Rating:  Summary: Mind Boggling Review: Fight Club is a movie that scars.You walk around with a hot head(literally) for a day, trying to get to the bottom of it. This coupled with an overwhelming desire to see it again, and you have a serious state of confusion. That confusion, left proffesional critics with no option but to dismiss it as a showoffy stylistic exercise with no purpose. As a regular viewer, I find this to be a truly unique film. Most say that its a satire about gen X dis-satisfaction and rise of cults.Other, myself included, call it a comedy. The truth is FIGHT CLUB IS ANYTHING YOU WANT IT TO BE. If you have and IQ in the low 60s you may want to go out and get in to a fight, and it is to you that most movie critics felt a responsibility when panning the film, to the rest of you see this film, and then see it again. It is so rich that you can't possibly catch all of it in one viewing, so many ideas tossed around that you can debate, if that is your thing. The one quib I have with Fight Club, and I'm sure you've heard this before, is the twist half an hour towards the end.Without giving away anything I will say that it ruins the volatile dynamic the film had going between the lead characters. I would have loved to see where their relationship would have ended up without the intervention of the script. On the other hand this u-turn provides it with yet another sub-text,madness. Whether, you love this film or hate it, (I loved it), you have to see it at least twice, becuase you've never seen anything like it before, and unlikely to see anything like it again. That makes , that rarest gem in movies.AN ORIGINAL.
Rating:  Summary: Best film of the year, puts a new spin on life Review: This was the best movie of the year, with American Beauty right behind it. Why can't people overcome the violent content? I will tell you why, they go to movies to see a mouse in a car and they call that entertainment, they go to see movies where things blow up and people say catch phrases that we have heard so many times we want to puke. People watch movies that have an endless amount of merchandise, people don't go to movies for the reason they are intended. Movies are intended to take us to a place we cannot go on our own, movies are also intended to give people the view of the director, there should be a point to every movie. Most movies these days lack this, Fight Club is not one of them. Fight Club tells you to do what you want, do what makes you feel good. There is a fight in everyone's life, the fight with themselves. To overcome this battle you shouldn't start a fight club. The term fight club could have been anything, if the movie was called Quilting Club I don't think it would have a huge impact. The point I am trying to make is whatever you want to do to make yourself happy do it, I loved this movie because it helped me to understand that. I give this movie the highest rating I can, and I urge you to see this movie, mopre than once to get the overall feel and emotion it was intended to put out.
Rating:  Summary: Visionary or goat? Review: A lot of people don't like Fincher's films because he refuses to compromise the inherently difficult nature of the scripts he directs. Fight Club is weirdly the first time that he bottled out, and so despite the daring of the first half of the movie, it unravels into a confused mess.The story of The Narrator in the film's first act is hugely compelling, an involving and eye-popping introduction into a properly original film world. It's a total mind's-eye point of view - the leaps in time and space are dazzling and allow for the creation of an unsettling and vaguley surreal comic-book atmosphere. Someone accused Fincher's bold visual style of being "bleak chic", but the jumpy and neon-bathed images underpin the gradual unraveling of the protagonist's identity in a unique way. There is so much visual information, in fact, that it is impossible to take it all in. And then the fights start. It's not always useful to compare a film to its source material, but in this case it is. The novel he made this film from is stuffed with ideas and is structured around a dizzy pin-ball point of view. The filmmakers, in finding a solution to translating visually what seems an unfilmable book, thus had the potential to construct a grenade out of laser-cut diamonds. But they sold out, maybe inevitably, by turning it into a chase film. I read that Fincher said that at the end of the book it was a disappointment that the buildings didn't blow up; instead, the Narrator ends up in a mental home with the Space Monkeys waiting for him in the background. It's disquieting, and a true psychological portrait of the protagonist in his delerium; and Fincher didn't see it? He blew everything up instead, and you find yourself thinking, is this a different film? The ruthless exposition of the Narrator's psychology from the first half goes to pot. Ach. This is a confused film that didn't have the courage of its convictions. Anything you've read about "fascism" or "sadism" or "glorifaction of masculine rage" says nothing about the movie; those are confused rants by critics who want to understand the film as some weird spontaneous product of ideology, which it isn't. If anything, it tries to unveil mainstream AMERICAN late capitalism as the ideology it really is. Thus, people got angry and threw epithets at it to hide their own nakedness. Cowards! See the film anyway, because the technical achievement of the film is enourmous; the storytelling is superb; and there's really been no other film out there quite like this for a while.
