Rating:  Summary: A good movie... hopefully a better DVD Review: I'm not going to delve into the story line as others have already done that. Overall, I enjoyed this movie. At 121 minutes long this movie seems that it was limited in how much of a story it could tell. The film makers are tasked with explaining brand new societies of vampires and wherewolves including new rules (which I don't mind... these are FANTASY characters afterall) and unfortunatley character developement did not get all of the screen time that it should have gotten. The visual feel of the movie was great, almost Gothamesque and the soundtrack matched the film perfectly. The Audio / Visual effects were very good too. I sincerly hope that a extended DVD will be released with 30 minutes more footage to explain the story a little better. Still, after seeing this movie last night I felt that my money was well spent. In its present form... this is a entertaining movie.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing to look at! Review: Well, I will begin by saying that I thought this movie was stunning to look at. The make-up, special fx's, and fight scenes were amazing. Like many others the story itself had a few problems, but I still enjoyed the movie and will probably see it again and definitely buy the DVD when it's available. I saw this movie again and liked it better the second time. The movie is fast paced and I missed a few things the first time. I still can't get over the look of this movie the special Fx's are absolutely fabulous. As for the story I think they cut it a little too deeply for my taste I'd have liked a longer story with some more information, but it was the best vampire/werewolf story I have seen since Brotherhood of the Wolf.
Rating:  Summary: good movie Review: this was a great movie, the acting was good, the action scenes were good, but i gave it a 4 because of the lack of action. it was alot more about getting towards the idea on why the war between the vampires and lichens was started and why it has lasted long. overall this movie was awsome, and u should go see it.
Rating:  Summary: An average movie Review: The movie could have been very good if the character and story line would have been further developed. You always felt that you were droped in the middle of a story. If more of the questions would have been answered than it would have been a very great movie.
Rating:  Summary: Fabulous Review: Hey, this is eye candy, pure dark fiction. If I expected deep drama, I would have rented Hamlet instead of seeing Underworld. A few reviewers were dissing it so far, but I happened to enjoy it. It was dark, rainy, fast paced, interesting story line that really makes you want to get to the core of it, thight leather clothes, flying, shooting, running, picturesque fighting sequences. I'm glad i saw it, dont let them tell you otherwise. Also the lycans (werewolves) looked really cool, big raw cats, and the transformatin you got to watch was really some oscar worty special effects.
Rating:  Summary: Five stars with an asterisk Review: Okay, here's the deal: if you are looking for deep character development and an airtight plot than you had no intention of seeing a modern action movie in the first place. So why are the critics so cruel? I think a lot of professionals felt that they got on the Matrix bandwagon too late and to compensate they are trying to jump ship before the genre starts sinking. Stylish action flicks were en vogue the past few years and I'm sure Mr. Ebert has the hate mail to prove it.Regardless, Underworld in what it appears to be. A stylish, frenetic action film with the right mix of CGI, thin but compelling plotlines, and jaw dropping action to warrant an addition to my DVD collection when it gets distributed. It's a winner. To think otherwise...well, you would have had to be looking for something that is wasn't nor should it have been. For its genre it's an exceptional piece of cinema.
Rating:  Summary: Never Again Review: Save your money, this one wasnt worth it. I wouldnt buy the DVD either.Len Wiseman scores Kate Beckinsale and that seems to be all he was after to begin with here.A waste of seven dollars and fifty cents.
Rating:  Summary: A well timed surprise with an amazing score and good acting Review: The movie climatically was wonderful and a good cast of new faces provided a surprising pleasant performance. Overall the movie was without question one of the better movies of its genre. An unusually thick deep plot was woven while not sacrificing the flow and progression of the action sequences. A good idea for anyone to see it, as I highly recommend you do, and for those of us who have already. I believe the consciences is a sequel should be in order. Enjoy the show, it might ruin you for those of it's kind to come. But I hope it simply raises the bar.
Rating:  Summary: dont listen to the haters of this movie Review: those that reviewed this movie that said it {stink's} havnt seen the movie like they said tehy did. this movie realy surprised methe only problem i ahd was teh actor that played the temp leader of the vampires he was pretty bad but every one else was great the action was good not to over teh top matrix like everyone else said it had and for teh reviewer that said teh jumpin off the chuch was at teh end just saw that in teh preview , cause she did that in the first 5 min . any one liking werewolves or vampires should go see this movie its was a great twist on the treid and boring vampire movies.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad, but somewhat disappointing overall Review: After seeing the previews for this film, which were some of the most striking that I had seen ages, I was really excited about seeing this film. As so often is the case with a film one is expecting to love, it was more than a bit of a disappointment. I was hoping for a masterpiece along the lines of THE CROW or even DARK CITY, but it failed to reach that level. It is, however, still a pretty decent film. I give it four stars, though it probably deserves three and a half. Part of the problem with the film is that it starts slowly, but luckily the second half of this film almost completely redeems the first half. About halfway through the movie, I would have given it about two stars. The story was, despite a great look to the film otherwise and some good fight sequences, just developed very well, and most of the characters were fairly uninteresting. I also imagined that it was predictable, but remarkably it suddenly because completely unpredictable, and unlike most movies, which tend to start well but end poorly, this one got stronger as it went along. I won't offer spoilers, but rarely have I seen a film that as effectively surprised you with a reconsideration of who the good guys and who the bad guys were. There are unquestionably some very nice moments in the end, and some stunning visuals. I love the way that Kate Beckinsale's vampire character jumps off the top of a church tower and seems to impact the ground weightlessly, and near the end I loved the beautiful stunt where she grabs a sword and soars twenty or thirty feet through the air to attack her opponent. And one has to love Ms. Beckinsale's lovely vampire Selena throughout the film. Unfortunately, this would seem to be a low budget film that expended all its cash on Beckinsale, special effects, and artistic design. The acting of most of the actors in the film is beyond dreadful. The performance of the actor portraying Kraken, the temporary head of the vampire clan, is one of the four or five worst I have ever witnessed. And despite the tremendous improvement in plot in the second half of the film, the story as a whole is not strong. None of the characters, not even Beckinsale's Selene, are allowed to develop to any great degree. The portrayal of vampires is quite interesting. The vampires here are quite violent towards the werewolves, but are primarily benign towards humans, nor do they feed upon them. In fact, we learn that feeding on humans is considered immoral. They actually own a blood distribution company, presumably for feeding purposes. Most unusual in vampire lore, the vampires do have reflections, and it is odd to see Kate Beckinsale looking into a fogged mirror, presumably after a shower. Their physical strength is deemphasized, while their physical agility is emphasized. Overall, they seem less powerful than the lycans they war against. For those familiar with vampires as presented in Buffy, most of the vampires here have more in common with Angel than with Angelus. All in all, not a great film, but certainly not a bad one either. My recommendation overall would be to wait for this one on DVD, unless one is especially interested in vampires.