Rating:  Summary: Great Movie! Review: A blind lawyer named " Matt Murdock" ( Ben Affeleck) is a attorney at day but at night, he fights crime as the red suited avenger named "Daredevil" complete with radar like senses. He also falls in love with the beautiful Elektra ( Jennifer Garner) and must take on the diabolical Kingpin ( Michael Clarke Duncan) and Bullseye ( Colin Farrell). I think this movie works well on a repeated viewing for me, i must say this is a very well done and nice adapation of the Marvel comic books, the acting is great and so are the special effects. This is quite different from many superhero movies, this is a more dramatic approach that will appeal to adults as well, I think this is a enjoyable flick. The DVD is great! good sound and picture quality, great extras like commentary, Trailers, Behind the Scenes, History of Daredevil, and more. Marvel has done great on the screen with Spider-Man, X-Men 1 & 2, this movie and Hulk unlike the Dolph Lundgren Punisher flick, Howard The Duck or Captain America. Now Marvel, bring on Spider-Man 2, The Punisher ( this time with skull on shirt), Fantastic Four, Deathlok, Iron Man, Ghost Rider, Hulk 2, Elektra, Man-Thing and Iron Fist.
Rating:  Summary: Daredevil rocks with or without the mask Review: Affleck has never been my favorite actor but his Matt Murdock made this movie for me. I can relate to his desire to see justice done and to stand up for the little guy. I loved it that he only defends clients that he believes are innocent even if they can't pay him. I also liked the fact that he grappled with his own morality and battled to keep his desire for revenge from getting in the way of his desire for justice. The Kingpin is Daredevil's enemy and like Daredevil he comes from a violent past. It's Daredevil's struggle to remain on the side of justice that makes him different from the Kingpin. They are as different as they are the same. Will there be a Daredevil sequel? Daredevil was a money maker and the plan all along was to get Elektra off the ground next and that's what's still being planned. We'll have to stay tuned to see exactly what's next for Daredevil at the movies. Meanwhile we have the Daredevil DVD. It's too bad so many people insist on wanting Daredevil to be another Spiderman but I like Daredevil for he is. With or without the mask Matt Murdock is a guy with his heart in the right place who struggles with his demons and tries to do what's right. I like that.
Rating:  Summary: Affleck leads DAREDEVIL's dark, edgy thrill-ride Review: After the hugh success of SPIDER-MAN, it was obvious to many film observers that superhero films were back in vogue in a major fashion. DAREDEVIL is the first film since SPIDER-MAN to test that theory and, while the film isn't perfect, it doesn't disappoint. This movie tells the story of Matt Murdock (Ben Affleck), who lost his sight when his eyes are exposed to toxic waste in childhood. However, his remaining senses are amplified to a superhuman degree. When his father is murdered by mob enforcers, Murdock decides to fight injustice in his own unique way. By day, he works as a lawyer while he metes his own dark brand of justice nightly as the red-garbed vigilante, Daredevil. Eventually, he meets and falls in love with the shipping heiress, Elektra (Jennifer Garner). However, both of them are drawn into tragedy when they become unwittingly involved in the schemes of the city's crime boss, the Kingpin (Michael Clarke Duncan) and his half-crazed assassin, Bullseye (Colin Farrell). At first glance, Affleck would be an unconventional choice for a superhero lead as he tends to play affable, yet somewhat bland, leading men-types, but he pulls it off quite well. You can believe that this is a man who is driven to fight crime while fighting his own inner demons. Also, with so many other characters competing for attention, Affleck succeeds in making and keeping the character as a major focus in the film. This is opposed to the Batman films where the hero was lost among the villians and supporting characters. Garner is both beautiful and lethal as his love-interest. Michael Clarke Duncan's Kingpin doesn't have an awful lot to do, but he does make the most of his appearances as the man-mountian behind the crime syndicate. Colin Farrell is probably the only actor in the film who camps things up a bit as Bullseye, but he succeeds in making him a character to be feared even when we chuckle at his quirks. Director and screenwriter Mark Steven Johnson obviously has a love for the material, having adapted it from the classic Frank Miller-written comics. He also keeps the film going at a good clip, keeping the film at just over 100 minutes. However, it would've been nice to see some character motivations more fleshed-out. The plotline where Joe Pantoliano's newspaper reporter is looking to expose Daredevil is practically glossed over and it would've been nice to see more of the Kingpin's motivations. But this is mere quibbling on my part. Johnson and his cast treat the material with respect and the film is never allowed to drag. Indeed, it succeeds where the last 2 Batman films failed in presenting its dark hero. While DAREDEVIL probably won't reach the heights achieved by SPIDER-MAN, it is still a worthy entry in the superhero derby. Definitely one to recommend.