Rating:  Summary: Tag...Your It! Review: "The City of Townsville...." The first words of every single episode of "The Powerpuff Girls." When Cartoon Network started drawing those three little girls and that city did they know that it would become such a huge hit? Probally no. The film baffled me a little bit also. The success of the television show is so huge. People buy products all the time and there is always some sort of buzz about "The Powerpuff Girls." If the idea and the show are so huge, why didn't the film do as well at the box office? It was number 9 on the top then on it's first weekend last summer. I don't really see why though. I think that this movie should have did better. The critics thought it was great and the few people sho saw it liked it. I didn't see it in the theatres. I have only seen about ten episodes of the show and that was right before the movie came out in theatres. I didn't get to see it in the theatres so I had to wait untill it's release on DVD. I can't reveiw the features on the DVD but I can talk about the film itself as a whole. I saw the movie on a Pay Per Veiw cable thing. For those of you who have watched the show, you know that it is about three little girls who were invented by The Professor. They were created by "sugar,spice, and everything nice." But The Professor put in another thing. CHEMICAL X! Thus these three little girls with superpowers came out and fought evil in there city. The City of Townsville is always being under attack mostly by the evil monkey Mojo Jojo! In each episode the three girls (Blossum,Bubbles,and Buttercup) defeat Mojo Jojo. This movie however is a prequal to the show. A descripted story on how the girls where made and there first encounter with Mojo Jojo. The Professor is looking to make people to help Townsville from crime. He makes The Powerpuff Girls. Everybody loves them. The kids at school love playing with them and everything is going good for them. Untill one boy teaches them the rules of the game tag. They play all over town and end up destroying it. All the citizens hate them. They go to school the next day but never get picked up that afternoon. The Professor was arrested. They walk home and meet Jojo. He is also hated because he has superpowers. The girls decide to help him build a machine to help Townsville. They don't know Jojo tricked them into making a machine to help Jojo rule the Earth forever. All goes according to plan and then Jojo decides to be named MOJO JOJO! The three girls adventure in Townsville is great and I think that this movie should have made more money. I enjoyed it and the animation was great. I mildly enjoyed the mini cartoon at the beginning. Dexter's Labortory's Chicken Scratch. I think you should see Thw Powerpuff Girls movie. It's not just for girls or kids. It's fun for everybody! ENJOY!
Rating:  Summary: Great big screen transition Review: The only thing I didn't like was how short the film was. Keeping that in mind, I expected more bonus features to make up for such a short feature length film. But it was good. It's about time that we actually see the whole day when Professor Utonium 'created' the girls and not just the shows introduction. The animation is great, the sound is good and the story is very faithful to the show and vice versa. It's fun for kids and even adults because of Bubbles' childish personality and Buttercup's rought and tough, sometimes sardonic attitude. It's really great. And also the Professor's relationship with the girls is very heartwarming. It's good to see a vhild oriented movie with the message that everyone is special in their own way, not different, and it's just a matter of how you use your specialties that make you who you are. I give it my highest recommendation.
Rating:  Summary: ...WB! Review: I wanna give this 5 stars. I want to, I really do. The movie certainly deserves it, but as many others have pointed out this is flawed perfection. The quality is fine, the sound is great, there are more than a few decent extras but there's just one teeny tiny little annoying thing about this release... IT'S NOT IN WIDESCREEN!!...This origin story is a nonstop ride of great animation, a couple of thrills and chills, a few laughs and some awesome action. Not to mention some of the coolest dialogue. It elegantly introduces the three superheroes in a way that makes it easy to hop on board the powerpuff express for all the newbees while the older fanbase have lots of in-references and origin secrets to keep them smiling. Great stuff except it's NOT IN WIDESCREEN!! Sorry, but with a design like this it really loses some of the quality when you crop the sides of the image. Not to mention the framing gets all off balance. Hey, WB, here's a tip for you: Powerpuff girls target audience is NOT 5 year old girls who can't digest their saturday morning cartoons if they don't fill the hole tv screen. Contrary to what you may think their biggest audiences are MALES age 10-30 and we DON'T appreciate you slicing and dicing our favorite animated characters. PLEASE give us a speciel widescreen edition. Not this cropped and trimmed PAN & SCAN [crud]. Sheesh...
Rating:  Summary: Much more believable than Die Another Day Review: I love watching ppg - they are so relaxing! This was a fun movie that showed the first ppg adventure. If you enjoy the Powerpuff Girls, buy this - don't rent it. It's worth watching more than once. And keep an eye out for the dog, I thought his scenes were hilarious!
