Rating:  Summary: Worst Van Damme Movie EVER! Review: I was looking forward to seeing this movie, my friend told me he saw a new Van Damme flick in the video store titled 'Derailed'. I am a Van Damme Fan, but after getting this film on DVD it hit me like a book it was horrible! It was pathetic....it SUCKED! I own Under Seige 2 and I liked it, there is NO COMPARISON. What hurt the most is how happy I was when I got the DVD, and how much I was looking foward to seeing it before and after I got it.Derailed is the worst Van Damme movie AND the worst MOVIE I have ever seen and yes I am also a Van Damme fan. Jean really stuffed up BIG TIME with this flick. On another note, Van Damme's son starred in this movie aswell, he is a good lookin' kid, has his fathers good looks and skills. Jean should be ashamed of himself! Putting his son in a terrible first flick like this. 0 star film:- EXTREMELY OVER-RATED BY THE LOOK OF THE DVD/VIDEO COVER. DONT BE FOOLED. In conclusion, dont even pick up or look at the packet if you see it in a store.
Rating:  Summary: BAD Van Damme movie ever!!! Review: I'm a Schwarezenegger fan.But i love Van Damme's action movies like UNIVERSAL SOLDIER, HARD TARGET, TIME COP OR A.W.OL. but i saw all his recent movie and this one...Van Damme' acting is ok, but the entire movie is a bad clone of Under Siege 2. Special effects are weak.Everything is poor. So this movie is awfull..i can't belive he accept to play in this movie..and his next movie seems to be the same... For Van Damme fans Derailed is an insult.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining film. Review: Its been a long time since Van Damme has produced a decent film worthy of watching. For a long time he lulled us to sleep on some really cheasy films. This one though very similar to Under Seige 2 with Seagal, was actually decent. The plot really is simple but here's the funniest part the martial art scenes aside from the stunts were actually mostly realistic. He actually employed a lot No Holds Barred combat in the scenes and I realize most people are too ignorante to tell what is real and what isnt. Coolest scene: Van Damme ties the villans Tie onto the train as it delrails.
Rating:  Summary: JCVD has DERAILED his fans Review: Jean Claude Van Damme made his reputation in the late 80's and early 90's with martial arts movies that involved his entering a kumite, winner take all. In BLOODSPORT and KICKBOXER, his athleticism, good looks, and never-say-die persona were magnified in confrontations with a killer bad guy, usually played by Bolo or Michel Quissi. The fights in those films were seen as intriguing choreographed versions of the Ultimate Fighting Championship. As long as JCVD stuck to that type of film, he stood out and the movie did good box office. Eventually, he felt that he could branch out into being an action star along the lines of Steven Seagal or Jackie Chan. The brutal truth about his acting talent is that it is limited to the savage ring fighting of his early career. With DERAILED, JCVD proves once again that his acting, when combined with laughable special effects, cheesy writing, and illogically paced fight sequences, cannot compensate for these other deficiencies. In DERAILED, he plays Jacques Kristoff, a CIA type who is hired to bring in a sexy Russian female who has ripped off her Mafia boss to the tune of a deadly smallpox serum, which is released into the air of the train on which all are riding. The plot holes are big enough for that train to drive right through without hitting a bump. His wife and children surprise him by meeting him on the train, only to be taken hostage along with the other passengers. If this sounds a little like DIE HARD meets SIEGE, then you have already figured out the ending. The bad guys are tough enough, but JCVD's fights with them are claustrophobic, thus negating the allure of his high kicks. Instead, he has to resort to the grappling devices like chokes and ankle locks that I found to be the most interesting part. DERAILED is a glitzy movie with lots of pretty girls, tough guys, and short combat scenes, but the feeling that I had at the conclusion is that if JCVD wants to avoid the continual embarrassment of straight to video flicks like this one, he would do well to remember the kind of movie that made him a superstar in the first place.
Rating:  Summary: Average Van Damme film with runaway train... Review: Jean-Claude Van Damme's latest film, "Derailed," is a treat for his fans, but beyond that it serves little purpose. Van Damme plays Kristoff, a secret agent or something who has to escort this woman to Munich via train. But things go bad when the train is hijacked and we learn that the woman has a deadly virus in her possession. Add to this Kristoff's family is on board and we have ourselves some classic dumb-action mayhem! Unfortunately for Van Damme fans, he does not do his jumping crescent kick, but he gets the roundhouse in a couple of times. His son, Kristopher Van Varenburg, also does a little bit of high kicking. Could there be a future action star in the works? Who knows!
