Rating:  Summary: I Think Both Movies are Awesome Review: This is an awesome movie an so is the old Judy Garland musical and I highly recommend both.They are completely different in every way but both are awesome movies on their own! I can't wait for the new Wizrd of Oz Movie that they said was going to be filmed and I hope they are still going to make it.
Rating:  Summary: The Real OZ rather than the MGM version Review: This is about as close as you can get in a movie to the real Oz books by Frank L. Baum. This largely remains faithful to Baum's work. It has a good script, good acting and great effects (given the year it was produced). Don't expect an MGM sugar-coating. Return to Oz is great viewing.
Rating:  Summary: The best OZ movie to date!!!! Review: I love this movie. It is more in the spirit of L.Frank Baums books and sticks to the book so closley. The characters such as the Scarecrow, Tin Man, the Lion, Tik Tok, Jack, and Gump look more like they should from the covers of the original books(not people in make-up and colorful clothes). If you are thinking of getting this and have silly ideas of it being like the classic musical DON'T! It's much different, but in my mind better. Tik Tok is my favorite character and he looks and sounds so cool. Hope this helps anyone interested in this movie. Being from Kansas i should know right? -LOL
Rating:  Summary: ~Amazing! A childhood favorite! Based so much on the books~ Review: L. Frank Baum would be very happy with this movie in my opinion. This movie is based so much on the books and Disney did a good job staying with the storylines in "Ozma of Oz" and "The Land of Oz." This movie was one of my childhood favorites even though I admit it is a little on the dark side! But it is a great film that in my opinion could be considered a classic. Join Dorothy, Billinia, Jack, Tik-Tok, the Gump, and some old favorites on a journey back to Oz! This should not be compared to the original as it is a movie all on its own. The original "Wizard of Oz" is a timeless claasic and this movie is often not recognized for its greatness because so many people want to compare it. Enjoy this film for what it is and please use no comparisons and I think you will find it very enjoyable! This movie is great and I highly recommend owning it if you are an Oz fan! I have to admit I was a tad disapointed that there were not many DVD extras but there is a new edition coming out in February "04" so I will be waiting for that edition as well! Maybe it will contain more extras! :-) This is a movie that has been misunderstood throughout the years but when not compared and just enjoyed, it is in a league all of its own! Enjoy! :-)
Rating:  Summary: I Love It, But Others... Review: I thought this was a great movie, myself. However, two sets of warnings. Number one: DON'T get this movie for children under 8. There is some scary stuff, and while these days it's not the same level of scariness as it was when I first saw it, it can still creep you out. Number two, I recommend this movie solely for those who enjoy the book series, not just the musical. If you're a fan of the Judy Garland version of "The Wizard of Oz" then I strongly suggest skipping this movie, because there is very little in this movie that compares to the musical. But if you love the series, this is a great adaptation and still one of my favorite movies after 15 years. (BTW, I was seven when I watched this for the first time, and while I understood if was fantasy, my then four year old sister did not; it was a really bad idea for her to watch it, hence the first warning).
Rating:  Summary: A Great Movie Review: I grew up on this movie and it still moves me. It has a colorful story line, and has a cheerful spirit. Do not expect hi-tech graphics, since this movie was released in 1985. However, one should enjoy the movie for the sentimental reasons and for an imaginative story.
Rating:  Summary: Definitely PASS OVER THIS ONE! TERRIBLE! Review: I have never written an online review, but I felt compelled to warn anyone who thinks of buying this DVD that this film is probably the single worst film ever released...Do not go near this one...The production values are laugh-out-loud terrible and the storyline is completely uninteresting. Do not go near this and who gave this film 4 or 5 stars??? I am shocked
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining! Review: It seems that most rviewers who like this movie were little kids when they first saw it but I was actually about 20 years old when I first saw Return to Oz in the movie theater and Though the 1939 classic The Wizard of Oz starring Judy Garland is my favorite I thought Return to Oz was good too and I think Fairuza Balk was a good Dorothy. The movie is a little spooky but it's very entertaining and because of the spooky elements I think it would be a great movie to watch on Halloween. I don't have this movie on DVD but I would buy it for my collection and I recommend the movie to fans of the Wizard of Oz books and to people who like movies that are a little on the weird side.
Rating:  Summary: The Darker Side Of The Rainbow... Review: Return To Oz is such an underrated sequel to The Wizard Of Oz. Being a child of the 80's I can honestly say that I watched this movie over and over again and can remember going with my parents to see it in the theater when I was 5 years old and being utterly frightened, enthralled and just blown away by this fantasy adventure film. The movie is one of the most dark and haunting childrens films out there. I was babysitting a year ago and put this on for a 3 year old little girl and a 7 year old little boy and had bad results from them-They were freaked out and I had to turn the movie off...so, this isnt a movie I would recomend to young children who arent used to seeing creepy images (The wheelers might just torment a kids nightmares for months after seeing this)...But, this truly is an epic classic that many 80's kids will probably say was one of there favorites alongside Labyrinth and Goonies while growing up. If you have never seen this emotive depiction of Oz than you should definetly rent this movie or buy it! Adults and kids over a certain age will all love this movie.
Rating:  Summary: A excellent sequel! Review: Forget Judy Garland in 1939, move over 'cause Faruzia Balk is a all fingers and thumbs up Dorothy. This isn't a musical and a darker sequel to The Wizard of Oz. I mean forget it! Faruzia Balk is a 10-year-old Dorothy Gale, (though in 1st she was 12, but who cares)? And it's 1889, and Dorothy's Aunt Em and Uncle Henry are going to put her in for shock therpy.Luckily, she escapes. With a female compainion, Ozma. And so, she gets to Oz by Chicken Coop, and finds that all is lost. Like, the yellow brick road, muckinland, the emerald city! Which is under the rule of Princess Mombi, with her slaves--The Wheelers! She meets 4 new freinds. Billina, a talking chicken, Jack Pumpkinhead,The Gump,and Tik Tok. And so, she tries to find it's ruler--The scarecrow. But the gnome king took him as prisnor or an "ordiment." So, they have to find him, and just watch the movie. But, you gotta love the end with the victory parade song. So whoever said it's to scary, maybe some parts are kinda juvenile, but so what? The Wicked Witch used to scare us 3 year olds too! If you're a really, real lover of The Wizard of Oz. Trust me, you'll hate this film. If your really, really, not a fan, you'll love it. Toto is diffrent by-the-way. ENJOY, From, A RETURN TO OZ MOCHO FAN