Rating:  Summary: A film that gets you thinking Review: "Fight Club" was more then I thought it would be. I thought it'd just be a regular hollywood action film but in it, it contains ideads on society and psychology of man. Some ideas are really good but others are disgusting. The first flaw(If this wasn't in it, I'd probobly love this film) was the whole idea of Fight Club. I think anyone is deeply sick if they think Men need to beat each other up to free themselves up. What a load of BS. Men need to do anything but fight, thats whats killing us. The fight scenes can get a little intense and are very realistic. I don't complain about violence but when you see someones face bloody with no teeth by being hit a thousand times, then I think you're going overboard. I did like Tyler's views on our materialastic society and how you need to give up. I also of course love Edward Norton's views on his job and his witty dark sense of humor. This film is really great the first hour and turns out thoughtful ideas but too bad it has to sell out to violence and misery.
Rating:  Summary: A wonderful movie! Review: This movie is definately the most underrated movie of last year! When I rented this movie I was thinking it was not going to be that good because it was not in theaters for too long. I was pleasantly surprised. Not only is Brad Pitt a hottie in this film, but the story line is great and even throws you a twist at the end! A Must see!
Rating:  Summary: Ummmm,,,, Review: It is needless to say that this movie is great. I'd like to thank people who made this good movie. Moveing on to the storyline,there are some contradictions ,but you can ignore.You must laugh when you finished seeing this movie. It doesn't mean that the movie is funny,but it tricks you very well. I bet you'll enjoy this movie.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best films of the 90's Review: Provocative, intense, violent, insane, all these words describe Fight Club. But there's more to Fight Club than a bunch of fight scenes and violence, there's an inner meaning, which hints towards the fall of the materialistic western society. The people in Fight Club are nothing less than the victims. They are victims to society and each other as the story developes. Brilliantly acted, an incredible plot, you can almost feel the characters pain. The originality of this movie itself baffles the mind. If you watch it once and then watch it again you can truly appreciate the twist ending and the originality of the cinematography. What else is there to say other than: Watch this movie, it is a MUST SEE.
Rating:  Summary: Extremely funny dark Film. Review: Edward Norton(American History X) gives a Very Strong and FunnyPerformance in this unusual black comedy. Brad Pitt(Kalifornia), he`salso in a Very Good Role. Helena Bonham Carter(Merlin), she also goodin this role. Am surprised MeatLoaf(The Rocky Horror Picture Show) deliver a Good Performance and Also Funny in this film. Jared Leto(Urban Legend) in Almost non-speaking role. Director-David fincher(Alien3, Se7en, The Game) is Very Good for the Unusual Visual and Some Scenes, you`re Impressive with. Music From The Dust Brothers in a Excellent Score. The Person, who deserve Much Credit goes to Rob Bottin(The Howling, John Carpenter`s The Thing, Total Recall, se7en) Incredible Make-Up Effects. Don`t think this as a fight film is not. This is one of those Dark Comedy, like to talk over and over again. Good Premise for the film. The film also had, one of the twist in the plot, you all be surprise about. Don`t read about the film twist on a Magazine. It`s Spoiled The Surprise For You! For DVD Fans, Fight Club is going to be-One of the Best Extras on the Disc. Four or Five Different Audio Commentary for Each person, Like The Director, Actors or Composer Commentary. Digitally Remastered in THX. Deleted Scenes and Outtakes. Of Course-Dolby Digital 5.1 will be great, Those who have a Home Theater. Fans of the Fight Club, Save You Money to get This Special Edition. Grade:A-. Super 35.
Rating:  Summary: Great! Review: Fight Club is a great movie! A lot of people say that it is too violent and doesn't say anything! Fight Club isn't that violent. It only explores how people are feeling today. Fight Club shows you excactly how a lot of people feel. Trapped in this impression that we have to buy that or have this. Also that people are way too stressed and one of the only ways to release this is to actually hit somebody. It is also very well acted by Norton, Pitt, and Carter. Norton delivers once again with a wonderful portrayal of the nameless narrator.. Pitt is very good as the crazy Tyler. It is defiantly a must see!
Rating:  Summary: Possibly the most subversive film... Review: ...Hollywood could ever hope to make, Fight Club pushes envelopes like a busy mailroom. This is a movie that, ultimately, is a vicious and fun attack on capitalism--usually the subject matter of scrappy indie films, but not so here. Brad Pitt and Ed Norton have great chemistry--the former being a revolutionary thoughtful AND sadistic at the same time, the latter doing his best to drop out of his meaningless corporate life (itself filled with violence--he checks gruesome car accidents to see whether to raise insurance rates) with fists flying. Literally. Yes, this is an incredibly violent movie, but the violence isn't senseless--the director and the actors use violence as a tool to smash easy assumptions about basic constructions of the everyday reality of American life. Take this for what you will, disagree with the film even--but Fight Club forces the viewer at the very least to challenge his or her own thought process, in a clever, visceral, sometimes outrageous way.There are so many amazing aspects about this film that its hard to pin this one down or that one--the great supporting cast that includes Helena Bonham Carter as a "support group tourist" and Meat Loaf as a guy with, er, breasts, in his best role since Rocky Horror. In this film, you'll find out why a penguin is Ed Norton's character's spirit animal, the strange origin of soap, how gruesome the safety instructions for an airplane can be and...well, I'll stop there. See the movie, be impressed by how a Hollywood film can actually break the odds and actually mean something greater than the sum of its parts.
Rating:  Summary: When You Just Have to See A Good Movie... Review: Probably the most underrated movie of the year. Edward Norton gives an astounding performance, and when he meets up with Brad Pitt he gets better. Edward Norton works for a car company, investigating what happens to them when they get in accidents. His life is going nowhere. He meets Brad Pitt on a plane heading home. When he arrives home he finds his home has been blown-up, and for some reason he decides to call Pitt. This is when his whole life flip-flops. Pitt is Norton's exact opposite, outgoing, outrageous, out loud. Pitt and Norton meet at a bar and have a few beers. As they leave the bar Pitt tells Norton to punch him and this is how "Fight Club" is started. It builds from a group of guys fighting in a bar parking lot to the bar basement and then the whole U.S.A. Norton spends the rest of the movie trying to figure out his relationship with Pitt, which gives way to a total shocker for an ending. So run out NOW and buy, this or rent this!
Rating:  Summary: ONE OF THE BEST FILMS OF '99 Review: David Finchers " Fight Club " was one of the most underated films of 1999. Now Im not a big Brad Pitt fan but in this film he deliveres a great performance as does Ed Norton and Hena Bonham Carter and even Meat Loaf. Now other than the " I never saw that coming ending" Fight Club is a funny and violet satire. Director David Fincher ( SEVEN, THE GAME ) directes with such smoothness and skill that one day he will be remembered as one of the best.
Rating:  Summary: A man's journey within and some other cool stuff Review: Everyone should like this movie. It has action with fight scenes that are chillingly realistic without being bogged down with scripted, choreography, but also has a substantial plot with a an ending analogous to that of Dr. Strangelove, or the Usual Suspects. I hope that the critical jabbering that it was too violent doesn't scare anyone off, as anyone who takes this as a purely violent theme movie missed the point entirely. This is a must see movie in the category of Apocalypse Now or the afformentioned Dr. Strangelove.