Rating:  Summary: Great Movie for Adventure Lovers Review: If you like exciting movies and great books then you should see Holes. I really enjoyed it. I have read the book many times before, and the movie left out some stuff but it was still a great movie and some of the characters are hot. (zero)
Rating:  Summary: kewl movie!! Review: wow! i saw it the day after it came out. i read the book and just had to see the movie. it was amazing! the only thing that disappointed me was that my vision of what everything was going to look like was totally different from the movie. iguess that always happens when you make a movie from a book. it was still awesome. i heard that shia labeouf ate a whole lot of twinkies before filming so he could look overweight, since his character is supposed to be overweight. it didn't ork. other than that, shia's character was great! i absolutely LOVED little zero (Khleo Thomas)! he was an awesome actor, and he got really into character at the 'thumb' part. in all, it was an awesome movie which deserves 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Can't remember last time I saw such a great family movie!! Review: I took my 13 year old daughter to see this movie today and I LOVED it!! The audience started to applaud at the end of the movie, and I heartily agree. Having heard the book several times on audiotape over the past few years, as it is one of my daughter's absolute favorite books of all time, the storyline was not a surprise to me. However, the quality of the movie surpassed my expectations. The acting was stupendous--usually some of the kids are not very convincing in even well-directed and well-written family movies, but these kids were amazing! The adults were also terrific, but with actors of the quality of Jon Voigt and Sigourney Weaver that is not too surprising. The casting of Mr. Pendansky and especially Stanley and Zero were brilliant, and it was also a delight to see Henry Winkler as Stanley's dad. I recently read an article in a magazine which mentioned that Louis Sachar, the author of the book "Holes" wrote or co-wrote the movie script--what an EXCELLENT job he did. I'd love to see his work nominated for an academy award, as I have seldom seen a book translated to cinema as well as has been done for this film.All in all I can't recommend this movie highly enough, and for all of you parents whose kids won't let you take them to the movies anymore--this one is good enough to see on your own. Don't be embarassed--I'm pretty sure you won't be the only unaccompanied parents there.
Rating:  Summary: True to the spirit of the book Review: As both of us - my daughter and I - are great fans of the book, Holes, we were excited to see the film although a bit worried that it might not do this magnificent book justice. But after seeing it, we thought the movie really captured the spirit of the book and brought its amazing tale to the big screen with all the magic of the story itself. That probably has to do with the fact that Holes author Louis Sachar also wrote the film's screenplay. The young actors did a great job and in the adult roles, Jon Voight was amazing as Mr. Sir. This is not just a movie for young people but for anyone who enjoys a great story filled with an array of characters who span generations but who find their destinies intertwined.
Rating:  Summary: Something Rare: a true family film! Review: "Family Film" is a phrase that is used far too often. Usually it mean a movie that kids love and parents tolerate, or visa versa. Not with Holes! My kids and I had read the book, but my husband had not, and all four of us enjoyed the movie equally. The wonderfully twisty magical realism of the book survived the transition to the big screen (author Louis Sachar did the screenplay); the acting by the child actors was subtle and effective; the adult actors filled their roles with gusto; and the gospel/spiritual/country-ish soundtrack was both fitting for the story and its themes and a treat to listen to on its own. We'll be heading back to the theater soon to see this fine movie again!
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic movie! Review: I just saw this movie with my 9 year old boy. He loved it and so did I. He read the novel in his 3rd grade class and got me to take him to the film. It really is wonderful! The screenplay is written by the novel's author, Louis Sachar, which must have helped the fidelity to the original story significantly. Jon Voight, Sigourney Weaver and everyone else are just terrific in their parts. The basic story is about a young boy, Stanley, whose family has perpetual bad luck due to a curse put on them for an ancestor's broken promise. Stanley is mistakenly charged and convicted of stealing a sport celebrity's shoes and is sent to a penal camp for boys. The camp, named after a dried up lake, is in the middle of a desert and all the boys must dig a 5'X 5' hole each day to "build character" and to find a secret special something for The Warden, Sigourney Weaver. How the boys form alliances, survive the dehumanizing conditions of the camp and try to resolve the century old curse results in a surprisingly "feel good" movie. It's not too often that the audience in the theater cheers out loud but they were for this film. Everything in it fit together perfectly to make the whole story thoroughly enjoyable. This is a film worth taking your family to see. I think you'll enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: Just saw it in theaters Review: I'm trying to rate this movie as someone who hasen't read the book. This movie did a good job on recreating the book Holes. I read this book so I knew what was going to happen. As someone who has never read it, it may be boring in the beginning, but it will get more interesting at the end. This movie has some violence, including several with people committing suicide or murders. It doesn't bother me because I'm 14, but some scenes may be scary and or sad to younger audiences.
