Rating:  Summary: Daredevil - From Hell's Kitchen to your living room Review: Ben Affleck as Matt Murdock? Yeah, right. I laughed uncontrollably when I found out he was going to play the Man Without Fear. Well, I stopped laughing after watching the film. He proved me and countless others wrong. Every part in this movie was played to perfection. The story could have been more true to the comic (where was Stick?, Kingpin is white), but every comic to movie so far has failed to include everything. This movie had some great special effects to give you a feel for Daredevil's blindness and his heightened senses. All in all, fan or not, this is a great movie that everybody will enjoy! ****For you comic fans, look for cameos by Stan Lee and Kevin Smith****
Rating:  Summary: See even B charaters can make a good movie Review: Over all this was a good movie, not great but all said a solid movie for second tier charater. I must amit I was a little nervous overall about this movie and the casting of Ben Afleck in the lead role, not tha he can't act but he remined me of Clooney and well we all know how Batman & Robin did. Ben pulled it off though and despite some weak points in the story, like the fight between Ben and Jennifer and Daredevil being as agile as Spiderman (make it a least a little realilistic). I also felt that the Kingpin wasn't ruthless enough. However, all said and done I was entertained and the Dvd is loaded. I just purchased the DVD and so far it is great. These are the reason we buy DVD's, features and lots of them, I would have loved to have had a script to screen feature or even a "add your own commentary" feature ala Spiderman, but overall some real good features including some screen savers and some pretty cool DVD Rom features. If you like action and like to see your hero's a little conflicted about the actions they sometime have to take, then buy this movie. Except for a few silly moments you could almost forget this is a "comic book" movie.
Rating:  Summary: Creators get their due Review: Overall I was pleased with the Daredevil movie when it was released, (with the exception of some of the CG work that appeared towards the end of the film and that fight scene in the playground) I thought it was enjoyable. However, what I am especially happy about (and one of the main reasons I love DVD) is the 2nd disc contains interviews with those people who have had a huge influence on the development of the character and on comics in general. The comics, after all, represents the source material for this film and films like it, so it's nice to finally see these people getting the attention and respect they deserve. Great job on the DVD 20th century Fox - keep up the good work!
Rating:  Summary: Dissapointing Review: I can sum up a completely crushing review with one simple critique. Daredevil doesn't have any super powers...........so why does he fly in this film, along with all the other characters? This film bored me throughout, I felt ripped off after seeing X-men/Spiderman (haven't seen Hulk yet) and enjoying them completely. Note to Affleck : Blind people have emotion/facial expression you know. To give you an idea of how bad this film is, Daredevil lies on the ground dying from a shoulder wound inflicted by his hotty chic, he proceeds to watch same hotty chic get implaled on the end of Bullseyes rod (he,he), then drags his sorry tail into the church (or falls helpless), then after his life flashes before his eyes (dying remember), he gets up and shakes off his wounds then once again starts to fly all over the place......killing bullseye. So pretty much he could have gotten his sorry leathery behind off the roof of that building and saved his hotty chics life. Makes it kinda hard to feel any emotion for him doesn't it? The whole movie was full of unbelievable garbage just like this. One last stupid scene, blind kid with the ability to hear Soooo well that he can almost see with his ears, but how does that explain him flying up in the air, doing a flip then landing on the ground and proceeding to beat the baddies....it never said the toxic goo gave him the abilty to fly.....you know why? Because it doesn't! He falls in love with a girl he doesn't even know (how does these help us feel for his character?).......I could go on forever. I'll just end this review with this, save your money!I give this film 2 stars because I thought Daredevils outfit looked cool (allthough Affleck should have worked out before shooting, like every other actor portraying a super hero has).....and the chic was hot.
Rating:  Summary: Boring and stupid, digital effects sink yet another film! Review: This'll be quick - this movie wants to follow Spider-Man - it doesn't. Ben Affleck wants to be an action star - he's not! Jennifer Garner thinks she's attractive as the girl - she's boring. Michael Clarke Duncan is supposed to be the main villain - he has less screen time than the average African-American actor in a 1930s film would have! Colin Farrel is supposed to be a back-up character - he overacts and draws too much attention from the rest of the movie. Finally, this is supposed to be an ACTION MOVIE! I was bored the whole way through. Want better action? Rent Howard's End - goodbye.
Rating:  Summary: Can a DVD release improve a movie? Review: 3 1/2 In this case the answer is yes. Somehow watching the two documentaries breathes new life into both the film and the character DareDevil. I gained a new appreciation for this project which I found to be an OK film in theatres but overall a dudd compared to X-Men or Spiderman. I appreciated that it was far more darker and reminded me of the way Spawn was made. A darker hero with more guts and they weren't afraid to show that this story was not gonna end like Peter and Mary Jane. Despite it's many flaws (The use of rock music, it's short 90 minute span, the playground fight scene) it seemed to get better as the movie went on. In the end I enjoyed it enough to buy it. This DVD surprised me because this movie was alot less embarassing on TV then in a theatre. Some really bad lines are now just funny and entertaining where in theatres we all seemed to share the cringe of a badly read line by Mr. Ben "Can't Act" Affleck. Such as when he tells a villian "The light at the end of the tunnel, thats not heaven. It's the C train" The casting of Collin Ferrel must have put everyone to shame when he stole the show as the maniacle villian Bullseye. The rest of the performances are enough to fill the cliche of each character but never do they ever break the mold or bring anything new to the table. I loved the shot if ol' horn head on the cross at the beginning (stolen from Spawn btw) and their were many great "hero" shots. It was deep enough to not be stale or boring and in the end I think Hollywood could have made a far worse film. I have a soft spot for seeing Comic book characters come to life, even in a flawed film it's still a thrill. I hope we see a sequel and just like X2 it could surpass this movie in every way. The features in this set are so fulfilling those who have doubts should really check it out. Theirs enough to wet any fans appetite and it really gives the movie more of a back bone. If a Directors Cut maybe lay ahead this is the first time I would not mind purchasing the same movie twice.