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as that other Marvel superhero Review: Based on Stan Lee's Marvel comic book, this movie adaptation is a plausible, if unspired superhero flick. Ben Affleck potrays Matt Murdock, a blind lawyer by day/red suited avenger by night. After being blinded by a toxic substance as a child, he gains super inhanced senses such as jumping high(just like Spider-Man) and hearing better then an average man. His father, a washed out boxer, is shortly murdered after the accident. Using his abilities to fight crime in Hell's Kitchen, he is calls himself Daredevil and avenges all that do wrong. He is pitted against a powerful gangster Kingpin(Michael Clarke Duncan) and Bullseye (Colin Farrell) an unusual expert marksman. He pairs with the beautiful Elektra(Jennifer Garner) who also has a vendetta as a fighting machine. I can't help like the plot, but to a point, when the story muddles through the final half of the movie. Affleck is a weird cast choice as Daredevil, i just can't get through the whole bennifer thing. This film is not as good as "Spider-Man" which has a better villian and a better superhero. Daredevil looks like a red-suited dominatrix.
Rating:  Summary: Dare To Watch The Director's Cut? Review: Daredevil struck me as an ejoyable movie that got chopped down so they could get in more showings over it's opening weekend and make it a PG-13. I didn't mind and found it to still be entertaining if not completely what I wanted. The Kingpin seemed far less impressive than I had hoped for and that was that...or so it seemed. While watching the theatrical cut on DVD I was struck by the director's comments which made it sound as if the director's cut would be more to my liking. I wished it was available and you have no idea how excited I was to see the director's cut released! The Kingpin is far better now and really rocks! Other reviews have covered the benefits of the director's cut. I'll just say I'm glad I have both cuts on DVD and that the director's cut is sweet!
Rating:  Summary: director's cut is a must Review: daredevil the director's cut is sensational! one of the best director's cuts i've ever seen and i'm a huge film buff. the extra kingpin scenes completely improve this character. the added murder mystery and court scenes add a whole new level of story. get the director's cut and you wont be sorry.
Rating:  Summary: A FEW MISTAKES, BUT OVER ALL PRETTY GOOD Review: First of all I would like to say that I am a big Marvel comics fan, and I happen to think that Ben Affleck is a good actor. Now with that said.... Lets get the mistakes out of the way first. 1.There was not enough time spent with the Kingpin, we should have gotten his back story as well. [he was white in the comics, but Mr. Duncan did a good job. 2.some moments wee very cheesy. [see foryourself] 3.And finally.....that's it. The film was actually better then I thought it would be, I mean after the Hulk came out I thought Marvel was slippin. I now see that I should have seen this in theatures. I can just imagine what it would have looked and sounded like on the big screen. The effecs in this film were off the hook as well, as well as the camera angles courtesy off Ericson Bore. As far as dialouge goes that could have been a little better at times but over all good, that would be credited to mark steven johnson. I also liked the fact that one of my favorite filmmakers shows up, Kevin Smith. That right there alone makes me want to buy it, oh wait I already did. Casting was on point with this on, putting Ben Affleck as Daredevil was like putting Tobey as peter parker it's a perfect match. And Michael Duncan did a good job as The Kingpin Wilson Fisk. I think the addition of Colin Ferrell as Bullseye was key, he did an excellent job. And Jennifer Garrner did an ok job as Elektra, could have been a little better. Over all I feel that this was a pretty good film, u should check it out.
