Rating:  Summary: Day Two - This is really great stuff! Review: After watching Season One on CD I didn't think it could be improved upon. Season Two rose to the occasion. It is even better than Season One. Good guys - bad guys - Who's who? 24 surpasses most of HBO's and Showtime's series. The only exceptions are The Wire on HBO and Street Time on Showtime. The Season One and Two boxed CD sets are great for a marathon viewing some weekend.
Rating:  Summary: Extremely Interesting Scenario Review: A nuclear bomb is going to be detonated in Los Angeles. A former Counter Terrorist Unit agent is reactivated to eliminate the threat -- and the chase is on. It's puzzling, though, how the viewer reviews for this story overwhelmingly support the protagonist, who obviously understands terrorists and does not hesitate to employ lethal force against them in the pursuit of victory. Everyone backs the striving hero who is trying to save people from a horrible catastrophe, even when (perhaps especially when) he acts unilaterally and pre-emptively. This agent is not asking himself why the terrorists hate us. He is not being compassionate, tolerant, understanding or inclusive with the terrorists. He is not enlisting the United Nations to form a coalition and pass resolutions. No, he is merely hunting down the terrorists and wiping them out -- which is the only sort of action in the world that terrorists comprehend or respect. The viewers who cheer for this agent all know that is the proper way to confront terrorism... both on television, and most certainly in the real world.
Rating:  Summary: It Just Keeps Getting Better & Better!!!! Review: Executive-produced by its star, Kiefer Sutherland (who has made one of the most remarkable comebacks for an actor in recent history), "24" took a unique and innovative idea---film an entire day, hour by hour, over an entire season---and, instead of using it as a gimmick, let it be the starting pad for one of the most suspenseful, interesting, exciting, disturbing, engrossing and best dramatic series in TV history. This show has never let up from the beginning, and has only become more riveting ever since. In Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) Agent Jack Bauer, Kiefer Sutherland has created a truly complex hero, and has deservingly revived his once-promising career that had been sagging for over a decade. The first season, which I got on DVD last year, concerned a double-whammy threat: An assassination plot against Presidential candidate Senator David Palmer (played nobly by veteran African-American actor Dennis Haysbert) and the kidnapping of Jack Bauer's daughter Kim (Elisha Cuthbert) and, eventually his wife Teri (Leslie Hope). Along the way, subplots are interwoven cleanly into the proceedings, such as Sen. Palmer's ambitious, scheming Lady MacBeth of a wife Sherry (Penny Johnson Jerald) and Jack Bauer's enigmatic colleague, and former lover, Agent Nina Myers (Sarah Clarke). The entire first season was a high-caliber rollercoaster ride all the way to its shocking and completely unpredictable conclusion. Season Two promised a no-less-intense rollercoaster ride as it concerned the threat of a nuclear bomb about to be set off in Los Angeles. Beginning 18 months after the events of the previous season's day, a much-embittered Jack Bauer is called upon by President David Palmer to help save the day. At the same time, Jack is highly concerned about keeping Kim out of the potential blast area. Unfortunately, it won't be easy for her as she is a live-in nanny to the young daughter of an abusive father. Also at the same time, a rich business owner named Bob Warner is about to marry off his younger daughter Marie to his trusted employee, a young British-raised Arab-American man named Reza, whom is suspected of being involved with terrorists by Bob's elder daughter, Kate Warner (Sarah Wynter). All of these plot threads come together, in ways that are completely surprising, exciting, suspenseful and spellbinding. Bottom line: If you loved Season One of "24" then you're gonna LOVE Season Two. It rocks!! MOST RECOMMENDED
