Rating:  Summary: Which Side Will You Choose? Review: I chose the vampires all the way. ... She jumps off the building in the first 5 minutes, not the end. Anyway, if you read the book you'll understand that the reflections in the mirror were not a mistake, but a perfectly planned idea. ... Kate Beckinsale, I have to say, gave the best performance of her career. There is going to be a sequel because it is underway right now. I'm not sure if it'll pick up where the first left off, but the beginning will have something to do with it. Go see this!
Rating:  Summary: So disappointing. Coulda been a contender. Review: As has been elaborated upon dozens of times, the trailer for this baby totally rocked. The movie, not so much. The concept was completely boss. The execution wasn't."Underworld" drops you into this story without so much as a compass to guide you. Important elements in the standard vampire and werewolf mythos - what hurts them, what powers do they have (and apparently the vampires have none!) - are drastically modified, which is fine it itself. But most of these changes are never explained or addressed. You could figure it out on your own if it were not inconsistently applied even within the movie! Kate Beckinsale is capable and solid and certainly was the perfect choice for the role as it was (probably) originally conceived. But the writing is so sparse that her character is two-dimensional at best. Her Selene is beautiful but not attractive because there is not much of anyone there to care about. Her motivation for hunting the Lycans (and please note the spelling kids - it's based on the word 'lycanthrope') is given not in flashbacks but in brief expository dialogue delivered to the thinnest character in the film - her human 'love inerest'. Their relationship is inexplicable. The movie partially redeems itself with the finale, which is clever and sometimes even original. But it has no emotional payoff because you have so little love for the protagonists. Bottom line: As a B-grade monster/action flick, it's actually pretty good. It looks incredible. It almost even rises to the level of guilty pleasure. But it could have been SO much more.
Rating:  Summary: The Appendix to a much better Novel!!! Review: Have you ever read the appendix of an epic novel? You know the pages near the back of a classic novel like DUNE or LORD OF THE RINGS where a lot of extra information lies. It let's you in on a thing that happened before the story and tells of kings and queen who ruled the area before the action of the actual story take place. The new film UNDERWORLD plays like the appendix of a novel. There's lots of extra information and yet very little substance in and of itself. UNDERWORLD tells the story of Selene (Kate Beckensale, Pearl Harbor), a vampire, and Michael (Scott Speedman, Duets) a human being chased by the vampire's sworn enemies, a band of Werewolves. Selene job in her vampire clan is to kill said Werewolves, she's known as a death eater. You see there is a war brewing between the werewolves and the vampires. It's kind of an undead Hatfield and McCoy story. Or is it? UNDERWORLD suffers from an intriguing concept and little substance. There is this huge back-story, that finds its way into the movie and I bet it's figured out pretty concisely. There talk of history, and legend, and generations of vampire's and werewolves. But that's all. Compelling characters take a back seat, to loud and almost obnoxious action sequences and subplots running left and right with nowhere to go. In fact the only reason the film focuses on Beckensale is because she's the big name star. She comes and goes at the whim of the screenplay. In fact I think there was a 20-minute segment near the end that she isn't even in. The major plot of this film plays like an overlong subplot in a much more epic film or maybe even a two-part episode of a fantasy television series. In fact that's the only way a film like Underworld can work. The film is crying out for some focus. There's a story dying to come out. It's right there on the surface, and instead of focusing on Selene and her fight to save Michael. It is bogged down by this silly and overdeveloped history of the war between vampire's and werewolves. You know what. This movie would make a great television or comic book series. It just doesn't work as a stand-alone film. And yet I can't say I hated UNDERWORLD. It looks too good. Its visual style lies somewhere between BATMAN and MINORITY REPORT. It's set in one of those futuristic cities that are dirty and disgusting, and full of horror. A city where the sun never shines and humans are food for the children of the night. If you like really neat eye candy this is the film for you. It seems like the filmmakers took the lets see how much cool stuff we can jam into the film approach, and most of it works on a purely surface level. It's only after you realize that if you removed most of the cool scenes you'd have nothing worth watching and that's when the Action sequences begin to grate on you. I longed for a much better, more fully realized picture than I got with UNDERWORLD. I wanted cool action sequences, but I also wanted some compelling characters and interesting story developments. All of which fall flat under the weight of an unfocused and overly melodramatic story. Do yourself a favor and skip UNDERWORLD. But as consolation may I suggest you give EQUILBRIUM a try? **1/2 out of 5
