Rating:  Summary: CHOMP.....! Review: What a Great Howler, or is it Hisser? AN EXCELLENT, SEVERELY UNDERRATED look into the contemporary world of the undead [although judging by their speed - we'ed never know]. "Cute" plot though almost Shakesperian in concept, gorgeous vampire hunter - err, she's a vampire and she hunts ... Lycos [werewolves]. Seems that 'the system' split a few centuries ago - one or other "Romeo & Juliet" moment gone horribly wrong [but that's very hush-hush] - the 'hairies' went their butch way, and the 'hissies' swooshed off to their mansions.The Lycos are kind of the wild biker-boy type today .... no "Where Gals" in site ..... the Vamps? Well, that's what they kind of do - Vamp - skulk, lounge and just look like coked-out supermodels - draining the odd glass of red liquid [biting is so passe] ANYHOO - Seline {Kate B.} out gal with brains and beauty feels that something's afoot and investigates why the Lycos are hunting a human [now there's a hidden agenda ...] during this course she specacularly resurrects her Mentor/StepFather/LORD of the Vampires {he's been hi-teched in the basement of the mansion for a few centuries alongside another VampLord - also dormant}. Transformations are good [they remind of Ancient Egypt the Anubis~Bastet dynasty] - and we are treated to a spectalular underground showdown. Costumes, Set Decor, Music - all superior! WORTHY OF A SEQUEL!
Rating:  Summary: Underachiever Review: This is very ambitious film about vampires and werewolves. Apparently, vampires and werewolves (or "lycans" - apparently "werewolf" was too mundane a moniker for the filmmakers) have been warring with each other for centuries, right up to the present day. We get to see plenty of flashbacks throughout this historical war, and this sub-story is the best part of the movie. The rest consists of the modern-day adaptation of these creatures - vampires that make artificial blood, perform genetic experiments, and have computerized storage for the undead. In some respects this is interesting, since if these creatures did exist they would probably adapt in this way. But I was far more interested in the backstory, of which we see too little. There's a weak love story, brought down by Kate Beckinsale's knock-off matrix performance - we've already seen the pouty, emotionless hot brunette in latex, haven't we? - and an interesting twist involving who the real bad guys are. But for the most part it's harmless action, peppered with peaks of an interesting story that's not fully developed. I recommend renting, not buying. It's not going to have much repeat watchability. Although the concept is interesting, it's not pulled off in a convincing way. It could have been much better with a more dynamic female lead, a bad guy who wasn't such a weanie (Michael Sheen as Lucian).
Rating:  Summary: The worst movie I've seen since Glitter Review: This is the worst movie I've seen since Glitter. And at least Glitter was good for a few laughs. I really enjoy horror movies (The Howling, Evil Dead, etc), and I enjoy a good bit of entertaining action (Blade), but this movie was neither scary nor entertaining. I've never written a review before, but seeing this piece of garbage pop up on my screen as a "Top Seller" really inspired me.
Rating:  Summary: Can't Wait for the Sequel! Review: Granted that I have never played the Vampire the Masquerade and fully knowing that White Wolf is in the process of suing Underworld claiming that they ripped off a story they made years ago I still loved this movie. Interesting story, great special effects, nice acting and well planned out battle scenes. Their take on the struggle between Were Wolves and Vampires is most refreshing and original (Were Wolves being slaves of the Vampires then revolting centuries early). This modern tale of their battle is very well done. As a role playing game publisher myself and someone who plays role- playing games this is one that I, as a gamer, would call a gamers movie. I don't know how the lawsuit between White Wolf and the makers of Underworld will pan out but the seeds are already in the making for a sequel and I for one would love to see it. This is one of those movies you have to watch more then once. Why? Because you pick up on things more so the second time around. Over all, I would highly recommend this movie. Ten times better then Interview With a Vampire on so many levels and a movie that gives Werewolves respect when opposed to Vampires. A must have for all gamers who love the modern fantasy world. Chip Dobbs Visionary Entertainment Studio Inc. www.visionaryentertainment.com
Rating:  Summary: A flawed but fun action horror pic! Review: This story tells about werewolves and vampires at war with each other and always had for a thousand years. A lovely young vampiress ( Kate Beckinsale) is in love with a new man ( Scott Speedman) who is a new werewolf but what they don't know is that they are natural enemies. An exciting, fun but kind of flawed action horror fantasy with nice atmosphere, fine acting, some gore, cool Dark City-esque sets, nice music but some major plot holes. You can ignore the plot holes and just enjoy the movie for entertainment. Also recommended: " Blade", " The Howling", " An American Werewolf in London", " Evil Dead 2", " The Crow", " Blade 2", " Dark City", " Vamp", " Freddy Vs. Jason", " Daredevil", " Fright Night", " Vampire Hunter D", " Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust", " Ninja Scroll", " Riki-Oh The Story of ricky", " Versus", " Bad Moon", " Silver Bullet", "From Dusk Till Dawn", " Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom", " The Matrix Trilogy", " Resident Evil" and " From Hell".
