Rating:  Summary: Awesome movie - HORRIBLE DVD version Review: The Last of the Mohicans is my favorite movie, but the DVD version is terrible. There are some added scenes, but what they don't tell you is that they also took out scenes and changed some scenes from the VHS version. I was happy to see a few scenes go - the "someday we will have a serious disagreement" line and the "we are a breed apart" line. The scenes that were added to the DVD weren't very important to the storyline. The only ones that were decent were from the surrender at the fort. There was more dialogue added to the very end of the DVD version, but I thought the VHS version had a perfect ending, and the added footage came across as a bit preachy. What ruined the whole DVD version was a change they made to the end of the fight between Magua and Chingachgook. The gruesome ending to that fight was edited, probably to make it less gruesome, and it ruined the whole movie. So if you loved the VHS version, don't buy the DVD version - don't even watch it. And if you have seen the DVD but not the VHS version, watch it and you will see a huge difference.Also of note: the dialogue in the VHS version was hard to hear in a few places, with the music and sound effects. I thought the DVD would be better enhanced, but it was not. I had to use special features of my DVD player to enhace the dialogue, which I have never had to use before, and it still didn't help much. I had to replay a few scenes with subtitles to know what was being said. And I also had to crank the volume way up. So overall it was a VERY disappointing DVD, I recommend sticking with the VHS unless they make the same version for DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Awaiting 1:2.35 matted, anamorphically enhanced version. Review: Michael Mann's The Last of the Mohicans is an excellent film. Dramatic, action packed, emotionally stirring, hauntingly beautiful music, and with top-notch acting. I have seen the original release only, so I won't comment on the director's cut dvd. What troubles me is this - the dvd release (1:2.35 non-anamorphic, letter-box matted director's cut), having read just about all the web reviews, sucks, and now that there is to be another release (Jan. 23), it's to be matted in 1:1.85 anamorphic? Hello, ever heard of the original, theatrical release version into dvd in 1:2.35 anamorphic matting? It's either do something right, but the rest wrong; then, do the rest right, but do one thing wrong... Duh. This is a great movie, but until the people in Hollywood get it right (quality digital transfer, maintaining proper theatrically released matting, anamorphically enhanced, and digitally mastered), I'm not purchasing it. The same goes for movies like Die Hard, The Rock, and Armageddon (all great movies but matted in non-anamorphic letter box format). Examples of great dvds: The Matrix, Braveheart, and Gladiator (all matted in anamorphically enhanced, 1:2.35 theatrical release version, keeping in faith to the original film, plus lots of extras). I'm sure I'm not alone in demanding only the best dvd transfer. Bottom line: Great movie, lousy dvd, and awaiting the correct dvd release version of this movie, that is if it ever gets released.
Rating:  Summary: This film is fantastic for its Review: scenery, actors, actresses and soundtrack. The only complaint I have with the video I bought is black bars above and below the picture. My version is not listed as widescreen. The box has a statement that the movie is formatted to fit my screen, which usually means no black bars. I contacted Twentieth Century Fox, via email, about the bars and received no reply. Despite this annoyance, the movie still is well worth owning. Just be aware that when viewed it looks very similar to widescreen format; although, it's not supposed to.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Movie Ever Created by Man Review: I truly loved this movie and all of its magnificents, You couldn't ask for a better War, Romance Film. I love how it showed the true meaning to war and what it did to win a battle for love and freedom. The scenery in this film is simply captivating how it showed natural habitation of the Mohican people. Don't get me wrong I love this movie but what Charles. R. Clack said about how DVD cut out all the great lines and added new lines to chingachgook at the end "He was right". Overall I deffinitely recommend this movie to people who love a great History,Romance.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best movies (that's VHS only -- the DVD is bad) Review: This is one of the best movies. So beautiful to look at. The soundtrack is so good that I had to buy the CD to be able to quit playing the movie. The battle scenes are terrifying, lyrical, hypnotic -- and plausible! The script is full of gems that you have to rush to tell your friends about. But the DVD ruins the script. They cut the great lines for no reason, and they add a preachy lecture at the end where Chingachgook complains, effectively, that one day this will all be shopping malls. The additional footage on the DVD adds very little, and the mutilation of the script is a horrible letdown.
