Rating:  Summary: Way better than I anticipated...a fine superhero film! Review: I think the negativity exhibited towards this movie is misdirected. This is a fine superhero action movie. Period. The opening "origin" vignette actually is one of the best of its' type put to film. From casting to cinematography to editing...it's a beaut. Yes, Ben Affleck is a bit smug, but as a serious longtime comic geek, my big beef was that his hair wasn't red. That's it. That's all. No big deal. Jennifer Garner, as Elektra, is luminous. Perfect casting. They shoot her in a manner that elevates her from "very pretty" to "absolutely stunning". Her intro works perfectly within the plot, and Murdock's "superpowers" are creatively and often poetically demonstrated. Colin Farrell joins the list of simply awesome movie villains. With a few quick scenes, you know all you need to know about Bullseye. His psycho-manic performance electrifies the screen. The story neatly encapsulates a chunk of the Elektra saga from the Frank Miller era in the comics. The winks toward the comic book audience were greatly appreciated. There are hundreds of not-so-subtle nods to the significant creators of Daredevil...Stan Lee's cameo, DD's dad fighting John Romita, name-dropping "Miller, Mack and Bendis" as fighters, "Joe Quesada" as a bad guy, Kevin Smith showing up as a guy named "Kirby". But I particularly loved the angles and shots that recall specific classic images from those old books, especially the ending of the fight between Bullseye and Elektra (Frank Miller covers come to life), and the swirling cable around a plummeting Daredevil, evoking the cover of the most recent relaunch of the series. It's a "dark" movie, emotionally and cinematographically. The former didn't bother me, but the latter sometimes had me squinting trying to discern details. I have read many of the other reviews about this film, but I have to say I was totally satisfied when it was over. I really did want more.
Rating:  Summary: All Frosting, But No Cake Review: On one level this is a very lavish movie that's jam packed with action. Yet on another level this has so little substance that there's not really much of a story to get involved with. So without a story you basically end up with a movie full of props, and not much more.Some have compared Daredevil to the comic book and have pointed out that this really comes across much like reading frame by frame. I think that's true, but then again this is a movie and not a comic book. A movie needs a bit more depth to make it worth while......Hopefully they try again, but with a different director.
Rating:  Summary: What Do You Want? Review: The staff here and in a lot of media venues, take movies like this, "way too" seriously...It's a comicbook made movie.... get it? I loved the "fun"...as i have Spiderman, Superman, and the Batman films...Nothing "deep"...no "subplots"...just "FUN". One BONUS..here is Jennifer Garner...She is GREAT in the role of Electra...if you enjoy ALIAS...you'll like her here too! A fine looking lady, who can kick some ...! Well, you know...! A VERY ENTERTAINING MOVIE!
Rating:  Summary: Smile Stan. Review: Stan Lee may not have created Daredevil my comic lore is too rusty to remember, but as the name synonomous with all things Marvel this movie should have made him proud. Movies adapted from comic books have, let's face it been a hit & miss proposition since Superman III or Batman & Robin hit theatres. Yet Hollywood to its credit (or fault) has continued to mine the rich material provided by comics transporting the medium to the big screen. I was little wary about this movie, not that I doubted it would have great special effects or choreography which it does; but I was not as sure about the casting. Kudos to Ben Affleck not my favorite actor but he did a fine job portraying Matt Murdoch/Daredevil. And when I heard Jennifer Garner was Electra I thought why not Eliza Dushku who has many same qualities that Electra has, but Garner blew my mind she WAS Electra, not often you find such good acting in comic adaptations but it was superb. This movie was a little darker than Spiderman, as well it should be as he's darker hero, overall that may have been one of reasons I loved movie so much. One word for Daredevil after all previous verbiose ones haha AWESOME!
