fear by putting fear into him, according to Kingpin. Colin Ferrell was absolutely spectacular as the bad guy, Bulls-eye. Dare Devil becomes a super human conductor -- faster than a speeding bullet. His bionic eyes makes things beautiful beyond belief -- the red rose makes quite a statement for ethics. His red leather outfit sets the mood of this movie. Don't miss the light at the end of the tunnel. He proves he is not the bad guy. Based on a comic strip, a woman heroine has to be present. Electra takes out her grief on punching bags. She is the equal to DD but must perish to no avail. The rats in the sewer lend a nice little touch. The combat between the two among the hanging laundry on the rooftop ends with "Remember me, I'm the one who loves you." Knoxville's David Keith played the fighter Jack (the Devil) Murdock; his father was an extra. He now teaches college students to act in his homemade movies and is dabbling in politics. The final conflict among the organ pipes prove to be something else. The beautiful stained glass window in the church shatters as the Kingpin meets his demise. All ends well when the daring young reporter deletes his discovery of the Dare Devil's identity and he lives on to right more rights and fight more fights.
Rating:  Summary: Truth Or Dare Review: Daredevil is yet another comic book hero that takes a crack at movie stardom. Created by Stan Lee and Bill Everett in 1964, for Marvel Comics, the film adaptation ends up as a mixed effort at best. At the age of 12, young Matt Murdock (Scott Terra) is left blinded by dangerous chemicals, while running away from a the scene of a crime, in Hell's Kitchen New York. Soon after, he realizes that the same chemicals that took his sight, have somehow enhanced his remaining senses and made him superhuman. As Matt grows up. he vows to use his powers to fight crime and bring order to Hell's Kitchen...Now an adult Matt (Ben Affleck) is a defense lawyer by day and the masked Daredevil by night...Our hero is being hunted by a ruthless assassin named Bullseye (Colin Farrell), who was hired by the Kingpin of Crime (Michael Clarke Duncan) to take him out. Things get even worse for Matt as the woman he loves, Elektra Natchios (Jennifer Garner), blames his alter ego for a devasting loss. Written and directed by Mark Steven Johnson, the film serves the character's origins pretty well, in other words, it stays true to the original comic book.. The film boasts some cool action sequences and solid effects. I especially liked the way in which Daredevil used his power and how that was shown on screen. Since many of the stunts in the movie were staged by the team that handled the Matrix. I was never bored or put off by what I saw there. As usual actors Jon Favreau, playing Matt's pal Frank Nelson, and Joe Pantoliano, as New York Post reporter Ben Urich provide the film some comic relief. Cameo watchers will notice creator Stan Lee and a famous comic book fan turned film director in the film as well. While the film does have its good points, I found the casting of the film troublesome, and in the end, that's why I only rate this film 2 and a half to three stars. When it comes right down to it, in order for a super hero film to work, it has to be well cast. Without a solid cast to breathe life into the characters, the best special effects can't do it alone. Take the villians. Colin Farrell (can you say over exposed), Hollywood's latest rebel, with his raspy portrayal of Bullseye, come sacross as having a bad case of laryngitis, instead of posing any threat. I also thought the nature of the Kingpin character was lost because other than the film's finale-MCD really had little to do in the film-even though sequels are a certainty, the role was all too brief. Therefore I felt any bald actor could have played the role.As for Affleck, he was just kind of just there, like so many of his roles, he seems to be on cruise control. He did Ok I guess. But at the same time he didn't WOW me either. As good as Garner may be at kicking butt, I didn't think she shared a lot of chemestry, with Affleck and she seemed to over play it at times in the film. My final gripe with Daredevil is its running time. At just above 90 minutes, the film felt rushed for a comic book flick Fans of the character will see the film anyway. All others might want to skip it and wait for it to come out on video or DVD
Rating:  Summary: Dark, violent, and everything DareDevil Review: Let me start off by saying that I'm huge Daredevil fan. It is and has been my favorite comic for a long time. When I first heard they were making a Daredevil movie, I had a certain picture in my head of what it might look like. It seem as if Mark Steven Johnson had the same vision. He gets a lot of respect and gratitude from me. He brought a feeling and style that I don't think anyone could have topped. It was dark, it was violent, it was everything i hoped it would be. The way he depicted the sonar capabilities was fantastic. Important though is the fact that he let the audience know that Daredevil was Catholic and that because he was Catholic thier was this inner struggle. He could of just skipped it and we could add another thing that they drop from book to movie. But the fact that he kept it is a testament to the devotion he and the other crew and cast had to the characters. He stayed true and thats what is most important. Secondly I LOVE this movie. The acting was supurb. I was sceptical at first about Ben Affleck up for Daredevil. But after seeing it I was shocked at the performance he gave. HE WAS MATT MURDOCK. Daredevil is a very complex character and the way Ben Affleck showed the inner toture that Daredevil had and the pain that Daredevil constanly went though is was nothing short of amazing. I'm not a real Ben Affleck fan. I only like him in Kevin Smith movies, but after seeing him as Daredevil I don't think anyone could have done a better job. Also the way he acted blind was amazing. Jennifer Gardener was great too. The chemistry between her and Affleck was so good that it made it that much more believable. Micheal Clark Duncan was perfect for the part of Kingpin. He brought class, grace and power and the malice that the Kingpin shows. He had it all. My only problem was his part should have been a little bigger. But thats nothing that can't be fixed in the sequel. Whats thier to say about Colin Farrel? he was flawless as Bullseye. A grade A lunatic. The movie was done just right and one of the most admirable aspects of the film is that it centers around Daredevil the most as to not underdevelop him. I like Blade, I like X-Men, I love Spider-Man, but this is what its all about. This is by far the best comic book movie. Non fans might not dig it as much as fans but its so much fun either way. The best comic book movie. And for the record I thought Daredevil's costume in the film ruled.
Rating:  Summary: A Flawed Hero Review: I enjoyed this movie. I was not sure what to expect but I did like the movie overall. I found the title character a unique superhero who was easy to relate to. Jennifer Garner and Colin Farrell practiclaly steal the show. The stunts were great and the special effects superb. This is not your run of the mill super hero flick. It is a step above in concept, writing and acting.
Rating:  Summary: A trip to the dark side of comic book legends Review: "Daredevil" is a really fun movie, although it's a bit of a downer. I certainly don't fault Ben Affleck - he does a good job. But just about any young actor could have been inserted into his role. Jennifer Garner is truly luscious as Electra - she's sexy as hell! The film probably could have been done with one less villan - namely Bullseye. Colin Farrell seemed to have a lot of fun with the character, though. With the exception of an amusing little hormone-charged "duel" between Garner and Affleck's alter egos, all of the action takes place under cover of the dark. I think the film benefits from that because it makes the CGI effects more acceptable to the eye. (One of my major problems with Spiderman was the way that many of the CGI scenes in broad daylight looked pretty ludicrous) All in all, a great flick. Too bad it's already been fed into the sequel machine - this one deserves to stand alone.
Rating:  Summary: The Man Without Fear Review: This movie was simply excellent. Powerhouse performances from the entire cast are in store for anybody seeing this film for the first time. I loved the "radar" special effects, which were beautifully done, and the dark plot of the movie made for an engaging watch. Does anybody remember Colin Farrell as the "bad boy" on the BBC series "Ballykissangel"? I couldn't believe it was the same person. He's gone from taking care of sheep and riding horses in the Irish countryside to being a psychotic killer. Is that Celine Dion's husband playing Elektra's father? Oh, and don't miss Joe Pantoliano's turn as Ben Urich.