Rating:  Summary: Blinded by Surprise Review: "Daredevil" has always been one of my favorite Marvel characters. It truly was a surprise to me when I first learned that a film was actually going to be made about him. He teamed up with Lou Ferrigno's "Hulk" when that TV series was used to crank out a few TV movies, but that particular flick was wretched. It did no justice to the "Daredevil" character. This "Daredevil," however, stays fairly true to the comic book, although I felt the story dragged somewhat. The worst part of the movie was when Murdock and Elektra first meet. The scenes with the two of them "play-fighting" came across as too rehearsed and just downright sugary. Too sugary for a complex hero like "Daredevil." Other than that, the movie is very good. Comic faithfuls and general movie-goers alike will not be let down by this film. It contains enough action and humor for anyone, and seems to flow in the same vein as Michael Keaton's portrayal of "Batman" in the first of that series of movies. The film is very dark, and very violent, which stays true to form when compared with the comic book, especially during the Frank Miller era. Whenever I watch "Spiderman," I get this happy feeling from when I was a child still growing up. It takes me back to a time when superheroes were clean cut, patriotic, and all-around good guys. When I view "Daredevil," it takes me to my teen years when I thought the world was against me and no one was ever going to help me through. At that time, superheroes were no longer the good guys, they had become as complex as normal human beings and fought with themselves more than against an enemy. This type of hero is closer to the real deal, he has problems, both physical and emotional, and there are no defined enemies anywhere. One other small note, if you have young children, I don't suggest letting them watch this film. "Daredevil" was geared more toward adults in the comics and so is this film.
Rating:  Summary: Almost as Good as the Power Rangers Movie Review: How do you know if you are watching the worst movie of the new millennium? That's easy. You've got Daredevil in your DVD player! I rented this overwrought piece of garbage because I thought my kids would like it. I thought wrong. Fifteen minutes into the film my 11-year-old son says, "Dad, this is really dumb." My wife and other son had fallen asleep (or passed out from intellectual implosion). The only value of this film is as a demonstration that all the money and talent in the world can't save a project if it lacks coherent creative leadership. With a few exceptions, the cast, crew, writers, and director should all be ashamed of themselves. They clearly could have done better -- and they definitely could NOT have done worse!
Rating:  Summary: Terrible Review: Although I really enjoyed the performances of Suge Knight as Kingpin and Rob Halford as Bullseye, this movie really stunk it up. Terrible script, hokey acting, hackneyed plot, the worst martial arts I've ever seen, insulting to the audience, fake-looking special effects, cliche supporting characters you don't care in the least about, storyline slapped together like a house a cards, this entire film is a mess. Stick with "Spider-Man" or "X-Men" instead. Heck, I'd even take "Batman And Robin" over this disaster of a film.
Rating:  Summary: ... Review: it started out ok.... however, by about halfway through the movie, i really didn't *care* if our "hero" won or lost anymore. my son walked out of the room about 20 minutes into the movie... glad i rented it first instead of wasting the money on a purchase. if you have pre-teen kids, they'll hate it - pick batman, spider man, blade, or the terminator movies.... just DON'T pick *THIS*.
Rating:  Summary: For Light Entertainment Only Review: Reactions to this movie can go a lot of ways, because there are a plethora of positives and negatives to be found. The Good: The action is decent and has the added creativity of using computer enhanced shots for Daredevil's sound wave enhanced sight during the fight scenes. I liked that the characters had the ability to receive visible, even brutal injuries because it forces them to remain grounded in reality. The villians are another strong point. Colin Farrel steals every scene with over the top charisma and hilarious facial expressions, while Michael Clark Duncan just has the perfect head bad guy "look" about him. Another cool part is a rather innovative first kiss between Daredevil and Electra that comes together as a genuine and unique moment in an otherwise mundane script. The Bad: The film seems choppy at times, and all of the interesting characters are wasted as the movie doesn't seem to have much time for development. The script is little more than "servicable," which means that conversations are frequently bland. The main problem here is that of the title character, Ben Affleck. He has been on and off in other movies, but here it seems like facial expressions and any kind of emotive acting has been thrown out in favor of a performance without substance and feeling. When I think of Daredevil, I think of of three major characteristics that Affleck doesnt appear to have. One is athletic ability. Tobey Maguire became toned and muscular for Spiderman. Here, Affleck looks to be surrounded by droopy putty with no muscular definition at all. Secondly, the Daredevil character is supposed to have an intense drive. Affleck exudes a passive, take things as they come vibe, and his expressions are usually vacant. A third thing I would expect is some form of fire or passion that makes Daredevil do the things he does, but here, I can only sense that he's tired. Other than that, the movie moves at a reasonably good pace and is entertaining enough to be enjoyable. I would have to recommend seeing it on the basis of the excellent villians, some good action, and the innovative kiss.
