Rating:  Summary: Willow Review: The movie itself is pretty good, although it starts off REALLY unevenly. When I watched it the other day, I was really surprised by that (of course, as a kid, I wouldn't have noticed). Not too mention, is it just me, or do Sorsha's motivations just seem to come out of the clear blue sky? They should have gone at least two seconds into that. But I'm not going to get too much into the film because there's hordes of other reviews about just that here. But what does the DVD version have to offer?To start off, the anamorphic transfer is really well done. The picture's really nice and I didn't catch any flaws with it. There's also a pretty good commentary by Warwick Davis on there, although another reviewer was right, it would have been nice to hear some input from Ron Howard or George Lucas thrown in there. The trailers are funny to watch (ah, the evolution of marketing in the movie business), but the "making of" is mostly a throwaway piece, something you'd expect a trimmed down version of on some pay cable station immediately after the movie. The "Morf to Morphing" piece is pretty interesting if you're into either the history of special effects or a brief look at how much work went into developing the morphing technology. There's also a hidden documentary in the trailers section that deals specifically with Raziel's transformation. Keep in mind, this piece was produced by ILM for ILM, and it very much so comes across as that. Most of what you see here is at least touched on in the "Morf to Morphing" bit, with most of the interviews lifted directly from this (although they do go just a slight bit more into the technology aspect of it). All in all, good little DVD package. The sound is good, like the menus, worth the purchase if you like the movie.
Rating:  Summary: The Good and the Bad. Review: The Good; George Lucas wrote and produced this highly adventurious film set in a fantasy world where the main characters must overcome an evil queen and her black magic before it takes over the whole world. Complete with a fire breathing dragon (courtesy of Industrail Light and Magic.)The Bad; This was among the first films where Ron Howard directed a film that had music scored by James Horner (a composer who always recycles previous music he's done in earlier films and does not bother to score any new music) as a result this movie has a weak musical score, and it's been the case in all of Howard's other films where Horner scored the music. The movies fail to reach a degree of interest because no one can stand the weak music score.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent Fantasy movie -- even for Tolkien fans. Review: First let me say I love this movie, the music, and the sheer fun of it. Sure its age begins to show with outdated special effects, but so what -- the movie is excellent. I read a few other reviewers speak negatively about this movie saying that its a Tolkien wanna-be... and I say, so what? At some point every movie aspires to be like greatness, and there is nothing wrong with that either. This movie has it all, comedy, action, and a well-woven story and soundtrack to make it a wonderful film that all ages, men and women, can enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Deplorable Review: From the obvious rip-offs of Lord of the Rings, the Bible and lots of other standard quest fantasy (not to mention Star Wars), to the idiotic villains, to the lame special effects (including a ridiculous two-headed dragon named "Ebersisk", obviously Lucas knew these guys weren't going to be fans of this drivel), this is a really awful film. The script is terrible, the performances range from lame to embarassing, the whole thing reeks of a lack of imagination but a determination to make some kind of fantasy film cobbled together by people (or, I guess, a person) who really can be bothered to come up with anything new. If the Ewoks were the first sign that Lucas had lost his touch, ths was the second. We should have seen the Phantom Menace and it's Jar Jar Binks sense of things coming a mile away.
