Rating:  Summary: Henson rocks! Review: Dark Crystal is sooooooooooooooooooooooo good. I rented over and over when I was little, and now I own it. It is DEFINITELY worth the money.
Rating:  Summary: Epic for all Review: This movie will become a favorite at first site. I love it for the memories. I believe you will too.
Rating:  Summary: THIS ROCKS! Truely one of the best Movies i ever seen. Review: back in 1982, i was a kid and i loved this Movie even though it was a little creepy but still never a dull moment entertaining. this goes on my list of the best Movies i ever seen with ID4, Star Wars, The Last Unicorn, The Hobbit, Labyrinth, Transformers: The Movie, Watership Down, Princess Bride and so much more. if you enjoy these Movies even with Sci-fi, Animation and Fantasy then you and your Kids will love this Movie. i would also recommend these Titles to go with this Movie and i would also recommend " Dune", " Legend", " Time Bandits", " Record of Lodoss Wars", " Secret of NIMH", " Pokemon: The First Movie", and " Stargate".
Rating:  Summary: Tolkien meets the Puppets! Review: I like this movie, although it's probably not for everyone. It takes an effort to get into, it doesn't start with a bang or anything like that, but the puppets are just awesome. It's story line is reminiscent of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, although it most certainly doesn't try to be that same story. Parts of it are eerie, or even rather frightening, but it really is an excellent movie if you take the effort to involve yourself in it.
Rating:  Summary: A true letdown Review: I bought this video because I normally like scifi/fantasy stuff, and the reviews were good. Unfortunately, it stank. The plot was very predictable, which isn't a problem sometimes, because movies have to run a specific way. I understand that. BUT, the journey TO the end of the plot wasn't worth taking! I felt like I was begging it to just be OVER! Not only that, the special effects were ho-hum, there was absolutely NO dramatic tension, the main character is a little brat. Here's an example. He's journeying with a little dog-thing, and it just helped unbury him from a big pile of rocks. It starts barking. He shushes it. It starts barking again. He yells at it, "Fat lot of help YOU'VE been!" Starting to get the idea?
Rating:  Summary: Jim Hensos's The Dark Crystal... Review: This Review Will Be Rather Short, Allowing You To Purchase A Copy Instead Of Reading A Novel...Frank Oz And The Late Jim Henson, Masters In Their Own Genre Have Created This Lavish Fantasy Tale In The Style Of Tolken (Lord Of The Rings) Using The Same Movie Magic That Brought E.T. And Yoda To Life...It's Enjoyable By Children Of All Ages...
Rating:  Summary: Every child should see this movie at least 10 times Review: This is one of my most memorable movies. I saw it when i was a small boy and it is still as fantastic as ever. This is the type of movie kids these days need to see, beautifully crafted costumes and puppets in a very well designed story. I am not one of those people who hates progress, i think that the computer animation is great but this is what a child will remember, real physical characters with personality, not relentless hymns and chorus' sung over and over again. I mean really, how many times can you hear "under the seeeaaa, under the sea" before you crack up? Any man, woman, or child who hasn't been spoiled by too much Disney and Dreamworks will appreciate this timeless masterpiece. Buy it today and make it a part of YOUR child's past.
Rating:  Summary: A great film! Review: The reason i loved this film was for its simple mythos. It had a very interesting history at its core, but one to which we earth folk can relate: the struggle of the meek against the oppressor. It is a classic tale re-told on a planet whose life-force has been tragically torn apart centuries ago. This schism resulted in two kinds of beings, one shallow and power-hungry, the other gentle and wise. With the former in control of whatever lay in their vision, the wise people live far from away, where they have conscientiously raised a special boy to fulfill a prophesy of world-restoration. Themes like this have been seen throughout our hstory and the "history" of this film is a very sharp and interesting protrayal of an age-old idea. I highly recommend it. The story is tight, the effects provoking and realistic, and the mythos deep.
Rating:  Summary: Henson's Dark Masterpiece Review: I've loved this film ever since I was a kid, and I still enjoy it now, even though I'm in my twenties. This has to be one of Jim Henson's greatest children's movies of his career. It incorporates adult themes into a language that children can easily understand and its dark ambience conveys the seriousness of the story and the mood in which it should be viewed. The puppets and animatronics were done very well for its time, and those puppets are probably sitting now in his creature shop, part of a vast museum of his wonderful creativity. The story focuses on the relentless battle between good and evil and the unlikely hero that will save the world from its darkest demons. There's a wonderfully gifted cast of voices for the Skeksies and the Mystics, and the score is moving and befitting to the story. Anyone who likes the Muppets will love this flick, even if you're a grown-up. It'll bring out the kid in you, but it won't make you feel childish!
Rating:  Summary: A great film, and a stunning DVD Review: I saw this film in it's original theatrical run, and it helped ignite an interest in fantasy and fantasy art that has stuck with me to this day. The story is your standard quest, and while some of the dialogue and voices may come off as somewhat cartoonish (I do wish the creators had stuck with the original Skeksis language), the true strength of the film is in it's visuals. Simply put, the film is a feast for the eye, and the imagination. Every scene is chock full of detailed objects or odd creatures.You'll likely find yourself wishing the camera would linger on a scene a bit longer just so you can study the detail. Hats off to not only Henson and Oz for bringing us this film, but also to Brian Froud for the amazing designs. It's amazing to see his artwork transferred so easily from paper to the screen. Not only is it a great film, but the DVD package is one of the best I've seen. The print is crystal clear (no pun intended) and sounds great. The disk is jammed with plenty of extra goodies as well, like a collection of alternate or deleted scenes, and a fascinating behind-the-scenes documentary. There's also a music-only track that allows you to take in the visuals without distraction. All it's missing is a commentary track, but I suppose we can't have everything. Obviously the package was put together by someone who cared for the material, and is a perfect testament to Jim Henson's genius. This is a film that both children and parents can enjoy together, and should be part of every DVD collection.