Rating:  Summary: The Fake Bond Review: There are two problems with "Never Say Never Again." The first is that it is a bad movie. The acting (including Connery) is sub-par, and the action leaves something to be desired. However, the main problem is that this is a cheap knock-off James Bond movie. A remake of "Thunderball," the fourth film installment, "Never Say Never Again" is not released through United Artists, and was not produced by Albert Broccoli or his company, EON Productions. A true Bond fan knows this, and any interested party will notice the absence of 007 trademarks such as the gun-barrel opening and the truly artistic title sequence. In fact, "Never Say Never Again" was released as competition for "Octopussy," the 13th 007 flick, in 1983. So, plain and simple, if you want a good version of the story, buy the orgional "Thunderball."
Rating:  Summary: EDITED OR MASTERING GLITCH?! Review: First and foremost, I was really excited about the DVD release of Sean Connery's swan song to the role of James Bond 007 in NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN. Let me just say here and now that buyers should be aware of a major disappointment with this DVD. MGM Home Entertainment, which manufactures and distributes this title, should be ashamed. Tonight while I was watching it, I noticed a crucial scene missing. Chapter 19 of the DVD starts out fine with Bond arriving at the palace in Nice, France, where he confronts a greeter, pushes him into a room and proceeds to place a motion-activated bomb in his hand. Suddenly the scene jumps to Chapter 20 where we see Bond, Domino and Largo walking into the chamber where Bond and Largo will play a game of "World Domination." What happened to the formal introductions between the three characters? Oops! It's missing and leaves a large gap of unbelievability. Did MGM edit the film or was there a glitch during mastering? Either way, Bond fans and consumers deserve better. For that reason alone I can only give this DVD one star. A few previous reviewers here have noticed the same problem, so I suspect this is not an isolated case. MGM Customer Service can be reached at 1-877-MGM-4YOU.
Rating:  Summary: NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN Review: Bond, not at his best. There are a few scenes worth watching, but overall it is a bit boring. It was nice to see Connery in the role that he made famous however the villan was dull,the musical score was awful, and the gadgets lame. Also the DVD version is missing about 15 minutes of the movie (when Bond enters the casino and subdues the doorman it skips right to the video game scene and deletes the entire first meeting between Bond and Largo). Stick with the Broccoli/Saltzman Bond for first rate action and adventure.
Rating:  Summary: Missing Scenes On DVD Review: The video transfer to DVD was fine, however, between chapters 19 and 20 there are a number of contiguous scenes missing. All the missing scenes are during the Charity Ball Sequence. From the scene where Bond leaves the Security Man in the closet holding the cigarette case to the scene where Bond, Domino and Largo are entering the Game for the big play-off scene. The initial scene between Largo and Bond is missing. Once bought you must email mgm requesting a replacement, which you will get after you return the original disk to them. This disk is still being sold online - and there is no current way to tell if the disk has the missing scenes.
Rating:  Summary: Not a very good Bond film Review: First, let me relate my experience with James Bond: I have read two of the novels (Casino Royale and From Russia With Love) and seen about four Bond movies: Casino Royale (good despite having no relation to the novel) Goldeneye (great) World is not Enough (good but rediculus) and this. I'm lucky that I didn't actually BUY this tape, I saw the movie on Showtime. I hear this one is a remake of Thunderball (Of which I still have yet to see or read). Bond has to track some missiles. The plot wasn't my problem with this film, as a lot of them involve something big like that. My first problem is a minor Bond-film constant: They add in a sex scene that really adds nothing to the plot and is generally boring and pointless (This doesn't happen in the books as far as I've read). But as cfor this movie, I just couldn't stand it, had to force myself to watch it. It was simply... boring. I was never tense for a minute, and the show seemed to just drag at times when it was obviously trying to be suspenseful. I know some will say I've just been spoiled by the newer films, but that is not the case: I actually usually tend to like older stuff and in fact I sometimes watch old B&W serials, age doesn't bother me. You shouldn't btoher watching this film, Bond fan or no, unless you get Showtime (It plays all the time on that channel) in which case go by your own judgement. See other Bond films first though.
