Rating:  Summary: one of the best adaptations of a comic strip Review: nowadays, its vogue for directors to translate cartoons and comic strips to the live movies. sometimes they work mostly they don't. this one does.shot in day glo, this is a film noir in reverse. the sets, clothes and makeup evoke that period somewhere between prohibition and the depression that inspired the comic. beatty stays true to the characters and the time period. yes, the plot is simple but if you ever read the strip, there never was any real deptth to it, either. tracey loved tess and hated crime - period. he dealt w/ his both his nemesises - big boy caprice (al pacino) and his fear of true committment aka marridge to tess in every strip. that's the point here - its a comic strip, after all. i have enjoyed this movie every time i watch it - part of the fun is trying to guess the actor behind the makeup (which is awesome). and no, i don't cheat !
Rating:  Summary: One of the greatest movies ever made! Review: When we live in an age in which Oscars are given out based on extreme sex and violence, it's no surprise that a beautifully done and generally clean film like Dick Tracy would be considered a bad movie. Nevertheless, this film is one of the most impressive works of art ever to be put on film. The colors and scenes are simply breathtaking, as if right out of the comic book. The music is superb. There were three wonderful soundtracks released to this movie, one being Madonna's "I'm Breathless." (although I was disappointed that even with all three soundtracks there were still some songs from the movie I couldn't find) The casting in this film was perfection! I'm no Madonna fan, but she was GREAT in this, and her contribution to the music was also outstanding! I'm upset to read ridiculous statements from other reviewers though, saying this movie had virtually no plot! They must have been watching a different movie! Or more likely, they're among that new breed that calls them selves movie fans, and thinks that a plot doesn't exist if it's not extremely complicated! So the plot is simple, but that's great! Hey, the plot to Star Wars was simple! It's still one of the greatest movies of all time! Sometimes that just works! And it works in Dick Tracy! Everything in Dick Tracy works! I was not familiar with the comic before this film's hype started. I mean, I knew OF Dick Tracy, but never read it. I admit, what drew me in was the movie hype. I LOVE movie hype! Particularly in the form of merchandising! I think it was strongest at this time with films like Roger Rabbit, Batman, Dick Tracy, etc... Also the fact that it was a big new Disney movie got me interested quickly. I bought the three part Graphic Novel prequel, which was great, and it really prepped me for the movie. I think I was somewhere between Jr. High and High School at the time. Well, I'm 26 now, you do the math if you feel like it. Anyways, I found this movie to be a pure delight, and it's sad that it didn't live up to expectations (purely due to today's sad style of movie goers in my opinion). The movie was great enough to go on with the expected sequels, but much to the disappointment of the fans, as with Roger Rabbit, these plans did not become a reality. I remember so well how strongly this movie was pushed, especially at Disney MGM Studios in Florida, who threw Dick Tracy at you at every turn, in their usually likable way of course. This is a movie that was as good as the hype, too bad today's mass intellect didn't agree. At any rate, I and several others I could think of, hope this movie gets DVD treatment real soon. Leaving us with only the VHS is a crime!
Rating:  Summary: So . . . what was the hype all about? Review: I never saw this in the theaters, so I saw it finally on tape. What a let down! with such a stellar cast, you would expect a better performance, and from such a big budget, you would expect a better script. In fact, this film had nothing in common with the comics I read so long ago. Dick Tracy seems to be a heavy handed thug-cop, who, admittedly gets the job done, but but is such a sledgehammer in the process that he is un-likeable. Moreover, I think the masterminds behind this move were betting on the franchise name, like with Batman, it's super-hype predecessor. What we got was a film that looked like Dick Tracy, but tasted very different! I though Tess Trueheart was his love interest, but judging from the osculation with Madonna, I am in doubt. Yes, he did give Tess a ring, but he was lip-locked with a third woman, on several occasions. I hope this troilism was not a Freudian Slip on anyones part! The story line seemed to be a rehash of several standard Hollywood gimmicks: the plain jane dame next door v. the super-model super-tramp, Madonna's annoying O'Guffans (See Ebert's Little Movie Glossary), and the very flat villains. There were too many of them. Batman just paired it down to one villain, which made it easier to follow.] And that twist at the end was twisted and unbelievable! Belch! THE GOOD: This film does have some redeeming qualities. First, I like the style: the choice for colors and the comic book feel comes across well. Second, the cinematography is superb. We need more Fritz Langs! Third, the the non-Madonna music added to the 1940's feel to it. It it was nice to see a 1940'-style film that did not involve Nazi's or Hirohito! Overall, if you have an hour or so to kill, or if lost a bet, see this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Dick Tracy Review: A big cartoon. The major flaw with this film is that most of the characters seem like cardboard cutouts. As far as performances, Warren Beatty was okay as Dick Tracy, Al Pacino was great as Big Boy Caprice, but Madonna stole the show as Breathless Mahoney. She stole every scene she was in. While most of the characters seem like carboard, and are lame at times, Madonna creates a character of true depth, and you actually want her to steal Tracy from Tess Truehart. She is also given great lines like "You don't know if you wanna hit me or kiss me." Her singing scenes are the best of all. Unfortunately, Al Pacino and especially Madonna are not given enough screen time. This film sort of falls into a void because it's too violent for younger children, and it's not mature enough for adults. I did sort of feel empty after seeing this. While the film was good, it was way too cartoonish for me to own it. Dick Tracy (Beatty) goes through many catastropheys as he is trying to keep the city safe. He has to outwit Big Boy Caprice (Pacino), avoid being thrown in jail, and dodge Breathless Mahoney (Madonna). Tracy is trying to get Breathless to testify against Big Boy, while she is trying to seduce him. Tracy also has to outwit the mysterious villian known as "The Blank." This film won three Oscars for Makeup, Art Direction, and Best Original Song (Sooner Or Later.) Overall Grade: B (9+)
Rating:  Summary: Simply Perfect Review: Dick Tracy is THE best comic book movie ever made. For that matter, one of the best made, period. There is so much to say about this film, that it is hard to point out the best things about it. The art direction, the attention to detail, the music, the acting, the makeup, the story. I could go on and on. You simply can't take your eyes off of it. This is how films used to be made and it is sad that only a few films since have come close to the "tongue-in-cheek" style of this film (The Mummy most recently.) Al Pacino steals the film! To me, this is HIS film. And I was also impressed by Madonna and Glenne Headly. It is hard to say why most people didn't like this film. Was it not violent enough? Did they want nudity? Did they want something vulgar? Well, if so, they wont get it with this film! I give this film an A+.
