Rating:  Summary: 003 1/2 Review: Unfortunately the extensive use of CGI effects undermines many of the bigger setpieces. Once you start using computer effects, all bets are off, as they are essentially just high tech cartoons. I want real people doing real stunts. Alone on the screen, Brosnan and Berry are fine, but together, they are too self-conscious. An invisible car is too fantastic a gadget; the best gadgets always have some foundation in the realm of possibility. Still the direction is glossy and there is plenty of eye candy. It may be time for a stylish, spoof ala Moonraker. I never thought I'd say that.
Rating:  Summary: Die Another Day Review: This is one film that I was waiting for such a long time to came out (since I saw The World is Not Enough in theaters in 1999),and I must say this film was definitely worth the wait! I always read reviews now about people bashing this film, and I admit, some parts are pretty bad, but just look past them and look at the film as a whole,and you'll realize it's not that bad. Brosnan is the most like Fleming's Bond in this one I think, even though he acts a lot like Fleming's Bond in all of his films. The film has a spectacular beginning with Bond getting captured and tortured in North Korea (this is the first time anything like this has happened in a Bond film!). All the scenes in the movie are great until he gets to Iceland where the film begins to go slightly downhill, but is still a joy to watch. Now the ending is just horrible when Bond and Jinx go after Graves in North Korean air space! Everytime I watch this DVD I usually end up turning the film off before that part happens, since I really don't care for it! Besides that, you have one awesome film that should get more positive feedback!
Rating:  Summary: Bond can never die Review: its a notch better then Tomorrow NEver Dies non the less and I liked it throughout and its fun, purely fun and for Bond fans. ok, lets say if Sean Connery played Bond for all 20 films, like Bond would be like the same age as Connery. good concept and it would be funny to of seen that happen. anyway, at the beginning of this one Bond gets captured and tortured and then he is traded with some dude that has diamonds stuck up into his face. Bond meets Jinx(Halle Berry, wow!!!) and they team up to go aginast the evil Toby Stephens and his woman Rosamund Pike(wow also!!!). Judi Dench and John Cleese reprise their roles as well as M and Cleese went from R to Q because Desmond Llwellyn the old Q died after making The World Is Not Enough(and I liked the old Q too). Madonna does the cover song and also has a cameo as well. the ice palace at the end is grand, though who would wanna live in that place.
Rating:  Summary: Maybe the next one will be good Review: Worst Bond film in the Brosnan series. Hally Berry was awful. You would have to be a serious Bond fan to praise this mess. Good special effects as usuall. Other then that, crap !
Rating:  Summary: One of the lesser Bond films Review: I saw this movie the day it opened, as I have every Bond film since "The Living Daylights" (when I was old enough to go). Ever since the awful "Tomorrow Never Dies" I have been questioning my ability to go on with this tradition, but this movie convinced me that it is officially over. I thoroughly enjoyed Pierce Brosnan in "Goldeneye," when he actually acted and took the action seriously; in this one, he has the same smirky expression for every scene ("Oh, that was a good party before I had to escape...whoops, I think I'll just use the ejector seat to flip my car back rightside up as I spin out of control on the ice and avoid that missile, doe dee doe...I wonder if my insurance covers this, ho hum..."). I find it very hard to believe that someone who had done so well and had actually resembled Sean Connery's rough-edged Bond could degenerate into this simp. I hear that Brosnan has retired as Bond and all I can say is thank God and good riddance. And don't even get me started on Halle Berry...I never have liked her and this movie did nothing to raise her in my eyes. At least they resisted giving her a pointless nude scene that appears in most of her films. The only redeeming quality of this film is the extraordinary John Cleese playing Q's successor R; he is always hilarious and his interactions with Bond hark back the glory days of Desmond Llewelyn and Sean Connery.
Rating:  Summary: Latest Bond Flick Rests on its Laurels Review: As a huge Bond fan, (I own and have reviewed all of them) I have mixed feelings about DAD. Its always great to see a new Bond movie. Any Bond movie is better than no Bond movie. Unfortunately, this movie is easily Brosnan's weakest and will, in time, take its place in the lower half of the Bond canon. Not one the worst, by any means, but certainly not in the same league as the Bond classics. Basically a two hour victory lap for the Bond franchise. Even the title is a retread. New rule for the Bond movie makers: no future Bond movie may have either Die or Gold in the title. That silly point aside, the main problem with DAD is its steadfast refusal to push the envelope in almost any area. The movie is loaded with smirky and over-obvious references to past Bond movies but fails to introduce anything new besides a snappy and catchy Bond song by Madonna and an invisible (thanks to CGI) Bond car. Low points are awkward and embarrassing dialogue, blah villians and a space laser made from diamonds (a deliberate and ill advised retread from Diamonds Are Forever). It doesn't help that Brosnan seems a bit tired of it all. Hopefully he'll do one more Bond movie in 2005 and pass the torch. Cross your fingers for a better villian next time around. The Iceland scenes are the most exciting. The car chase on ice is an especially well made action scene. All said and done, I can't imagine DAD will satisfy Bond diehards or bring new fans into the fold.