Rating:  Summary: Where's the TEETH? Review: I knew before even going into this movie that it would not be "pure" vampire type film. Still, to be disappointed on top of that was a big letdown. I love monsters. I love vampires. I love werewolves. I would have accepted this movie a bit more if they had left out the references to these classic fiends and created a whole different type of demonic bad guy that *should* use guns. Insistance on using these two familiar and well loved creatures of the night was nothing more than a hook to draw in an audience; beyond that the people/creatures had no resemblnce whatsoever to the two legendary monsters. The mere idea of these supposedly vicious and blood/flesh hungry beasties running around shooting special guns at each other for no other reason than "we are at war" is as ludicrous as a starving man shooting a cow and not eating it. Okay, the premise? Vampires and werewolves are at war, and we don't find out why until the end, which is nonclimatic and doesn't make any sense. There is one person on the earth that contains blood that the werewolves want, the vampires see the lycans chasing the human so they chase him down too. Yawn. That's it. What I didn't like about the movie? Other than what I mentioned above, the plot was so thin you could read a newspaper through it. The script was horrible, and while the premise of a battle between vampires and werewolves would be very cool, you need to include some TEETH! It was as if the scriptwriters could not make up their minds whether to make anaction-shoot-em-up movie or a horror movie, and wound out with less than the sum of both. In particular is a scene when Selena (Kate Beckinsale) drives her car into the water with Michael (Scott Speedman). He "rescues" her after she hits her head on the windshield and gets knocked out, pulls her from thewater, gives her CPR, after which she coughs out a little water and comes to. HELLO! Vampires are dead. They are not alive. They don't breathe. They don't have heartbeats. They can't be knocked out, and they can't drown. And after all this, Selena tells Kraven "He saved my life." Riiiiiiiight. What life? You're undead! Another problem with the vampires was that they seem to have forgotten they can change into bats and fly away. Instead, they just stand there and let the werewolves chew them.With the werewolves, only Michael changes with the full moon (of course) but the other werewolves are changing back and forth like a malfunctioning traffic light. The special effects were mediocre; the turning of the werewolves was really no better han "American Werewolf In London", and all the fighting was so "A-La-Matrix" that for a moment I was confused as to which movie I was really watching. Okay, so what DID I like about the movie? The acting was actually verye good. Kate Beckinsale, Scott Speedman, Michael Sheen, Shane Brolly, and especially Bill Nighy played their roles very well. The acting alone is the only reason I gave this movie 2 stars instead of 1. It is a visually stylish movie as far as dress and scenery. I liked the idea of vampires and werewolves descending from one anscestor. I thought that Viktor's tomb was very cool, and the visual effects of the awakening of Viktor were pretty slick. I am glad that I rented before buying on this one. It just got scratched off my purchase list. After viewing it, I just wanted to run out and bite someone in order to fill the hunger left unsated.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Good...Needs a sequel Review: The movie is actually better then I thought it would be and that is saying a lot. A movie consisitng of actual plot devices and characterization as well as characters that actually posess an IQ higher than 10, I must say that I am relieved. However the movie does have its draw backs. It tends to get the Romeo and Juliet/Ethan Frome feel and the clothes and weapons are Matrix rip offs. Otherwise the movie is excellent. With real dialoge, a plot, twists and turns, as well an opening for a sequel the movie is given four stars.
Rating:  Summary: the stars are for kate beckinsale and her form-fitting suit Review: the movie is good popcorn entertainment. the acting is mostly subpar, the storyline somewhat convoluted, and action too sparse. there is no chemistry between kate and scott so there IS no love story aspect. it IS a rip from the matrix, blade, the crow and a tad from the romeo & juliet concept. the best part of the movie was kate's handling of action and guns (and, ouf course, better trinity and could even fill the shoes of aeon flux's main female. weird watching a film knowing that in reality during filming she left sheen (lead lycan), whom she has a kid with, the suit). she is extremely photogenic and would have made a and started dating the director. humph, hollywood. anywho, if you turn off your brain a little this will be a fair movie to watch.
Rating:  Summary: Not what I expected. Review: When I saw the cover of this in the video store, I thought to myself that this was going to be a great vampire movie. I was very wrong. This movie was a big disappointment to me. Half of the movie was no talking and shooting..boring action at that. The two stars are for Kate Beckinsale and the few gory parts of the movie that I enjoyed. The extras are even poor on this DVD. Nothing there except a few trailers and some other boring stuff. This movie was so boring that I fell asleep every time I tried watching it all the way through. I FINALLY managed after the fourth time of trying to watch it. I would not recommend this. A rental is about all it's good for.
Rating:  Summary: UnderEstimatedWorld Review: Note: This is not an oscar worthy movie nor are the performances worthy of any golden globe. No way. No how. Ok with that out of the way, what we do have here is an AWESOME KICK BUTT vampire vs werewolf flick that *yes steals from others* but don't all hollywood writers, producers and directors take a little bit from each other? So don't whine and complain. Kate Beckinsale as Selene was the perfect choice (even though she says no more than hmmm 20 sum words the whole movie) and Scott Speedsman is also perfectly cast as the poor smuck who gets bitten by one of the Leiken. The sets, the costumes, and the music (all in errie and bass thumping 5.1 dolby digital - DTS would've even been better - but thats ok) Overall regardless of a somewhat not really there story and very little dialogue this movie I highly recommend to anyone who enjoys a good popcorn movie that KICKS BUTT and will give your home theater system a serious work out! THREE AND HALF STARS OUT OF FIVE!!