Rating:  Summary: READ THE COMICS! Review: Ok this movie was absolutely horrific. It did not follow the comic very well. I felt Ben Afleck was Not Good. And Jennifer Garner as ELEKTRA (one of the greatest characters in comic history). I Think one person who could compare to Elektra at all would be Catherine Zeta Jones. And Why Would FRANK MILLER The absolute best of them all evn want to have a small cameo. Frank Miller Took Daredevil to where it became greatness in the 80's and should have written the script.Whats with changing Kingpin to a black man. Im Not racist or anything but come on KINGPIN is not BLACK!! I give one star because its the lowest i can go!
Rating:  Summary: Dark Hollywood Review: Not a great translation but still worth seeing if you're a fan.
Rating:  Summary: I Love Marvel Comic Superhero movies. Review: I saw it 3 times.The 1st time was with my best friend.2nd time is with my mom and my sister.And 3rd time is with my dad.I can't even imagine Ben Affleck playing a blind man.Not to mention the superhero "DAREDEVIL". Jennifer Garner I thought did a lot of practicing to do martial arts. Colin Farrel playing a guy who never misses one shot except for the times he battles with Daredevil. Michael Clarke Duncan's really scary and really strong as the Kingpin. All 4 stars did a great job in this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Sorry Ben, you're no superhero Review: Since "Blade" came out in 1999, Marvel Comics caught a big one with the super-hero movies. A year later, Bryan Singer proved with "X-Men" that comic book adaptations could be both ambitious and succesful, then... a monster was born. "Blade 2", "Spiderman", "X-Men 2" and "The Hulk", all hit (and smashed) the box office, and many more are on the way. Of all these flicks, only "Daredevil" was a financial disapointment, and I have to say that 10 minutes into the movie you can see why. First of all, and I think most people agree on this, the main problem of "Daredevil" is its lead star. Ben Affleck is an actor that just doesn't seem to make it . He is very good as Matt Murdock, the pro-bono lawyer, and you even like the guy when he talks to his buddy in the Seinfeld-like coffee shop. However, once he puts on his superhero costume, the magic runs out. Affleck just doesn't have the dark sex appeal necessary for the nocturnal vigilante (anyone who has seen Tim Burton's Batman knows how important this is), therefore his character fails to deliver the necessary empathy or connection between the audience and the hero. You would think that with such a problem, the supporting cast should make up for the rest, but you're wrong. The movie has some beloved Marvel characters like Elektra (Jennifer Garner), Bullseye (Colin Farrell) and Kingpin (Michael Clarke Duncan), but none of them is crucial to the story. NONE OF THEM! I swear to God that if you add up all the scenes in which they are, none of them is on the movie for more than 20 minutes. Or at least, it doesn't seem so. Elektra, especially, was thought to be the best thing in the movie. At least, in the trailers it looked like she was. She sort of is, but she only has two (I repeat, TWO) fight scenes, and her character is pretty much wasted. So is Bullseye, who is little more than a cartoon in Colin Farrell's hands. As for Kingpin, well, I don't mind that they changed his looks dramatically, but he's the least developed character. A stupid plot twist makes him Daredevil's archenemy, and the end is just silly and pathetic. Another problem is the plot. Or better yet, the "plots". A lot of things happen in the movie, but none of them are central. There comes a time when Elektra is out to kill Daredevil, believing he's her father's murdeder. THAT should've been the movie, but it is resolved quickly and without consequences. Anyway, in plot, character and performances, "Daredevil" takes the plunge big time. The edition is another story. It is by far one the best I've seen. It would be easier to say what doesn't have. Of all the documentaries, featurettes and other features, some are dedicated to the comic book, others to the movie. Both are great. It seems like this time New Line Cinema really went for the money, which makes me think that they hope "Daredevil" to be a hit on DVD more than it was on the theaters. If you're a fan of the comic book, then these features should be more satisfying that the movie itself. There isn't much more. I really can't say that I liked "Daredevil", but I've seen worse. However, of all these superhero fever, I advice you to stick with "The Hulk" or "X-Men 2". This goes to show you that for a comic-book adaptation to be good, it's not all about big budgets and special effects. There's something more, and this one doesn't have it. I've heard that they are preparing new superhero movies, including a second "Spiderman", a third "X-Men", "The Fantastic Four", "Elektra" and "Catwoman". Somehow, I don't think that Ben and his blind lawyer from Hell's Kitchen are making a comeback.