Rating:  Summary: A great rendition of a all-time favorite. Review: I only saw this movie a few days ago and and so happy to be able to preorder this title so soon. I loved the choices of Miranda Richardson as the evil stepmother and Kristen Kriek as Snow White. I must say that I think this is my favourite role for Miranda Richardson, much better than Merlin. Kristen Kriek seemed perfect for her role too after seeing her in the WB series Smallville, I could easily see her in this fairy tale role. At first, I was troubled by the seven dwarfs however as 1 of them was not a small person but a normal sized human but as the movie progressed, I began to see that it was not his physical size that was the problem but his mental attitude - which is why he and the other 6 drawfs didn't really see any difference between them or anyone else for that matter. The special effects were great - especially the magic behind the enchanted mirror, the costumes and the sets. I believe this version to be suitable for the whole family. I just hope that there are lots of extra features on the DVD like interviews, beind the scenes, trailors, maybe even screen tests...
Rating:  Summary: A failed attempt of a fairy tale Review: We got a hold of this DVD from the library and I'm glad to say we didn't buy it. The storyline is as confusing as the six foot dwarf who appears in the movie. Even though the costumes or scenery may be beautyful the rest of the film is poorly layed out. As far as sticking to the original brothers grimm fairy tale the movie leaves out the basic backgroud. Instead it has a lot of new and ridiculous characters who have nothing to do with Snow white. Some may find it interessting but for myself who prefers the brothers grimms tales the way they were intended, this film was a dissapointment. And when the prince was turned into a bear I had to laugh at the poor attempt of the directors,who appeared to try adding a part of the brothers grimms snow white and rose red which is a different tale all together. All in all the acting by Kristen was unsatisfactory. It would have been a better performance had she left out lines like "Why?" or "How? I don't understand" during the most dramatic scenes. If she had used more emotion perhaps her script would have worked but as it was, Snow white's personality was made out to be , not only naive but bubble headed beyond discription. the only redeeming character was miranda richards who as always gave an excellent performance. Children may find amusment in this movie but if you are looking for a decent fairy tale this DVD is a bad choice.
Rating:  Summary: SnowWhite Review: i though that this movie was great it was a HOLE lot better than the cartoon one of snowwhite. Kirsten Kruek does a good job of playing the role of SnowWhite,she is really pretty and fits the role well. There are many things diffrent in this movie than in the other one. SOme of these things are the dwarfs there are now there are these guys that are the days of the week. well over all i think this is a great and beautiful movie, and i am looking everywhere to buy it!!
Rating:  Summary: Um...no. Review: "Horrible" doesn't even begin to describe this rendition of "Snow White". There was so much wrong with this version of the fairy tale I don't even know where to begin, so instead I'll just focus on the Number One reason you should save your money: Kristen Kruek. Awful. Dull. Lifeless. Talentless. Kristen Kruek. She brings her lack of acting ability and lack of enthusiasm for her trade over from Smallville to inflict it upon this movie. I really don't care how pretty she is...she was, from a talent perspective, the absolute WRONG choice for this, or any, role. Avoid this movie at all costs.
Rating:  Summary: Check out this Snow White for Kruek, but enjoy Richardson Review: "Snow White: The Fairest of Them All" is one of those retellings of a classic fairy tale that is probably going to impress adults more than the kiddies, although you will find some problematic elements in this 2002 television movie. This version is closer to the original tale told by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and his brother Wilhelm Carl Grimm, but Caroline Thompson and Julie Hickson's teleplay comes up with some inventive elements, most of which work. But much as I like the veteran character actor Vincent Schiavelli, a six-foot-five-inch dwarf is a bit of a reach for me. Anyhow, once upon a time, John (Tom Irwin) and Josephine (Vera Farmiga) were living happily together in the forest when they had a beautiful baby girl then named Snow White. However, Josephine dies soon after leaving John alone to fend for his baby. John buries his wife and starts on a journey to find food; at his darkest moment he is about to give up when he happens to awaken a genie known as the Green Eyed One (Clancy Brown), who will grant three wishes aa a reward for his release. John's first wish is for milk for Snow White. His second wish is to have his wife back, but this is beyond the Green Eyed One's power. Instead, he will provide John with a new queen and a kingdom to go with it. However, what John does not know is that his new queen, Elpseth (Miranda Richardson) is really his own hag of a sister (the crone is played by Karin Konoval), transformed into a beauty. Snow White crows up to be played by Kristin Kreuk (a.k.a. Lana Lang on "Smallville") and when the spell starts to fade and Elpseth's beauty begins to fade, the story takes a dark turn. "Snow White: The Fairest of Them All" is a much darker version of the story than the beloved Disney classic, so by no stretch of the imagination is this the first version of Snow White you would want any child to see. This is a dark version of the tale that takes place in a much more dangerous world, although the entirely reworked dwarf part of the plot (they are now named for the seven days of the week) usually works against the rest of the story. The sets are beautiful, as are the costumes, and what passes for the magic mirror this time around is pretty spectacular. A lot of people will check out the DVD version because of Kreuk, who is the WB's new Katie Holmes. I admit I am one of those people, but even I found it rather odd that her cast bio on the DVD features her Neutrogena commercial. Anyhow, Kreuk has little to do but sit there and look pretty throughout the movie (she shows a lot more emotion and flair in the commercial). The one who steals the show is Richardson, which is exactly what you would expect when an actress of that caliber gets a choice role like a wicked queen in a fairy tale. If there was any doubt about whether this version of Snow White is worth checking out, then it is Richardson who tips the scale in that direction. "Snow White: The Fairest of Them All" is certainly worth a look for those who are interested in new takes (or, in this case, extremely old takes) on classic fairy tales.
