Rating:  Summary: Love that subtle racism! Review: I saw this movie when it was in theaters, so I'm not going to talk about the features of this VHS version, I'm just going to talk about the film itself.I had seen previews, and I thought it might be one of those kid's movies that I like, such as "The Neverending Story" or "Ferngully". It wasn't. It was horrible. Beyond the terrible acting and contrived plot (I cannot BELIEVE that Jeff Goldblum agreed to do this piece of dirt), there were also scenes of touching child-parent bonding that were INCREDIBLY forced. Seriously, the scenes were totally contrived. The film was entirely focused around a few bits of snappy one-liners... which didn't work at all, because they weren't framed correctly by what was going on or the running dialogue. For example, the attention-getting "At what point did you forget that WE ARE TRYING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD???" from the evil genius, Mr. Tinkles. A cool line, which really snazzes up the trailer. But then you see this line framed in the context of the scene and it comes off as totally out of place. This is the way with all the big scenes. It's as if the screenplay writer had a couple of great ideas in his head for one-liners or touching scenes, and then couldn't frame them to save his life. The effects were usually okay, but were sometimes terrible, using speeding up techniques to make it seem like the dogs were doing something faster than they actually did while shooting, such as when the big dumb one rolled across the street really fast. The film, while being very wholesome and pure, is also GRAPHICALLY violent. Dogs bash their heads into things left and right and animals get thrown about by each other into walls and fine china as they fight hand to hand. It was enough to turn my stomache. Atop this all... really, underneath it all, was the most heinous and subtle racism I'd ever seen. First you have the villification of cats. Cats always have to be horrible conniving evil creatures. See most older cartoons such as 'Tom and Jerry', and films like "Lady and the Tramp" where a pair of siamese cats (who sound and look VERY asian) try to kill a baby just to get milk, and even the rattiest dog is noble and loyal. And even one of my favorites, 'An American Tail', villifies most cats except the simplest: played aptly by Dom DeLuise.... Occasionally cats get a decent film ("Cats Don't Dance"), but this has been rare in my experience. But then to even expound this damage, the first set of cats sent in to infiltrate the household are NINJA cats, with accompanying cliches to denote japanese descent, like accent and sneakiness - slitheriness, even. When they fail, the antagonist, Mr. Tinkles, sends in THE RUSSIAN, a very cute kitten who speaks with a deep and thickly accented russian voice. He is very violent and throws about spikes and metal cat claws and uses a boomarang like weapon with sickles on each end. Perhaps the worst part is that the villain is a somewhat intelligent and refined creature, while the heroes are a child puppy and a 'military' type dog. Thusly slyly casting bad light on anyone intelligent and glorifying childishness and military mindedness. This is the sort of subtle egocentric programming I was hoping we could get past after world war 2 and the cold war. It seems almost as if Hollywood - perhaps driven by some organization, who knows - is trying to slyly program our children. I am very glad to have seen this horrible film, for it has brought this to my attention. The children grow up, and may know on an intellectual level that all races are equal, but, look here: all the villains are foreigners, strange and different peoples who are out to get us! All mad scientists are german, all giant brute fist-fighters are russian, all sneaky spies are japanese.... This is wrong. For the first time in my ENTIRE life - even when faced with films such as 'Species', 'Mortal Kombat: Annihilation', and 'Tomb Raider' - for the first time ever in my movie going career, I WALKED OUT OF THE THEATER. I could NOT stomache this horrible film. They INSULT children's intelligence and do it only injustice with this sort of waste. Do you know what it takes to make me WALK OUT of a theater? That's how... loathable... this film was. If you still think this film might be okay for your kids, watch it yourself, and watch for these things I'm talking about. But it is your choice. I won't say "don't let your kids see this!", I would only say you should rent it and watch it by yourself first.
Rating:  Summary: Enjoyable, laugh-out-loud family fun. Review: While it probably won't get a place on your top 10 movies of all time, I don't think I or you will ever look at our cats and dogs the same after seeing this crude, fun and enjoyable family comedy. Cats & Dogs is a movie I happily say will be enjoyed by all family members, even teenagers will find it hard to bust a gut laughing at cats screaming "Our day has come!" I couldn't resist chuckling very loud at the cinema. The jokes were all extremely original like the rest of the movie and all of them succeeded excellently. While the movie does work resoundingly well as a comedy, the drama area is not the one for Cats & Dogs. There are many cheesy father-and-son moments and boy-and-his-dog and they aren't played out or written properly, losing points for the flick. However, I still loved the comedy and action, it was hilarious and I really got into the spirit of this movie. And I just loved that dog kennel! Press your hand (or paw) on the back and computers and gadgets whiz out at you. That red button dog train service just takes the cake. The voices for the movie were all good, particularly Sean Hayes' take on the evil Mr. Tinkles. The live-action acting was alright, with Elizabeth Perkins putting on the best show, but the voice-overs were just fabulous, over-ruling the live-action acting like the dogs over-rule cats at the start. But how does it all finish? Who wins the war? Who will you root for? Go and see this original and ultimately cool movie and find it, it's well worth it.
Rating:  Summary: Great Family Fun! Review: "Cats and Dogs" is one of those films that can appeal to parents as well as children. The cute fuzzy animals that provide the main focus are sure to satisfy the attention of any child, and the technological absurity of the conflict between these to-all-outward-appearances docile housepets is sure to amuse any parents. Like "Shrek," there are many jokes which are intended for the adult perspective (mostly in the vein of mocking James Bond films) and, additionally, there are some spectacular special effects which will appeal to all ages. "Cats and Dogs" is one of those films that, if it had come out maybe five years ago, would have been instantly hailed as a classic. There is a sort of "Wizard of Oz" or "Mary Poppins" wizardry to it, but the special effects that it employs have become so commonplace that "Cats and Dogs" seems sort of twice-viewed even though this is its first run. This shouldn't be construed as a severe criticism, remember that "Wizard of Oz" on its second viewing is far more entertaining than most films are on their first. There is probably nothing in this movie that will dazzle you, but it will keep your attention, and there are plenty of laughs, so I recommend you go see it, especially if you have children.
