Rating:  Summary: The Best Comic Book Movie Yet Review: Being the 5th Comic Book Movie of the new age (Since Blade), Daredevil is definitely the best. It shows a dark hero who struggles with what he does and fights with no hope. He fights a battle he knows he cannot win. And that is what makes the movie so great. Being a hero is not glamourous. Its not a bright color look at me" kind of thing. Its work that must be done, even if the results are very little. The pain and troubles you see the title character go through make the movie that much moe realistic, as well as the fact that Daredevil has no super strength, or speed or invulnerability. Its the best done comic movie yet, and probably the best for years to come.
Rating:  Summary: Better than expected Gothic romp Review: Cracking comic book adaption with a hilarious performance from Colin Farrel. Allegedly based on Alex from 'A Clockwork Orange' crossed with Sid Vicious, his Bullseye actually reminds you of Bob Goldthwait's Zed from the 'Police Academy' series. His special features contributions are delightfully incomprehensible, too. Ben Affleck is at his least irritating as well. Photography is excellent. This was obviously a labour of love for the director. Nothing much to feed the brain but for once I wouldn't have minded a sequel.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Review: Daredevil tries to be the big blockbuster movie of the year, evident in the recruitment of young 'hot' stars Ben Afflek, Collin Farrel and Jennifer Garner, but fails miserably. The plot is weak mostly because it is rushed so much. The writers attempted to base the plot and movement of the movie only on a few lines and fill the rest of the time with fight scenes that look like 10 year olds trying to imitate the Matrix. All the characters are not only one dimensional but also stupid, with motives based on confusion, "Elektra," or in the case of "Bullseye," capriciousness. The ending is the capstone of disappointment in a fight that seems ridiculously easy for the difference in strength and size between Michael Clark Duncan and Ben Affleck, as if the Kingpin (Michael Clark Duncan) just says "oh you are right, I'm sorry." The relationship Daredevil has to the journalist could be interesting, but is, instead, thrown into the movie for the "last line's" sake. In fact the only redeeming quality of the movie are the special effects and the principle of a blind man beating up people.
Rating:  Summary: terrible, terrible, and worse than you'd expect Review: at first you're watching and wondering why so many people said this movie stinks...then, right in front of your eyes, Ben (Daredevil) and the token "hot" girl have a matrix-like fight scene in a children's' playground. it's terrible, and from there the train-wreck continues and even picks up speed! you'd be surprised to see the levels of [badness] that the director is willing to take this movie--for example, what gives with Daredevil being able to float around and make pseudo-supernatural moves--the whole point of the character is that he was limited b/c he wasn't a mutant, and had to rely on his gymnastics training and acute sense of sound, etc. overall, this movie stinks, and i saw it on a four-hour flight, and still wanted to pull out the earplugs and talk to my neighbor...somewhere Ishtar is smiling b/c they've got company.
Rating:  Summary: Soggy superhero saga doesn't dare to be different. Review: Another Marvel Comics character makes it to the screen. DAREDEVIL is co-produced by creator Stan Lee, which raises the viewer's expectations. This isn't the first movie to feature the character: Daredevil was previously played by Rex Smith (from the short lived TV series STREET HAWK) in the 1991 TVM, TRIAL OF THE INCREDIBLE HULK. Ben Affleck plays Ben Affleck, who is trying to play Matt Murdock: a lawyer, and former Hell's Kitchen resident blinded at age 12 by toxic waste (that happens to fall off a fork-lift) after witnessing the death of his prize fighter father Jack "The Devil" Murdock (David Keith) at the hands of thugs (phew!). As always happens in comic books, this toxic waste may have deprived Matt of his sight; but has heightened his four remaining senses. So of course Matt does what has to be done: He dons a silly costume and becomes a vigilante fighting for the rights of the little people and keeping the city safe from crime. But Matt/Daredevil appears to have met his match when he crosses paths with Wilson Fisk, a.k.a crime boss The Kingpin (Michael Clarke Duncan, who gained 18kgs for the role) and his henchman, Bullseye (A shaven headed Colin Farrell with a bullseye tattooed on his forehead, hence the name). However, Daredevil gains an ally in the karate kicking superbabe Elektra Nachios (ALIAS's Jennifer Garner), daughter of multi-millionaire Nicholas Nachios and together they join forces to try and topple the Kingpin (After she nearly beats the heck out of him, in an admittedly good fight scene). But tailing Matt is tabloid newsman Ben Urich (Joe Pantoliano) who is trying to uncover the truth about the urban legend of Daredevil. A weak attempt at adding a subplot. DAREDEVIL steals elements of BATMAN & THE HULK TV show; and when you combine this with a cliched script and a wooden lead, it all adds up to 100+ minutes of wannabe- hip; two- dimensional Hollywood drivel. Good production design is one of DAREDEVIL's few redeeming features; but the movies "Special Effects" include a camera tilt of Daredevil's feet splashing in a puddle! What a suspense builder! Even BLOOD FEAST (1963) had visuals superior to this! Also, check out this brilliant dialogue exchange when hero and villain finally meet face to face: Kingpin: "Daredevil!" Daredevil: "KINGPIN!!". Wow. DVD extras include both audio AND text commentaries by the producer and director, and an "Enhanced viewing mode" function with a Behind The Scenes featurette narrated by the Visual Effects Supervisor , as well as popup factoids you can watch during the movie. That is, if you're still interested. Bring on SPIDER-MAN 2, I say.