Rating:  Summary: How Many Times To I Have To Say This-Ben N. Review: Daredevil is a complete Thrill Ride no Questions asked i love the movie for what it is it has great fighting scenes i love the fights between Bullseye and Daredevil and the opening fight in the beginning of the movie was really Awesome people just love to hate this movie i thought it was great Ben Affleck in my opinion played a Man with no Feeling which is correct to the Matt Murdock Character they complain about Affleck being Dull Well The Character Was Dull and that was for a reason he was Blind and has a Dark History jeez why dont u understand for once this movie wasnt boring at all it kept me wanting more and i cant wait until the sequel comes out THUMBS UP!!!!!!! A Superhero movie that tests Spidermans Incrediblity -John Williamberg A Slick Fast Paced Action Hero That is Blind -Roger Ebert
Rating:  Summary: WTF is this all about. -2 stars. Review: The casting director in this should be dragged out into the street and shot. Ben AFLACT as Daredevil/Matt Murdock? Colin Ferril as Bullseye? Michael Clarke Duncan as Wilson Fisk the Kingpin? Jennifer Garner as Electra? What the f*** is this s***? Who wrote this s*** and what the hell were they smoking when they did? This movie was more boring than one of Triple H's speaches. WARNING: THIS MOVIE IS FOR THOSE WHO CAN'T GET TO SLEEP AT NIGHT. I had to check my pulse every five seconds to see if I was still alive. There is no plot. The action is boring. Overall I give this movie -2 stars for casting, content and plot.
Rating:  Summary: They might do better with Elektra but DD is a lost cause.... Review: Any crediability that this movie would have had was ruined by Affelick's non-acting performance as both Murddock and Daredevil. It's cardboard acting at it's worst. I can't say the same about Jennifer Garner because she was hardly in this movie at all. The reason that they are giving her a movie to focus on the Elektra character is that Marvel is trying to salavge something from this first "Batman and Robin" movie of theirs. It's interesting that Elektra has been given the green light for filming (with a different film crew to do it) but they have put a second Daredevil movie on indefinite hold.
Rating:  Summary: I give this movie....2 STARS!!!! Review: When I first saw the trailers for Daredevil I thought (like I thought for the Hulk) that this movie was going to be awesome. After 3 weeks it came out I dragged my family to see it with me, boy do I wish I had never seen the movie. Not only that it lacked plot, it was utterly boring and unmoving. It was sad when the father died but i found myself wanting to fall a sleep. The only good part about this movie was that the main girl kicked butt! Colin Farrel was pretty good as a villan but I think they could of done more with him.
Rating:  Summary: Overrated Review: I gave a rating of 5 stars because the DVD quality is good. However, although the movie did well in theaters, it is not on the same level as Spiderman, The Hulk, or X-MEN 2. If anything, it is more on the level of X-MEN 1.
Rating:  Summary: Blind man has a deathwish. Review: When I popped in the Daredevil DVD, I had no idea what I was in for, and now I know why they say Ignorance is Bliss. Apparently the casting agent knew this screenplay would need all the star power it could get its hands on to give it even midget legs. And they were right, Ben Aflek, and Colin Farrel are just some of the people in this movie that I hope were paid really well for what they had to go through on camera. The movie starts out with a kid and his boxer dad living happily together, but one day, the kid gets toxic stuff in his eyes. He wakes up blind, BUT sounds he hears produce images in his head. Later in the movie, the kids dad is paid to throw a fight by "The kingpin" wich he fails to do. The dad is then beaten, and killed, so now "Daredevil" has sworn to avenge his father by killing everyone who commits a crime. Colin Farrel on the other hand, plays and even MORE stupid charactor. A man who is deadly with anything he can throw, "Bullseye". There is a scene where bullseye actually chokes a 90 year old woman by bouncing a peanut off the back of an airplane chair, into her throat and choking her. Now, I like alot of violent movies, but is it just me, or is that unnecesarily sick? In conclusion, a blind superhero who uses sonar to fight people, In my opinion, is just kind of a bad idea. On top of that, the writing tries real hard to be witty, but really just doesnt cut it. And the bad guys, are just lame. So, I give it 1 star. Now, there are people I know who did like it, so maybe I'm being to harsh, but I'm telling you just from my own expierience, the movie, which I watched with another friend, gave us alot of unintentional laughs, and we found ourself cought in alot of "What the heck?" and "Oh come on!" moments. I personally, would not recommend it to anyone older than 13, or anyone who isn't a big fan of comics.