Rating:  Summary: Relax and enjoy the fun Review: This is a movie for anyone who wants to just sit back and get in some good laughs. Sure, it's slapstick, but that doesn't mean it's not truly funny and original. By the number of guffaws I heard in the theater when I saw the film, I wasn't the only one who enjoyed it. The inept cat characters were a complete gas - poor Mr. Tinkles (the "Blofeld" of the evil cat underworld) needed to do a better job of recruiting goons. The doggie gags were perhaps expected but still funny (e.g., Butch with his head hanging out the window of the rocket sled). As one reviewer wisely suggest - at LEAST rent this movie, then you may decide (like me) that you simply MUST have a copy for your private collection.
Rating:  Summary: "I'm on to you kitty and your in big trouble!" Review: I went to see Cats & Dogs in the theatre. I nearly went for a second time but they stopped showing it. I knew straight away I had to buy it. I don't care if it ain't widescreen, on most dvd's you can change the screen size anyway. Instead of it being one of those movies like Die-Hard which only the boys will watch, Titanic-only the girls, The Exorcist-only the adults, etc, everyone in the family will want to see this, time & time again. The laughs r funny 1st time, and again the 2nd, as the old sayin goes - "I'm on to you kitty and your in big trouble!" "I think not baby puppy, it is you who is in trouble!" A must watch.
Rating:  Summary: My Review Review: I went to see the movie Cats and Dogs, when it first came to theaters. It was pretty good, but had a very predictable plot. All in all though, I'd say mabey rent it and see it once, but don't buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Warner, WTF are you doing?! Review: Okay, first let me review "Cats and Dogs", i loved it, it's preety funny, and smart,with great acting by Jeff Goldblum,and the guys who do the voices of the cats and dogs, but WB, is comitting and INCREDIBLY STUPID ERROR!, Widescreen was invented for DVD, i seriously doubt that people don't like widescreen!, with widescreen, YOU GET THE WHOLE PICTURE!, in a 4x3 TV, you kinda get 98% of it, but still you get almost the whole picture, man, WB, this is just plain dumb!
Rating:  Summary: If You Like Cute Animals This Is The Movie For You! Review: This movie was one of the best movies out this year i thought.I found it very enjoyable and it's for people of all ages.Although the DVD is not widescreen which i am not happy about i'm still gonna buy this because i think it's worth buying because this movie jumps through the right hoops from start to finish.If u didn't catch this at the theater then watch it on video or DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Escapist Fun Review: Ok, so maybe this film doesn't have an Anamorphic transfer, which will still probably stop me buying the film. But that is no reason for a good fun movie to be given a one star review. This film is enjoyable, easy for adults and kids allike to watch and something that should be made more ofen. MAke it your mission to at least rent this film.
Rating:  Summary: Have Mercy on Cat Lovers! Review: I can't believe this movie. What has WB done? Have they ever heard the old saying Cats Rule and Dogs Drool? Did they even care about Cat lovers? Do all cats have to be mean? NOOOOOOOOOO. It seems every cat in television is nasty or the bad guy. They could have done something different for a change! And I can't stand when that bratty dog Lou says "I'm a secret agent!" over and over again. At the E-Cards online you can send Mr.Tinkles cards but they say mean things like "WANTED:A cat who wants to take over the world" or something. All I can say is THE DOGS ARE SPOILED BRATS WHO HAVE EARNED THE NAME MANS BEST FRIEND JUST BECAUSE WE THINK THEY ARE. Dogs are smelly,barking and licking you when you don't want to. Cats are contented,purring and calm people down.So I ask you,whats so bad about them? Tell me! This movie even makes you lose friends! I tell you,this movie wasn't fit for a cat lover. Instead of seeing this movie,cat lovers,rent Cats Don't Dance or feed your cat(s) some treats. This movie is the worst in the world! US CAT LOVERS SHOULD STRIKE BACK! It is very non-fair to divide the sum up, WB probably said 'Okay,well dogs are good guys,cat are some evil guys that are kinda stupid.' Well,can't any people take a hint! Believe me,dogs are the evil guys! This below may be a spoiler:Also don't believe the mumbo jumbo about Ancient Egypt. It just can't happen. Warner Bros,are you nuts! Cats can't carry whips! This says in my book 'Lou saw a bunch of squiggles drawn on a wall. There were also pictures of pyramids and funny-looking humans with cats at their feet. "See these?" Butch asked,pointing at the squiggles. " A human will read these hieroglyphics and tell you that ancient people worshiped cats. But in reality,they were ruled by them." The video screen showed cartoon cats whipping the backs of humans shoving giant bricks along the ground. "Some evil cat named Shen-Akh-Akumon-he forced them to build pyramids and monuments and generally treated them like they were his litter box," Butch said. "Things were terrible." "Oooh," Sam panted. "This is the best part. Uh-huh-uh-huh-uh-huh." "So the dogs," Butch continued. "being man's best friend,rose up and put the cats down. And with humans back on top,we just took our natural place at their side." "And people just forgot?" Lou asked.' Warner Bros. really must be Looney TunesTM to create such a good guy-bad guy movie!