Rating:  Summary: Derring Do Hong Kong Style Review: Dr. Michael Lim The Travelling Gourmet says, "All the stunts are done like in Hong Kong with concealed wires pulling the stars up as they do their high kung fu kicks. In real life, no true martial artist kicks high. The lower the better. However, in the movies where the bad guys are paid to fall down a la the script, the more fancy and stylish the moves, the better. Notwithstanding all that, I liked the movie. Colin Farrel is great as Bullseye, the lunatic killer who loves to throw lethal objects like Ninja Shaken and other such missiles at people. He is a totally different person from his character in The Recruit where he has a perpetual frown plus 5 o'clock stubble but looks much better. The scene where a young Daredevil puts an end to the school bullies really made my day. A super duper scene! I love too the scene in the plane where Bullseye kills the chatterbox old lady next to him. His weapon of choice, a humble peanut from those small packets the air hostess gives you with your martini. He really stops her inane and boring chatter with a single move.Personally, I really dislike people who talk too much. Jennifer Garner is very good. Muscular, craggy and curvaceous and, she is not beautiful in the classic sense, BUT has that sex appeal or 'je ne sais quoi' as the Frenchies say that most men find completely irresistable. She can kick my butt any time. Her martial arts moves are smooth although it is clear she has no background in the martial arts. The love scenes sizzle! There is a very obvious "chemical attraction" between the two lead actors and it shows. A Comic strip hero is brought to life as only Hollywood can do it, complete with computerized special effects. I could do with a cane like Daredevil's cane. It has as many weapons as James Bond's briefcase in "From Russia With Love". All hot blooded Daredevil fans must be wondering where they can get one just like it. The movie is so fast and SO exciting, don't see it if you want to sleep after the movie, you might dream of jumping up all over the place and beating up a few dozen baddies with your collapsible cane! The message is the same as in the "Death Wish" movies with Charles Bronson, namely, when the law fails, take matters in your own hands and just 'waste' the baddies. Simple and basic. Ah, if only life in the 21st Century were so simple. But there again, what about Iraq? Bush and Blair were real Daredevils there and they did one hell of a job! I'll vote for them anytime. Enjoy!"
Rating:  Summary: one of the worst action hero films Review: This movie is one of the worst superhero films ever. Ben Afleck besides being a mediocre actor could not save this movie. It is a flick based on a fine story but was turned into rubish. Sorry to say but the whole film was so cheesy I could not wait to the end of it. BAD acting mixed with terible directing.
