Rating:  Summary: Rocky and Bullwinkle in a Movie Review: Not being American,I had never seen Rocky and Bullwinkle b4!,so I didn't watch the film for sentimental reasons.It is a crazy crazy movie with a narrator that may have been the same one as in Dudley Doright.I don't know if the actress who befriended the funny animals was Piper Perabo or someone else,but I will say that she is sickeningly pretty! :-) The animals really are cute,especially the little blue squirrel.(Rocky I think?Well,I don't know!)Rocky and Bullwinkle and friend are trying to stop some evil peopke from turning the world into zombies by showing them really bad television shows.
Rating:  Summary: Truly an insult to a great legacy Review: I think the animators spent so much time bringing Rocky and Bullwinkle to life in 3D, that they forgot to write anything remotely ressembling a script. Despite a great cast of DeNiro, Alexander, and Russo plus a fairly decent plot, this film fails on almost every level. While the actors try their best to deliver awful lines, most scenes are ruined by the poor blonde protagonist who does not belong in the movie at all. I would go so far as to say that it wasn't her fault; it was a bad character. They should have stopped attempting to build a moral and backstory into the movie and focused more on the comedy. The amazing jokes of the original series have all but disappeared in the transition.It is easy to see why this was a huge flop at the theatres. Kids today barely know the great moose and squirrel so the director wasted too much time explaining to the younger generation, thus ruining the flow. Parents, on the other hand, will be continually annoyed by the randomly inserted FBI agent who has no place in the film.
Rating:  Summary: If you loved the cartoon, you'll enjoy the movie Review: If you're too young to remember the cartoon, you should probably pass on this one. It's for "Members Only". Rocky and Bullwinkle was the first hip comedy of the 60's and it's ironic cynicism was a progenitor of the 70's and the sad cynical state of affairs of that decade. While I don't like where that trend ended up (today's cynicism is mindless, and taught in highschool), I have to give the show credit for it's gutsy innovativeness. As for the movie, it works as a remembrance of the 60's show and of the cold war that inspired it. All it lacks is some of the cynicism (counterbalanced brilliantly by Rocky's naive faith), of the original. But that's ok, times have changed, and this is a mostly faithful representation of an important time in American cultural history. (And it's just close enough to original to be fun for those of us who remember the tv show - although I was dying for Bullwinkle to pull a rabbit out of the hat!)
Rating:  Summary: A complete misfire. Review: I for one thought that this movie was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. One of the most tragic injustices to a classic cartoon series, the plot is so poorly planned out I wonder why they even bother to make this movie. Sure there is some cuteness to the movie but everything else about it is ridiculous. Even the humor that is spotty here & there isn't enough to save this rubbish. I hardly remember anything from this movie anymore and this is coming from someone who can remember almost every line of several all-time favorites like Robin Hood(Disney version) & Great Mouse Detective. That's generally how misconcieved the plot of this movie is. Forgettable. All this movie is is just a hodgepodge mess. There isn't much of anything that this movie offers. Little humor, just plain boredom is what results in wasting 90 minutes watching this movie. The crooks are ridiculously acted and unintelligently portrayed in the movie especially the woman crook. I barely managed to stay in the theatre during the whole time as I was getting ready to head out the door. There are far, FAR superior adaptations of cartoons such as The X-Men & Spider-Man. These two are a million times better than this. By far one of the worst movies I've seen in the past few years. >:(
Rating:  Summary: Gotta love it Review: Not a movie to be taken seriously... if you can just enjoy it for what it is it's great. I grew up on Rocky & Bullwinkle and love the "twist", not to mention seeing Robert DeNiro as Mr. Big !!
