Rating:  Summary: A fantastic piece of... [work]!! Review: I wouldn't recommend buying this film to anyone! But if you're one of those crazy people who love laughably bad movies, then this is definitely worth adding to your crazy collection!! I can't really add much to what's already been said... here at Amazon... I totally agree with all of ...[it]! It is really crazy how the "characters" find their "costumes" in this movie. It's even more crazy how a lot of the characters are barely in the movie at all! The movie is extremely, unintentionally funny but the very end is the best where all the characters (try to) do the winning poses of their computer-game counterparts! It's just very bizarre as most of the characters don't really fight despite the movie being based on the Street Fighter II game! Besides the laugh factor, the only other reason to see this movie is for Kylie Minogue who looks fantastic as Cammy...
Rating:  Summary: Joke Review: The title of this movie is "Street Fighter", it's about a dictator trying to take over the world... Where are all the fights? It seems the writers spent their time figuring out ways to stop them, por ejemplo: Ryu vs Vega, and when fights do happen then you understand why they were being stopped in the first place, almost no one is a martial artist in this movie. Watching Ken's Carradine inspired sidekicks is horrible. Also laughable is how everyone conveniently finds their costumes throughout the movie, in one scene Dhalsim mysteriously walks out in his diapers, Where did he find the clothes? I don't know but at least he is quickly blown up. There are hints of special moves throughout the film, in one excellent example of fight choreography gone bad Ken does this pathetic spinning uppercut that's supposed to be a dragon punch, others are less subtle like Bison flying around on wires. Instead of spending their Bison bucks on a fight choreographer they spent it on explosions, fake looking sets, an invisible boat, and blue camoflage?! I give this piece of [junk] a two for laughs.
Rating:  Summary: DO NOT GET THIS!!!! Review: This movie was [poor]. Play the game if you want if you want street fiehter excitement. This movies plot was nothing like the games. The cartoon movie Street Fighter 2 was way better than this. The special moves like "Hadu-ken" and "Sonic boom" aren't even featured in the movie. Basically the made up the game along with the characters. They base the story on Guile not Ken and Ryu, now thats where they went wrong. Sure I liked to play as Guile in the game, but his story was boring. His friend Charlie was killed by Bison in the game. In the movie he is kidnapped and turned in to Blanka. What?! No, No, No, that was all wrong. Also Guile is an American, but in the movie they get Jean Claude "who gives a" Damme to play his role. Guile wouldn't have an accent, he would be a tuff guy that thought he could take on anyone. Most of the bad guys in the game are good guys in the movie. Chun li is a news women, E Honda her camera man, I think Barlog works with them too. Ralph Julia plays as Bison. Yeah the Addams Family father. What a movie to do before he dies. Bison was a buffed up, scary, evil guy. Ralph was skinny and no where near scary or evil. The screen writer who wrote this needs to put his pen and pad down and never write again. A dogs bark is more intresting then what he came up with. If you looking for a fun strret fighter time play any of the games or watch the Animated movie (both of them) or watch the japanese cartoon series. Hey we can be thankful that Mortal Kombat was awesome even though there weren't fatalities.
Rating:  Summary: NOT WORTH BUYING! Don't waste your 15 bucks! Review: I have to say as a Street Fighter fan I was completely disappointed with this movie. Some others said it was suppose to be a spoof on action flicks and just can't seem to understand why we die hard fans hated this... The movie is suppose to be about STREET FIGHTING! Hello geniuses! Not only that i wanted to see a movie about my favorite fighting game, not one making fun of it. This entire movie was just another excuse to give Van Damm a reason to hog the camera (Shockingly enough, many say this is his best action film! My God, how cruel can you people be?!). He plays the American Coronel Guile in the movie, but what the heck was up with the Austrian accent?! (If you think that's bad you should hear him speak English in real time. For the love of god, how many has he lived in America? None of the fight scenes in the movie were anything special or in the least bit memorable, although i will give Chun Li's scene against Bison props. She didn't do too bad a job. I wanted to see more. Even though not much is known about the street fighter storyline, would it have killed the director to stick with what little bit was known? The dialogue between the characters was pretty... Sadly to say the best lines spoken in the movie were the ones when Guile gives an 'supposedly' inspirational speech to his troops. The casting just could have been way better. Bison looked all skinny and shiveled. He wasn't in the least bit convincing as a martial artist. Blanka's makeup was horrible! He looked like the incredible hulk! God there is just so much i could say about how much this movie... but i can't. If you really must see this movie just rent it.