Rating:  Summary: Daredevil....Daring enough for DVD??? Review: First off, let me state, that most of you won't agree with this review. Especially, if you're fans of this movie. But I simply want to make my opinion heard. This DVD has already been released in Australia so I can give a fair review about it.The story revolves around Matt Murdock (Ben Affleck...Ugh!) who loses his sight at a very young age when chemical waste is sprayed onto his face due to a work accident. From there, his father (inspired by his son) goes back to his boxing past time. Where he then declines to take a dive and is ultimately killed by the mysterious Kingpin (Michael Clarke Duncan). Matt Murdock realises that even though he is blind, his other senses escalate to a point where he can practically see again. Matt Murdock, then fights for 'Justice' over the death of his father. Matt Murdock is DareDevil, a street smart vigilante crime-fighter who falls in love with the beautiful martial-arts master Elektra (Jennifer Garner). The DVD itself is spectacular with DTS 5.1 and over 5 hours of special features. We are also given an excellent video transfer where the world of DareDevil really comes to life. The menus are also exquisite, with DareDevil's soundwave vision setting the scene. The DVD also includes Director's commentary with an 'Enhanced Viewing Mode' which is 8 multi-angle behind-the-scenes segments. The documentaries give a great inside look to this 80 million dollar blockbuster. The second disc comes close to 3 hours of featurettes which is great for the up and coming film makers. All in all a great DVD. Now, onto the movie. The movie is very Cliché. And when I say Cliché...I mean CLICHE. For instance, Matt Murdock is a lawyer and when a rapist gets away he walks out of the courtroom and his best friend asks if he wants to go out that night? Matt Murdock replies 'I'm busy' and then we pan in on his face showing him get into his DareDevil get up and go after the rapist. Another moment is when DareDevil is up on the rafters of a bar and a man asks him what he wants. DareDevil replies 'Justice' to which he goes and attacks all the criminals. It seems as though the director didn't try and steer the Marvel superhero franchise into any new direction (unlike Ang Lee) but instead just tried to capitalise on the success of Comic book heroes of late. With a movie named 'DareDevil', you'd think that they would try and do something daring to the actual franchise to at least differentiate itself from Spiderman. But it does nothing of a sort. The screenplay is dismal, it has an unoriginal plot and really is just a filler for 99 minutes. Mark Steven Johnson tries to pull out some biblical allusions spliced with how the Law is juxtaposed to it. Johnson also tries to recreate the gothic setting that Burton used so well in Batman, though it just seems as though the production crew ran out of ideas. One of my biggest qualms with this movie is that there is absolutely NO character development. It just jumps from one scene to the other and assumes the viewer knows what is going on both story wise and character wise. And CGI seems to be overused in this film, I mean honestly, to CGI a rat walking through a gutter is just taking it too far. In summary, the DVD is good with a score of 8/10. The movie though is just bad. Plain out, a film that relied on its budget and franchise name to get viewers. It gets a 4/10. Get the DVD for the features....not the film!
Rating:  Summary: Horrible film! Review: This is one of the worst action hero movies ever made! Really, who has heard of a blind super hero? The only reason people went to this film is because girls love Ben Affleck! Come on! There has to be better reason than that! I wouldn't watch this movie again if you gave me a free one!
Rating:  Summary: NOT the best comic to Movie. Film Review: I heard lots of Good and bad things about Daredevil so i did not go and watch it at the screens. But bought the dvd just today and wacthed it. Now i need to say something .( i hate putting movies down but this was a big let down for me as i was a big fan of spider-man and daredevil cartoons and comics when i was younger) but this started off good. So i will try to go from stages to stages otherwise it will take forever to write a review. Ben Affleck telling the story how he got his powers at the start of the film. Then came the hospital scene which was Very Good.The SFX her are nicely done. Now towards the middle of film was also good. B.Affleck was studying to become a lawyer while his father was a boxer was ok i was stuck to it. just like the story in the comic. later on came the death of his father good so far. Then came the part in the Cafe' wher he tries to pick up Jennifer Garner.....Man it was bad i did not know if it was a comedy film or action.Ok slight slow in pace. Then we have the fight at the School playground " Please can some one tell me the story there? it was bad, the fight was silly and there was no Choreography between them. Then i was completely bored in the film it was going from good to bad. We have the sex scene.Please even that was not up to standards. I could go on but lets stop here basically i was skipping chapters Avoiding the love & hate part,the funeral etc etc.. getting to the end as quickly as possible. Daredevil had nothing after the middle point nor towards the end that we haven't seen in a movie. It reminds me too much of Spider man,some scenes are to dark to see anything and it was mainly computer graphics.The stupid thing that annoyed me was the Rain very dull. I am now selling the movie which i am sad as i will never get my full money back. Don't waste your cash on it straight away.Rent it first. it should have been better like X-Men 2 and Batman 1,2 and 3. but it was rushed to hit the screens for a tie in with the other block buster.But did very poorly. Lets hope The Hulk can do it.