Rating:  Summary: When will we have a decent Bond film? Review: This movie is really lame. Every Bond film has a plot that could never happen but the plot of "Die Another Day" just could never happen even if you suspend your disbelief with all of your will. There are two things that would just never happen no matter what. 1. There is no way a scientist would ever be able to "trade" DNA. 2. There is no way any government would let villains build a weapon in space.Why (by the way) were the good guys in shock that the weapon was there? Why didn't they know about the weapon until the end of the film? The governments of the world have satellites everywhere. They would have seen astronauts (or machines) building the weapon. "Die Another Day" was more of a live action video game then a movie. It was really a waste of time. Most of the Bond movies are far-fetched but they at least have technology and plots that you can believe if you really stretch your disbelief. Die Another Day was just too ridiculous to ever fathom or believe. I hope the next film is better.
Rating:  Summary: Just Plain Horrible Review: I had such high hopes for the 20th Bond film....When I read the original premise on the net, Bond is captured, tortured, I thought, "Wow, they are really going to do something special." I saw this movie as an opportunity to explore the real Bond, the Bond Fleming wrote about years ago. He wasn't super human in the novels, he was a man, a flawed man, who almost lived to die. Captured and tortured, how would this affect him emotionally? Would he lose his confidence? Being locked up with no physical contact, what would his first encounter with a woman after the torture be like? Would he be second guessing himself? What I really wanted to see in Bond this time around was fear...and how he would deal with that fear to return to the man he once was. But alas, you get this piece of trash. The angle which I had dwelled on for so many months was dispelled in the first 10 minutes. After Bond is free, he's back to the one liners, sleeping with as many woman as he can find, and still drinking those martinis. He didn't even have flashbacks or nightmares about his incarseration. The rest of the film is a bunch of bunk, essentially, it's the "Best of Bond" composed of think plot lines from "Diamonds Are Forever," "Goldeneye" and a bit of every other Bond flick. A BIG dissapointement. Also, why did they put so much stock in Halle Berry's character of Jinx. The movie is a James Bond picture, not Bond and sidekick. The producers put too much emphasis on that aspect. I believe the best Bond films from the Brosnan era are: Tomorrow Never Dies The World is Not Enough Simply because these films seem more real. More in touch with today. TND dealt with media manipulation. TWINE dealt with personal vendettas set against the backdrop of an Oil crisis. Die Another Day is a big rush, just all over the place, no real cohesiveness. Die Another Day is so far in fantasy land, with Death Rays and Ice Castles, you would think good ol' Walt Disney had something to do with this production. Let's just hope the producers of the next film have gotten this "millenium" Bond out of their system and go back to the roots of Bond. Sure the gadgets are cool, but lets focus on character. To me, that's more interesting than an Aston Martin with pop up machine guns. By the way, Brosnan needs to hang it up....time for a new Bond. Either Hugh Jackman or Christian Bale. True
Rating:  Summary: You thought Moonraker was bad... Review: I find it hard to believe anyone liked this movie, but then Moonraker was one of the most successful James Bond movies made... But we also know how that one aged. If you can watch this film and listen to the dialogue (most notably every word Halle Berry utters) and think it's remotely well written, it proves you've never heard of Ian Fleming or have never seen the first four Bond movies. It's too bad, because The World is Not Enough was the first step in the right direction the "writing" team of Purvis and Wade, or whatever there names are, had made. All in all, Pierce Brosnan's films won't age well, not because he's bad, but because his films are poorly written, coupled with mediocre direction. Shame on Producer Michael Wilson for losing his interest or judgement and allowing these new films to be so dreadful after he co-wrote some of the best in the series in the 1980s. Please, oh please, hire new writers and new directors and go back to story/character driven movies where the action/humor is less cartoony/more tasteful. It wouldn't hurt to hire a younger actor to play the part either, someone who's in his late thirties like the Bond character is supposed to be... Hugh Jackman could fill Sean Connery's shoes quite nicely... Then we might see the resurfacing of the genuine phenomenon that the movies were in the 1960s and not a corporate pushed package that treads on the quality and success of the originals!
Rating:  Summary: Cool Car Chases! Review: I love 007! This is the first movie I seen because I haven't seen Goldeneye, which I wanted to. Halle Berry is so talented in this movie. I love the car scenes, which is pretty cool to watch over and over again. Because I can't resist the car that James Bond was driving in the movie. I wish that was my car, oh well. I love all the James Bond movies, I'm gonna have to stack up some money to buy the box set. I guarantee that you would love this movie!