Rating:  Summary: Stop the train. I wanna get off . . . Review: Okay, okay, I admit it. To all the world (well, Amazon.com users) I am a BIG Van Damme fan. Yeah, I have been taking the heat on this for a number of years now, but I can't help loving the guy. From the guitar-twanging thrills of HARD TARGET to the vicious (and balletic) brawling of KICKBOXER and BLOODSPORT, 'Van Dammage' has constantly entertained and kept my faith in bad action cinema alive. Even though he seems to be appearing in Direct-to-video movies now, he still has the knack for picking interesting riffs on the action genre. Check out his collaborations with two of Hong Kongs' finest: Tsui Hark (the underrated DOUBLE TEAM and KNOCK OFF) and Ringo Lam (MAXIMUM RISK and the killer comeback movie REPLICANT). These movies have shown his ability to choose difficult and 'Non-Hollywood' product, opting to make something far more different than formulaic. Having said all of that in support of my hero, here comes DERAILED. A near train wreck of a movie (Cliched I know, but I'm sure I stole that line from a friend of mine.), it ambles along like a dodgy episode of an old TV show, with awful production values and terrible visual effects. The dull story is a lazy retread of DIE HARD and UNDER SIEGE 2. A virus has been leaked out on a train by some dastardly terrorists, and only Van Damme can stop them before the world(?) is taken down by smallpox. And, er, thats it. Okay, there may be a little more going on, but from the bad acting, uneven direction and lack of genuine suspense, all you want to do is stop the movie, eject the disc and watch LIONHEART again. Maybe, just maybe, this total waste of time will be just a figment of my imagination. This movie is that bad. Don't be fooled by the obvious 10+ year old shot of Van Dammage on the cover, or the stills of him riding the motorbike across the top of the speeding train. None of these things will change the fact that this film is like watching paint dry on a very cold day. Coming after his other mistep THE ORDER, this ranks as the lowest dip in his career. Which is a shame, as 2000 saw his excellent comeback flick REPLICANT show that he could still flex his action muscles, as well as delivering a solid performance wrapped up in a decent story. As I have stated previously, this one hurts. To pinpoint what is the worst thing about it, would be a worthless exercise as the movies' problems are legion. Bob Misiorowski's direction is pedestrian and uninvolving (I couldn't believe my eyes when he informs us of the state-of-the-art effects sequences that have been used in the depiction of the speeding locomotive. Try toy trains, bub), and the pacing lacks drive or energy that is needed to make this kind of adrenaline-pumped film work. Summing up, I hate to admit it, but stay away. Movie like this are dime a dozen and seem to turn up on cable TV with alarming regularity. Van Dammage should have steered clear as well, saving his fans from wasting $ and giving his detractors another reason to naysay him. I can only hope that he keeps to his word (on the doumentary accompanying the flick), that he is going back to the movies that made him a star in the first place. The BLOODPSORTS', the KICKBOXERS' and hey, even CYBORG. Now, that would be something to look forward to.
Rating:  Summary: Not his best Review: The movie to me was very horrible,first of all the sound effects in this movie were very cheap. The movie wasnt one of his best. The other thing is that the whole thing of him having a family and being married was stupid.
Rating:  Summary: Damme! What a lousy movie Review: There were so many things wrong with this movie. Featuring Jean Claude van Damme as agent Shaq (I think his name was Shaq...yeah that's right...I think...) who guards a woman who has stolen a powerful hybrid of small pox from the Slovakian government.
By now you're thinking, "What?" Hang with me, we're not done yet.
Shaq and the female thief catch a train heading to Germany. Shaq gets an unpleasant surprise when his American family happens to be on the same train to surprise him.
You're probably blinking in astonishment. Hang on, I'm not even to the conflict yet.
Unfortunately, terrorists hijack the train and put everyone in a room for hostages. Shaq handles the situation by crashing through a window, beating people up for five minutes then getting knocked out with one punch. Yes you read that right. Kicking people and windows are no problem, but a tap on the head, that's another matter.
Shaq escapes and begins to take out the villains bit by bit. One fight scene in the automobile compartment involves Shaq riding a motorcycle out of the compartment, onto the TOP OF THE TRAIN while its STILL MOVING, then JUMPING onto A PASSING TRAIN and riding off that train ONTO THE GROUND and DRIVING AWAY FINE.
No, don't stop reading the review, the movie's not done.
Shaq gets back on the train and fights the last few villains while another train collides with his locomotive. You're probably thinking, "So there's a major train crash?" No, the train collides at the end of the train with the front untouched. Characters explain this as hitting the back of the train...which still doesn't make sense as the rear of the train is connected to the REST of the train. But a friend and I came up with our own theory. You see, the front of the train was going so fast at the moment it was transported to another dimension. Hence only the rear was affected, while the front came by unscathed.
Besides the fact its basically a rip-off of "Under Siege 2" which was "Die Hard" on a train (ripping off a rip-off, how does that work?) this movie will either have you shaking your head in confusion or going for the headache pills from start to finish. The good news is this is one of those bad movies you can make fun of, as opposed to those that make you feel dumber by the minute. Between NATO headquarters being in Bonn to Shaq's wife telling the World Health Organization how to handle diseases like they wouldn't know, you'll find reason to laugh at this movie. Intentional or not.
Rating:  Summary: WORST MOVIE EVER. Review: This has got to be the worst movie I've ever seen. If you find this DVD on the street, just keep walking.
Rating:  Summary: low budget action flick Review: This is Van Dammes wort effort yet. It can all be summed up in one scene. Two trains are headed for each other and they crash, anyone, and I mean ANYONE, can easily see they are two toy trains that hit each other. In fact the fire looks like matches laying behind the toy trains. I have not seen cheapo effects like this in years. But Im sure Van Damme got his pay day. Van Damme looks tired in this flick, like real life has beat him down....beat him down bad.