Rating:  Summary: Also bought after recording with tivo(actually replay) Review: I recorded this on my replay recorder and even tho I can skip commercials, I stopped after an hour and decided that this film deserved to be purchased and watched without even the thought of skipping over ads. The film's road movie guise is a wonderful device to invoke the spirit of storytelling. I watched over two nights as there was much to absorb. This deserves wider acknowledgement as a moving testimony to the power of "myth". Dreamkeeper is true to its title.
Rating:  Summary: DreamKeeper's a truthfully amazing movie Review: A really great formatted movie I have seen in years. This movie I watched on TV and it kept me bound to the TV as I also recalled reading about a couple of the stories they put on film. That of the Great Serpent Iya that I have recalled him as. It is a great honor to now have a movie as great of many that has been filmed, also of Crazy Horse, Dances With Wolves, and many others that depicts the true nature of Native American Life in the now as well as the past. It is so sad the way the Native Americans were treated then and the life they live now due to the past, it is movies like this that brings a true meaning to the now Native Youth as well as the elders and young adults. Hoka Hey to DreamKeeper, Mitakuye Oyasin (We are all related). With Wanbli Eagle), we soar, to Hehaka (Elk) we love and defend, to Mato (Bear) we stand strong, and to Tatanka (Buffalo) we will strive for our rights of a True American. Native Pride, Heart and sole. Too all, Mitakuye Oyasin Robert Runnelk Erickson
Rating:  Summary: The greatest show to ever air on television Review: ABC and Hallmark should be commended highly for putting forth this outstanding program. Dreamkeeper is absolutely brilliant in every possible way. Production, direction, writing, acting, effects, cinematography, etc... everything was remarkable. It was inspiring, moving and educational all at once. I cannot recall ever being so moved by ANYTHING on TV. This show has restored my faith in television programming, and I know many other people feel the same way. I hadn't seen or heard any advertising about Dreamkeeper but just came across it as I was channel-surfing; it stopped me in my tracks and kept me enraptured throughout the conclusion last night. Amazing.This is a must-own along with any possible tie-ins, i.e. resource & educational materials, as the content is of such a high caliber. I hope the "head honchos" over at ABC and Hallmark get this message and know how much this program meant to alot of people. For what it's worth, I am a "regular white guy" but my wife is Cherokee and African-American and we both were held speechless throughout the entire program.
Rating:  Summary: Dreamkeeper Review: AMAZING! I was able to catch this movie over the holiday break and let me say it was the absolute highlight of my holiday! Not only was my family captivated but also some guests that were staying over with us vowed to watch it on the following night when they got home! Amazing graphics, amazing details, amazing authenticity - I just can't say enough! I will be adding this treasure to my collection!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Movie! Review: Amazingly I was able to catch the whole movie on tv and I though it was wonderful. The writers were able to take a collection of legends that are terrific on their own, and weave them together in such a way as to create a masterpiece. I though the acting excellent, and I can't say there was even one actor that I remember thinking poorly of. It was truely a good movie and I would recommend it for all who are fascinated with Indian legends as I am.
Rating:  Summary: JUST BEAUTIFUL.... Review: DREAMKEEPER is just beautiful and fun at the same time!
Grandpa and grandson are just wonderful in their roles. A real pleasure to watch.
Some scenes are a bit hard to be seen by a child, like dead bodies of buffalos without skin. That was hard even for me.
But in general the acting of grandpa and grandson and those gorgeous women is just great!
The best of all, there is a beautiful message for all teenagers and everybody. There is beauty in this world still, and within the soul of man. That's what makes a man beautiful: his/her soul!
Rating:  Summary: Magical Review: Ever since I was a young girl I have always had a deep love and respect for the native american culture. This movie has defined the heart of the native american people and has proven again why I do have this fondness for this culture. Not only did this movie show the beauty of the culture of the natives americans but it motivates you to go out to find more about your culture. Who you are is the foundation of your character and the major part of who you are is your culture. Your culture gives you a sense of who you are and what you believe in, but in today's world we all have lost sight of that. This movie is a great example of showing the reality of this struggle so hopefully many will view the film and find a glimpse of their true selves through it.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderfull and Educational Review: First time I seen it it re awoke my native heritage which I had gotten away from some trying to mainstream and be accepted. I now know that I was off, and am glad someone made a movie to let me know I was on the wrong red road.
It's ahame when someone like the amazon reviewer seems to slam something he/she obviously did not understand. and should try opening their typical american mind to the fact there are other cultures who do things differantly not everyone is a white american. the world is made of more then that! It's a sad statment they make on something that has alot of meaning for alot of people. regaurdless of their colour ect.
FYI I am 14 writting this review, and I know were my life was going, so this was a help to me.
Thanks hallmark for a wonderful movie!
Rating:  Summary: boo,amazon reviewer--comment/add-on to March 3rd reviewer Review: I also object to the amazon reviewer's comments. Obviously that person didn't understand a thing about the old stories. I feel like the "want a be" young man in the movie. I have Native American background, but have been raised in a white world. I know the old stories and found this movie very heartfelt. My daughters have also been taught the old stories and when the turtle came up out of the sea at the end, we started sobbing. What a beautiful ending!! I too think that if you didn't have some Native American understanding you would miss alot of what this movie has to offer. However, my husband is not Native American and he did find the movie very interesting and enjoyed it. Beautiful, beautiful, moving movie!!
Rating:  Summary: from my heart- the real world of my people Review: I am an East Coast Indian and all i can say is Thank you from my heart for making this movie about all my people and our culture.Thank you Amazon. com for offering this for sale but i do disagree about the movie not holding together. I can not watch this movie enough. It has alot of life messages that it tells. It is about real- our Indian world. The natural world.I cry with proudness when i see Indians acting as Indians. Our true world-our true culture was shown in this movie. My heart is Proud.........This movie will be seen and handed down in our families for time to come........