Rating:  Summary: Best Van Damme Movie EVER! Review: This movie great, I fell in love with it when I hired it from my local video store. I own it on video now, but I would recommend DVD, because DVD would enable you to do some slow motion on those fight scenes! Very Cool! But thanks to the makers of the film there is already cool slow motion inserted in the right places!I would get bored seeing the whole movie over and over, thats why I watch the final fight over and over! Its so cool! There are some other cool fight scenes in the film, but the final fight takes the gold! My recommendation: BUY THE DVD!
Rating:  Summary: Everyone loved these kind of movies until they saw the U.F.C Review: How naïve were we back in the day. When this came out every wanna be tough guy was mimicking it. Then the Ultimate fighting Championship came around and showed us all how useless spinning round kicks were. Once you see a real fight, you just watch these fight sequences and just shake your head and wonder how they could destroy such a great true story. The true story of Frank Dux sounds very interesting, but his name will be forever attached to the now has been that is Jeanne-Claude Van Damme. Most of us wish that Jeanne-Claude's only role was the role of Predator in a blue body suite that they would basically blur out and show only the tracers. He only did that role for one day then quit. I imagine he wanted to K.O. his agent after booking him for that role. Ironically, many people including myself believe that this was his best role. Talk about depressing. Peaking your career at arguably the lowest point of cinima.
Rating:  Summary: CHONG LI! CHONG LI! CHONG LI! CHONG LI! CHONG LI! CHONG LI! Review: This movie is so Hardcore Barry Windham, that i almost spilt my under-cheese all over my security blanket. Van Damme's preformance is golden, but Chong Li! holds the torch tighter than a cat that has the power to shrink itself. Everytime I watch this totally radical, creative masterpiece, it gets me wetter than watching a flash-kick about to take out your pyscho-crusher. My only problem, with this movie is, that the monkey-man gets defeated. He is clearly the most well developed character besides the main actors, and i feel that he should have a spin-off movie called "Monkey-Man and Ray Jackson versus the Amazin-Fruit Bears and their dark legion of Gooch-berzerkers." Otherwise, this movie rocks my socks off hotter than Axel Rose in a red spandex (and thats pretty damn hot).
Rating:  Summary: A Guilty Pleasure Movie Review: I'm not a fan of martial arts movies. I'm not a fan of Jean-Claude Van Damme. But if I see this movie playing on one of my cable channels, put a fork in me, because I'm cooked for the next 90 minutes. After 30 minutes of attempted plot development, "Bloodsport" really gets going with some of the finest one-on-one fights I have seen as the Kumite competition begins. There are different fighters with all different types of styles, from brute strength, unorthodox defense methods such as hoping around like a kangaroo, and Van Damme's martial arts style. The Kumite makes up most of the remaining 60 minutes of the movie and is riveting. Van Damme can't act to save his life (and I get a kick - no pun intended - out of his American accent), but he puts on a good show here. That's because he doesn't have much dialogue. Bolo Yeung, who plays arch-nemesis Chong Li is ripped and very convincing as the villian. Donald Gibb (Ogre from the "Revenge of the Nerds" movies) plays Van Damme's fellow Kumite participant who gets his clock cleaned by Chong Li, causing Van Damme an extra incentive for revenge. It's cheesy, it's silly, it's poorly acted, but it is a lot of fun. A must!
Rating:  Summary: OK USA! Review: This movie has some of the worst acting, a really thin plot, and a cheesy soundtrack. In other words, it's a great movie. What? It seems like a contradiction, but it's the cheesiness which makes this so fun to watch. Hardly any of the actors (especially Van Damme) can speak proper English. In this movie, Van Damme plays Frank Dux, a military officer with super martial arts skills. In his childhood, he learns karake from a Japanese master. Now Dux has to enter a fighting competition called the Kumite to uphold the honor of his master. That's basically the whole plot. My favorite part is the flashback to Dux's childhood where he is played by a boy with the weakest sounding French accent. It's a real must see. If you love cheesy movies, you really have to own this one.