Rating:  Summary: "Quick! Change the channel!" Review: Okay...quick show of hands! How many Street Fighter video game nuts actually went to see this movie in theaters when it first came out back in '94? (Yeah, me too...) I'm sure there are quite a few of you who thought that it was one of the most disappointing experiences of your movie-going career. I'll go ahead and include myself in that category. I lost count of the number of times I not only groaned, but looked at my watch during this "film", waiting for the thing to finally end. I'm a BIG fan of the Street Fighter video games (heck, I've owned every one at one time or another), but this...man alive, I'll tell ya. Let me count the ways not only Street Fighter fans, but Van Damme fans, martial arts fans, and fans of action movies in general should stay away from it. Now, granted, there is a LOT of talent in this flick; the late, great Raul Julia as the main villain, Bison (oh, sorry...M. Bison), Ming-Na (Joy Luck Club, ER) as Chun-Li (or Chun-Li ZANG...sigh), Wes Studi (Geronimo, Mystery Men) as Sagat, Grand L. Bush (In the Heat of the Night) as Balrog, etc., etc., and of course, Van Damme as Col. William (William...?) Guile. But that's about all this movie has going for it. You can forget what you know about the Street Fighter characters from the games, because here, ALL of their stories are different. (Well, except for Bison's...) How different? Well, for starters, Ryu and Ken are small-time thieves, Chun-Li's not an Interpol operative, but a TV reporter (with Balrog and Honda as her camera crew...oy.), Dhalsim's a doctor who works for Bison...you get the idea; you'll just have to see the rest of the differences for yourself. But that's not even what bothered me! This is a movie that tries to pass itself off as a decent action/martial arts flick, and manages to do neither. If the movie's called "Street Fighter", wouldn't you think there would have to be at least ONE STREET FIGHT in it?! Well, apparently the director didn't think so. It's painfully obvious that the ones responsible for this movie were doing nothing but trying to cash in on a video game franchise at the peak of its popularity. They could've named this movie "Banana-Flavored Undershirts" and it wouldn't have made a bit of difference. The action scenes are frightengly dull, the fights (what few there actually were) were poorly choreographed, and even while trying to add a couple of the characters' "special moves" to the mix, couldn't even get THAT right. (One of my particular "favorites" is the "steel cage match" between Ryu and Vega, where the crowd actually chants "No weapons!" before the fight starts. Gimme a break.) The special effects are cheesy. The acting is incredibly overdone, especially by Julia, which is disheartening considering what a superb actor he was. It looks like at least he made the most of it, though. The whole thing just has a bad look, sound, and taste to it. (And don't even get me started on the way everyone pronounces "Ryu". I literally cringed every time I heard it.) The extras on the DVD don't save it, either...you can download any one of them off the net. If you're a fan of the video games and for some reason haven't seen this movie, you're a better person because of it. Even die-hard Van Damme fans will hang their heads at this one. Don't...just don't. You'll be glad you didn't.
Rating:  Summary: Could have done better Review: Having viewed this film, I immediately fell in love with it being that I'm an avid action adventure and Van Damme fan but, as I delved more into the Street Fighter story, I can see why this film did not make it. First of all, Ryu (Byron Mann in the film) is supposed to be the title character and Bison is supposed to be much more powerful than he is although the late Julia does capture most of the essence of his maniacal character. Most of the action does not take place until the end which takes away from the basic premise of the film. With Ryu and Ken demoted to co-stars and most of the villains reduced to henchman only status, the real standouts are Van Damme as Guile and Ming-Na as Chun Li. Last and certainly not least, the special effects. Now Universal is one of the most popular and successful production companies of all time so I know they could have afforded to at least let viewers see half of the powers from the game. Despite lack of super powers, the fights are well choreographed and Graeme Revell's score does enough to keep this film alive but it is unfaithful to the video game and the story line. If you are looking at this a a vintage Van Damme film and not a faithful adaptation of the video game then you are in for a decent treat. We learn from our mistakes and having said that, I believe this franchise can be reimagined.
Rating:  Summary: Capcom you lose Review: If you are expecting this movie to be like the game, don't buy this movie. I recommend watching the Animated Movie instead. The only reason I rented the movie was to see Ming-na play Chun-li. The plot? What plot? The dialogue was cheesyx10, and the fight scenes weren't all that.
Rating:  Summary: writers? what writers? Review: I watched this movie with the directors commentary and it is obvious that the director had no clue what Street Fighter is and it's clear that he never studied up on it. He admits that he wrote the script to the entire movie in less than a half an hour. If you listen to him he mispronounces half of the characters names. This director should have been the star of the movie "Clueless." I mean, Blanka is Guile's friend Charlie? Carlos Blanka??? Give me a break! I hope a BETTER director picks up Street Fighter because if it's done RIGHT it would make for a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: Blashphmy Review: What were the writers smoking? If you're a fan of Van Dam see this movie by all means. If you're a Fan or the Games and are famular with the True plot AVIOD. Don't touch this film with a 90 foot pole. Stay as far away as possible. Just remember this is not representation of the True Street Fighter games. for that check out the Anime Versions. other wise an ok action film. I hated it though.
Rating:  Summary: Horrible Adaptation Review: Street Fighter had good action but the plot and the acting was terrible. I played the Super NES version of the game and the movie's plot doesn't match the plot from the video game. What were the writers thinking?! This has got to be Jean-Claude Van Damme and Ming-Na Wen's most embarassing film that they ever acted in! One star for action and another for fighting but it does not give you much of the action movie experience. If you want to see a real action movie, try watching James Bond movies, The Rock, Gladiator, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, or The Matrix. Those can give you real action other than this almost horrible movie.