Rating:  Summary: Run for the hills Review: Five minutes is all it takes for you to know that this one for laying down and avoiding. It is tempting to rent because it was a big movie which you were smart enough to avoid in the theaters, "but what the heck it's only a rental" - right? Don't fall for it, don't finance the sequel or you will be hurting people not even born yet.
Rating:  Summary: Exciting movie! Review: I went to the movie theater to see this movie and I just love it! As soon as it came out, I bought it right away.
Rating:  Summary: better than i thought Review: although this review will never be read let me say my peace. I liked this film. I liked the dark and gothic view of Daredevil rather than the chipper happy Marvel induced Daredevil. I liked how they added the tale of the BULLSEYE vs. ELECTRA bit in this film from issue #181 of Daredevil comics. And to go off track for a sec...... Spiderman stinked to me. It wasn't dark, had hardly any action, the movie mistakes were easily spottiable and it was too happy. And Daredevil had no movie mistakes, more action and a rather decent plot. The only complaint is that the action needed to be a bit more stylish (hence MATRIX or BLADE). Some (or alot) of people seem to dislike this film cuz they either hate BEN AFFLECK or the Daredevil movie was not like the comics at all. Well WAKE UP! This is the 21 CENTURY! Me and alot of others want anti-heroes and darker and cooler movies. Not happy crap! If you want happy movies, watch BLACK & WHITE FILMS. So this is a good film. I hate BEN AFFLECK but he was not bad at all in this film!
Rating:  Summary: Not very unique, but entertaining. Review: I skipped seeing Daredevil in the theatre, thinking it looked like something that should definitely be rented. I was right. I had never heard of Daredevil before the movie came out, because I don't really know much about superheroes other than the standard spiderman, batman, superman, etc. But even though I had never heard of him before, the story seemed strangely familiar. Boy is exposed to toxic waste/radioactive materials, gains super powers, then a close family member is killed by a Bad Guy' which fills the boy with anger and hatred toward the Bad Guy'. Then boy gets a costume, brings justice to rapists and muggers, and eventually has some showdowns with super villains. I guess that's just the way comic books are, however. The movie was farely entertaining however, with some good fight scenes and a cool radar effect which shows how Daredevil can see like a bat by 'seeing' the sound waves bounce off of objects. A lot was left unexplained however, such as why Daredevil sleeps in a tank of water, and why he has scars all over his back and is taking a ton of medication. I didn't really understand what that was all about. The love story part of the movie is also farely cheesy. Daredevil meets a lady and sleeps with her the second time they meet, immediately falling in love with her, only to have her die about 15 minutes later in the movie. I guess it was supposed to be love at first site or something, but it still felt really fake and rushed. The supervillains, Bullseye and the Kingpin also felt much more 'comic booky' than the main hero did. Their acting was over the top and exaggerated, whereas Ben Affleck seemed to take the part way too seriously. Bullseye stole the movie in my opinion' Colin Farrell seemed to have fun with the part and he also had some really great lines. The ending of the movie was kind of depressing though. Daredevil loses the girl and doesn't kill the bad guys so you don't really get the feeling that he won at all. Maybe they were just hoping for a sequel so they decided to leave all the main characters alive or something.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointment Review: Let's start with the good. Jennifer Garner is stunning in this film. With her sensual pout, and kick ... moves, she portrays a strong woman that all men will fall in love with. Colin Farrell. A little over the top, but he looks like he is having a ball playing Bullseye, and brings some life and energy to an otherwise pointless and boring superhero film. Now with the bad. Ben Affleck is miscast as the title character Daredevil. First of all, he looks rediculous in the costume. Second, he is so boring in the role, that it seems obvious he did not want to make this film, and only wanted to capitalize on the success of Spiderman. Michael Clarke Duncan, so amazing in The Green Mile, is laughable as the villain KingPin. The stunts are nothing spectacular. They are choppy and slow, and are not exciting at all. The sets look fake, and the story is just pointless. The only thing that makes this film redeem itself is Jennifer Garner and Colin Ferrell. See the film for them only, but if you want to see a great Superhero film, then watch Spiderman again. Extremly disappointed in this film, and I was so excited to see it. The trailer makes it look amazing, but it is certainly not.