Rating:  Summary: Solid 007... Review: What the film lacks in "spectacle", it more than compensates for with an excellent cast and stellar wit. Sean Connery's return as Bond initially made NSNA an event. Critics liked it but chewed the hash over the plot being refried THUNDERBALL. So what? Bond films are the most successful series in cinematic history because "the formula is the thing wherewith the franchise makes the coffer ring." I agree with some viewers that Thunderball was the first Bond to rank only "006" because overdone/extended underwater sequences (particularly the battle finale) made an otherwise great outing a bit "soggy". Elegantly nefarious Max Von Sydow certainly ranks as the best of the Blofeld's. Klaus Maria Brandauer is a gleefully insidious Largo and Barbara Carrera is superbly catty and hot/cool as wicked witch of the Spectre west, Fatima Blush. The humor in the film is endless. The great fight at Shrublands where a beaker of Bond's shaken-then-hurled urine defeats an incredible Hulk works because Connery is able to deadpan with class what could have been absurdly vulgar. In the final confrontation with Fatima, 007 literally blows her out of her socks leaving only a smoking pair of not-so-ruby slippers to commemorate her unexpected departure over/under the rainbow to wherever Spectre baddies go. Bernie Casey...as a black incarnation of Felix Leiter...drops a very cool double-entendre concerning a rare failure of a Q gadget that he personally endured/faced. The pacing of the movie is fine. The plot is not allowed to "thicken" too much before Bond is allowed to save the world with his usual blend of savoir-faire and (not too much)gratuitous sex and violence. Edward Fox (DAY OF THE JACKAL)has a fine cameo as MI-6 chief M, stiffly rebuking Bond only to later...with equal stuffiness...fortify him through THE ORDEAL with a promise of "lunch at his club." "A thrilling prospect", replies Connery with his hands full of his latest paramour, Kim Basinger who does a pedestrian job of heroine. Overall NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN is a class act. In my estimate, it is a better picture than Thunderball because it does not try to be an epic. Having Sean Connery back in action was supposed to carry the day as he put this solid 007 adventure through its paces. I think it worked. To fans this "remake" with the real Bond is a "thrilling prospect" that won't let you down and NEVER could...
Rating:  Summary: Never Say Never Again Review: I may be the only person alive who thinks that "Never Say Never Again" is better than the film it is based on; "Thunderball". The fourth 007 picture; "Thunderball" was definitely one of the better Bond adventures but "NSNA" has a special magic to it.For starters it is definitely pleasing to have Connery back one more time as Bond, but what makes "NSNA" a better film than "Thunderball" are the supporting players. The danger that Largo presents to Bond here is much more affecting and dramatic than in "Thunderball". The action sequences are more ingenious, the art direction is more elegant, and the performaces are more well tuned. Whether you prefer "Thunderball" to "NSNA" or not, "NSNA" is still a great Bond entertainment. The story involves an older 007 (Sean Connery) who must have retired from espionage after "Diamonds Are Forever", because now is is slightly out of shape and much older. 007 is called back into action after the terrorist group S.P.E.C.T.R.E. has stolen two nuclear warheads and is holding the world hostage. He travels to the Bahamas (just as in "Thunderball") and seduces a young Kim Basinger and gets seduced by Catherine Zeta Jones... uh, I mean a S.P.E.C.T.R.E. assasin played by Barbara Carrera. You all know the rest. While not the best 007 film, I think that "Never Say Never Again" is a more entertaining alternative to the classic 007 adventure "Thunderball".
Rating:  Summary: Find the Laserdisc. It is uncut. Review: The only complete widescreen version of "NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN" is on Laserdisc. The DVD has been edited.
Rating:  Summary: Never Buy This Version Of Never Say Never Again Review: If you haven't bought this DVD yet,don,t. If you have,return it.There is over 4 minutes missing from this presentation which makes no sense at this point in the story.It absolutly ruins the enjoyment of the movie.The people responsible for the transfer to DVD were lazy and unprofessional.Don't accept this.Let MGM know we won't buy inferior product.If everyone returns this movie they may take more care in the future.
Rating:  Summary: Connery returns to the role that made him famouse! Review: M has retired. Q is gone and the 00 section is almost obsolete. This is the world of Never Say Never Again. Bond is older and the new M disaproves of his methods so Bond spends most of his time teaching. But when 2 nuculear warheads are stolen by SPECTRE Bond is called back into active duty to locate the bombs. British intelligence believes they are in the Bahamas. This leads Bond to Largo a powerful millionaire (and deep down psycotic) and his mistress Domino. With only 1 week to find the bombs Bond must seduce Domino and defeat Largo all before his martini glass runs out. Highlights: Fight in Shrublands; Q's labratory; Domino's massage; the motor bike chase; and the fight in the tears of Allah.