Rating:  Summary: Boring Review: Man a former ( get that FORMER) girl of mine dragged me in to see this and I will tell you it's the worst way to spend $15. It was a stupid movie...there really was no point and definitely no hook to make me care about what happens or what didn't happen to these characters. The story was just stupid. It was too much fighting going on everytime you wake up from your sleep they're fighting...as a matter of fact that was what kept me awake...soon as they start fighting it gets loud waking me up from my slumber. The movie was also too long...if it was shorter maybe I would have liked it more. The mood is always dark, gloomy, and shadowy. The things didn't smile or laugh too often and the actors were second rate barely holding my attention on screen. Apparently this movie comes out tomorrow on DVD so i hope you don't get gypped into seeing it as I did. Don't waste your time or money.
Rating:  Summary: Good but... Review: As an Action movie Underworld is good, the battle sequences between the Lycons (Werewolves) and Vampires are spectacular. The transformations for the Werewolves are also cool and one of the better ones (using CGI of course). However there is a problem with the movie. That problem is the love story twist in there that never really takes off. It is hinted throughout and in the end confirmed but the love story is very lacking and one can tell that it wasn't thought through. However with the spectacular action and better than average acting (there is no campy characters) this is definetly a good movie.
Rating:  Summary: Vampires in Action!!! Review: First of all, I can see how this movie is very debatable. The special effects, action, and actors were stellar, but yes, it was lacking in substance. The storyline was good, but all of this could have been expanded. Even though there should have been more romance between Selene and Michael, the action made up for it. It's better anyway because vampires are not supposed to be overly romantic; they specialize in killing and violence, which make the vampire genre horrific, but extremely interesting. Now for the pros. The movie's setting was dynamic; I think that really helped catch the viewer's attention. I loved the Gothic, dark effect because it suitably characterizes vampires. The action was amazing, even though we've seen forms of it in The Matrix. While a lot of movies are remotely interesting and lack spunk, Underworld held my attention. It's one of those movies where you're glued to the screen; there's no time for yawning or wandering thoughts. Only movies like The Matrix and Minority Report (another awesome movie) have had this effect on me. The feud between vampires and lycans is also a great concept. Even though I do wish that it could have been longer by showing more of the vampiric culture and romance between the two leads, Underworld definitely exceeded my expectations. It's a great vampire film - one of the best out there in my opinion. Being a vampire genre fan, I enjoyed it immensely. If you're reading reviews on the movie that are commentary/opinion, all I can say is disregard them. Watch the movie yourself and find out.
Rating:  Summary: not bad, but... Review: It could have been so much better. Good special effects, a quite decent concept, good actors, good sets and backgrounds, in general a great feeling to the movie, but the plot suffered a little. My main complaint was that of charater development, especialy regarding the 2 leads whom were supposed to have some sort of emotional attachment/connection. The problem was that they never spent enough time, or dialog, together to develop the bonds that were needed by the end to explaine the things. She was supposed to fall head-over heels for him, give up all she was raised to belive, etc, etc, etc, (don't want to ruin too much if you haven't seen it yet), yet I think she spent more screen time walking though doorways (entrances and exits) than she did with the other romantic lead. Don't get me wrong, I like Kate Beckinsale in tight leather walking away from the camra as much as the next guy, and I look forward to timming things out when I get the DVD, its just with a little better editing and the addition of a scene or two this movie could have been one of the better ones, and deffinatly would have gottne another star.
Rating:  Summary: All style, but I still love it Review: This movie is all style with little substance. The action scenes get confusing and the characters are paper thin, but the style is still there. The movie is just the most beautiful thing to look at. But, you know what, Kill Bill (at least the virst volume) was almost the same thing, only britter and more coherent. This is assuredly not a movie for everbody. Those of you who look at movies for the occassional mindless entertainment, or for great technique, then this is for you. If you love moody, stylistic, goth films, this is probably for you. If not, then stay far away.
Rating:  Summary: The Moose Hole - 'Under' Performance Review: "But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Rise up, beautiful sun, and make the jealous moon invisible." One of the most popular of Shakespeare's plays, Romeo and Juliet, has been transformed into many different feature films; some good (the 1968 version) and some bad (the 1996 version starring Leonardo DiCaprio). But the main point is that this enduring tale of two star-crossed lovers (which, in reality, Shakespeare ripped off) has been able to stand the test of time, be passed on to future generations and has been embraced as much as it has ever been. Now a more different (really different) version has emerged with werewolves and vampires taking the place of the feuding families the Montagues and the Capulets. But Screen Gem's gothic take on the famous tale is much more loosely based then previous versions. How loosely based? At press time there was already talk of a sequel. William Shakespeare must be rolling in his grave right now. Underworld is loosely based on Romeo and Juliet with werewolves and vampires, two feuding clans, battling for supremacy. Selene, a vampire, is a "Death Dealer", an armed assassin who hunts down the Lycans, also known as werewolves. For centuries the war between the vampires and the Lycans has been raging on outside of the knowledge of the human race but that may all change with new rumblings in the underworld. Selene soon becomes infatuated with a human named Michael, who becomes the focus of a secret plot by the Lycans to resurrect their dying species. Why is this such a big deal? The integration of these two rivaling species is strictly forbidden but such an event could end the war. Why would anyone not want this? Selene believes that there are secrets within both clans that push the classic theme of appearance vs. reality. The story of Underworld is intriguing to say the least but gets too caught up in itself to make truly any sense. There are many surprising twists and turns in the plot but so many that the feature becomes bogged down and just plain confusing by the end of its two hour run. And talk about being "loosely" based! The filmmakers claim that Underworld is based on Romeo and Juliet with two members