Rating:  Summary: Worst movie ever Review: Here's a hint. Bear's aren't people. A bear whining "mama" over and over again isn't cute. It's obscene. The animal rights wackos were certainly off their meds when they made this dog of a movie. I take that back. Calling this movie a dog is an insult to real dogs.The scenery was beautiful at least. I turned off the sound and looked at the views. The movie was clearly the most disgusting portrayal of other people's values that I have ever seen. Why is it that the animal rights crowd thinks they can portray hunters in such a way? I'm sure they intended this to insult many people and indoctrinate others. What a sad lot the people who made this are. Teaching kids to hate other people is not a good thing. And that is the primary goal of this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie, Great DVD.... Review: How I love this movie! Very touching... Even brings tears to my eyes whenever I see it. A beautiful story about love between two bears and friendship and sympathy between bears and human beings. I think that Jean-Jacques Annaud, the director, should be admired for his excellent job and sincere efforts for years given to this movie. I can't resist commenting that the baby bear is so cute and seemed to be very good at acting(?). I also liked the nature scenes and music played by London Symphony Orchestra. The technical quality is great. I think it's more than 3.5/4.0 described here. The DVD provides some special features including "making of the movie" and two screen formats of regular and 16:9 wide you can choose from. I have 4:3 TV but found the wide version more watchable. If you like this kind of nature movies, I would recommend you to try "Adventures of Milo & Otis". You will love it too.
Rating:  Summary: Hands Down The Most Boring Movie Ever Created. Review: How this movie is getting a total rating of 5 stars based on all the reviews is beyond belief.Everything about this movie is terrible.It is boring and has no real meaning to it.This is hands down the most boring movie ever made.If you are looking for good movies,watch anything with Adam Sandler,anything with Jim Carrey(except for the Grinch and The Majestic),and anything with Chris Farley(except for that movie he did with Matthew Perry).Watch any of those because the Bear is the most boring movie ever created.I Hope this review helped. Peace Out.
Rating:  Summary: Music Review: I believe the score is an arrangement of Tchikovsky's piano work 'The Months' or 'The Seasons". Can anyone confirm?
Rating:  Summary: Two bears' odyssey Review: I have always loved nature films and this ranks among the best. It was filmed in a real setting with real bears and very little dialogue. It began with a cub losing its mother and, in wandering around, came upon a huge Kodiak wounded by a hunter. Rather than fleeing from the huge, snarling male, it gingerly approached him and began licking its wounds. It bonded not only the two bears, but those watching the movie as well. The focus though is on hunters looking for a bear to hunt and one hunter in particular who in the end find out the awesome power of the bear. A unique look at how bears communicate and how they deal with human preditors. A remarkable piece of cinematography and the wonders a good trainer and a good director can bring about.
Rating:  Summary: This film IS for children and adults Review: I have to disagree with the reviewer who said this is not a film for young children. My son - now 12 - first watched this on video with me when he was 3 years old and he loved it. It became one of his favourite films. Yes, he did cry (quietly) when he thought the cougar was going to hurt the cub, and we did discuss other sad bits of the film, but it's about real life which children can actually be very good at dealing with. (I will conceed that if I'd had 3 children and been in a cinema this may have been more difficult!)
I have 5 year old twins now and my daughter gets scared watching most children's films because of the scary 'baddies' in them, but I'm not going to start telling all parents to avoid them!
The Bear is a beautiful film - if you're not sure whether your child will like it - watch it yourself first and then decide.
Rating:  Summary: SIMPLY A WONDERFUL MOVIE! Review: I knew nothing about bears when I watched this movie, and now I want to know everything. The stars of the film are animals first, then two humans. I have never seen such amazingly skillful work with animals as in this film. And the two male actors play their roles perfectly. The main star of the film is a cub (Youk), 5 months old. Be prepared to lose your heart and be continually amazed, educated and entertained. I'm so lucky I came across a review of this film while surfing Amazon.com. I had never heard of it, but the reviews convinced me to purchase the DVD. One of the greatest film experiences of my life!
Rating:  Summary: Bambi, only hairier. Review: I KNOW what you're thinking... How could all these freaky people feel so strongly about a movie about a BEAR ??, and with almost no dialogue. Well, this is a FABULOUS movie, for adults as well as children.(Maybe more so.) It shows that, with a beautiful, simple story, and no computerization, that a terriffic movie can still be made. This movie is not only beautifully filmed amongst breath-taking natural locations, but has wonderful and true lessons about man and animals, and our supposed superiority over them. You will fall in love with the little orphaned bear cub as he struggles to survive the assaults of hunters, elements, and other beasts. As you're watching it, those tears are welling up in your eyes because you realize the little fellow is only searching for what we're all searching for, someone to love and protect us in this harsh world. (You ARE, so don't deny it!) The little bear who played "the bear" deserved at least the same academy award that Judy Garland received for "The Wizard Of Oz", best actor in a juvenile role. When I first saw this film, which was by accident, I was surprised at how moved I was by it. And, amazed at what the film makers got the animals to so realistically do. Well, on viewing it again recently, I was just as impressed, and just as overwhelmed. By the last five climactic minutes, I was blubbering right on schedule. You will be too.(I'm crying now thinking of it, I need to get a life!) I don't own it, but I've decided I have to buy it, it's just too good not to be re-watched every so often. You don't have to be an animal lover (I am,... you should be), to love this movie. A pure, wonderful, heart-tugging, simple but powerful film, definatley a classic. Watch it with those you love.
Rating:  Summary: A marveless movie for all Review: I saw this movie years ago and someone took it. I have been looking for it since. Great, wonderful tear jerker... and funny. Can't wait to get it and see it again.
Rating:  Summary: A Beautiful Bear Review: If this movie doesn't move you to tears at least once then check your pulse-you're probably clinically dead! Superlatives don't do this beautiful film justice at all. Beautifully photographed,directed and edited it's a winner in every department. Ironically, this talented duo manage to muster up more genuine sentiment and emotion here than Meg Ryan has in her entire career. You really do care about these bears and find yourself rooting for them. The bond between them is completely believeable, and they give better performances than any humans I've seen in recent memory. Ironically for a film with so little human interaction it has more humanity than most films. Living proof you don't need a $50 million dollar budget, big-name stars and all those other perks we've come to expect to make a good movie. Quite simply THE best film I've ever seen.