Rating:  Summary: Wow - what the hell?? Review: Ok. Let me just say it & get it out of the way - WORST MOVIE EVER!! There was so much potential with this movie - what happened?? Did the Editors go nuts and cut everything with substance? Did the producer/director come upon a good idea for a movie, and forget to hire a writer??? Let me address the problems I had with this movie: 1) No character development~! THe main female character kept the SAME expression on her face the ENTIRE movie! {"ooh, he's cute (angry face)" or "damn, i've been betrayed! (same angry face)"} The main male character simply reacted - no background, no character at all. He could have just as easily been added in the last 5 minutes of the movie. THe one character (who was a werewolf) in the movie that starts getting some background and depth - they kill off immediatly. Its almost as if someone was standing by saying "no wait - we can't have that - people may start to be able to enjoy the movie! Kill him off quick!!" 2) No story! No depth! No sense!! BY the end of the movie, you are wondering what the heck is going on! And by the time you find out - it's still no real explanation - just something thrown at you at the last moment, just to give you an easy answer - even though it doesn't even make sense. During the last epic battle - which is inevitable in this type of movie (i've got NO problem with that, i expected a formulaic type of movie - it's just everything else!) - you don't even know who to route for anymore. And not only that, it's been so slow and painful that you don't care!! You start to think - someone DIE already - JUST END THE PAIN!! 3) Vampires are wussies! Now what's up with that? They can jump from a 30 story building to the ground without messing up their hair; or jump vertically 20 feet and cling to a ceiling - but if attacked, and without a gun, they run. And not just run - but run SLOWLY. 4) Dude's hair! A minor complaint - but still very annoying. You literally never see the main male character's face - his hair is always covering it!! While I have no problem with a grunge look, or in the midst of a fight/heat of the moment mussed hair - for cripes sake - he works at a hospital, and his hair's all over the place! 5) Some bad acting. Not the whole movie, but it's there. In a movie with a strong lead role, strong story, or *some* kind of strength somewhere - it would have gone unnoticed. However - with nothing more than a cool premise, it stood out as just more more thing to ensure this movie would never make it to the "good flick" category. 6) Vampire girlie's clothes. While very cool, and while there WERE three outfits, they were so similar that she may as well have only had one. Variety? Hello? Just because she's a vamp doesn't mean she can only dress in one outfit, have one look on her face, or only one stomping walk. (angry look, angry clothes, angry walk) This may seem like a minor complaint, as is the one about the main male character's hair. But again, along with everything else, it gives the overbearing impression that this movie never had a writer - or, if a script was written, it was so badly mangled, edited and changed as to make it completely unrecognizable as a story. 7) NO ENDING. Oh please - leaving it open for a sequel?? THE PAIN NEVER ENDS. I'd like to add that this movie had really great special effects. The werewolves changing, and the wire-work on the vampires was not only well done, but i'd even go as far as saying they were terrific! WHY oh WHY didn't they put that kind of effort and skill into the script????? In closing, I have to say I was incredibly disappointed in this movie. I expected formulaic. I expected predictable (boy, was i not let down there!) I even expected it to not get any Emmy nominations. But let me tell you - this movie would make any bad movie look good. Do yourself a favor. Skip this one. If you see it - see it on video, on a night you are looking for a cheesy B-movie with good special effects.
Rating:  Summary: Underworld: It's under something all right. Review: The Trailer was inspired, the posters were eye candy, the concept was brilliant. The only strike against it's add campaign was the horrific title the movie chose as its monicker. So where did this little-movie-that-could go wrong? Lets investigate shall we. Set Design: No problems from this angle. Besides being a bit cliched everything felt right at home.They were dark set pieces that helped set the mood for the battle of the century. Vampires Vs. Werewolves!! "Only in America". Cinematography: Everything is pretty much soaked in this blue-gray color. It has been done many times before. I wish that just one of these movies would just show some color, it's dark, I get it. Writing: Here, ladies and gentlemen, is the first strike. Many of the lines that these poor thespians must speak are, to say the least, atrocious. It was almost comedic how many cliched lines were just spewed forth. And their was no farce to support these lines, they are spoken with the most serious of tones it becomes almost like a running gag. Unfortunately this is not a comedy and the audience never "gets" the joke. Terrible job. Acting: Strike two! You must care for all of these characters for one reason and for one reason alone: they look really cool in black. Kate runs around emotionless and dull, motivated but strangely lifeless. The rest of this cast just follows the acting 101 lesson of basic emotions. "Grrr I'm angry." "Sniffle I'm sad." They breathe no life into any part of this sad sad production. Not one vampire ever acts like a vampire. Not one werewolf ever acts like a werewolf. This shoulda been "Humans in black leather Vs. Humans without shirts." Much like the Matrix Reloaded we are merely teased with the prospect of a true supernatural war of fantasies most inventive creations. Direction: This movie had a director? Strike three. The plot goes into all the good cliches of having these creatures really interested in science and technology, yet never show some of the good old methods of killing. These scenes try to fill up the spaces between the times of talking and when things go boom. The action scenes never become exciting. While cloning the matrix it never tries to find its own voice, instead it becomes the echo of the tried and true nature of todays action where wire-fu and guns equal big box office. Even equilibrium created the "gun-kata" which made it very enjoyable to watch. I have no vendetta against movies that take inspiration from alot of todays most popular films. But when it chooses never to break out into an original creation is where I find it boring and a complete waste of time to watch. Their is no satisfying aspect to this movie besides the alluring idea of watching vamps and wolves duke it out. Instead we get boring gun fights that could have been just humans fighting it out in the subway.
