Rating:  Summary: Brilliant - simply brilliant Review: The archtypical battle of the Civil War is well-portrayed in this adaptation of Michael Shaara's "The Killer Angels". Like the book, and to its credit, the film is more about the men than the battle.The first half of the film focuses primarily on Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and the actions of the 20th Maine at Little Round Top. This professor-turned-soldier, superbly played by Jeff Daniels, was perhaps the finest embodiment of the American ideal of the citizen soldier - not born to war, but prepared to pick up the sword when necessary. Thoughtful, yet decisive; compassionate, but resolute. The second half of the film deals with the final day of battle - Pickett's Charge. Generals Lee (Martin Sheen) and Longstreet (Tom Beringer) are examined - Lee's firm (though, in this case, flawed) generalship, and Longstreet's internal struggle between doing his duty or following an order that might (and did) cost hundreds of lives. Throughout the film, other noteworthy performances are to be found as well. Sam Elliot is inspiring as General Buford, Union hero of the first day of battle. Sergeant "Buster" Kilain, played by Kevin Conway, well demonstrates the sort of "ordinary courage" that many people today (myself included) find so extraordinary. But perhaps the single best performance in the film is that of the late Richard Jordan in the role of Confederate General Lewis Armistead - his last film role. The story of Armistead and his friend, Union General Hancock, is the entire Civil War writ small - brother against brother, friend against friend. Armistead's filial affection for Hancock is examined, and his courage under fire and inspiring leadership show well during the scenes of Pickett's Charge. Most interestingly, none of the characters comes off as a *bad* person - everyone is a good guy, everyone is a sympathetic character. Previous reviews notwithstanding, the men who fought the Civil War were often deeply religious, and this is well portrayed [unlike so many films these days which tend to mock people of faith (particularly Christians)]. To me, this goodness only heightens the tragedy of America's bloodiest war. But... The movie isn't just about people, but events as well. The re-creations of the elements of the overall battle are superbly done, thanks in no small part to the thousands of Civil War reenactors who participated (gratis) in the making of this film. The combat at Little Round Top is accurate (within the bounds of filmmaking), but most impressive was the entire Pickett's Charge sequence - thousands and thousands of men walking the same ground as did those men who marched to their fates in 1863; it nearly brought a tear to my eye to see it. There are not enough superlatives to describe this film. It is utterly magnificent. This was and is my favorite film. Buy it.
Rating:  Summary: This was a made-for-tv-movie? Review: I hate made-for-tv-movies. Ninety-nine percent of these movies are unadulterated trash, and I can count the good ones without taking my shoes off. After reading all the reviews, I decided (very hesitantly) to take a chance with "Gettysburg", and I'll tell you now that I'm glad I did. I'm no civil war buff, but if there was one thing that could coerce me to go out and research the civil war it was this movie (along with a multi-part PBS special on that war). Matter-of-fact, I intend to seek out and purchase the book "Killer Angels" as well as the PBS special. Obviously, not everything in this movie was done to perfection. There are scenes that don't quite work. The mass attacks that showed hand-to-hand combat are extremely difficult to pull off in any movie. It's almost impossible to find a film that can handle these scenes with the realism and ferocity that is required, and this film was no exception. One could easily tell that these were only actors and extras rolling about (sometimes doing a credible job, often times not). However, this is a minor quibble. As for the fake beards, most people of that era wore mustaches and beards that were outlandish by today's standards, so this did not bother me at all. Indeed, I thought they portrayed the facial hair pretty accurately. As far as the portrayal of General Lee, I don't know that much about him to comment with any authority. However, this film didn't portray him as the military genius I thought he must have been. But then again, he did lose this battle...probably the most important battle of the war, so I guess nobody is perfect. I agree heartily with the Amazon review, in that the climax of the film occurred at the end of the first tape--Chamberlain's defence of Little Round Top. This was brilliant film making, and nothing prior to, or after, had near as much impact. This part alone is worth the purchase price of the movie. Hats off to the director and to Daniels' heartfelt performance. It was truly unforgettable, and ranks among the best battle scenes ever filmed. "Gettysburg" was a film that detailed the great battle with uncanny insight, not only about the heroic men who fought and died, but also the terrible mistakes that were made. In three days of battle, there were more American lives lost than in the ten years of Vietnam. All-in-all, I found this to be a rewarding film and a real eye opener. Between 1 and 10, I give "Gettysburg" a solid 8, and I'm very happy to have it in my movie collection.