Rating:  Summary: Best Fight Movie Ever Review: Title says it all. This is base on a true story of the first outsider to win the Kumite. Some impressive scenes throughout, with fact about Frank Dux at the end.
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME Martial Arts Movie Review: This is one of my favorite movies and Van Damme is just amazing in it. It's one of his earliest movies and, to me, it IS the best movie he's ever been in and one of the best movies I've seen. I recommend this movie to all people of all ages in this world. "There's a place called heaven and a place called hell, there's a place called freedom and a place called jail" - Lil' Flip
Rating:  Summary: A Classic in Every Way Review: Bloodsport is a true martial arts classic. Any serious martial arts movie fan has seen this film at least once. I was 7 years old when it came out in theaters, and when I watch it today I get that nostalgic feeling that I love. The movie has a dash of everything: action, comedy, romance, and memorable one-liners...typical of 80's films. The movie just oozes 80's. First of all, the music is AWESOME. Songs like "Fight to Survive" and "On My Own Alone" go down as true 80's classics. I love the scene where Van Damme is playing Karate Champ...a game that has been extinct longer than the dinosaurs. The scenery and backdrop of the movie is great. You really get that "Hong Kong" feeling when watching this movie, and I love the scenes filmed within the dark, narrow corridors. The fight scenes are decently choreographed, and some of the fighters are pretty cool, especially Paco, the dirty kickboxer. Of course he is nothing compared to Chong Li, the main villain. He beats heads AND flexes his pecs. Bottom line...if you watch this movie with a light heart you will enjoy it. Just don't expect anything too serious and it is entertaining as hell. I had been waiting for this DVD release for a long time, and I recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: For better or worse, the movie that made Van Damme a star Review: While it may not have been a victory for the acting world, "Bloodsport" was more responsible than any other movie for launching the career of a certain high-kicking, strongly accented Belgian action hero. "Bloodsport" tells the (kind of) true story of Frank Dux, a Franco-American army officer who goes AWOL in order to honor his Japanese master by fighting in a secret full-contact tournament called the Kumite. Along the way, he gets busy with a leggy American reporter and befriends a hulking fellow competitor (played by Donald Gibb, best known as Ogre from the "Revenge Of The Nerds"). Of course, Van Damme movies are not known for their moral ambiguity, and this one is no exception. The bad guy role in this particular film goes to Chong Li (played by the very imposing Bolo Yeung), who is, in the grand tradition of Van Damme movie villains, PURE AND UNMITIGATED EVIL. He intentionally cripples (or kills) his opponents, taunts Van Damme after beating up his friend, and generally looks mean and scary. You just know Van Damme and Chong Li are going to meet in the finals (isn't it just a major coincidence that they're on opposite sides of the bracket?), so suspense goes pretty much out the window right away. However, things like plot and character devlopment aren't exactly requirements for a Van Damme movie anyway. What "Bloodsport" does offer is frequent fight montages where hard-bodied martial artists do the kinds of things that look really freaking cool even if you can't completely follow what they're doing. And of course, you get to watch Van Damme dispatch a variety of foes with impossibly fast and limber movements on his way to the championship. And what else are Van Damme movies for? Sure, the plot and acting are negligible, but "Bloodsport" stands as a milestone of the mindless action genre. So shut your brain down for ninety minutes and enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Aren't you a little young for Kumite?? Review: Uhr....ar-ent yew a little olt for de video game? So here he is in all his glory the goofy, feminine, martial artist Van Damme. He plays the story of Frank Dux as he fights in a secret, underground contest that........ Oh alright already, you know the story. Riddle me this boys and girls. This was based on a true story and Hollywood needs it's happy ending with the good over evil thing. But in all reality, give me a break. Bolo Yeoung would have torn Van Damme apart in a matter of seconds. Yeah Van Damme has some moves, but you can't kick down a brick house which is exactly what Bolo is. It's a shame Bolo never became a bigger star than he is. Guess the greatest bad guy of martial arts films never got his due. [...] Hollywood, why DOES the good guy need to win? Just once I'd like to see a movie where Bolo kills the heros, keeps the money and jewels and gets the girl. Rock on Bolo. You da man.