of feuding clans coming together in blissful love but outside of that, the similarities end pretty quickly. And even that similarity isn't well based with any romantic interests between the two main characters being pretty flat and disconnected. The cast is full of wonderful actors and actresses but few famous faces to bring in even a built in audience. Kate Beckinsale, who saw her star power rise dramatically after her role in the 2001 hit Pearl Harbor, is obviously the main focus of the feature and does a wonderful job with her time in the spotlight or lack of light. Beckinsale gives an uber-sexy performance as Selene that may give another leather clad actress, Carrie-Ann Moss, a run for her money in that area. The only problem with her character is that little detail is given to her character's past and even when those details are available, they aren't explored in flashback sequences, which would have relieved some confusion in the plot. Scott Speedman, best known for performance on the late Felicity series on the WB television network, does a best a performance as he can give but as important as his character is to the plot of the film, he really isn't given anything to show off his true acting chops. Bill Nighy, who plays the ancient vampire leader Viktor, gives an entertaining performance that was still quite interesting despite the fact that he doesn't appear till relatively late in the film. The only upsetting fact of the character is the way he dies, which seemed like a slap in the face to the fine performer who worked so hard to set up an engaging character only to be kicked down so quickly. Overall, Underworld is an insult to the famous play on which it is based, no matter how loosely it is. Poor William Shakespeare must be rolling in his grave! The idea seemed to an interesting one, so what went wrong? A lot of things. Despite having a decent two hour time length, Underworld becomes too bloated by the midway point that by the end, it just gives up and rolls downhill. The plot has too many twists and turns to get a clear understanding of what is going on and ends with more questions then answers. How did the vampires and werewolves start out? How were the werewolves able to evolve so that they could change at random? Why is it the werewolves and vampires seem to have this all out war against each other going on for centuries without the knowledge the human race? Some of those answers may be present in the feature but the main focus becomes so confusing that anything else is pushed out of your mind to even ponder. And even though this is a horror/monster film, Screen Gem could have taken the blood factor down a notch or two as there were too many unnecessary squeamish moments for some to take especially after gobbling down a full bucket of popcorn. The action sequences are well done, though the filmmakers seem to borrow too many elements from The Matrix series to make them even slightly original. So despite an excellent performance by Kate Beckinsale and well choreographed action sequences, Underworld comes off as being too long, grim and confusing to recommend above superior fall fare like Once Upon a Time in Mexico.
Rating:  Summary: a production matching vision Review: long a fan of the horror genre, specifically the vampire/werewolf/zombie (did you catch 28 days? i saw it at sundance in 2003, and was wowed; even more when it came into wide viewing, and later on, pay ver view, and dvd); i am always looking for the new vision, the new take, new complications, chapter endings, or borrowing to fit a new blend of the horror symbolism and mythology. we can all imagine our own take on the vampire story, especially if you have ever played magic games, read ann rice, did live and online role playing, or even spiced up your celebration of the day of the dead. the same goes for movies about mars, the red planet. i have found it worthwhile to build a collection of the different actors, screenplays and directors visions of whom and what the vampire and werewolf are. this movie was no exception--for me, it was the the edgy future of the vampire movie, complete with open endings for new chapters, that appealed to me. learning that the director vision is derived from his previous music video work, my expectations when i went into the theater was met ---matching some of my own personal colors and imagined faces and interactions in fantasy. Kate Beckinsale became my new heroine, and easily i could imagine myself as her character--wanting to know more, wanting to do more, "on a mission" . what story of life interupted for a mission is not interesting, or secretly wondered about and even desired? since i am disabled, going to the movie theater is a logistic that required patience and co-operation from my fellow attendees. i insist on getting there early, and sitting where i want to sit, not where the theater would like to 'assign' me, which is often the least likely place to view a movie. at this viewing, when i went early, i met other people with the same expectations, already fulfilled from the trailers--to enjoy and relish the visuals and new take on this story. i spoke with several other moviegoers before the before previews came up, whom were there for their second or third time. This director has a following for his work. it helps that the screen play worked too. this was well worth the effort and time to see the feature, several times, and to invest in the dvd, for the extra features, music video, and other additional footage. this goes on the shelf with the others in the collection of my home dvd library and books on the subject.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome!!! Review: This movie rocks ... Vampires v. Werewolves! Does it get any better than that??
Rating:  Summary: For what it is, "Underworld" is pretty good Review: No, it's not Oscar worthy, but it's still a good movie for what it is. The Romeo and Juliet theme behind it turned me off completely at first; I was happy to find that it did not fall into that cliché trap as so many other movies do. The R&J theme was put where it should be: as a backdrop. If you are into fantasy, vampires, and/or werewolves, the movie is at least worth a three-dollar rental. If nothing else, it's a good "junk" film- it does not carry a deep, psychological meaning, nor is it as detailed as "The Lord of the Rings," but it is a good film for pure entertainment. Or so says a seventeen year-old who knows a good low-budget movie when they see one.
Rating:  Summary: so sad Review: It's so sad how so many promising and daring cinematric enterprises end up going sour because the directors started catering to the so-called "mass audience." This movie was the same as the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: the advertising promised both to be solid action movies with romance and philosophy thrown in (Matrix-style), but all you got with Underworld was great visuals (I love Selene's outfit, reminiscent of Trinity) and a pitiful amount of do-daring. If everyone had just stuck to the actual story here, maybe we would've ended up with something even Anne Rice could be proud of. The love story was actually very appealing, but, I guess ::too bad::