Rating:  Summary: Good film shame about the lack of DVD related features Review: This DVD is the 'Directors Expanded' version of the film. I had only seen this film once prior to buying the DVD so cannot really comment on to what an extent the film had been 'expanded' by Michael Mann's re-editing. Though the film is good the DVD in general is let down by poor DVD extras. Namely none. The only features it boasts is THX sound and chapter selection which let's face it you get on every DVD anyway. I will say that despite a very lean DVD in terms of extras the actual film itself excellent - very enjoyable to watch. The story is a great one and the action is adrenaline pumping without showing too many human entrails. You do however have to suspend your disbelief once or twice - especially when Daniel Day-Lewis (very good as the white son of a mohawk) lapses into a puzzling Irishness in the climatic moments of the film (urgently screaming to a shocked Madeleine Stowe "I will foind yoo no matter wot occurrrrs!") A recommended film to watch but you might want to wait for the DVD re-release of the original film in January 2001 to see what features that disc has to offer.
Rating:  Summary: idiots who thought the book was better. Review: Those who wrote the film Last of the Mohicans is inaccurate in it's adaption of James Feminore Cooper's novel should realize that Coopers novel to begin with is an inaccurate portrayal of earl American colonial life. In fact, not only is the novel outlandishly stupid,insulting to native americans but also completely unreadable. This is one of those rare instances when the film surpasses the novel in every conceivable way. As for the DVD version, yes I was extremely dissapointed but I am eagerly awaiting the original version to be released in January 2001.
Rating:  Summary: Great flic, but inaccurate! Review: After reading James Fenimore Cooper's Last of the Mohicans, I was thrilled to see the cinematic portrayal of Hawkeye, one of the most interesting characters of any character I have read about. This movie destroys that image, and the movie has nothing to do with the book. If I had never read the book, this would be one of the better movies I have seen, but knowing that they butchered a phenomenol story and damaged the integrity of the characters is a dissapointment to me. This is a great movie, a great love story, but really I had to seperate the movie from the book. If you want to just see a good movie, then buy this DVD, but if you want an accurate portrayal of the visions of a great American novelist, Cooper, then by no means buy this movie.
Rating:  Summary: a very good ORIGINAL movie, but not exactly Cooper's novel Review: This epic, sprawling film is beautifully crafted and well-acted, but if you are looking for the film to serve as Cliffs Notes for James Fenimore Cooper's novel, I suggest that you look elsewhere. Several drastic changes have been made to the plot and main characters. The core of the story remains in a diluted form, but it has definitely been Hollywoodized into a decidedly more romantic, predictable variation on Cooper's novel. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for artistic license, I just don't want anyone waltzing into their literature class with a fastidious comment about the symbolism in Hawkeye and Cora's love affair, when it does not even exist in the novel. See the film for entertainment, just don't mistake it for the book.
Rating:  Summary: A Great American Movie Review: This is one of my favorite movies. If this movie has a flaw, it is that it is extremely unlikely that aristocratic British daughters would fall in love (and so quickly!) with Indians, or even a white man raised as an Indian, and living like one. Not much is made of this breaching of the class barrier...but, then again, it IS Daniel Day-Lewis that Madeleine Stowe's character falls for, so audiences are probably more apt to overlook this detail. Really, though, there is nothing I didn't like about this movie. The action is perfectly paced, the script tight, the acting on target. The score is something else...in fact, it contributes to the wildly moving emotional climax of this movie, one during which there is no dialogue. The romance in this movie is well-developed without being maudlin, and is skillfully developed as part of the action, not a subplot. An all-around wonderful movie, very entertaining, and easy to watch more than once.