Rating:  Summary: An excellent follow-up to a great debut season Review: ******This review is for those who have already seen Season One. If you are not among that crowd, watch that season before you even think about watching this one******** 24's second season find's Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) ready for another day that's bad beyond my ability to convey. When we first catch up with Jack, we find him no longer employed at CTU, and alienated from his daughter Kim (Elisha Cuthbert), who's recently begun caring for an abused child with a psychopathic father. Jack is quickly called back to work when President Palmer (Dennis Haysbert) and his aides learn there is a nuclear bomb somewhere in L.A. set to go off that very day. Palmer, himself, is forced to deal with a possible conspiracy against him, and the return of his not-so-pleasant ex-wife, Sherry (Penny Johnson-Jerald). George Mason (Xander Berkeley) now heads CTU, with Tony Almeida (Carlos Bernard) working just under him, as well as several new faces. Meanwhile, Kate Warner (Sarah Wynter) suspects her sister's husband-to-be may be involved with terrorists. 24's second season features just as much action and suspense as season one, and even improves upon the previous season in some respects. The entire season seems to have been planned in advance this time around, so almost all of the plot developments fit together nicely and make perfect sense. Some of these twists will surprise the hell out of you, and even the ones that won't will please because the show is well-written and well-acted. The only thing that keeps these episodes from earning five stars is Kim Bauer's plot line, which is like an extended bad dream. Whereas all of the other plots come together, Kim just seems to be in the mix because the writers/producers wanted to keep the character around. The scenes involving Kim (with the notable exception of one involving a disturbing phone call from her father) all distract more than anything else. This is not to say it was in any way actress Elisha Cuthbert's fault-the writers simply should have found a way to work her into the plot better. As it is, a series of unbelievable mini-disasters happen to Kim. Still, her role is thankfully kept to a minimum and won't ruin an otherwise A+ television series. This DVD package is also significantly better than the one for Season one. It features chapters, commentaries, and several featurettes. Don't miss out on this excellent DVD.
Rating:  Summary: The Problem with 24 Review: 24 represents some of the best story telling and acting that has ever been on television. But that does not mean that it's without serious faults. The most dominant of which is the grotesque liberal writing, especially in Season 2. The most obvious problem with the writing is the utter lack of concern to writing stories that are polarizing. You will either love or hate the story agenda. What we have here are writers that are pushing a liberal notion of saving the world that one will either choose to believe or find offensive.
Rating:  Summary: 24 is just to addictive Review: 24 follows the story of Jack Baur, an inactive Counter Terrorism Unit agent. At the present time a nuclear bomb has been smuggled into Los Angeles and its set to off today. The only person that can get the job done is Jack Baur. Each episode represents one hour in the day and during this time you get to see the different situations each character experiences. After hearing all the buzz about how great 24 was I decided to check it out for myself. After I saw the first episode I could not believe at how good this series was. After each episode I was tempted to the watch the next and then next. This probably one of the most captivating series that when its over you'll be eagerly anticipating the next season, especially after the huge cliffhanger in the last episode. This show has it all great plot, the most interesting characters, and enough government conspiracies & action to keep you on the edge of your seats.*HIGHLY RECOMMENDED*
Rating:  Summary: :::24::: The Best Thing on TV! Review: I was always skeptical about 24 going into a second season. It ended near perfectly at the end of the first season. Buy when I checked out season two, I was hooked all over again. Not only is the season more interesting, it involves issues that our world is currently dealing with. Not only that, but the action has been pumped up 400%, that acting keeps getting better, and Jack (Keifer Sutherland) is one of the best characters to follow on TV. With the finale just around the corner, and a new third season on the way, I think it is safe to say this DVD is a perfect buy for any fan of the show, or anybody who missed its initial run and wants to see what all the hype is about. Surely it will have many more special features than season 1 did, since the first season DVD was produced and created in about 2 months. Most likely as well as the stuff season one's had, like preview for season three, and quite possibly an alernate ending. Hopefully they will put in some commentaries in the mix as well. But anyway..... Fox is doing a great job with their TV on DVD lately. They started off slow, but with sales growing and growing, they are picking up the pace, and seem to be producing better quality DVD's. Now I just need to wait for the rest of Angel, The Shield, Farscape, The Dead Zone, and The Simpsons to be released.....