Rating:  Summary: Oscar worthy movie gets snuffed...bum deal! Review: In most movies, to a certian extent, you have to put realty on hold and enjoy it for what it is...a movie. In the case of Fight Club, that may be true...BUT...part of you can't help but think, "WOW, this is so true..." Ed Norton plays your avearge Joe. A young man who is suffering from job insecurity and insomina. He buys lavish things to show his place in society, like most of us feel we have to do. Ultimatley, he comes to realize that everything in life you own, in return ends up owning you. Fight Club is an amazing film based on fantasy turned reality. Somewhere, inside all of us, we have the same feeling and intuitions that Ed Norton experiences in this excellent movie. Although dark and graphic at times, you will find that this movie is one that will soon become a classic. It's unfortunate that it hasn't gotten more recoginition. Fight Club is skewed male, there is no doubt about it. But a true movie fan, male or female will realize what a piece of art David Fincer has created in Fight Club
Rating:  Summary: The best of the four worlds... Review: When I saw this movie, one thought came to my mind: "Take the best of Pulp Fiction, Natural Born Killers, The Usual Suspects and The Matrix; take it to a higher level; and THERE YOU GO!" You end up with "The Fight Club" (thank God the soundtrack had no Trent Reznor tracks... otherwise, it would put you in a VERY edgy state after seeing the movie). The great thing about this movie is that it provides you with an incredible insight about the two sides of the human soul: the dark side (never mind Darth Vader) and the "good" side. A MUST see...
Rating:  Summary: NOT OSCAR MATIERAL But Decent Review: This film is a DECENT film.. so I'll say that much. I think this film has been OVER Hyped.. But it is a VERY good film.... But maby this is just to MTV or TO TEENY 90's movie for me. but one thing this film that does horrorbly at is Turning a COmedy into a drama. I mean, THe comedy part is SO FUNNY! I couldn't stop laughing... then it gets into this very deep dark drama, and it's just a little crude. I say rent this film before buying.
Rating:  Summary: Join the club... Review: Fight Club is THE most original film released in the 21st Century thus far. Brad Pitt has shown us his best with a character that he was essentially born to play. Edward Norton is one of the most talented actors around and Fight Club only exemplifies this. To even begin to explain the plot would give even Einstein a headache, this is because there is so many genres and sideplots seamlessly blended into Fight Club. This credit goes to a sharp script and an even better director, David Fincher has finally proven himself as a future legend.
Rating:  Summary: One of THE best films ever made... Review: This film is without a doubt a masterpiece beyond words.How film critics could just brush the movie off with negative reviews is beyond my comprehension.Beautiful yet disturbing,extremely violent but thoughtful,Fight Club is a film that should have racked up more Oscar nods than American Beauty or anything else.One of the ten best films ever created.
Rating:  Summary: Great Acting, Great Directing, Great Film. Review: I love Fight Club, Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, and Helen Bonham Carter gave Oscar Worthy Performances. It was way under rated at the box office. It has a brillant beging then keeps getting better and better as the dark humor is released. With the best twist ending I have ever seen, although you have to think about all the events in the movie for it to make complete sense. Fight Club is one of the best films of 1999, one of the best films ever, and one of the most under rated films ever. Don't miss it.
Rating:  Summary: It's hard to top this movie Review: When I saw "The Matrix," I thought I would never see a movie that could beat it. I was wrong. I had seen previews for "Fight Club" for almost a year. When I finally found a theater showing it, I bought a ticket. The movie was good enough for me to see it four times. The more I think about the movie, the more I see it happening in the real world. We are under control by businesses and corporations, and we need to let the world know it's not what we want. While going to the extremes this movie did is not advised, I believe this movie tells people to stand up for themselves.