Rating:  Summary: Decent heist flick Review: Some of the plots turns are random and manufactured, and the suspense is weak and sometimes predictable. But this is a decent heist flick.The acting's weak, the dialogue weaker, and the plot thin. Norton's better in _The Score_, Wahlberg's better even in _Boogie Nights_, and Green's better even in _Austin Powers_. But the venice canal chase scene is nice, the heists planned outnumber those executed, and Charlize is easy on the eye.
Rating:  Summary: VROOM!!! Review: The popcorn has finished popping, the couch is welcoming, the fun is ready to be had. How could you NOT like "The Italian Job"? Once this movie crosses the finish line, you actually feel like you just regained that precious 105 minutes you lost watching...oh, hell, I don't know, "Maid in Manhattan". Donald Sutherland plays a thief who, with his crew members (Mark Wahlberg, Seth Green, Mos Def, Jason Statham, and Ed Norton), heist $35 billion in gold bullion from a Mafia safe. They think they're all set until one of their crew members turns on them during the end of the getaway. Sutherland is killed and the turncoat crew member escapes with the gold, nearly killing his teammates in the process. Flash forward, a year later. The turncoat is rich and Wahlberg has found him living in L.A.. Wahlberg assembles his original team to go after the turncoat, even enlisting the help of Sutherland's daughter who is a beautiful Mini-Cooper-driving safe-cracker(!). "It's not about the gold! It's about payback!", the movie boldly states although I wonder if there was no gold involved and it sunk with Charlie Croker's almost-doomed crew, whether they would go after the punk. This movie is like that small box of chocolates you get from your other half instead of the large box. It goes down easy and doesn't make you feel like you've overeaten. As sleek as the Mini-Coopers that coast through the sewers of L.A., this is a summer action picture with the works. It's as techno-horny as the two "Mission: Impossible" films, though less serious and as fast and furious as...well...the Fast and the Furious and even Gone in 60 Seconds. Though, it's less goofy and with a slicker and smarter plotline. A who-who's of young Hollywood talent is the main reason to see this movie. Mark Wahlberg plays Charlie, Ed Norton as the unpredictable Steve, Seth Green is the computer-hacking "Napster", Jason Statham is "Handsome Rob", the wheelman, Mos Def is surprisingly good as "Left Ear", the explosives man, and Charlize Theron rounds out the cast as Stella the Safecracker, the daughter of Donnie Sutherland's character, John Bridger (in a nice homage to the original Charlie Croker, played by Michael Caine in the 1969 film). I almost would have preferred that this film could have been a remake/sequel in which Sutherland was playing the elder Croker and Theron was the next-generation Croker (The beginning of the film feels like the veteran is handing the ball to the rookie) but, alas, Mark Wahlberg takes the reins and the film works on its own as a fine "heist-the-loot-and-run" ride. The script is witty and good fun. The good guys are smart, funny, and charming and have all the cool gadgets and you want to see the bad guy get his butt kicked in the end. 85 percent of this film is shot in L.A., California which begs the question, "Why is this called 'The Italian Job'?" However, such intricacies are easily overlooked when you watch the film and you could simply chalk it up to the fact that it's in tribute/reference to the first film. This is the first film I have seen where, after it ended, I wanted to get in my car and drive anywhere at speeds exceeding 100 MPH without care that the cops might pull me over. --Matt
Rating:  Summary: There is no honor among thieves...just car chases... Review: "The Italian Job" is the latest in a series of remakes of 1960s heist movies, following "The Thomas Crown Affair" and "Oceans 11," and as far as Hollywood obsessions go, this is proving to be a pretty good one. Seeing the original before or after the remake it immaterial, because what is being remade is more the basic idea (Europe, gold, Mini Coopers) than the actual plot, characters, etc. The 2003 version from director F. Gary Gray begins the heist of $35 million in gold bars from a safe in a Venetian palazzo that is better than the heists in most heist movies. But that is just the prelude to what this movie is really about, which is an even bigger heist wrapped up in a still steaming bit of revenge. Donald Sutherland is the father figure, Charlize Theron his daughter, Mark Whalberg the professional thief, Edward Norton the Judas, Seth Green the off-the-wall computer geek, Jason Statham as the lady-killing drives really fast, and Mos Def the hard of hearing explosives expert. The stand out performance is Seth Green's, who is becoming one of the most dynamic supporting performers around. His recurring rant in this film is that he is the "real" Napster: he created the software but it was stolen by a friend while he was napping. His part of the big gig is to control all the traffic lights in L.A., and you can imagine how much fun that would be. The characters are not exactly flat, but the main thing is how they fit into the grand design of the big heist. This is not a film that takes itself seriously, not in terms of the planning and execution of the heist, but in terms of the violent action. "Napster" arranges all sorts of car crashes, but these are the sorts where people do not get hurt. There are a couple of killings, but they are on-point for the plot. Pointing out that in the real world people would be getting hurt during all this action is beside the point. "The Italian Job" is not a great film, but it is a very good heist movie. The action proceeds at a brisk place and you have the Mini Cooper chase scene to look forward to. This might not be an ambitious film, but given the failure of more pretentious films there is much to be said for a solid hesit movie. I wonde what Hollywood is going to remake next.