Rating:  Summary: No one does it better than Kate Beckinsale in "Underworld"!! Review: About a day ago, I managed to see "Underworld" at the theater, and this is what I think about the film...OUTSTANDING!! "Underworld" has so much action, unrelenting suspense, and mind-blowing special effects that make "Blade" seem like a walk to grandma's house! With intense direction by first-time director Len Wiseman, "Underworld" has an excellent cast led by the lovely Kate Beckinsale ("Cold Comfort Farm", "Pearl Harbor") in what is sure to be one of the best performances ever in her career. Joining Kate are Scott Speedman ("Dark Blue", "Duets"), Michael Sheen ("The Four Feathers"), Shane Brolly ("Impostor"), and Bill Nighy ("Love Actually") in which they, too, gave outstanding performances. "Underworld" focuses on a thousand-year war between vampires and werewolves. Centered in the middle of the war is Selene (Beckinsale), a beautiful vampire warrior, or "Death Dealer" as she calls herself. She exists solely to slaughter a band of werewolves known as "Lycans" that her clan has been battling for centuries. Although she is aligned with the vampires, Selene falls for a human turned werewolf named Michael Corvin (Speedman) after she discovers a Lycan plot to kidnap him. When the Lycans try to make their next move on Michael, Selene is there to fend off their vicious assault. As Selene races to save Michael and unravel the Lycan plot, Selene then discovers a secret that has terrifying repercussions for both tribes -- a secret which threatens to tip the balance of power in favor of the werewolves who have been on the losing of the struggle for centuries. And as far as Selene goes, she must decide if her future with Michael is worth betraying her own people. In conclusion, "Underworld" has it all! Great action, a powerful storyline, and a pulsating soundtrack that is sure to please just about anyone looking for a spectacular action film. And I especially can't wait for the sequel, especially since the end of "Underworld" was left wide open for one! "Underworld" is, without a doubt, a DVD must-have to my Kate Beckinsale collection! And all I have to say is "Look out, Angelina Jolie! There's a new girl in town, and her name is Kate Beckinsale!"
Rating:  Summary: Weak Review: Though ythe story here is a fun new twist on an old tale (Romeo and Juliet), as a fan of the vampire movies and books i found the way they were portraied a bit offsetting. In addition, the mopvie seemed to have too many sub-plotys that weren't developed enough or simply forgotten.
Rating:  Summary: Worth the money Review: With movie tickets running $9.50 in my area, I have to *really* want to see a movie to not wait for it to come out on tape or cable. Underworld looked good in previews, and I wasn't disappointed in the theater. I won't go into the whole story in detail (because it's obviously been covered in other reviews), but I found it a very good adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. Throw in some intrigue, some betrayal, good special effects and great action, and you have a really great movie. Why only four stars? Well, while the director treated the Lycans very close to mythological rules (one in particular was like a force of nature when he changed), he seemed to forget all about what vampires are about, except in a few critical scenes. Why do the vampires need flashlights when the lights go off in the Manor? Aren't they supposed to be able to see in the dark? Vampires are supposed to have inhuman speed and strength, at least a match for the Lycans--except most of the time seemed to move with only human speed. The mirror reflection is minor stuff next to some of the other rules that seemed completely forgotten about. Anyway, go see it yourself. I don't think you will be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful film if you enjoy the genre Review: I thought it was one of the best films I've seen in this genre. As a previous reviewer said the time just flew by as I was engrossed in the characters and the plot. I have already told Amazon.com to let me know when it is available on DVD - I'll preorder it!
Rating:  Summary: Worth seeing -- once Review: I have a difficult time describing this movie. It starts out really great. You get pulled into the story and you're just *there*. But then, towards the end, the plot gets a little pointlessly rushed, and you realize they really should have hired a fight choreographer. The climax didn't. The whole story leads up to the creation of a "being" which is supposed to be strong, but looks weak, and is designed horribly. The transformations of the werewolves was good the first time, when it was done mostly in the dark. After that they were too bright and didn't look so good. Kate Beckinsale did a beautiful job, and I would still say it's worth seeing in the theaters for her role, but maybe only a matinee ticket. The music was good without being distracting, the dialogue was structured well, but not always delivered well. After the terribly disapppointing climax, the story did perk up a bit at the very, very end. See it. Decide for yourself.