Rating:  Summary: Complex movie for young people should satisfy adults, too Review: Stanlet Yelnats IV (Shia LaBeouf) is a good kid who is mistakenly sentenced to a boot-camp type place called Camp Green Lake, which is located in the middle of the desert, miles from the nearest water source. There he and the other boys are forced to dig one hole a day for a mysterious purpose known only to the warden (Sigourney Weaver) and her two bizarre henchmen (Jon Voight and Tim Blake Nelson). Stanley finds himself caught up in a complex web of fate and coincidence. With no less than three flashback stories going on (one of them actually a flashback within a flashback), the plot is surprisingly complicated for a children's movie, yet director Andrew Davis and screenwriter Louis Sachar (adapting his own book) keep everything clear. The whole cast is wonderful, but I was especially impressed with Jon Voight's wonderful, quirky comic perfomance as Mr. Sir.
Rating:  Summary: Holes-the book first and then the movie! Review: As a teacher, I look for ways to GRAB my students. Well, this book did. They loved it and wanted more! Continually repeating favorite lines and wanting to know what happened next were indications of their interest. Well, I went to the movie last night and cannot begin to tell you how superb it was! Jon Voight's character of MR. SIR was over the top. I found myself leaning over to my child, repeating lines along with the characters. Lots of laughs and intrigue throughout the story! See it!!!!
Rating:  Summary: JUVENILE TEENS + EX-CONVICTS = BAD MOVIE Review: After seeing ads for "Holes", I thought to myself: "Hmm, since this movie is based on a book, and judging by the various trailers, "Holes" must be of a science-fiction nature. Sounds like another 'Best Picture of 2003' caliber-type movie." Instead, what I viewed was an absolutely disastrous motion picture, with what has to be the most ridiculous storyline in motion picture history. Anytime you pair together a group of troublesome teenagers with a mulligan of adult ex-cons, the recipe usually spells out major disaster. "Holes" is no exception. Generally, when one thinks of Walt Disney Entertainment, that person can usually count on wholesome, family-oriented entertainment, although this company has put out its fair share of subpar projects throughout its long and storied history, with "Holes" scraping the absolute bottom of the barrel, especially in the "family" entertainment value department. Of all that "Holes" has going against it, let's examine these maladies for all they're worth: First off, in judging the film's storyline, have the screenwriters ever heard of child labor laws? If the federal government found out the working conditions these children were subjected to, the people put in charge of this "concentration camp" would be serving at least a ten-year sentence in a federal prison, thus having the place shut down. The living conditions are nothing to write home about, either. Furthermore, the script is as tasteful as the food being served to these kids at this "camp" - being both bland and indigestible. In addition, the whole project lacks any discipline and approach, and is only appealing to your normal 4 to 8 year-old age range, many of whom would find the dialogue herein to be funny, of which most adults with even half an ounce of brain wouldn't even contort a chuckle. In short, if the entire family agrees to take in a movie at their local venue, a babysitter should be brought if the kids want to view "Holes", while it is highly recommended the adults see a movie that is on their level, thus suiting their tastes. As for the acting, both Sigourney Weaver and Henry Winkler are capable of much better. See Winkler's and Weaver's past dramatic and comedic output for further proof of their respective on-screen talents. "Holes" is definitely in the running for "Worst Picture of 2003", and that's a safe bet. Not worthy of your time or money, unless you're looking for a perfect insomnia cure.