Rating:  Summary: An unforgettable trip to Oz... Review: When this movie first came out, I was about 6 or so, and I became so completely enchanted with it. Someone in another reveiw said it "haunted" them. That's a good way to describe it. It haunted me also. A movie that I could never forget. It was almost impossible to find it at the movie rental stores, but I was lucky enough to find a store that carried the movie, so I was able to see it again. But now I am thrilled to be able to own it. It's such a treasure. It's nothing at all like the original. But it's very unique with a darker quality to it that makes it feel so "haunting." If you are a fan of Oz, and have an open mind, I think you would like this movie. I also recommend you to read the Oz books by L Frank Baum. You are in for a real treat.
Rating:  Summary: Very imaginative Review: Every since I saw this movie when I was very young, I have always been enchanted with it. This is great movie. Every detail is amazing. Whether if its the lunch box trees or the room full of emerald city jewelys. I love this movie and hope to purchase it soon.
Rating:  Summary: Please Don't Compare This Movie To The Original Review: This movie holds it's own in a world filled with sequels. Don't, however, think of it as Oz #2, it has a different feel entirely. I first saw this movie around 1988, a few years after it's premier - I was still young at the time and the journey seemed as mystical as the original to me at the time. With characters like Jack Pumpkinhead, Bellina the talking chicken, and Princess Momby - with her interchangable heads, this movie is a delightful escape from reality.
Rating:  Summary: Return to where? Review: Return to Oz, starring Fairuza Balk and Piper Laurie, is the kind of movie that makes your mouth drop to the floor and your head drop in shame. This movie had some wonderful ideas, but none of them come across as serious fun, only hokey jokes. Trying to get past the fact that this is a sequel to one of the best movies of all time is hard enough, but watching all of our favortie characters from the original jump around playfully like muppets is completly ludicrous. But I must give credit where credit is due: the movie is very similar to the way L Frank Baum described it in the OZ books, and if you DON'T compare it to the Wizard of Oz, it does work on a few levels, only moderately. If you strip this movie of it's name and give it another, it might work for it's time. But come on people, this is Oz, and this is terrible.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: I saw this movie when I was about 4 or 5, and it's haunted me ever since- I remembered every detail about it. I've actually been searching for this movie for 3 or 4 years now- its great!
Rating:  Summary: be warned Review: I first saw return to oz when I was 5 years old and to tell you the truth it scared me. Now that i am older I can understand the movie and enjoy it, but to a young child it has a lasting impression. The first scene in the hospital and the hall of living heads scared me so much I had nightmares about it afterwards. To any parents thinking of letting their young children watch it, think again, while it is a great movie and one of the better sequels I have seen, it can be extremely frightening to a child. I now love the movie, but when I was younger i found it very scary.
Rating:  Summary: It's actually quite a good movie; and enjoyable, IF Review: That's a big IF. If you don't compare it to the classic 1939 film with Judy Garland, you'll see that "Return" does an excellent job at transferring L. Frank Baum's fantasy characters from book print to the wide screen. Fairuza Balk is quite a precociously good actress in her depiction of Dorothy. It's a shame this movie was such a flop at the box office.
Rating:  Summary: My favorite movie finally in widescreen! Review: I remember seeing this movie as a child and loving it. With the re-release on video (specifically the widescreen release and DVD, songs (not that I don't love the music of which I am planning on buying once I get a player early next year), I have fallen in love again allowing me to honestly say this is my favorite movie. 109 minutes of pure story, no songs (not that I don't love the songs of the '39 classic). This is truely a great movie. Great visuals as well.
Rating:  Summary: This is Frank L. Baum in the purist form ... "funtastic!" Review: In August (1999), I happened upon "Return to Oz" and picked it up as a baby-sitting tool for my three-year old granddaughter, who is an avid fan of the "Natale Gregory versions" of the "Alice" movies. The claymation process of the "Return to Oz" is wonderful and the characters are fascinating and fun. The Balk child is perfect for the role. Also, the movie shows how clumsy and cruel the shock treatments were in that period. "Return to Oz" presented a simple, well-done story that even a small child can understand, enjoy and want to see over and over again.
Rating:  Summary: No more Oz! For the love of God! No more Oz! Review: I, too, saw this movie when I was a wee young'un in the 80's, even though I was only 1 when it opened. I must have been around 5 when I first saw it because I remember it quite well. I think my parents wanted me to see it because I loved the original (so much in fact that I watched it so much the tape broke)And I remember watching it and I was just fscinated with everything, especially the characters. It was so memorable in my mind. I watched it many times, whenever it was on tv..and that was alot! Finally, I remember my parents telling me that I wasn't allowed to watch it anymore and I was sad. I always loved the character Ozma. She was like my invisible friend that I would conjure up in the mirror of my bathroom just like in the movie. I loved it. It definitley stands out in my mind as being one of the first "grown up" movies I ever saw and as one of the above people said, this movie does have a lingering affect on children so make sure that they are mature enough to handle it before having them watch it because you might have to got through the torture my parents did and watch it over and over again!