Rating:  Summary: I hear this is suppose to be really good Review: I haven't seen this DVD yet, but I really want to. Everything taht goes along with the powerpuff girls is true. However, the fact that the proffessor takes 100% credit for creating the powerpuff girls is wrong. The proffesor was trying to make A perfect little girl, not super heroes. Mojo is the one who added the checmical X, not the professor. This little fib that the professor takes 100% credit has been going around for too long. It's time that everybody heard the truth. Now, if only the powerpuff girls could talk to thier real father about getting rid of his evil ways, Townsville would have another super hero.
Rating:  Summary: PPG the movie - a 76 minute animation of pure art. Review: PPG the movie is easy the best feature animated movie this year and it's a true piece of art in 2d animation. Besides the outstanding grahpics and animations the voice actors, design, layout, story, content etc is fantastic the movie is simply "Non-stop Frenetic Animated action" till the very end. The movie is a piece of art so complex that you have to see the movie more than once and it doesn't matter what age you are if you are a fan of animated movies then you will LOVE PPG the movie.
Rating:  Summary: The Girls Have Never Been Better but the Warners Screw it Up Review: This is definently the best animated movie to come along in a while. While the Warners have screwed it up in almost every concievable way in the form of marketing, advertising,etc. it still is one great movie. Alas, the Warners can't leave it alone. No widescreen transfer is amazingly dissapointing as PPG is an action-oriented movie with alot going on. It seems cramped sometimes and I saw the movie in theatres and yes there is a good bit of cropping. Why they can't just let you choose to watch between widescreen and fullscreen is a mystery. Oh well. At least they did pull through on the extras with hilarious interviews, 4 deleted scenes, funny character commentaries and a commentary from director Craig McCracken and art director Mike Moon. Still though no widescreen detracts from the DVD's final score. Hopefully they'll release an uncut, widescreen version of the film next spring.....but I doubt it.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie, flawed DVD Review: The Powerpuff Girls movie itself is a five star piece of work. It isn't G-rated, so complaints that it was too violent for small children are without merit. It is accessible by children, yes, but I've never felt they were the PPG's primary audience. Like the old Warner Brothers cartoons, the parodies, in-jokes, and cultural references are simply beyond them. Unfortunately, this DVD is far from perfect. It is available in fullscreen only, and its packaging is flimsy. Were it not for the hilarious cast interviews and commentaries, this would be a 3-star product at best.
Rating:  Summary: No widescreen! Arrrrgh! Review: I had every intention of buying this movie, until I found out it was fullscreen only. I suspect many people who would have otherwise bought this DVD will be skipping it because of the lack of widescreen. Sorry, Warner, but you blew it, big-time. Maybe next time you'll give people what they want: a choice.
Rating:  Summary: A masterpiece of cuteness Review: This is a movie about how the Powerpuff Girls were born, and the events that transpired to make them the super-heroine saviors of their home, Townsville. The movie is an outstanding, brilliantly animated story with "non-stop frentic action" (which is why it is rated PG) that seems to parody the entire genre of super-hero comics. The good guys always win in the end, and the bad guys go straight to jail. One of my favorite things about the TV show is that they completely skip the judicial system. All of the bad guys go directly from crime to punishment. Each of the three main characters have a distinct attitude. And most anyone can identify with one of the girls. The movie shows us how the girls came into being, and how the antagonist for the television series came into being, and a bunch of other things that explain how the world of the Powerpuff girls television show came into being. The animation is great. It was drawn mostly by hand, with the aid of computer graphics in a few spots. The music is an amazing combination of electronic and symphonic music that matches the moods of the movie perfectly. There are some good lessons in life in the movie for little girls, and the movie is power-packed with action and fighting for little boys to enjoy. And those of us who haven't forgotten how much fun it was to be a kid can really escape in to this fantasy world created by Craig McCracken. The story is a lot of fun and consistent with the television show stories (down to the last detail). And Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup are the 3 cutest cartoon characters I have ever seen. The characters' drawings were based on the 60s posters of the little children with the huge eyes. The one setback: no wide-screen version. Only full-screen. I wish they had more college students in the focus groups. Instead of a wide-screen version, they used the space on the DVD disk to put a feature-length director commentary, which was very interesting to watch. I really enjoyed hearing about director's thoughts as I watched the movie a second time. It also includes interviews with Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, and Mojo-Jojo and the Mayor of Townsville, which were really fun to watch (it added even more depth to the character's personalities). This is the cutest movie I have ever seen, and I highly recommend it to anyone.