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Review: I've been hooked on this show since it began two years ago. I can't sstop watching it!! Even when u have watch the whole 24 episodes the first time round, i still have to watch it again to find out how u could tell who the bad guys were and how the ending came to be what it was. The second season is by far the best because it has some of the best caharacters like George Masion and his very cleaver one liners. For instance when he gets exposed to a radioactive substance while following a lead and a specialised paramedic says that he has to take his clothes off he asks: "aren'tyou going to buy me didnner first". he was the best character that season and made me laugh a lot. The second season also seem to have a high death toll and you could always rely on Kim getting into some form of trouble, which was annoying at times but was reaslly just a break from the other stuff that was happening at that time, gave you time to breath. The ending was a bit of a schocker and even watching it back did not make any more sense, but then again the ending was was really a proper ending like the first one because it was one where you had to wait for to the nxt season to see what happens. That was a good thing to do because then that ensures that the people who watch the 2nd season will definately come back to watch the next one. But that also ment having to wait nearly a whole to find out the out come. By now the 3rd season is on our scenes on sky one (UK) and this is still capativitng but not as instensive as the other two and so far not as high a death toll as the second one.
Rating:  Summary: Just Another Day For Agent Jack Bauer! Review: I must admit that I did not expect the second season of 24 to be as exciting and thrilling as the first, and I had my doubts especially since it was using the same formula of real time events unfolding over the course of one day,and hence the originality factor that made the first season such a success is not there. Moreover, many friends have advised me that indeed Jack Bauer's second adventure was weaker. Yet two things I have learned after years of a passionate appreciation of cinema and good TV: Never let other opinions or reviews influence your own judgment, and Not being quite original does not mean a bad thing a all, if the writing, acting and direction are good enough to pull it off. So, watching the second season of 24, I was totally captivated from the very first hour till the very last..Indeed I found the second series of 24 to be far better in many ways, and this is why.. First of all the familiarity with most of the characters ensured that the viewer sympathizes/connects with them from the very start, as opposed to taking maybe few 'hours' to be totally involved as with the original. Secondly, the writing was superb: While the first, despite the nail biting tension, twists and suspense, had a very simple and straightforward plot, an eye for an eye personal revenge, the second expands the possibilities much more, and delves into very dark and dangerous grounds, both on a international terrorism and domestic conspiracies levels. The writing is so good in fact that you will be excused in believing even for mere seconds, that you are watching more than the entertaining fiction that it really is. All actors involved are excellent, but I am surprised no one has mentioned one particular actor who was instrumental in lifting this second series up, and infusing a lot of humanity albeit tragic, and that is Xander Berkeley.He, in my opinion, gives the performance of his career , as does Berkeley's real life missus the lovely Sarah Clarke, who makes a comeback, and is chillingly transformed into this cold blooded assassin and traitor that we only saw few glimpses of in the closing minutes of the first season. Dennis Haysbert aka David Palmer now president,is not only a very able actor who added a lot of dignity and class to his role, but I must admit he makes one helluva president too!!! The twists and suspense in the second season never lapse for one second, up until the very last minute, which leaves the door open for lots of possibilities for the third season. I liked the fact that the plot in the second season was evenly divided into two sections, connected smoothly over these crucial 24 hours.. The hunt, against the clock for the nuke and the conspiracy inside Washington, and the shadowy men behind it all. Of course, the second series has its minor flaws: the sub plots involving the gorgeous Elisha Cuthbert were somehow weak in comparison to everything that was going on ..(a psycho abusive father, the loner nut case in the woods, the over the top deranged Latino father-to-be in the store..). All credit should go to all people involved in this wonderful series for the collective effort that has been put to produce quality television that is guaranteed to keep you glued to your screen, for 24 hours and more! Can't wait for yet another day!
Rating:  Summary: Most Suspseful Show on TV Review: An incredible show, fantastic story, inordinately gripping suspense. This show makes Hitchock look like Mr. Rogers. This show will take your guts and tie them in a knot. Sutherland's acting is great. There is just nothing like this anywhere. If you like suspense watch it. Plain and simple. Vastly superior to 24 season 1, and you don't have to watch season 1 to understand or enjoy season 2.