Rating:  Summary: fun movie...beep beep! look out for the midis! Review: Well, the original Italian Job is one of my favourite movies, so when I heard they were doing a remark and that is bore little resemblance to Michael Caine's film, I was mildly resistant, expecting another of the string of remakes of the past couple years that take the title and give you a poor excuse for a film. Well, this one too the title, but surprisingly it's a fun film. I still recommend the Original as one great time, but hey, who says a remake cannot be good, too. Any film that has Donald Sutherland will be worth watching, so that is a good starting point. He plays the mentor of Charlie Croker (Mark Walhberg). He is also the father of Stella Bridger's character, Charlize. She takes after daddy dearest in talent for cracking safes, but she does it for the police testing the security for banks etc. Well Dad is up to old tricks and pulls of 'the Italian job' with Walhburg. Only Edward Norton (guess that is what happens from hanging around with Hannibal Lecter!) double crosses them. So, Walhburg and Bridger must set out to con the con by stealing from Norton. The Title and the Cooper Minis are about the only thing retained from the original film, but this is still one fun, fast paced film. I went into watching this expecting I would not like it. So I was very surprised how much I did. Does not mean you won't like the original, too!
Rating:  Summary: Fun and entertaining Review: This was a well rounded film with everything that makes movies impact you and draw you in. The acting was fantastic and the story was a sit on the edge of you're seat thriller. I have to say that this movie keeps you thinking and trying to figure out the next move, when you think you got it, it hits you with a twist again. I wish more movies met this standard of craftmanship and pure talent. This is a must see if you enjoy suspense and James Bond type action. Go for the gold.
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly pleasing Review: I rented this movie expecting it to be another "Ocean's Eleven", a vastly unbelievable and disappointing endeavour. However, I was pleased to find that this is a crime caper with a warm fuzzy feeling - it seems very human and almost real. The stunts are still unbelievable of course, but the acting here is what really shines -- Marky Mark does a very good job of being sincere, and Seth Green is hysterical as "The Napster". Speaking of stunts, what could be funnier than a car chase involving three Mini Coopers? This is a great film if you want a little thrill with some good laughs and a happy ending. Great footage of Venice too.
Rating:  Summary: Smart, Intelligent and Entertaining Caper Film! Review: This is a truly terrific caper movie, one that works well by both showcasing the emerging star power of both Donnie Wahlberg and Charlize Theron and also having a terrific storyline. It is also a smart and well-photographed movie that proves the old adage of depending on the use of a great story and then embellishing on it with all the bells and whistles. The plot is as believable as anything can be that posits the existence of people so smart, so devious, and so daring as to be able to do some of the things that are done here. Yet the qualms about believability quickly fade with each nosiy and exciting revving up of the action, which is well choreographed, full of pyrotechnics, and absolutely fresh and new, adding to the charm of the movie. The cast adds immeasurably to the charm of the movie, with Donald Sutherland, Ed Norton, and several notable others lending both credence and a certain gritty feel to this tale about life on the margins, on the far side of the law. I also got the impression that given the box office success of this film; much of the crew may be back to thrill us again in an inevitable sequel. I am up for it. After all, given the aplomb and cool they displayed in driving a trio of Metros through the streets, sewers, and tunnels of Los Angeles at rush hour, and added into this mix was a certain level of style and intelligence often missing in such caper flicks, it would be fun to consider a series of such films. Compared to other recent offerings at the theater, which have by an dlarge been disappointing affairs indeed, it would be a relief to consider more caper flicks like this. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: a lot of fun, one of the better summer movies. Review: A film by F. Gary Gray I didn't think much of this movie from watching the trailer. It looked a little cheap and cheesy and I didn't expect it to be remotely worth watching. Then it started to make money and I started hearing positive word of mouth reports about the movie. It became one of those "sleeper" hits that nobody expected, least of all me. After all of the positive word on this movie, I gave it a shot. Happily, I can report that the movie is actually quite good. The movie opens in the midst of a heist. Charlie (Mark Whalberg) is the leader of the group pulling off this heist. It is audacious (stealing quite a bit of gold bricks) and it is creative in how it is pulled off. It ends with a nice chase sequence and naturally they get away with it. I'm not giving anything away. Just when they've gotten away with it, one of the members of the group pulls a double cross. Steve (Edward Norton) had his own plan in place to take the gold for himself, and he kills one member and gets away with it. Again, I'm not spoiling the movie, I'm setting it up. This is all exposition. The main story comes some time after this. Charlie finds out where Steve is living (in extravagant wealth), and he pulls together the old crew to rob Steve of the gold that Steve stole from the crew. They add Stella (Charlize Theron) to the crew (for reasons that I'm not quite prepared to spoil) and plan the new heist. There is some suspense and interesting gadgets, until it is time for the heist. This is when things really pick up and we get to the point of the whole movie: the chase. The simple fact is that is movie is a lot of fun. It is very fast paced, and is like a quick reading novel. It moves fast, keeps you interested, and gives a satisfying conclusion. The acting is fine for what it is, and this is a stylish movie. This movie will never win any major awards, but it doesn't have to. It's better than most typical summer movies, and I would definitely recommend it. The Italian Job co-stars Seth Green, Donald Sutherland, and Jason Statham.
Rating:  Summary: Simply awesome! Charlize Rocks Review: This was a great film! The plot is terrific and the performances are top notch! Inventive solutions and I LOVE that Charlize is the wild driver in this picture! Everyone does a great job; characters are interesting, not too closed as is so often the case in this genre of film. Nicely done.
Rating:  Summary: Enjoyable if not fantastic Review: If you watch this movie remembering that it's a summer movie about a caper, then you'll probably enjoy it. The cast was great, I especially enjoyed Ed Norton, Seth Green and Jason Statham (as "Handsome Rob"). The movie had some extremely humorous parts and was pretty strong as a whole. It reminded me of "Ocean's 11" a little bit, but not quite as good - it didn't have the great twist ending that Ocean's 11 pulled off. Italian Job definitely had some great gags (Seth Green and Jason Statham are hilarious), and the movie as a whole was definitely enjoyable. Just don't expect too much and you'll like it.