Rating:  Summary: Yes, that's Dustin Hoffman mumbling in the corner Review: The story doesn't matter. The plot doesn't matter. How could we identify with these fake characters anyway? What matters here is fidelity to the comic strip and the interesting effects on our eyes as we see what a cartoon looks like come to life, so to speak. The shadow of Dick Tracy thrown large against the warehouse wall, the sharp brim of his hat, his square jaw, the drawn gun proceeding him, as Chester Gould so often drew him-this is what counts. Combining cartoon drawings, such as city streets and building facades and billboards in the background, with flesh and blood characters in the foreground makes for an interesting montage. The little shack, made small by the night sky and the big city towers, as in a Taoist drawing, is also true to a Gould frame. The intense contrasting and clashing colors, especially Tracy's yellow top coat and yellow hat, and Tess Trueheart's red, red dress and red hair-all these intense reds and greens and blues treat our eyes to something different. Problem is, who cares? Or "so what?" as Popeye used to say. Madonna does her one-millionth Marilyn Monroe imitation. It's okay, although I would prefer the real thing. Al Pacino, with the prodigious proboscis, aptly burlesques his character, but what's the point? Warren Beatty (did he reject a fake jaw to stay pretty?) works hard to be the square-jawed, taciturn Tracy, and that's a handicap because then there is nothing to do except swing fists and spray bullets. Glenne Headly, trying to project some heart felt emotion, comes off as terribly out of place, since how can you weep for the love of a cartoon? The gutter snipe kid befriended by Tracy, played memorably by Charlie Korsmo ("Suck eggs, copper!"), stands out somehow as the only one who seems real; and maybe that's right because only a kid could find involvement in such a shallow, if decorous enterprise. Sharp-eyed movie aficionados will have fun picking out the star-studded cast behind the cartoon faces.
Rating:  Summary: Kudos! Review: Having been weened on Dick Tracy comics as a child (I even met Chester Gould at his Woodstock, IL home at age 9) I became a Tracy addict. The art director deserves kudos for the amazingingly accurate reproduction of that which we all saw in comic strip! It's as though we had walked into a frame of the Sunday paper's comic stip. I can say no more about the acting and depictions of Gould's characters than has already been said, accurately, in the other reviews here. Other standouts (in addition to Al Pacino's fall down, funny, "Biggy") are the make-up for, and casting of, "Flatop" and Paul Sorvino as "Lips." The amazingly haunting Soundheim music lends an atmosphere that doesn't clash with the art-deco era in which the movie is set. Mandy Patinkin and Madonna (who'd a thunk it?) do a haunting duet that will etch itself in your memory banks. A remarkable departure from the "safe" Hollywood formula movies.
Rating:  Summary: not bad Review: The movie was all-an-all good makeup was great but speaking from a fan of Madonna's she should have had more screen time.The ending should have not ended that way?
Rating:  Summary: Beatty looks like something from Night Of The Living Dead. Review: Not a bad film, but Warren Beatty in the title role is seemingly frozen. When The Kid picks the name "Dick Tracy Jr.," the man shows no emotion at all. Al Pacino, much more vivacious, steals the show. Madonna is one tight piece of... well, you men reading this can fill that in. There is some state-of-the-art makeup that is entertaining, particularly in the case of Flattop (William Forsythe). The plot borders on nonexistent, making a complete lack of suspense.
Rating:  Summary: "B-bah-dee-dit...Bi bah di i... Big Boy did it..." Review: I remember when this movie was in the theater... I was nine, and my brother and I were presented with this choice of this movie or "Milo and Otis". Well, my brother chose M&O (which isn't too bad for a kids movie- lots of cute animals) but luckily we came back later in the day to see Dick Tracy. Before the movie, I had read maybe one Dick Tracy comic (you have to admit, they are starting to look a little dated) but that didn't hurt my enjoyment of the movie one iota. I vividly remember all the characters (Flat Top and No_Face were my favorites) and I still know most of the words to the Madonna songs. I remember they had this game at McDonalds where you had to collect the mugshots of all the gangsters to win... Ah, memories. Anyway, a fun movie, not too intense (I'd say good for 10 and up) with cartoonish violence. And as for the review below- can you say "missed the point?" This movie is based on a comic strip written in the 1940's- when sexism was everywhere. And Tess, I'd say, is pretty empowered and spunky. But I'd take Breathless anyday.