Rating:  Summary: Daredevil....Daring enough for DVD??? Review: First off, let me state, that most of you won't agree with this review. Especially, if you're fans of this movie. But I simply want to make my opinion heard. This DVD has already been released in Australia so I can give a fair review about it. The story revolves around Matt Murdock (Ben Affleck...Ugh!) who loses his sight at a very young age when chemical waste is sprayed onto his face due to a work accident. From there, his father (inspired by his son) goes back to his boxing past time. Where he then declines to take a dive and is ultimately killed by the mysterious Kingpin (Michael Clarke Duncan). Matt Murdock realises that even though he is blind, his other senses escalate to a point where he can practically see again. Matt Murdock, then fights for 'Justice' over the death of his father. Matt Murdock is DareDevil, a street smart vigilante crime-fighter who falls in love with the beautiful martial-arts master Elektra (Jennifer Garner). The DVD itself is spectacular with DTS 5.1 and over 5 hours of special features. We are also given an excellent video transfer where the world of DareDevil really comes to life. The menus are also exquisite, with DareDevil's soundwave vision setting the scene. The DVD also includes Director's commentary with an 'Enhanced Viewing Mode' which is 8 multi-angle behind-the-scenes segments. The documentaries give a great inside look to this 80 million dollar blockbuster. The second disc comes close to 3 hours of featurettes which is great for the up and coming film makers. All in all a great DVD. Now, onto the movie. The movie is very Cliché. And when I say Cliché...I mean CLICHE. For instance, Matt Murdock is a lawyer and when a rapist gets away he walks out of the courtroom and his best friend asks if he wants to go out that night? Matt Murdock replies 'I'm busy' and then we pan in on his face showing him get into his DareDevil get up and go after the rapist. Another moment is when DareDevil is up on the rafters of a bar and a man asks him what he wants. DareDevil replies 'Justice' to which he goes and attacks all the criminals. It seems as though the director didn't try and steer the Marvel superhero franchise into any new direction (unlike Ang Lee) but instead just tried to capitalise on the success of Comic book heroes of late. With a movie named 'DareDevil', you'd think that they would try and do something daring to the actual franchise to at least differentiate itself from Spiderman. But it does nothing of a sort. The screenplay is dismal, it has an unoriginal plot and really is just a filler for 99 minutes. Mark Steven Johnson tries to pull out some biblical allusions spliced with how the Law is juxtaposed to it. Johnson also tries to recreate the gothic setting that Burton used so well in Batman, though it just seems as though the production crew ran out of ideas. One of my biggest qualms with this movie is that there is absolutely NO character development. It just jumps from one scene to the other and assumes the viewer knows what is going on both story wise and character wise. And CGI seems to be overused in this film, I mean honestly, to CGI a rat walking through a gutter is just taking it too far. In summary, the DVD is good with a score of 8/10. The movie though is just bad. Plain out, a film that relied on its budget and franchise name to get viewers. It gets a 4/10. Get the DVD for the features....not the film!
Rating:  Summary: This is the only Daredevil movie that should count Review: I had seen the theatrical release and found it enjoyable but forgettable. I even rented the DVD of that version later just to be sure. Then I started reading the reviews of the Director's Cut so I took a chance and bought a copy. Now here is something juicy and memorable. I think the DC version really does justice to the Daredevil stories of Frank Miller from the early 80s - the whole Electra-Bullseye-Kingpin arc, as well as some of the elements added much later such as Matt's mother being a nun. It was really a joy to see those stories brought to life and done right. Also, while this version is darker it was also funnier as well due to the added scened with Foggy Nelson. This version really allowed you to see more of and therefore care more about the different characters.
Rating:  Summary: Preferred the original version. Review: I like Daredevil comics and the original movie, and I felt Ben Affleck was fine in the role. I wanted to register though that I preferred the first version of DD over this director's cut. I really appreciate M.S. Johnson's dedication to this character and working so hard to make this movie true to my favorite comics hero, and after watching the interview on this version, I can see and appreciate what he wants to do. After watching it though, I believe the original cuts amounted to a better movie. For example, MSJ mentions wanting the violent extra scene of the Kingpin killing his own bodyguards to really illustrate how bad he is, but you already know and subtlety is relative, especially in comic book movies, but for me that scene was gratuitous, or at least unnecessary. And the courtroom storyline was okay, but again, to me it didn't improve the movie and I found Coolio's acting, well, not good. To me the first version is tighter storytelling and it's the one that I prefer.
If you already have and enjoy the original, I recommend renting this one first to make sure that you prefer it. I assumed that I'd like the director's cut better and was going to sell my other second-hand, but I ended up selling this one instead.
Also, the first DVD version comes with a great second disc of extras that will be interesting to anyone who enjoys the movie or comics and great fun for DD comics fans--great interviews with Frank Miller, John Romita Jr., etc. So to me the first version is the better movie and the better deal.