Rating:  Summary: Kilmer and Kilmer together again! Review: Despite Val Kilmer's need of a bath and a toothbrush, his charm as a rogue is priceless. It's not often that a leading man displays a refreshing lack of vanity. His ex, Joann Whaley-Kilmer, rescues the rogue and demonstrates via her behavior, the worth of focusing beyond the bonds of self. The Me-Me-Me. selfish, and irresponsible street mentality disappears as Val embarks on a quest in the battle of good and evil. My spouse, and my 3 sons (4,10, and 13)enjoyed the movieas much as I did. There's a little bit of everything in the story-line to please all ages, genre, and sexes. Although men were relieved that Willow was not a Chick Movie, I must say ladies that Val cleans up extremely well. Oh, The scenery and exceptioal too.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderfully endearing escape Review: First of all, I heard the "Before there were hobbits..." nonsense, and I can only pray that they are referring to the world of film. And even so, it wouldn't be entirely true. Who could forget the animated The Hobbit and The Return of the King. I prefer not to think about the animated Lord of the Rings *shudder*. People should use a weighed scale when reviewing movies. When you look at Willow, then look at Lord of the Rings, of course, it pales in comparison. But Willow doesn't try to take itself that seriously. It is, in the tradition of Lucas-affiliated movies (Indiana Jones, Star Wars, et al) a swash-buckling, often humorous adventure, that isn't scared to touch on some darker topics (come on, an evil sorceress attempting to sacrifice an infant isn't exactly Bambi). Most people are familiar with the story. A Nelwyn named Willow (Warwick Davis from Time Bandits) is charged with the delivery of a Daikini (big folk) baby to a vanquished sorceress, so she may one day overthrow the evil Bavmorda. It's familiar territory, but that doesn't keep it from being a warm endearing tail. Of course, you want to know about the DVD... The transfer is flawless. It has crisp picture, and the 1988 effects have aged surprisingly well. The sound is terrific, with an excellent score, complementing the movies beautiful settings. The features are excellent, as well, but where are the deleted scenes? :( . A commentary with Warwick Davis is included. If you enjoyed the movie, buy the DVD, and you'll be pleased. If you've yet to watch the movie, be forewarned: This isn't an epic of LOTR proportions. Its just a nice little movie.
Rating:  Summary: good fantasy fun Review: A dwarf-like aspiring sorcerer and a tough, sarcastic warrior embark on a quest to save a magical baby from an evil enchantress, who must destroy the child in order to safeguard her power. Sound like a typical fantasy plot? Sure it does. But this movie doesn't pretend to be anything it's not. It's a fantasy adventure, filled with magic, mayhem, humour, action, and a pair of brownies who talk and act like sterotypical drunken Frenchmen. Nothing more. The diminutive title character is a thoroughly endearing hero, one you can't help but root for, and swashbuckling swordsman Madmartigan has got to be one of Val Kilmer's most entertaining characters, with quotable quips spilling out of his mouth in every second scene. My only real criticism of this movie is its major female character, the daughter of the wicked queen. She is presented as a powerful and ruthless warrior, but is subverted with ridiculous ease when she falls for the handsome-and-daring hero. Forgive me, please, for the plot spoiler, but really, it's obvious from the moment we see her pretty, not-evil-in-any-way face, that she is going to be the love interest. Heck, even the art on the sleeve gives it away. And then, at the end, well, I won't describe what she's doing (or wearing) the last time we see her, but really... I thought she was a warrior! But every movie has its flaws, and even taking that into consideration, this movie still merits five stars. It's exciting, it's funny, and if you're the sort of person who likes fairy tales, it's an evening well spent. If, however, you've had trouble with fantasy films in the past, well then, you may not get this one. Your loss.
Rating:  Summary: good movie and good dvd Review: First off I never had seen this movie, but decided to buy the dvd because of the price the store had at at about sixteen dollars and was very supurised how much i liked it. The movie is exciting and willow is very likeable and VAl Kilmer even did a better job then he usaully does anybody BatMan forever. The actaual dvd is better then most with a few featurettes inluding the one from the time the movie came out which was intreasting and a new one which I am going to watch after i finish this reveiw, there are trailers and tv spots as well as a still gallery with about fifty pictures. If you still arent ready to buy this it also has the best dolby digital sound mix i have ever heard better then eposide one and a very good tranfer a lot better then the horrible godfather dvd set and as good if not better then some new movies such as leggally blonde which i thought was a little grainy.The only thing that I wish they would have done is had ron howard or george lucas join warrwick davis on the commentery group commentries are always better. my advice if you like harry potter, star wars, the mummy, tomb raider etc go ahead and buy this dvd you will like it.