Rating:  Summary: A BIG war movie Review: To my mind, the best war movies are the ones that don't try to have a special plot, but just tell the story the best that they can. With that criterion in mind, this is one of the best of the genre. Of course no movie (even one of over three hours length) can tell the whole story, but this one comes close. With Jeff Daniels giving the performance of a lifetime-not to mention great turns by Sam Elliot, Tom Berenger and Stephen Lang-this epic is well worth watching. Especially powerful are the huge cannon barrage and the many-thousand-reenactor-strong Pickett's Charge. Only one complaint: Martin Sheen is one of my favorite actors, but here he doesn't quite capture Robert E. Lee's reputed charisma and power. Still, a BIG war movie.
Rating:  Summary: please read this review Review: well i must say this is deffinately my favorite movie of all time. It is true that it lacks certain historical facts and character interpretations, however, as many have stated, this is a MOVIE..i dont know exactly what people are looking for in renactment movies...i would give a million dollars to anyone that could show me an even 1,000 mal-nutritioned white males that could have played the confederate soldiers-common stop knit-picking, the score was awesome-it follows the Killer Angels very well (although the book has a good amount more detail), if you have no interest in the civil war i guess you shouldnt watch because it really takes someone with that interest to appreciate it fully..danke-oh yeah id like to throw a shout out to Herr Steinkamp
Rating:  Summary: Makes an awfully confusing battle clear as day Review: This movie is beautifully superb. Very accurate on almost every aspect of The Civil War and the battle, which is very hard to do. A great screenplay, great directing, great acting, a great movie. Period
Rating:  Summary: My All-Time Favorite Movie Review: OUTSTANDING! Although "Gettysburg" does not follow every aspect of the battle, the depiction of the personal struggles in the midst of fierce battle make this a video everyone should own. Perfect with one exception. Martin Sheen displays none of the qualities that so endeared the confederate soldiers to Lee. His faith in the Bible looked cultish, and Sheen (as Lee) appeared to be mentally unbalanced. In regards to Lee, a poor performance and poor casting. The casting and performances of others more than made up for Sheen; especially Jeff Daniels as J.L Chamberlain. BUY THIS VIDEO!
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant movie Review: This movie is for sure one of the best I have ever seen. Excellent actors (Tom Berenger, Richard Jordan and many more!) make you feel like you are a part of this drama. Of course the outstanding soundtrack is an important element of this great experience.
Rating:  Summary: Gettysburg the move is well historically inaccurate Review: Michael Shaara's book on the Killer Angels is a good story, but thats about it. It is not historically accurate. If you don't believe me research the battle itself. The movie, based on the book, is also way off as far as the battles. The characters of Chamberlain, Lee, Hancock, and others are NOT reflections of the real people themselves. Im sorry but Chamberlain leading his regiment down Little Round Top is so far from the truth its not funny. Another thing thats not funny is how Culps Hill and other areas of the battlefield are left out. For 4 hours you watch Ron Maxwell's and Michael Shaara's view of the Battle of Gettysburg, not the real battle itself. Men like Gen. Meade, Dan Sickles, Richard Ewell, and other generals at Gettysburg are left out. So, is this a good movie to learn about Gettysburg? No, its only a good story, period. Read Coddington or Pfanz if you want to learn about the battle. BUT I love this movie and thats why I gave it 5 stars. Why do I love it? It's the Civil War on my TV and I can see a movie on my favorite battle. I love the drama, the wonderful acting, and the awesome battle scenes. The movie Gettysburg will always be my favorite because it still makes me smile every time I see it.
Rating:  Summary: The most respected Civil War movie of all time Review: It is true that the movie does not mention enough of Generals Ewell, Early's, Rodes, A.P. Hill's as well as Sickles, and Slocum's involvement in the battle, yet this film still displays life during the civil war as well as decisions that Generals had to make that would cost them thousand of lives. Imagine passing out orders to your soldiers knowing that many of them would die. These men had to face an enemy of Americans, and in some cases their own flesh and blood. Gettysburg reveals to one's who have no background on this event that it was indeed a sacrifice for our freedom. I guarantee that anyone who watches this movie will enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: great soundtrack Review: Simply put, this is the best movie I have ever seen. I particularly enjoyed the story being told from both sides (the North and the South). Also, it has THE best soundtrack. If you liked it, check out the Dragonheart soundtrack.