Rating:  Summary: 'Mirror, mirror on the wall...' Review: Hallmark may not have a monopoly on dark fairy tales, but they certainly film them in style. This may not be the sugar-coated fantasy flick you remember hearing as a child, or even watching in the old Disney cartoon. This fairy tale is told the way that Grimm would tell it... with dark, sinister elements and fascinating plot twists. The seven dwarves (one of which is a girl) control the weather and are named for the days of the week. One of them is six foot tall. The Evil Queen is actually a hideous half-mortal whose brother, a genie, has given her a chance for happiness by giving her great beauty. The mirror plays a large role in the bewitching of Snow White's father, and Prince Alfred will soon face a challenge of his own. There's something about the film that appealed to me... probably the darkness of the script, but also its reasoning and humor. I much enjoyed the psychological aspect of 'Snow White.' It's a magnificent retelling with gorgeous cinematography, a memorable score, and above all a magnificent performance by Miranda Richardson. I thought her enthralling as Queen Mab in Merlin; in 'Snow White' she shows us her full potential. I have doubts in Snow White herself, however... either the actress did not give her any passion, or her role was poorly written. Everyone else is just oozing with unique personality and depth, but this Snow White is a bland, brooding heroine with little to contrive interest in her. What also fascinates me is that they chose to play out the climactic ending with Vera rather than Miranda... but shockingly, it works. She holds up well to the standard set by Richardson in the former scenes, although I did miss our lovely evil stepmother in-between. It's a script that reeks with clever ideas, memorable dialogue, and visual delights. Artisan has gone even beyond its success with The 10th Kingdom in masterful special effects that would put any Hollywood production to shame. The costuming is gorgeous, the sets in keeping with a fairy-tale like Medieval existence, and the cinematography is breathtaking, right from the opening shot to the ending panorama. The writer/director knew what she was doing. But even gorgeously filmed as it is, you aren't going to want to plunk your little sister down in front of this one unaware. The script is very dark and contains sinister plot twists, frightening circumstances, hideous creatures, and some psychological elements. Preview first.
Rating:  Summary: No Beauties Here Review: This is a really bad attempt at retelling the Story of Snow White. I was one of those poor souls who saw it on tv when it first aired. I am still surprised that they have it available on DVD. There is nothing magical about the film. The plot line is week and the acting is worse.
Rating:  Summary: A Moderate Version, Certainly NOT The Fairest Though... Review: This film is, in a word a.... mishmash. The plot does not exactly follow the story as told by the brothers grimm, nor does it seem to have any one direction or moral. There are so many touches in this film that just don't even represent what the story is about. It is not a true enough interpretation to even please little kids, besides the fact that the scenery is beautiful and the music is alright too. Kristin Kreuk could have been a beautiful Snow White but she is very, very stiff. One might think that she already took a bite of the poisoned apple (or wished she would have) in the first few moments that we see her onscreen. Kreuk plays a very depressed Snow White indeed! Miranda Richardson delivers a fair performance as, not exactly a queen but more like an ugly enchantress transformed by her brother(This character doesn't really seem to have a place in the story, a very odd choice)who is given the throne. I feel that there are some decent parts in this movie. But nothing screams Snow White. Like I said, the scenery is beautiful but this is not a movie for everyone. You'll either be confused or fall asleep if you are not a big fan of fairy tales or have some knowledge of other tales. It seems as though there were parts from other grimm stories such as The Bear Prince and Snow White and Rose Red incorporated in the plot of this movie but they really do nothing for the story and were a poor choice. Overall, this is not the definitive version and could have been so much more. Watch it if you must, but there are alot better film versions of the wonderful story out there.
Rating:  Summary: I love Kristin Kreuk Review: If you love Kristin Kreuk from the Wb's hit Smallville, then you will enjoy this DVD when she is on screen for her flawless beauty, however otherwize this movie was a little on the wierd and creepy side. but i still felt i got my money's worth to see Kristin on screen. She in my opinion, was a perfect Snow White.
Rating:  Summary: Um...no. Review: "Horrible" doesn't even begin to describe this rendition of "Snow White". There was so much wrong with this version of the fairy tale I don't even know where to begin, so instead I'll just focus on the Number One reason you should save your money: Kristen Kruek. Awful. Dull. Lifeless. Talentless. Kristen Kruek. She brings her lack of acting ability and lack of enthusiasm for her trade over from Smallville to inflict it upon this movie. I really don't care how pretty she is...she was, from a talent perspective, the absolute WRONG choice for this, or any, role. Avoid this movie at all costs.