Rating:  Summary: About as good as The Ewok Adventure Review: I have now seen Willow one and a half times. The first time was when it came to home video back in like 1989. I fell asleep 30 minutes in. So, giving it a second chance on DVD I can say that I did manage to stay awake although I was yawning quite a bit. Folks, this film is about as entertaining as both Ewok TV movies and that's as good as it gets. Warrick Davis, the dwarf who played Wicket the Ewok in Return of the Jedi and the two silly Ewok movies is the star of our film. I actually enjoy watching the dwarves in this film. My problem stems from Lucas' inability to write a sophisticated script. The plot is rehashed from every fantasy film conceived (Lord of the Rings, anyone?). How many times have we seen a newborn child prophesized to destroy an empire and the baby is sent floating downstream in a basket? Sounds like the story of Moses? Uh huh. But here's where the biggest problem in the film lies; the "Brownies". Lucas gives us two Gulliver-sized sidekicks that are our Abott and Costello comic relief (think a really annoying inch-sized C-3PO and R2-D2). And look... it's stand-up comedian Kevin Pollack! On a subtextual level, the "Brownies" can only refer to something that I will appropriately leave to your imagination. If I had managed to stay awake back when I first saw this, it should have given me a heads up on what Lucas had in mind for Star Wars: Episode I (specifically Jar Jar Binks). The other problem; the "talking" animals, or should I say, Raziel the sorceress who was transformed into a muskrat by a hideous curse. Willow attempts several times to transform her back but she ends up turning into a duck and then a goat with a baaaaaaaaahhhhhhddddd accent. Speaking of tuning into a talking animal, this was just like the movie Krull which came out back in 1983. Remember Ergo the Magnificent, the magician who turned himself into a cute, loveable puppy for the boy he befriended, then kept getting stuck as different animals because he forgot the spells to turn himself back? Hmmmmmmmm. Krull is a MUCH better film than Willow and features one of James Horner's best scores. In Willow, Horner is in his lazy rehash mode recycling his old Aliens themes again with the exception of the main overture which is really quite good I must point out, unfortunately the action is not as adventurous or shwashbuckling enough to merit a such a great orchestral overture. Then we have our cliched "scoundrel" Madmartigan. He's our manly hero and Val Kilmer is quite good at it. Unfortunately not even Madmartigan can save this film from such embarassment. He falls for Sorsha (his real-life ex-wife Joanne Whalley) and it is amusing to see how their on-screen romance comes off knowing they were married back then. Later, Sorsha stares dumfoundedly in awe at our manly Madmartigan as he impresses her with his brute display of swordplay while he battles the "Darthly" General Kael and his evil minions. Eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww! And of course we have our cliched dual between Good and Evil, in this case it's two old hags trying to show up each other's magical prowess. Fire and Ice are the best they have to come up with, how original. I was yearning to watch Merlin and Morganna rivaling for the secret of making in Excalibur. The Queen in this film is not much of a villainess. I was more terrified as a child by the Wicked Queen in Snow White. The ending is lifted from Lucas' own Return of the Jedi only this time substitute Evil Queen for Evil Emperor. This film is a pretentious bore. I'm sure there are plenty of people that enjoy this film. I recommend many other well-made family oriented fantasy films than this. The Dark Crystal comes to mind. Fortunately Lord of the Rings will open in just a few weeks and should show up Lucas on how to make a "proper" fantasy film. Step aside Lucas.
Rating:  Summary: They should be sued Review: I'm rating the movie in the middle, since I haven't seen it. I am more concerened about the advertisement on TV for this movie. They should be sued! Their ad goes something along the lines of "Before there were hobbits..." That is a downright lie. This movie came from teh mind of George Lucas. I highly doubt that Lucas came up with this BEFORE Tolkien wrote the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Tolkien wrote those books about 60 years ago! How dare they try to pass off Tolkien's masterpiece as a play on Willow! That is outrageous!