Rating:  Summary: It tis better to let sleeping moose (or squirrel) lie! Review: That may not be an actual proverb, but it sums up what was wrong with this production. While Jay Ward's classic (surprisingly one season only) show is remembered for its innovative blending of the political and the satirical in the guise of a cartoon, this film will simply be remembered as the one that Robert De Niro SHOULDN'T have made. Thankfully, June Foray, the original voice of both "Rocky" and "Natasha", is on hand. That is more a tribute to her talent than it is the worth of the film. Jason Alexander is No Paul Frees ("Boris" in the series). Keith Scott is quite good as "Bullwinkle" (initially done by Bill Scott) but his turn as the "narrator" falls short. William Conrad (AKA radio's "Matt Dillon" and television's "Cannon) provided the original's "bite." All in all, it may have looked good on paper...
Rating:  Summary: Moose and Squirrel strike again Review: I was a great fan of the Rocky and Bullwinkle, you should love this movie. The storyline reminds us of the need for virtues in life. And of how good conquers evil. The portrayals of Natasha and Boris Badanov by Rene Russo and Jason Alexander were just outstanding. If I had a complaint about the movie, it was the over exposure of Fearless Leader (well played by Robert De Niro). The writers had the characters of Rocky and Bullwinkle down pat, All in all, a great feel good flick, that is fun for both the young, and young at heart
Rating:  Summary: What's up? Review: After having read so many negative reviews about this film (both in the trades when the film was released and here at Amazon), I was a bit reluctant to watch. I had seen some rerun episodes of Rocky and Bullwinkle when I was a kid and was afraid from what I had heard that the filmmakers had ruined the show (like the new SCOOBY-DOO movie does with that great cartoon classic). I am glad to say that the movie doesn't. Granted the movie doesn't have as many witty one-liners and jokes aimed at adults as the series did. Granted that the evil trio slows the film down a bit when they become real-life characters. Granted the plot of the script was kind of lame. But, riddle me this, riddle me that, when was there ever a "great" plot on the original series? There wasn't. The show was a poorly animated series made for kids, but aimed at adults. Whereas, the movie is a somewhat poorly animated film made for adults, but aimed at kids. There is a whole generation of people who never heard of Rocky and Bullwinkle and the film does a great job of introducing them to the adventurous duo. As for the complaints about the poor animation, what did you expect, a SHREK-type animated film? THE ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE show was one of the worst drawn cartoon series of all time. Yet, the show was a success. It was a success because it wasn't about the animation, it was about the witty dialogue and outlandish situations. The movie isn't as witty, but it is almost as outlandish and contains a lot of wordplay that a lot of people must have totally missed. That's what makes it so much fun to watch.
Rating:  Summary: Moose and Squirrel Review: When this movie first came out, I opted not to go see it since I was not a fan of the old cartoons. I rarely found the series funny, interesting, or even watchable. At the video store one day, I was desperately in need of watching a comedy and was looking for something that I hadn't already seen. Sure enough, this move was the only one that caught my attention. I decided to put aside my past views on the series and rent the movie. I'm glad I did. The puns were bad, the plot was even worse, and the cameos were downright shameless. In other words, it was a laugh riot. It's not perfect, but you'll forget about the problems with it when you grab your sides because they are hurting from laughing so hard. My biggest problem was with Fearless Leader. While I found Jason Alexander and Rene Russo quite funny at portraying the live-version of the cartoon characters Boris and Natasha, I felt that it would have been better to leave Fearless Leader as a cartoon instead of having Robert DeNiro portray him. I found DeNiro to be more a grate on my nerves than funny. Other than that, this movie was very enjoyable. I now own a copy of this movie and have watched it many times. And each time, the puns get worse and laughter gets harder.
Rating:  Summary: Unbelievable... Review: I can't comprehend why this movie was ever released--yes, it is THAT bad. You know the movie is in trouble when the kids you got it for, ages 5 and 10, say it's terrible! The only part I liked was Robert DeNiro's 'you talking to me' spiel, and him spinning in his chair with a grin on his face. The jokes aren't funny and NONE of the characters, real or actors, are that interesting. Nice cameo and wise [remarks] from John Goodman though. ...